02/17/2025 02:21:28.079 7fb35d68fe88 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: SANDESH: Logging: SYSLOG: [None] -> [LOG_LOCAL0] 02/17/2025 02:21:28.079 7fb35d68fe88 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: SANDESH: Trace: PRINT: [None] -> [False] 02/17/2025 02:21:28.079 7fb35d68fe88 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: SANDESH: Flow Logging: [None] -> [False] 02/17/2025 02:21:28.080 7fb35d68fe88 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: Add uve in the [ObjectCollectorInfo:NodeStatusUVE] map 02/17/2025 02:21:28.134 7fb35d68fe88 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: Add uve in the [ObjectCollectorInfo:AnalyticsApiInfoUVE] map 02/17/2025 02:21:28.136 7fb3556e0eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: Cannot write http_port 8090 to /tmp/contrail-analytics-api.0.http_port 02/17/2025 02:21:28.136 7fb3556e0eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: Starting Introspect on HTTP Port 8090 02/17/2025 02:21:28.136 7fb3556dd828 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvStart] in state[none] 02/17/2025 02:21:28.137 7fb3556dd828 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: Add uve in the [ObjectGeneratorInfo:SandeshModuleClientTrace] map 02/17/2025 02:21:28.142 7fb3556dd828 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Sandesh Client: Event[EvStart] => State[none] -> State[Idle] 02/17/2025 02:21:28.142 7fb3556dd828 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/17/2025 02:21:28.142 7fb3556dd828 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-ansible-os-2740-1. process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Not using Kafka for UVE Aggregation >>, ] description = >>, ] >> 02/17/2025 02:21:28.142 7fb3556dd828 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/17/2025 02:21:28.142 7fb3556dd828 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/17/2025 02:21:28.143 7fb3556dd828 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-ansible-os-2740-1. process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Non-Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Not using Kafka for UVE Aggregation >>, << type = Redis-UVE name = server_addrs = [, ] status = Initializing description = Redis Instance initialized >>, ] description = Redis-UVE:[Redis Instance initialized] connection down >>, ] >> 02/17/2025 02:21:28.143 7fb3556dd828 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/17/2025 02:21:28.143 7fb3556dd828 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/17/2025 02:21:28.143 7fb3556dd828 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-ansible-os-2740-1. process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Non-Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Not using Kafka for UVE Aggregation >>, << type = Redis-UVE name = server_addrs = [, ] status = Initializing description = Redis Instance initialized >>, << type = Zookeeper name = OpServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Initializing description = Connection to Zookeeper initialized >>, ] description = Redis-UVE:[Redis Instance initialized], Zookeeper:OpServer[Connection to Zookeeper initialized] connection down >>, ] >> 02/17/2025 02:21:28.143 7fb3556dd828 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/17/2025 02:21:28.143 7fb3556dd828 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/17/2025 02:21:28.143 7fb3556dd828 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] AnalyticsApiInfoUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-ansible-os-2740-1. analytics_node_ip = { rest_api_ip : : } >> 02/17/2025 02:21:28.143 7fb3556dd828 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/17/2025 02:21:28.143 7fb3556dd828 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/17/2025 02:21:28.143 7fb3556dd828 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-ansible-os-2740-1. process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Non-Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Not using Kafka for UVE Aggregation >>, << type = Redis-UVE name = server_addrs = [, ] status = Initializing description = Redis Instance initialized >>, << type = Zookeeper name = OpServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Initializing description = Connection to Zookeeper initialized >>, << type = Collector name = Collector server_addrs = [ , ] status = Down description = none to Idle on EvStart >>, ] description = Redis-UVE:[Redis Instance initialized], Zookeeper:OpServer[Connection to Zookeeper initialized], Collector:Collector[none to