02/13/2025 02:16:44.410 7f1f92832308 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: SANDESH: Logging: SYSLOG: [None] -> [LOG_LOCAL0] 02/13/2025 02:16:44.411 7f1f92832308 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: SANDESH: Trace: PRINT: [None] -> [False] 02/13/2025 02:16:44.411 7f1f92832308 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: SANDESH: Flow Logging: [None] -> [False] 02/13/2025 02:16:44.411 7f1f92832308 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: Add uve in the [ObjectCollectorInfo:NodeStatusUVE] map 02/13/2025 02:16:44.455 7f1f92832308 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: Add uve in the [ObjectCollectorInfo:AnalyticsApiInfoUVE] map 02/13/2025 02:16:44.457 7f1f8a7bfeb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: Cannot write http_port 8090 to /tmp/contrail-analytics-api.0.http_port 02/13/2025 02:16:44.457 7f1f8a7bfeb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: Starting Introspect on HTTP Port 8090 02/13/2025 02:16:44.458 7f1f8a7b8828 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvStart] in state[none] 02/13/2025 02:16:44.458 7f1f8a7b8828 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: Add uve in the [ObjectGeneratorInfo:SandeshModuleClientTrace] map 02/13/2025 02:16:44.459 7f1f8a7b8828 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Sandesh Client: Event[EvStart] => State[none] -> State[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:16:44.459 7f1f8a7b8828 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:16:44.459 7f1f8a7b8828 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Not using Kafka for UVE Aggregation >>, ] description = >>, ] >> 02/13/2025 02:16:44.459 7f1f8a7b8828 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:16:44.459 7f1f8a7b8828 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:16:44.459 7f1f8a7b8828 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Non-Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Not using Kafka for UVE Aggregation >>, << type = Redis-UVE name = server_addrs = [, ] status = Initializing description = Redis Instance initialized >>, ] description = Redis-UVE:[Redis Instance initialized] connection down >>, ] >> 02/13/2025 02:16:44.459 7f1f8a7b8828 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:16:44.459 7f1f8a7b8828 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:16:44.459 7f1f8a7b8828 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Non-Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Not using Kafka for UVE Aggregation >>, << type = Redis-UVE name = server_addrs = [, ] status = Initializing description = Redis Instance initialized >>, << type = Zookeeper name = OpServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Initializing description = Connection to Zookeeper initialized >>, ] description = Redis-UVE:[Redis Instance initialized], Zookeeper:OpServer[Connection to Zookeeper initialized] connection down >>, ] >> 02/13/2025 02:16:44.460 7f1f8a7b8828 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:16:44.460 7f1f8a7b8828 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:16:44.460 7f1f8a7b8828 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] AnalyticsApiInfoUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 analytics_node_ip = { rest_api_ip : : } >> 02/13/2025 02:16:44.460 7f1f8a7b8828 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:16:44.460 7f1f8a7b8828 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:16:44.460 7f1f8a7b8828 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Non-Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Not using Kafka for UVE Aggregation >>, << type = Redis-UVE name = server_addrs = [, ] status = Initializing description = Redis Instance initialized >>, << type = Zookeeper name = OpServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Initializing description = Connection to Zookeeper initialized >>, << type = Collector name = Collector server_addrs = [ , ] status = Down description = none to Idle on EvStart >>, ] description = Redis-UVE:[Redis Instance initialized], Zookeeper:OpServer[Connection to Zookeeper initialized], Collector:Collector[none to Idle on EvStart] connection down >>, ] >> 02/13/2025 02:16:44.460 7f1f8a7b8828 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:16:44.460 7f1f8a7b8828 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:16:44.460 7f1f8a7b8828 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] SandeshModuleClientTrace: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1:Analytics:contrail-analytics-api:0 client_info = << status = Idle successful_connections = 0 pid = 1 http_port = 8090 start_time = 1739413004458623 collector_name = collector_ip = collector_list = [, ] >> sm_queue_count = 5 max_sm_queue_count = 5 >> 02/13/2025 02:16:44.460 7f1f8a7b8828 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:16:44.461 7f1f8fa9df60 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Analytics Discovery zk start 02/13/2025 02:16:44.474 7f1f8a821588 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:16:44.474 7f1f8a821588 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Non-Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Not using Kafka for UVE Aggregation >>, << type = Redis-UVE name = server_addrs = [, ] status = Initializing description = Redis Instance initialized >>, << type = Zookeeper name = OpServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Initializing description = Connection to Zookeeper initialized >>, << type = Collector name = Collector server_addrs = [ , ] status = Down description = none to Idle on EvStart >>, << type = ApiServer name = ApiServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Initializing description = Connection to API Server initialized >>, ] description = Redis-UVE:[Redis Instance initialized], Zookeeper:OpServer[Connection