Idle on EvStart] connection down >>, ] >> 02/17/2025 02:21:28.143 7fb3556dd828 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/17/2025 02:21:28.144 7fb3556dd828 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/17/2025 02:21:28.144 7fb3556dd828 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] SandeshModuleClientTrace: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-ansible-os-2740-1.:Analytics:contrail-analytics-api:0 client_info = << status = Idle successful_connections = 0 pid = 1 http_port = 8090 start_time = 1739758888137083 collector_name = collector_ip = collector_list = [, ] >> sm_queue_count = 5 max_sm_queue_count = 5 >> 02/17/2025 02:21:28.144 7fb3556dd828 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/17/2025 02:21:28.145 7fb35a927f60 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Analytics Discovery zk start 02/17/2025 02:21:28.156 7fb35a999b70 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/17/2025 02:21:28.157 7fb35a999b70 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-ansible-os-2740-1. process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Non-Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Not using Kafka for UVE Aggregation >>, << type = Redis-UVE name = server_addrs = [, ] status = Initializing description = Redis Instance initialized >>, << type = Zookeeper name = OpServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Initializing description = Connection to Zookeeper initialized >>, << type = Collector name = Collector server_addrs = [ , ] status = Down description = none to Idle on EvStart >>, << type = ApiServer name = ApiServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Initializing description = Connection to API Server initialized >>, ] description = Redis-UVE:[Redis Instance initialized], Zookeeper:OpServer[Connection to Zookeeper initialized], Collector:Collector[none to Idle on EvStart], ApiServer:ApiServer[Connection to API Server initialized] connection down >>, ] >> 02/17/2025 02:21:28.157 7fb35a999b70 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/17/2025 02:21:28.162 7fb359e71cc0 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/17/2025 02:21:28.162 7fb359e71cc0 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-ansible-os-2740-1. process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Non-Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Not using Kafka for UVE Aggregation >>, << type = Redis-UVE name = server_addrs = [, ] status = Up >>, << type = Zookeeper name = OpServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Initializing description = Connection to Zookeeper initialized >>, << type = Collector name = Collector server_addrs = [ , ] status = Down description = none to Idle on EvStart >>, << type = ApiServer name = ApiServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Initializing description = Connection to API Server initialized >>, ] description = Zookeeper:OpServer[Connection to Zookeeper initialized], Collector:Collector[none to Idle on EvStart], ApiServer:ApiServer[Connection to API Server initialized] connection down >>, ] >> 02/17/2025 02:21:28.162 7fb359e71cc0 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/17/2025 02:21:28.168 7fb35d5ff630 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/17/2025 02:21:28.168 7fb35d5ff630 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-ansible-os-2740-1. process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Non-Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Not using Kafka for UVE Aggregation >>, << type = Redis-UVE name = server_addrs = [, ] status = Up >>, << type = Zookeeper name = OpServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Initializing description = Connection to Zookeeper initialized >>, << type = Collector name = Collector server_addrs = [ , ] status = Down description = none to Idle on EvStart >>, << type = ApiServer name = ApiServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to API Server established >>, ] description = Zookeeper:OpServer[Connection to Zookeeper initialized], Collector:Collector[none to Idle on EvStart] connection down >>, ] >> 02/17/2025 02:21:28.168 7fb35d5ff630 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/17/2025 02:21:28.169 7fb359e714e0 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Analytics Discovery listen CONNECTED 02/17/2025 02:21:28.169 7fb359e714e0 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Analytics Discovery to publish None 02/17/2025 02:21:28.169 7fb35d68b6d8 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/17/2025 