to Zookeeper initialized], Collector:Collector[none to Idle on EvStart], ApiServer:ApiServer[Connection to API Server initialized] connection down >>, ] >> 02/13/2025 02:16:44.475 7f1f8a821588 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:16:44.490 7f1f8efc56d8 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:16:44.490 7f1f8efc56d8 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Non-Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Not using Kafka for UVE Aggregation >>, << type = Redis-UVE name = server_addrs = [, ] status = Initializing description = Redis Instance initialized >>, << type = Zookeeper name = OpServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Initializing description = Connection to Zookeeper initialized >>, << type = Collector name = Collector server_addrs = [ , ] status = Down description = none to Idle on EvStart >>, << type = ApiServer name = ApiServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Down description = >>, ] description = Redis-UVE:[Redis Instance initialized], Zookeeper:OpServer[Connection to Zookeeper initialized], Collector:Collector[none to Idle on EvStart], ApiServer:ApiServer[] connection down >>, ] >> 02/13/2025 02:16:44.490 7f1f8efc56d8 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:16:44.491 7f1f8f028630 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Analytics Discovery listen CONNECTED 02/13/2025 02:16:44.492 7f1f8f028630 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Analytics Discovery to publish None 02/13/2025 02:16:44.492 7f1f8efc56d8 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:16:44.492 7f1f8efc56d8 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Non-Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Not using Kafka for UVE Aggregation >>, << type = Redis-UVE name = server_addrs = [, ] status = Initializing description = Redis Instance initialized >>, << type = Zookeeper name = OpServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to Zookeeper re-established >>, << type = Collector name = Collector server_addrs = [ , ] status = Down description = none to Idle on EvStart >>, << type = ApiServer name = ApiServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Down description = >>, ] description = Redis-UVE:[Redis Instance initialized], Collector:Collector[none to Idle on EvStart], ApiServer:ApiServer[] connection down >>, ] >> 02/13/2025 02:16:44.493 7f1f8efc56d8 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:16:44.493 7f1f8efc56d8 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:16:44.493 7f1f8efc56d8 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Non-Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Not using Kafka for UVE Aggregation >>, << type = Redis-UVE name = server_addrs = [, ] status = Initializing description = Redis Instance initialized >>, << type = Zookeeper name = OpServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to Zookeeper established >>, << type = Collector name = Collector server_addrs = [ , ] status = Down description = none to Idle on EvStart >>, << type = ApiServer name = ApiServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Down description = >>, ] description = Redis-UVE:[Redis Instance initialized], Collector:Collector[none to Idle on EvStart], ApiServer:ApiServer[] connection down >>, ] >> 02/13/2025 02:16:44.493 7f1f8efc56d8 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:16:44.493 7f1f8efc56d8 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:16:44.494 7f1f8efc56d8 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Non-Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Not using Kafka for UVE Aggregation >>, << type = Redis-UVE name = server_addrs = [, ] status = Up >>, << type = Zookeeper name = OpServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to Zookeeper established >>, << type = Collector name = Collector server_addrs = [ , ] status = Down description = none to Idle on EvStart >>, << type = ApiServer name = ApiServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Down description = >>, ] description = Collector:Collector[none to Idle on EvStart], ApiServer:ApiServer[] connection down >>, ] >> 02/13/2025 02:16:44.494 7f1f8efc56d8 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:16:44.502 7f1f8fa9df60 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Analytics Discovery Watcher AlarmGenerator Children [] 02/13/2025 02:16:44.505 7f1f8fa9df60 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Analytics Discovery OpServer reconnect 02/13/2025 02:16:44.505 7f1f8fa9df60 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: ensure /analytics-discovery-/OpServer 02/13/2025 02:16:44.505 7f1f8fa9df60 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: zk state CONNECTED (CONNECTED) 02/13/2025 02:16:44.522 7f1f8fa9df60 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: check for /analytics-discovery-/OpServer/cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1-0 02/13/2025 02:16:48.460 7f1f8ef24390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:16:48.470 7f1f8ef24390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Session Event: TCP Connected 02/13/2025 02:16:48.470 7f1f8ef24390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Sandesh Client: Event[EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] => State[Idle] -> State[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:16:48.470 7f1f8ef24390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:16:48.471 7f1f8ef24390 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Non-Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Not using Kafka for UVE Aggregation >>, << type = Redis-UVE name = server_addrs = [, ] status = Up >>, << type = Zookeeper name = OpServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to Zookeeper established >>, << type = Collector name = Collector