02:21:28.170 7fb35d68b6d8 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-ansible-os-2740-1. process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Non-Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Not using Kafka for UVE Aggregation >>, << type = Redis-UVE name = server_addrs = [, ] status = Up >>, << type = Zookeeper name = OpServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to Zookeeper re-established >>, << type = Collector name = Collector server_addrs = [ , ] status = Down description = none to Idle on EvStart >>, << type = ApiServer name = ApiServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to API Server established >>, ] description = Collector:Collector[none to Idle on EvStart] connection down >>, ] >> 02/17/2025 02:21:28.170 7fb35d68b6d8 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/17/2025 02:21:28.170 7fb35d68b6d8 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/17/2025 02:21:28.170 7fb35d68b6d8 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-ansible-os-2740-1. process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Non-Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Not using Kafka for UVE Aggregation >>, << type = Redis-UVE name = server_addrs = [, ] status = Up >>, << type = Zookeeper name = OpServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to Zookeeper established >>, << type = Collector name = Collector server_addrs = [ , ] status = Down description = none to Idle on EvStart >>, << type = ApiServer name = ApiServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to API Server established >>, ] description = Collector:Collector[none to Idle on EvStart] connection down >>, ] >> 02/17/2025 02:21:28.170 7fb35d68b6d8 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/17/2025 02:21:28.176 7fb35a927f60 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Analytics Discovery Watcher AlarmGenerator Children [] 02/17/2025 02:21:28.183 7fb35a927f60 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Analytics Discovery OpServer reconnect 02/17/2025 02:21:28.184 7fb35a927f60 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: ensure /analytics-discovery-/OpServer 02/17/2025 02:21:28.184 7fb35a927f60 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: zk state CONNECTED (CONNECTED) 02/17/2025 02:21:28.189 7fb35a927f60 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: check for /analytics-discovery-/OpServer/cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-ansible-os-2740-1.-0 02/17/2025 02:21:32.139 7fb35a99b198 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] in state[Idle] 02/17/2025 02:21:32.140 7fb35a99b198 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Session Event: TCP Connected 02/17/2025 02:21:32.140 7fb35a99b198 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Sandesh Client: Event[EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] => State[Idle] -> State[Connect] 02/17/2025 02:21:32.140 7fb35a99b198 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Connect] 02/17/2025 02:21:32.141 7fb35a99b198 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-ansible-os-2740-1. process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Non-Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Not using Kafka for UVE Aggregation >>, << type = Redis-UVE name = server_addrs = [, ] status = Up >>, << type = Zookeeper name = OpServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to Zookeeper established >>, << type = Collector name = Collector server_addrs = [, ] status = Initializing description = Idle to Connect on EvIdleHoldTimerExpired >>, << type = ApiServer name = ApiServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to API Server established >>, ] description = Collector:Collector[Idle to Connect on EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] connection down >>, ] >> 02/17/2025 02:21:32.141 7fb35a99b198 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Connect] 02/17/2025 02:21:32.141 7fb35a99b198 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvTcpConnected] in state[Connect] 02/17/2025 02:21:32.141 7fb35a99b198 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: Send sandesh control message. uve type count # 7 02/17/2025 02:21:32.141 7fb35a99b198 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Sandesh Client: Event[EvTcpConnected] => State[Connect] -> State[ClientInit] 02/17/2025 02:21:32.141 7fb35a99b198 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[ClientInit] 02/17/2025 02:21:32.141 7fb35a99b198 