server_addrs = [, ] status = Initializing description = Idle to Connect on EvIdleHoldTimerExpired >>, << type = ApiServer name = ApiServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Down description = >>, ] description = Collector:Collector[Idle to Connect on EvIdleHoldTimerExpired], ApiServer:ApiServer[] connection down >>, ] >> 02/13/2025 02:16:48.471 7f1f8ef24390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:16:48.471 7f1f8ef24390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvTcpConnected] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:16:48.471 7f1f8ef24390 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: Send sandesh control message. uve type count # 7 02/13/2025 02:16:48.471 7f1f8ef24390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Sandesh Client: Event[EvTcpConnected] => State[Connect] -> State[ClientInit] 02/13/2025 02:16:48.471 7f1f8ef24390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[ClientInit] 02/13/2025 02:16:48.471 7f1f8ef24390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[ClientInit] 02/13/2025 02:16:48.472 7f1f8ef28828 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Sandesh Send Level [INVALID] -> [SYS_DEBUG] 02/13/2025 02:16:48.473 7f1f8ef28828 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Sandesh Send Level [SYS_DEBUG] -> [INVALID] 02/13/2025 02:16:48.476 7f1f8ef286d8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: Extracted sandesh length: 0000001012 02/13/2025 02:16:48.477 7f1f8ef286d8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: Received sandesh control message [SandeshCtrlServerToClient] 02/13/2025 02:16:48.477 7f1f8a8216d8 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshCtrlMessageRecv] in state[ClientInit] 02/13/2025 02:16:48.477 7f1f8a8216d8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: Number of uve types in sandesh control message is 0 02/13/2025 02:16:48.478 7f1f8a8216d8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: send sync_uve in the [ObjectCollectorInfo:AnalyticsApiInfoUVE] map 02/13/2025 02:16:48.478 7f1f8a8216d8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: send sync_uve in the [ObjectCollectorInfo:NodeStatusUVE] map 02/13/2025 02:16:48.478 7f1f8a8216d8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: send sync_uve in the [ObjectGeneratorInfo:SandeshModuleClientTrace] map 02/13/2025 02:16:48.478 7f1f8a8216d8 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Sandesh Client: Event[EvSandeshCtrlMessageRecv] => State[ClientInit] -> State[Established] 02/13/2025 02:16:48.478 7f1f8ef28438 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Sandesh Send Level [INVALID] -> [SYS_DEBUG] 02/13/2025 02:16:48.480 7f1f8ef28438 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Sandesh Send Level [SYS_DEBUG] -> [INVALID] 02/13/2025 02:16:51.511 7f1f8ef0eac8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: send sync_uve in the [ObjectCollectorInfo:NodeStatusUVE] map 02/13/2025 02:16:53.558 7f1f8f028438 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Analytics Discovery Watcher AlarmGenerator Children ['cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1-0'] 02/13/2025 02:16:54.527 7f1f8fa9df60 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Analytics Discovery OpServer reconnect 02/13/2025 02:16:54.527 7f1f8fa9df60 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: ensure /analytics-discovery-/OpServer 02/13/2025 02:16:54.527 7f1f8fa9df60 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: zk state CONNECTED (CONNECTED) 02/13/2025 02:16:54.534 7f1f8fa9df60 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: check for /analytics-discovery-/OpServer/cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1-0 02/13/2025 02:16:54.564 7f1f8fa9df60 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Analytics Discovery AlarmGenerator ChildData : child cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1-0, data b'{"ip-address": "", "instance-id": "0", "redis-ip": "", "redis-port": "6379", "redis-agg-db": 7, "partitions": "{}"}', event None 02/13/2025 02:16:54.567 7f1f8fa9df60 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Analytics Discovery AlarmGenerator ChildData : child cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1-0, data OrderedDict([('instance-id', '0'), ('ip-address', ''), ('partitions', '{}'), ('redis-agg-db', 7), ('redis-ip', ''), ('redis-port', '6379')]), event GET 02/13/2025 02:17:02.778 7f1f8f028438 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Analytics Discovery AlarmGenerator ChildData : child cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1-0, data b'{"ip-address": "", "instance-id": "0", "redis-ip": "", "redis-port": "6379", "redis-agg-db": 7, "partitions": "{}"}', event WatchedEvent(type='CHANGED', state='CONNECTED', path='/analytics-discovery-/AlarmGenerator/cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1-0') 02/13/2025 02:17:04.018 7f1f8f028438 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Analytics Discovery AlarmGenerator ChildData : child cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1-0, data b'{"ip-address": "", "instance-id": "0", "redis-ip": "", "redis-port": "6379", "redis-agg-db": 7, "partitions": "{\\"0\\": 1739413023432761, \\"1\\": 1739413023433484, \\"8\\": 1739413023438539, \\"14\\": 1739413023482360, \\"2\\": 1739413023482670, \\"6\\": 1739413023484194, \\"5\\": 1739413023484495, \\"4\\": 1739413023484721, \\"7\\": 1739413023506729, \\"3\\": 1739413023507066, \\"12\\": 1739413023509306, \\"11\\": 1739413023509659, \\"10\\": 1739413023509934, \\"9\\": 1739413023510229, \\"19\\": 1739413023570599, \\"18\\": 1739413023570852, \\"17\\": 1739413023571132, \\"16\\": 1739413023571362, \\"15\\": 1739413023571568, \\"13\\": 1739413023571767}"}', event WatchedEvent(type='CHANGED', state='CONNECTED', path='/analytics-discovery-/AlarmGenerator/cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1-0') 