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[ClientInit] 02/17/2025 02:21:32.141 7fb359e39198 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Sandesh Send Level [INVALID] -> [SYS_DEBUG] 02/17/2025 02:21:32.142 7fb359e39198 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Sandesh Send Level [SYS_DEBUG] -> [INVALID] 02/17/2025 02:21:32.145 7fb359e39c18 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: Extracted sandesh length: 0000001017 02/17/2025 02:21:32.145 7fb359e39c18 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: Received sandesh control message [SandeshCtrlServerToClient] 02/17/2025 02:21:32.146 7fb359e39f60 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshCtrlMessageRecv] in state[ClientInit] 02/17/2025 02:21:32.146 7fb359e39f60 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: Number of uve types in sandesh control message is 0 02/17/2025 02:21:32.146 7fb359e39f60 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: send sync_uve in the [ObjectCollectorInfo:AnalyticsApiInfoUVE] map 02/17/2025 02:21:32.146 7fb359e39f60 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: send sync_uve in the [ObjectCollectorInfo:NodeStatusUVE] map 02/17/2025 02:21:32.146 7fb359e39f60 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: send sync_uve in the [ObjectGeneratorInfo:SandeshModuleClientTrace] map 02/17/2025 02:21:32.146 7fb359e39f60 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Sandesh Client: Event[EvSandeshCtrlMessageRecv] => State[ClientInit] -> State[Established] 02/17/2025 02:21:32.146 7fb359e390f0 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Sandesh Send Level [INVALID] -> [SYS_DEBUG] 02/17/2025 02:21:32.148 7fb359e390f0 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Sandesh Send Level [SYS_DEBUG] -> [INVALID] 02/17/2025 02:21:44.269 7fb359e39c18 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: Extracted sandesh length: 0000001436 02/17/2025 02:21:44.270 7fb359e39c18 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: Received sandesh control message [SandeshCtrlServerToClient] 02/17/2025 02:21:44.270 7fb35a99b048 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshCtrlMessageRecv] in state[Established] 02/17/2025 02:21:44.270 7fb35a99b048 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: Number of uve types in sandesh control message is 3 02/17/2025 02:21:44.270 7fb35a99b048 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: send sync_uve in the [ObjectCollectorInfo:AnalyticsApiInfoUVE] map 02/17/2025 02:21:44.271 7fb35a99b048 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: send sync_uve in the [ObjectCollectorInfo:NodeStatusUVE] map 02/17/2025 02:21:44.271 7fb35a99b048 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: send sync_uve in the [ObjectGeneratorInfo:SandeshModuleClientTrace] map 02/17/2025 02:21:44.271 7fb35b82e4e0 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Sandesh Send Level [INVALID] -> [SYS_DEBUG] 02/17/2025 02:21:44.271 7fb35b82e4e0 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Sandesh Send Level [SYS_DEBUG] -> [INVALID] 02/17/2025 02:21:48.578 7fb359e712e8 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Analytics Discovery Watcher AlarmGenerator Children ['cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-ansible-os-2740-1.-0'] 02/17/2025 02:21:50.724 7fb35b82e4e0 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: uve_type:vrouter user_token:gAAAAABnsp0-3gtn_UC57oVh1Bc2VIcappNRwhg85sMFau5RnOO_NxcCsTEyWiJkz2mUCUYY7uFAihBRhL-oKPXu1ZTYVAdwE8i16BtZJMlks1Xa5bIRLJn2VMGphbt1sKJIPHP-YdnODJlW08-Mgexw6_oF9lmN4hwK_JKa9z8V1NKiF8yDmhQ 02/17/2025 02:21:50.724 7fb35b82e4e0 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: user resources are None 02/17/2025 02:21:50.726 7fb359e39b70 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: __default__ [SYS_INFO]: AnalyticsApiStats: api_stats = << operation_type = GET remote_ip = object_type = vrouter request_url = response_time_in_usec = 1358 response_size_objects = 0 response_size_bytes = 0 resp_code = 200 useragent = python-requests/2.27.1 node = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-ansible-os-2740-1. >> 02/17/2025 02:21:51.143 7fb35b82e4e0 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: uve_type:vrouter user_token:gAAAAABnsp0_03jL2KJbAc8Si_ZgtK85Ls-angsyI3lAWBS2YOvoSFCa7gXb4ziRq5lAr5hfbOsCQxGfDzDjFT8yU5mnPUZb6fxTN4v74-go0kMZ5eVShEBxtSje_qtgTTIDjM5WQ3QpXqYHwxMGx_wNARVz9jgsa08b5qi5bvni3sdQVUn73h8 02/17/2025 02:21:51.143 7fb35b82e4e0 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: user resources are None 02/17/2025 