02/13/2025 02:17:04.828 7f1f8f028438 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Analytics Discovery AlarmGenerator ChildData : child cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1-0, data b'{"ip-address": "", "instance-id": "0", "redis-ip": "", "redis-port": "6379", "redis-agg-db": 7, "partitions": "{\\"0\\": 1739413023432761, \\"1\\": 1739413023433484, \\"8\\": 1739413023438539, \\"14\\": 1739413023482360, \\"2\\": 1739413023482670, \\"6\\": 1739413023484194, \\"5\\": 1739413023484495, \\"4\\": 1739413023484721, \\"7\\": 1739413023506729, \\"3\\": 1739413023507066, \\"12\\": 1739413023509306, \\"11\\": 1739413023509659, \\"10\\": 1739413023509934, \\"9\\": 1739413023510229, \\"19\\": 1739413023570599, \\"18\\": 1739413023570852, \\"17\\": 1739413023571132, \\"16\\": 1739413023571362, \\"15\\": 1739413023571568, \\"13\\": 1739413023571767, \\"24\\": 1739413023673435, \\"23\\": 1739413023673676, \\"22\\": 1739413023673889, \\"21\\": 1739413023674129, \\"20\\": 1739413023674439, \\"26\\": 1739413023703729, \\"29\\": 1739413023721528, \\"28\\": 1739413023721775, \\"27\\": 1739413023722121, \\"25\\": 1739413023722348}"}', event WatchedEvent(type='CHANGED', state='CONNECTED', path='/analytics-discovery-/AlarmGenerator/cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1-0') 02/13/2025 02:17:06.881 7f1f8e689ac8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: send sync_uve in the [ObjectCollectorInfo:NodeStatusUVE] map 02/13/2025 02:17:12.470 7f1f8e68a978 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: uve_type:vrouter user_token:gAAAAABnrVYnbnMn_dLiP_rJ_umfp-UhMBScN4-wULVUDlojXf2dXyz8BOgZoga5XdN4mfsC0bgxFcwR80lKE7Cl_c7_iWw43KSI90DihmoHMMsGo0VB1JxIxYBfliBxU26BQ6MtydsMSMHxF4oyT8O5NhAFkyGxs3NNWV06fmECydCGMpBLKl4 02/13/2025 02:17:12.470 7f1f8e68a978 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: user resources are None 02/13/2025 02:17:12.472 7f1f8e68a4e0 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: __default__ [SYS_INFO]: AnalyticsApiStats: api_stats = << operation_type = GET remote_ip = object_type = vrouter request_url = response_time_in_usec = 1517 response_size_objects = 0 response_size_bytes = 0 resp_code = 200 useragent = python-requests/2.27.1 node = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 >> 02/13/2025 02:17:12.987 7f1f8d158588 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: uve_type:vrouter user_token:gAAAAABnrVYoknTJXOo04R1YFZzeyEpU_xJaywRwC1N4WTFLLXTlPa6TjBEcTFWK7lbOvEEHx0m3ddREa5zS6A52bn6hpJKNJepQVkHZVgUWReGl5G-uOQE0L7I6EZD5vu7xmEomYPv0j4uc8-WNicfFXXZZEzfr-aR8ed6z2wsDW5WS-TzkSCM 02/13/2025 02:17:12.989 7f1f8d158588 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: user resources are None 02/13/2025 02:17:12.991 7f1f8e689438 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: __default__ [SYS_INFO]: AnalyticsApiStats: api_stats = << operation_type = GET remote_ip = object_type = vrouter request_url = response_time_in_usec = 3573 response_size_objects = 0 response_size_bytes = 0 resp_code = 200 useragent = python-requests/2.27.1 node = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 >> 02/13/2025 02:17:22.856 7f1f8a818ac8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: send sync_uve in the [ObjectCollectorInfo:NodeStatusUVE] map 02/13/2025 02:18:02.480 7f1f8a818ac8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: send sync_uve in the [ObjectCollectorInfo:NodeStatusUVE] map 02/13/2025 02:18:02.750 7f1f8a818ac8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: resource list for bgp-peer is None 02/13/2025 02:18:04.292 7f1f8a818ac8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: resource list for bgp-peer is None 02/13/2025 02:18:12.471 7f1f8a818ac8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: send sync_uve in the [ObjectCollectorInfo:NodeStatusUVE] map 02/13/2025 02:18:13.597 7f1f8a818ac8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: uve_type:vrouter user_token:gAAAAABnrVZll-j-bRyd-1Rq4XoyknPwNkfb3Hj6Wc0ZcaU20BMeAPcnR18VY8zILlvNnK4JhM7V3g20YVEzF1U681cewKrXjlQTmnNPb17vMLhsYdxvXm-GpLkn-QpdMlCJDPBoq4YJoUnNcsPQDIaBpjbTFlF0iyLe2rfwGXJfuo2z9Iw3JEg 02/13/2025 02:18:13.597 7f1f8a818ac8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: user resources are None 02/13/2025 02:18:13.599 7f1f8e689390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: __default__ [SYS_INFO]: AnalyticsApiStats: api_stats = << operation_type = GET remote_ip = object_type = vrouter request_url = response_time_in_usec = 895 response_size_objects = 0 response_size_bytes = 0 resp_code = 200 useragent = python-requests/2.27.1 node = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 >> 02/13/2025 02:18:14.092 7f1f8a818ac8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: uve_type:vrouter user_token:gAAAAABnrVZlzTa9Mi9xdiNt4cj_lHpBbCjc7AUdIGrCKSP_gAGmaXKWJ8cPK-CbF6Qqpw-EyVwx8rwQL8lWeeOFvVkMPkL13rLjl39pJjfuqf909G4JPNdoAk84ukweGB8nxJWdL0sd7RocbUk-lxb1iyNpe6lU05jiIjqAG2Rqlid967yHj6w 02/13/2025 02:18:14.092 7f1f8a818ac8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: user resources are None 02/13/2025 02:18:14.093 7f1f90abfe10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: __default__ [SYS_INFO]: AnalyticsApiStats: api_stats = << operation_type = GET remote_ip = object_type = vrouter request_url = response_time_in_usec = 549 response_size_objects = 0 response_size_bytes = 0 resp_code = 200 useragent = python-requests/2.27.1 node = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 >> 02/13/2025 02:18:29.595 7f1f8a818ac8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: send sync_uve in the [ObjectCollectorInfo:NodeStatusUVE] map 02/13/2025 02:18:40.487 7f1f8a818ac8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: send sync_uve in the [ObjectCollectorInfo:NodeStatusUVE] map 02/13/2025 02:19:05.538 7f1f8a818ac8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: send sync_uve in the [ObjectCollectorInfo:NodeStatusUVE] map 02/13/2025 02:19:14.602 7f1f8a818ac8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: uve_type:vrouter user_token:gAAAAABnrVaiKKlynvOXKvjfdFDnWQhROQ2yE4bTnyjjpxlVQG7orb0stDosDNYlyij67_7mIg2CW7g1b6KXqsvgBVVs0pCUTnZx4lcv2khtHDHXTOkZ7bQWEhmq6dDLnjPgTqQZSXDg_lmv9HxQaSE3p7yrVt4JU4XiU-Fl1NQQ4emgkt1Dwmc 02/13/2025 02:19:14.602 7f1f8a818ac8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: user resources are None 02/13/2025 02:19:14.603 7f1f8e68aeb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: __default__ [SYS_INFO]: AnalyticsApiStats: api_stats = << operation_type = GET remote_ip = object_type = vrouter request_url = response_time_in_usec = 622 response_size_objects = 0 response_size_bytes = 0 resp_code = 200 useragent = python-requests/2.27.1 node = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 >> 02/13/2025 02:19:15.086 7f1f8a818ac8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: uve_type:vrouter user_token:gAAAAABnrVaiqjP-6UKMrgnjUFfWDR8dEmGXnNoxmtZImj4cySUFhVap0AVG9XC-1HW333_wq576WdVIwASu_hrXji66ZW2QDxNTP7Y76j-iW0vO_rPgv7BDSYsUvaVpMYQg-ZW4nFlkw6viIfh_tgxGisjsaTjrWyCqaa0-F6WvH78I3skJbaI 02/13/2025 02:19:15.087 7f1f8a818ac8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: user resources are None 02/13/2025 02:19:15.087 7f1f8e689eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: __default__ [SYS_INFO]: AnalyticsApiStats: api_stats = << operation_type = GET remote_ip = object_type = vrouter request_url = response_time_in_usec = 545 response_size_objects = 0 response_size_bytes = 0 resp_code = 200 useragent = python-requests/2.27.1 node = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 >> 02/13/2025 02:19:15.770 7f1f8a818ac8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: send sync_uve in the [ObjectCollectorInfo:NodeStatusUVE] map 02/13/2025 02:19:50.015 7f1f8a818ac8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: send sync_uve in the [ObjectCollectorInfo:NodeStatusUVE] map 02/13/2025 02:20:15.570 7f1f8a818ac8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: uve_type:vrouter user_token:gAAAAABnrVbfZ_Qus-uCRBqE4IdI-owW5JqBFLIeFyqQOr8qw2pVYMdgFfN3Z4oI09bCPyfR4_0RHFxe9sjpHN_XqeRUZYkO0cqAFQ6nEP6cH2T60JKrv4egs5ffFNCOy0ggnLKG4VrR0UvT_RTNZNZG_-ZMw2rSR2TKX6-jW1988-Sip9kUqz0 02/13/2025 02:20:15.570 7f1f8a818ac8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: user resources are None 02/13/2025 02:20:15.571 7f1f8e689438 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: __default__ [SYS_INFO]: AnalyticsApiStats: api_stats = << operation_type = GET remote_ip = object_type = vrouter request_url = response_time_in_usec = 546 response_size_objects = 0 response_size_bytes = 0 resp_code = 200 useragent = python-requests/2.27.1 node = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 >> 02/13/2025 02:20:16.053 7f1f8a818ac8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: uve_type:vrouter user_token:gAAAAABnrVbff3dfTvRaxaWBd5zFtb94dNEX015QuaBmDA3J6vNrxd33hQLcO02in1VoezZb4kD_PaioBY1KMiHf_W_ZkWR96vzkiuzpLevWgEGOrfUKsKPcGCFG-bUYFy61bHeFapdYaeKQniAyhekAGwGgMXABU38XWxaPCewYV1q2hrFdwaA 02/13/2025 02:20:16.053 7f1f8a818ac8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: user resources are None 02/13/2025 02:20:16.054 7f1f8e689048 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: __default__ [SYS_INFO]: AnalyticsApiStats: api_stats = << operation_type = GET remote_ip = object_type = vrouter request_url = response_time_in_usec = 502 response_size_objects = 0 response_size_bytes = 0 resp_code = 200 useragent = python-requests/2.27.1 node = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 >> 02/13/2025 02:21:16.534 7f1f8a818ac8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: uve_type:vrouter user_token:gAAAAABnrVccyznfgo37TCZuGd3C9jJiLKvYxhrtW-QxEatt13E3a6YphAcVKRveYwaAQNJlsL-6U-M0r-jDGWojknBT7m2GQCcKt5p-FEjvPBebTUmJiJ5qF3XPopYNGuDuznvIq8Qbvbxnv3QP1VMrte5JE0eSLmVhwdneG1EpVhoTzTLsxMw 02/13/2025 02:21:16.534 7f1f8a818ac8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: user resources are None 02/13/2025 02:21:16.535 7f1f8e689198 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: __default__ [SYS_INFO]: AnalyticsApiStats: api_stats = << operation_type = GET remote_ip = object_type = vrouter request_url = response_time_in_usec = 627 response_size_objects = 0 response_size_bytes = 0 resp_code = 200 useragent = python-requests/2.27.1 node = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 >> 02/13/2025 02:21:17.012 7f1f8a818ac8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: uve_type:vrouter user_token:gAAAAABnrVccwU5TxqVa-MfxdPBVSXKEGBU2iSZBu6E1N0d3XUCT22RiGGDg1Fnl1Ky0abAJw1Kah1X4YZ7EktdcJoxtL29agQllJI4_nDB_vvwklRbxZtC1pPLd71k31ZF5Wsx5wv33rFxGnY1A0c4edp8v66re5q5-d2ywgUvnv3X3xPu1fCA 02/13/2025 02:21:17.012 7f1f8a818ac8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: user resources are None 02/13/2025 02:21:17.013 7f1f8e689f60 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: __default__ [SYS_INFO]: AnalyticsApiStats: api_stats = << operation_type = GET remote_ip = object_type = vrouter request_url = response_time_in_usec = 735 response_size_objects = 0 response_size_bytes = 0 resp_code = 200 useragent = python-requests/2.27.1 node = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 >> 02/13/2025 02:22:00.868 7f1f8a818ac8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: send sync_uve in the [ObjectCollectorInfo:NodeStatusUVE] map 02/13/2025 02:22:17.487 7f1f8a818ac8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: uve_type:vrouter user_token:gAAAAABnrVdZUC8fshqKjYsCeSUEF-s6Lyx1AvkrYjWq6INXWfbCLq5wILj9cyOnV_3oNO7YNEpjeo9NYe1NhhQGUP7wb6bj4hhoMj-4HwubFk9DylY1HC2cH_lOb_ERHOz8ptJY0FjtKrVD4E58N3tnC_HNttDb0A2MNrWScLUmhpLQWxuJ_Ls 02/13/2025 02:22:17.487 