02:21:51.145 7fb35316d2e8 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: __default__ [SYS_INFO]: AnalyticsApiStats: api_stats = << operation_type = GET remote_ip = object_type = vrouter request_url = response_time_in_usec = 1360 response_size_objects = 0 response_size_bytes = 0 resp_code = 200 useragent = python-requests/2.27.1 node = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-ansible-os-2740-1. >> 02/17/2025 02:21:58.195 7fb35a927f60 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Analytics Discovery OpServer reconnect 02/17/2025 02:21:58.195 7fb35a927f60 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: ensure /analytics-discovery-/OpServer 02/17/2025 02:21:58.195 7fb35a927f60 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: zk state CONNECTED (CONNECTED) 02/17/2025 02:21:58.196 7fb35a927f60 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: check for /analytics-discovery-/OpServer/cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-ansible-os-2740-1.-0 02/17/2025 02:21:58.199 7fb35a927f60 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Analytics Discovery AlarmGenerator ChildData : child cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-ansible-os-2740-1.-0, data b'{"ip-address": "", "instance-id": "0", "redis-ip": "", "redis-port": "6379", "redis-agg-db": 7, "partitions": "{}"}', event None 02/17/2025 02:21:58.200 7fb35a927f60 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Analytics Discovery AlarmGenerator ChildData : child cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-ansible-os-2740-1.-0, data OrderedDict([('instance-id', '0'), ('ip-address', ''), ('partitions', '{}'), ('redis-agg-db', 7), ('redis-ip', ''), ('redis-port', '6379')]), event GET 02/17/2025 02:21:59.275 7fb359e712e8 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Analytics Discovery AlarmGenerator ChildData : child cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-ansible-os-2740-1.-0, data b'{"ip-address": "", "instance-id": "0", "redis-ip": "", "redis-port": "6379", "redis-agg-db": 7, "partitions": "{\\"5\\": 1739758917906697, \\"0\\": 1739758917907947, \\"11\\": 1739758917920785, \\"7\\": 1739758917921846, \\"6\\": 1739758917922087, \\"4\\": 1739758917922308, \\"3\\": 1739758917922519, \\"2\\": 1739758917922748, \\"1\\": 1739758917922966, \\"10\\": 1739758917954008, \\"9\\": 1739758917954304, \\"8\\": 1739758917954559, \\"20\\": 1739758917972873, \\"18\\": 1739758917973413, \\"17\\": 1739758917973672, \\"16\\": 1739758917973935, \\"15\\": 1739758917974194, \\"14\\": 1739758917974443, \\"12\\": 1739758917974690, \\"25\\": 1739758918067659, \\"24\\": 1739758918067847, \\"23\\": 1739758918067991, \\"22\\": 1739758918068134, \\"21\\": 1739758918068273, \\"19\\": 1739758918068408, \\"28\\": 1739758918321368, \\"27\\": 1739758918321642, \\"26\\": 1739758918321825, \\"13\\": 1739758918394760, \\"29\\": 1739758918395010}"}', event WatchedEvent(type='CHANGED', state='CONNECTED', path='/analytics-discovery-/AlarmGenerator/cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-ansible-os-2740-1.-0') 02/17/2025 02:22:51.622 7fb359e39d68 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: uve_type:vrouter user_token:gAAAAABnsp173FvlaSXrw_OaFGgqr8JnyZIoH7Th3mXXN5D_ORXNBb6TbG-P5BgVDaHRnKY_TYdpoLPYZcSn8IR0AYmZbcxXSISoAc1q3_hbwRTveS0Dw-nVZDV9ryX-9u9y4aDG6DYM4ra3cy4oswCK2_q4GQakofyqnLjEGk1DFFRpgymqHf8 02/17/2025 02:22:51.622 7fb359e39d68 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: user resources are None 02/17/2025 02:22:51.623 7fb359e37e10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: __default__ [SYS_INFO]: AnalyticsApiStats: api_stats = << operation_type = GET remote_ip = object_type = vrouter request_url = response_time_in_usec = 998 response_size_objects = 0 response_size_bytes = 0 resp_code = 200 useragent = python-requests/2.27.1 node = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-ansible-os-2740-1. >> 02/17/2025 02:22:52.015 7fb359e39d68 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: uve_type:vrouter user_token:gAAAAABnsp17ZJUD8RdQNOb0J2ZzKJWpvPoS3AUmqogtMvtVBNJcq20OZvo2jpgRgpvcWYbBQqKWUQRRis-uBuVuNVFvBeO7KlEzEYGDbdPrthSNgOumg2lkRLsi8_nZDZCBlOikZnsXSpGT9uXQgnGANA5WDSRwLcLXQZ6ZXETECOEWtp-0hec 02/17/2025 02:22:52.016 7fb359e39d68 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: user resources are None 02/17/2025 02:22:52.017 7fb359e398d0 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: __default__ [SYS_INFO]: AnalyticsApiStats: api_stats = << operation_type = GET remote_ip = object_type = vrouter request_url = response_time_in_usec = 1018 response_size_objects = 0 response_size_bytes = 0 resp_code = 200 useragent = python-requests/2.27.1 node = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-ansible-os-2740-1. >> 02/17/2025 02:23:23.849 7fb359e39d68 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: resource list for bgp-peer is None 02/17/2025 02:23:25.241 7fb359e39d68 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: resource list for bgp-peer is None 02/17/2025 02:23:48.846 7fb359e39d68 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: send sync_uve in the [ObjectCollectorInfo:NodeStatusUVE] map 02/17/2025 02:23:51.345 7fb3532cb8d0 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: send sync_uve in the [ObjectCollectorInfo:NodeStatusUVE] map 02/17/2025 02:23:52.428 7fb3532cb8d0 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: uve_type:vrouter user_token:gAAAAABnsp24mN3M8w-bYtZEfYHHCFkqaY4E2CjMAxZ3q-WGHlp1GGpzIcviNEksnp81YA2hvz4jc5X0CGAfT8Bq55UFmRBNjJLqfS6KR7HC4JPUk-G6cn7EjvmPoaLixyDJgmE2IvA2y90hI5FlPFzcoLITjw1x05vcC_52mMkUrV9Yne8NDyM 02/17/2025 02:23:52.429 7fb3532cb8d0 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: user resources are None 02/17/2025 02:23:52.430 7fb359e378d0 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: __default__ [SYS_INFO]: AnalyticsApiStats: api_stats = << operation_type = GET remote_ip = object_type = vrouter request_url = response_time_in_usec = 1004 response_size_objects = 0 response_size_bytes = 0 resp_code = 200 useragent = python-requests/2.27.1 node = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-ansible-os-2740-1. >> 02/17/2025 02:23:52.821 7fb3532cb8d0 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: uve_type:vrouter user_token:gAAAAABnsp24-OhU04juNOZZ03O2O-jx7jHVeJioQKdpFLnbABFjkq5aE5ImP_mW1xIezDO3oWQWN-MYmFA8VDaj7OMF7Vtg-F2sjKsTwdwH2V3qdAftXk9cWjjHj_azfjjzgQeV8mlP89rIQc9viRg3l9vYE2HR0t6wtFCCYxlfZVd40EgUQBI 02/17/2025 02:23:52.821 7fb3532cb8d0 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: user resources are None 02/17/2025 02:23:52.828 7fb3532cb8d0 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: Computed ObjectVRouter:cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-ansible-os-2740-1 as ['NodeStatus'] 02/17/2025 02:23:52.830 7fb359e35a20 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: __default__ [SYS_INFO]: AnalyticsApiStats: api_stats = << operation_type = GET remote_ip = object_type = vrouter request_url = response_time_in_usec = 8676 response_size_objects = 1 response_size_bytes = 926 resp_code = 200 useragent = python-requests/2.27.1 node = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-ansible-os-2740-1. >> 02/17/2025 02:24:53.215 7fb3532cb8d0 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: uve_type:vrouter user_token:gAAAAABnsp31m8v7GCPY_343VYdJZhMUkb4zYMOw9itxUK-mNbekzx_AzEcHsQB2hPityE76QlcFa8dshQ_R2YBaEuDmgDyFqB_rVOWQTN5mRqrWlQ-XiHyO-gIOdiuIxmgro8uYvqQIyAzpNh0C9pCN7PvM--aeeq4UxitAiT_qDbGkQQZsHSI 02/17/2025 02:24:53.215 7fb3532cb8d0 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: user resources are None 02/17/2025 02:24:53.217 7fb3532cb8d0 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: Computed ObjectVRouter:cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-ansible-os-2740-1 as ['VrouterAgent'] 02/17/2025 02:24:53.217 7fb35bf7f240 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: __default__ [SYS_INFO]: AnalyticsApiStats: api_stats = << operation_type = GET remote_ip = object_type = vrouter request_url = response_time_in_usec = 2234 response_size_objects = 1 response_size_bytes = 104 resp_code = 200 useragent = python-requests/2.27.1 node = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-ansible-os-2740-1. >> 02/17/2025 02:24:53.578 7fb3532cb8d0 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: uve_type:vrouter user_token:gAAAAABnsp31I3Xygj-DVcugSQaPoCNdBkD3RNGYJ6bAwFOFEc4zbdfc-gJfLXyU2s-B2qvtOJkmvg5joCp_iyek0-J7m1j2yz8bFsnNaPFyT8B2SXLeCGkalnVvMZ_l-xSgXfV7G1EIvQ3-rNmgto5nDXcdGhhe2qwnfNexqEGHqyX_gqVVqlk 02/17/2025 02:24:53.578 7fb3532cb8d0 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: user resources are None 02/17/2025 02:24:53.583 7fb3532cb8d0 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: Computed ObjectVRouter:cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-ansible-os-2740-1 as ['NodeStatus'] 02/17/2025 02:24:53.584 7fb359e66390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: __default__ [SYS_INFO]: AnalyticsApiStats: api_stats = << operation_type = GET remote_ip = object_type = vrouter request_url = response_time_in_usec = 4879 response_size_objects = 1 response_size_bytes = 926 resp_code = 200 useragent = python-requests/2.27.1 node = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-ansible-os-2740-1. >> 02/17/2025 02:25:53.974 7fb3532cb8d0 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: uve_type:vrouter user_token:gAAAAABnsp4xe31t-Bn-ZWbHD7E8Nq1ntajgqgZ1hVj02iZSfX2OpERiVhOncBofFOyTn5PVt5HuqmI7gYsr_15HqOCxsNu0bfbf1mVup92cxxzeQUWDg9YUeGFl6O3N5MKYMH_3-ibt-IPPDtXXCxPD5-Tf1Jqjtl8ZhSCbNJJhbFYdLKkcWAM 02/17/2025 02:25:53.974 7fb3532cb8d0 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: user resources are None 02/17/2025 02:25:53.979 7fb3532cb8d0 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: Computed ObjectVRouter:cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-ansible-os-2740-1 as ['VrouterAgent'] 02/17/2025 02:25:53.979 7fb35bf7f240 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: __default__ [SYS_INFO]: AnalyticsApiStats: api_stats = << operation_type = GET remote_ip = object_type = vrouter request_url = response_time_in_usec = 5063 response_size_objects = 1 response_size_bytes = 104 resp_code = 200 useragent = python-requests/2.27.1 node = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-ansible-os-2740-1. >> 02/17/2025 02:25:54.392 7fb3532cb8d0 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: uve_type:vrouter user_token:gAAAAABnsp4yd4_dYyFAZTTXvgg88yfThxvR29eQ9Lc_6tEW4a-car2Q-PSgNxvXG9SZcEV9-HAoAylnv1Gz8DfMAcXIJQtveWHz21rQqUquHdLoEzWJsH0LWc16mAeznJvxrNTVN1yv5nCkH_DO1BsGf4GjrKgth3vaoJKq1gXF_oqda7a9UwY 02/17/2025 02:25:54.393 7fb3532cb8d0 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: user resources are None 02/17/2025 02:25:54.396 7fb3532cb8d0 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: Computed ObjectVRouter:cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-ansible-os-2740-1 as ['NodeStatus'] 02/17/2025 02:25:54.396 7fb36016e780 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: __default__ [SYS_INFO]: AnalyticsApiStats: api_stats = << operation_type = GET remote_ip = object_type = vrouter request_url = response_time_in_usec = 3525 response_size_objects = 1 response_size_bytes = 926 resp_code = 200 useragent = python-requests/2.27.1 node = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-ansible-os-2740-1. >> 02/17/2025 02:26:58.357 7fb3532cb8d0 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: uve_type:vrouter user_token:gAAAAABnsp5y457iObStLku2NmXnhZWx4vDVpyGSu3T0foGPFosc9-1oEegdEb7ORPaoDDoQgmfiMygHq82y6LVVHRxTGLnlGokpfgrzxFn-sQTfrDRTasObOfRSTGUDrEPpXVoFeltKMCUYqN3qIi4_-W6sSLfd5-PdJgB3LCGOR-Jal0B9YSs 02/17/2025 02:26:58.357 7fb3532cb8d0 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: user resources are None 02/17/2025 02:26:58.359 7fb3532cb8d0 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: Computed ObjectVRouter:cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-ansible-os-2740-1 as ['VrouterAgent'] 02/17/2025 02:26:58.360 7fb35b82e4e0 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: __default__ [SYS_INFO]: AnalyticsApiStats: api_stats = << operation_type = GET remote_ip = object_type = vrouter request_url = response_time_in_usec = 3111 response_size_objects = 1 response_size_bytes = 104 resp_code = 200 useragent = python-requests/2.27.1 node = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-ansible-os-2740-1. >> 02/17/2025 02:26:58.777 7fb3532cb8d0 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: uve_type:vrouter user_token:gAAAAABnsp5yCI1PDEgXtw0QDBMjsADmSuharHKFiAO02T49ZTFn3TQ_paPE65btgyYxVY2Lfu7R5CFdMJG2CTQ9G-_e_j7IVJN2J0rswXjcTJYEvCxqY1Ds3TulO9NtdHqvmYuiyFQpLYRip9_cM6DZSmDqvyQuiQnT4QUneqZZ3gjBgNuN2Tk 02/17/2025 02:26:58.777 7fb3532cb8d0 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: user resources are None 02/17/2025 02:26:58.779 7fb3532cb8d0 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: Computed ObjectVRouter:cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-ansible-os-2740-1 as ['NodeStatus'] 02/17/2025 02:26:58.780 7fb35aa08828 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: __default__ [SYS_INFO]: AnalyticsApiStats: api_stats = << operation_type = GET remote_ip = object_type = vrouter request_url = response_time_in_usec = 2862 response_size_objects = 1 response_size_bytes = 926 resp_code = 200 useragent = python-requests/2.27.1 node = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-ansible-os-2740-1. >> 02/17/2025 02:27:33.106 7fb3532cb8d0 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: send sync_uve in the [ObjectCollectorInfo:NodeStatusUVE] map