7f1f8a818ac8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: user resources are None 02/13/2025 02:22:17.488 7f1f8e6da240 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: __default__ [SYS_INFO]: AnalyticsApiStats: api_stats = << operation_type = GET remote_ip = object_type = vrouter request_url = response_time_in_usec = 641 response_size_objects = 0 response_size_bytes = 0 resp_code = 200 useragent = python-requests/2.27.1 node = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 >> 02/13/2025 02:22:17.971 7f1f8a818ac8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: uve_type:vrouter user_token:gAAAAABnrVdZBY8qGtmtRoGJ5VSwQLiaXs9J-BljqbfwyB6ZKvUg7i_q-HF__q9a3FDHS7yr1B5xaTQ8RLSfdnHq9pi31bTYyjToLyzusOrjbP7Gio9VftWz3fVfIqH2prm9ofAvavOlV72cu_O1HGrzSsKAgEz_XoZvf52v_keLi9L2pK3pYS8 02/13/2025 02:22:17.972 7f1f8a818ac8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: user resources are None 02/13/2025 02:22:17.973 7f1f8e6890f0 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: __default__ [SYS_INFO]: AnalyticsApiStats: api_stats = << operation_type = GET remote_ip = object_type = vrouter request_url = response_time_in_usec = 674 response_size_objects = 0 response_size_bytes = 0 resp_code = 200 useragent = python-requests/2.27.1 node = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 >> 02/13/2025 02:23:01.152 7f1f8a818ac8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: send sync_uve in the [ObjectCollectorInfo:NodeStatusUVE] map 02/13/2025 02:23:01.638 7f1f8a818ac8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: resource list for bgp-peer is None 02/13/2025 02:23:03.053 7f1f8a818ac8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: resource list for bgp-peer is None 02/13/2025 02:23:12.255 7f1f8a818ac8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: send sync_uve in the [ObjectCollectorInfo:NodeStatusUVE] map 02/13/2025 02:23:18.448 7f1f8a818ac8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: uve_type:vrouter user_token:gAAAAABnrVeW6EL7IbkYU6mtJGwursef7LhsGQrwN0IEPT6_ThS97gF3ygohL6xkZu9l7Mm8UJzsFgQazKdNffIMDirJP3IwcXU8fWWLtpx43gBUU8ep59LjknLFf15ba8mE4v2meX5aBORPeZcMK13_FUQhXdzUtlo8hdujV8-qN43Ziz6vj6s 02/13/2025 02:23:18.448 7f1f8a818ac8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: user resources are None 02/13/2025 02:23:18.449 7f1f8e6dd780 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: __default__ [SYS_INFO]: AnalyticsApiStats: api_stats = << operation_type = GET remote_ip = object_type = vrouter request_url = response_time_in_usec = 655 response_size_objects = 0 response_size_bytes = 0 resp_code = 200 useragent = python-requests/2.27.1 node = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 >> 02/13/2025 02:23:18.922 7f1f8a818ac8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: uve_type:vrouter user_token:gAAAAABnrVeWQ3aEFeJX0KJAywzPOxABxOKlkmwhS0nGl7e80cHh4zqRG8eRyp5g0iUMstIdAt8sc0hh0Sd5VINBBRMchKOHrJ4ll03Pq0IRZ20ou1LqOIj_EvSUFvyNPNhbtDU_3CnkJib-nL8iUuJkAObFQySpWjCSmVmyHKXgAFK70PH3RIk 02/13/2025 02:23:18.923 7f1f8a818ac8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: user resources are None 02/13/2025 02:23:18.923 7f1f8e68a198 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: __default__ [SYS_INFO]: AnalyticsApiStats: api_stats = << operation_type = GET remote_ip = object_type = vrouter request_url = response_time_in_usec = 560 response_size_objects = 0 response_size_bytes = 0 resp_code = 200 useragent = python-requests/2.27.1 node = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 >> 02/13/2025 02:24:05.490 7f1f8a818ac8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: send sync_uve in the [ObjectCollectorInfo:NodeStatusUVE] map 02/13/2025 02:24:19.503 7f1f8a818ac8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: uve_type:vrouter user_token:gAAAAABnrVfTtbki3sJoTUxB25_I03g4K2Jgxi9tNnLfRBuAak5PaVTSqYVbe_HlWsVFHPZva6d7e-HtZeRvQxjPGHdSSuvAslfKJ0ZP51wwf5u20z4ZSqERVaXgz_zya2lx9RWK1bL9-MtbCaM3vehjmFf2_kgfDFhWiFiCiqxH-9NcpBEZVtY 02/13/2025 02:24:19.503 7f1f8a818ac8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: user resources are None 02/13/2025 02:24:19.504 7f1f8e689a20 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: __default__ [SYS_INFO]: AnalyticsApiStats: api_stats = << operation_type = GET remote_ip = object_type = vrouter request_url = response_time_in_usec = 580 response_size_objects = 0 response_size_bytes = 0 resp_code = 200 useragent = python-requests/2.27.1 node = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 >> 02/13/2025 02:24:19.980 7f1f8a818ac8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: uve_type:vrouter user_token:gAAAAABnrVfThN8g2Jcllij-qbHZHMLqgiL1q-el-cRysyFr94vbwh6CP_btwEeaREoXbI3pzrun75g-rRi5haEt6DHlhbUjy3rxcfgUJIR0rB8lBC2WZPa8EMkunhdE-hjWUqOVsTmbltclF0c00Q9By-YXspXEIFYov8t2uOrlEf2AKYQs6Ys 02/13/2025 02:24:19.981 7f1f8a818ac8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: user resources are None 02/13/2025 02:24:19.981 7f1f8faaa4e0 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: __default__ [SYS_INFO]: AnalyticsApiStats: api_stats = << operation_type = GET remote_ip = object_type = vrouter request_url = response_time_in_usec = 735 response_size_objects = 0 response_size_bytes = 0 resp_code = 200 useragent = python-requests/2.27.1 node = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 >> 02/13/2025 02:25:20.455 7f1f90abf6d8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: uve_type:vrouter user_token:gAAAAABnrVgQXUWRsuGg0aGbsDm-UzupICzTs3U4dJpmWyVzARAKggubkRhz00L0tBB2boE1888MX1vjUNKVXqcwpivvr57vS-UuEyzP2q4YDbf4vvmfdlDUqD04lJD8_8jBanNvM9q4-rTAyR7hikPoK_WO-OtPxBEIVGnzOeDxUyI7NiqTb48 02/13/2025 02:25:20.455 7f1f90abf6d8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: user resources are None 02/13/2025 02:25:20.455 7f1f97e7dcc0 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: __default__ [SYS_INFO]: AnalyticsApiStats: api_stats = << operation_type = GET remote_ip = object_type = vrouter request_url = response_time_in_usec = 535 response_size_objects = 0 response_size_bytes = 0 resp_code = 200 useragent = python-requests/2.27.1 node = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 >> 02/13/2025 02:25:20.933 7f1f90abf6d8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: uve_type:vrouter user_token:gAAAAABnrVgQp0Ab4cOEbDFZn7FKkfQMDvv99FfI3t-b6twYR7S-ErPL0eyWi_N19_hPNemLwHqT-Y-5WCnbhsJjKpS1g8nGuBk8e8yae8MRu39VIUwhfaWs8ZxvUWL7d_f0a9TdlMR7IbruwBBDmAjFouU58fhTAi5DPmX2erMIMThIXC6A7ro 02/13/2025 02:25:20.933 7f1f90abf6d8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: user resources are None 02/13/2025 02:25:20.934 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: __default__ [SYS_INFO]: AnalyticsApiStats: api_stats = << operation_type = GET remote_ip = object_type = vrouter request_url = response_time_in_usec = 506 response_size_objects = 0 response_size_bytes = 0 resp_code = 200 useragent = python-requests/2.27.1 node = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 >> 02/13/2025 02:26:21.478 7f1f90abf6d8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: uve_type:vrouter user_token:gAAAAABnrVhNTcXZgnAPgDNiu30aTZll-zSvDc47MDAOEGeFTtuh26C-uCPiOxiv-y0U4cK5MXoV4AKnJCRzua0nHdnVUAEKLu79UhlkDmqwsg0kCm7b49Y2lsdKU4JmbbyBXMJdD3evlCLLOJ0xX3QjsGwwlGiY1T-cLtvKeA0QAAkVRVbKy5s 02/13/2025 02:26:21.478 7f1f90abf6d8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: user resources are None 02/13/2025 02:26:21.479 7f1f8e6dd198 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: __default__ [SYS_INFO]: AnalyticsApiStats: api_stats = << operation_type = GET remote_ip = object_type = vrouter request_url = response_time_in_usec = 655 response_size_objects = 0 response_size_bytes = 0 resp_code = 200 useragent = python-requests/2.27.1 node = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 >> 02/13/2025 02:26:21.951 7f1f90abf6d8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: uve_type:vrouter user_token:gAAAAABnrVhNlaGk-9zAiYJ2j8ZP3xx8Rp44X0sP9VLbh-IelcCJE0jMJmjLDLiN2ZNGGPTjsUWVYsrJNO-uOO1aFl48V1tUw51ojjxi0aupYS-PJHPx-6_j-U0m-tF6IL2rjPPEE-nFDR7qurdRqmPOlwdEucquz0kePxIOc_Z6w-0e3ImDH0c 02/13/2025 02:26:21.951 7f1f90abf6d8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: user resources are None 02/13/2025 02:26:21.951 7f1f8e83f588 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: __default__ [SYS_INFO]: AnalyticsApiStats: api_stats = << operation_type = GET remote_ip = object_type = vrouter request_url = response_time_in_usec = 516 response_size_objects = 0 response_size_bytes = 0 resp_code = 200 useragent = python-requests/2.27.1 node = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 >> 02/13/2025 02:26:44.467 7f1f8e7888d0 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: resource list for database-node is None 02/13/2025 02:26:44.469 7f1f8a818b70 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: db usage:{} 02/13/2025 02:26:44.473 7f1f8e7888d0 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: resource list for database-node is None 02/13/2025 02:26:44.474 7f1f8a818b70 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: pending compaction tasks :{} 02/13/2025 02:26:58.590 7f1f8e6d9630 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: send sync_uve in the [ObjectCollectorInfo:NodeStatusUVE] map 02/13/2025 02:27:22.442 7f1f8d13aeb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: uve_type:vrouter user_token:gAAAAABnrViKn9NAtWkrpurskiri5Bagl-Xk9t3lpb8t6x_0reNgU6I6fpOI-Wj0gjXxcgL7UWZ3sy2Zk-8RYLQrepZJoj4y4ufxBehswkHd0cq_aLscb6ORlVAySqibxZ9KevQeULXDXdrLOiWIMd4b4flPFSqCXogrTTRTk5rUrht2hz4JH9c 02/13/2025 02:27:22.443 7f1f8d13aeb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: user resources are None 02/13/2025 02:27:22.444 7f1f8e83f390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: __default__ [SYS_INFO]: AnalyticsApiStats: api_stats = << operation_type = GET remote_ip = object_type = vrouter request_url = response_time_in_usec = 693 response_size_objects = 0 response_size_bytes = 0 resp_code = 200 useragent = python-requests/2.27.1 node = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 >> 02/13/2025 02:27:22.914 7f1f8d13aeb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: uve_type:vrouter user_token:gAAAAABnrViKb1H7e48ZaznQcSw4K0E9VI6Kev5zP6A-djHNAPwkEiDL5VdswjoNWxoHaExbuIqzbC0RdPxElWLT7Wh7C-7NZt5qQ-lWF2VCGMBmBdM9GYocxn6--9TwcNxxMOf51MKeHY-QD9LM_YMN-E7YqfNdo1vleKJlQMfDY2mmqBPF8Z0 02/13/2025 02:27:22.914 7f1f8d13aeb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: user resources are None 02/13/2025 02:27:22.915 7f1f8e83ad68 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: __default__ [SYS_INFO]: AnalyticsApiStats: api_stats = << operation_type = GET remote_ip = object_type = vrouter request_url = response_time_in_usec = 571 response_size_objects = 0 response_size_bytes = 0 resp_code = 200 useragent = python-requests/2.27.1 node = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 >> 02/13/2025 02:28:01.667 7f1f8e83ad68 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: resource list for bgp-peer is None 02/13/2025 02:28:03.138 7f1f8e83ad68 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: resource list for bgp-peer is None 02/13/2025 02:28:13.037 7f1f8e83ad68 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: send sync_uve in the [ObjectCollectorInfo:NodeStatusUVE] map 02/13/2025 02:28:23.397 7f1f8a821eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: uve_type:vrouter user_token:gAAAAABnrVjHZbX5FcjKE6XE8JqF_1TC2D-o8pN2NMkS9qPiKc8-auoSmAeCCgcjg1Jgi27KAgDs4Q7lqUzWPFWpBkpfIQFP5LeV7j9McKWzR1CuxMvnJo-WyIGdA0zC1vNtPUjCrXKIyGUArp4NRa-1IYsCBmcMirfsgXUd8zJfXTin4rTDyJE 02/13/2025 02:28:23.397 7f1f8a821eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: user resources are None 02/13/2025 02:28:23.398 7f1f8ef0d8d0 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: __default__ [SYS_INFO]: AnalyticsApiStats: api_stats = << operation_type = GET remote_ip = object_type = vrouter request_url = response_time_in_usec = 531 response_size_objects = 0 response_size_bytes = 0 resp_code = 200 useragent = python-requests/2.27.1 node = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 >> 02/13/2025 02:28:23.864 7f1f8a821eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: uve_type:vrouter user_token:gAAAAABnrVjHwpF9tNK8YNL4BffQf3GRrsqhoYBERlkfmqHoe3pU9cKwkikecpmENA_LWKjdSXi8x5OvuBRpShg7k5TDzshIu56qIYKMLfl2v18oe0P3iDAQZAwVWZqUqCnqT_Kl0cjXshtIQ_6-aPe90dY7CAJLFJIjeOsdm3fqNs_YGj4nZPo 02/13/2025 02:28:23.865 7f1f8a821eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: user resources are None 02/13/2025 02:28:23.865 7f1f922bbf60 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: __default__ [SYS_INFO]: AnalyticsApiStats: api_stats = << operation_type = GET remote_ip = object_type = vrouter request_url = response_time_in_usec = 577 response_size_objects = 0 response_size_bytes = 0 resp_code = 200 useragent = python-requests/2.27.1 node = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 >> 02/13/2025 02:28:24.199 7f1f8a821eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: send sync_uve in the [ObjectCollectorInfo:NodeStatusUVE] map 02/13/2025 02:29:08.414 7f1f8a821eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: send sync_uve in the [ObjectCollectorInfo:NodeStatusUVE] map 02/13/2025 02:29:24.344 7f1f8a821eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: uve_type:vrouter user_token:gAAAAABnrVkE2LFlrna12QSky_5zpB1yR-fYLMFr0s2Wz32VE7Sy4pLegOfcJFfnbh3oV5y9U9WOZO0Q9uNAdi8VA5ZuCp-bqLw-nebxb7W6VvhwiIok2EdfR8jtDbxqafpAcCuhcdFjGAbXxuhZwKoRLzin1qheEBZ8in2creJ1b2MmJ0H-Yec 02/13/2025 02:29:24.344 7f1f8a821eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: user resources are None 02/13/2025 02:29:24.345 7f1f986480f0 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: __default__ [SYS_INFO]: AnalyticsApiStats: api_stats = << operation_type = GET remote_ip = object_type = vrouter request_url = response_time_in_usec = 621 response_size_objects = 0 response_size_bytes = 0 resp_code = 200 useragent = python-requests/2.27.1 node = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 >> 02/13/2025 02:29:24.812 7f1f8a821eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: uve_type:vrouter user_token:gAAAAABnrVkEb5X23MzrZsoLExOs2aYgBAXkQe8r5gNbv48I-qdMJfS0cN1DlULecSY9n2qgx07pRXeSfNfnlbpAJ9EOGNm3PNSoX-Ey1uwcOmqVk1axy5AwzHtFp6HIi_voYaq2AtCpSov1FWJHDYCLaTxZ7e222HlQaSXslEdjGpB8Fb8Lt08 02/13/2025 02:29:24.812 7f1f8a821eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: user resources are None 02/13/2025 02:29:24.813 7f1f8e8318d0 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: __default__ [SYS_INFO]: AnalyticsApiStats: api_stats = << operation_type = GET remote_ip = object_type = vrouter request_url = response_time_in_usec = 572 response_size_objects = 0 response_size_bytes = 0 resp_code = 200 useragent = python-requests/2.27.1 node = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 >> 02/13/2025 02:30:25.297 7f1f8a821eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: uve_type:vrouter user_token:gAAAAABnrVlBRu9YYj_bOSx8W8krAd8hKkbs-k23feVs4X3Raf6dKu2IFiIi1jNgw0tW1RBazZ2Smso8yT3fHfQk9djLLgSXVTwxXKwMLlf-WQxYLHA1IILC_wQrHCKxFl72zYcZ9zriMnW21oxGcdMm_ikUP_sFTQrF6oqwNesnN2XrssSJj_U 02/13/2025 02:30:25.297 7f1f8a821eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: user resources are None 02/13/2025 02:30:25.298 7f1f8e8368d0 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: __default__ [SYS_INFO]: AnalyticsApiStats: api_stats = << operation_type = GET remote_ip = object_type = vrouter request_url = response_time_in_usec = 566 response_size_objects = 0 response_size_bytes = 0 resp_code = 200 useragent = python-requests/2.27.1 node = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 >> 02/13/2025 02:30:25.786 7f1f8a821eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: uve_type:vrouter user_token:gAAAAABnrVlBDWqUPJDjNXSqSZnCsZ8BdA0k6jucBSITGBt1ytInZFsgIH0X70kcsUo8_myJf-3woM3LyjZ1hzXTOQpE83e7buEA49kWoLMOVMofUH2IB-qRHmAUw-0mpwYLcCxAEL8UmDyjaYwkfSsPJZPFzKLf7hJnmo76XCsLf3vR6Huadfg 02/13/2025 02:30:25.786 7f1f8a821eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: user resources are None 02/13/2025 02:30:25.787 7f1f8e831f60 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: __default__ [SYS_INFO]: AnalyticsApiStats: api_stats = << operation_type = GET remote_ip = object_type = vrouter request_url = response_time_in_usec = 511 response_size_objects = 0 response_size_bytes = 0 resp_code = 200 useragent = python-requests/2.27.1 node = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 >> 02/13/2025 02:31:26.254 7f1f8a821eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: uve_type:vrouter user_token:gAAAAABnrVl-CMC9Wr99WE4rDM89AQc3i6qgoB6XGN-HtTS8jb8KlBeFc5Sxii00pJV14PtWPtZyl1JcT0JNr_6ObXxGjBcQ2LA0IhO2nYvGItSgMYA3GXPHMsICfsTCyJS6MJL6nruqrYkf3qNzdYPt-NPzT55Ttz5leMpNu2YztU4kOl8EKCM 02/13/2025 02:31:26.254 7f1f8a821eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: user resources are None 02/13/2025 02:31:26.255 7f1f8a818438 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: __default__ [SYS_INFO]: AnalyticsApiStats: api_stats = << operation_type = GET remote_ip = object_type = vrouter request_url = response_time_in_usec = 503 response_size_objects = 0 response_size_bytes = 0 resp_code = 200 useragent = python-requests/2.27.1 node = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 >> 02/13/2025 02:31:26.734 7f1f8a821eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: uve_type:vrouter user_token:gAAAAABnrVl-YkyjEWOBVGQG7E3-L3VLTnFk5Vmc-x7PQuRPhEMH7obMSX0Y0XLIeGm6yvj2742lYA1gJNshqm8B6aIATGUyOpfNDYkX3CbOSo19jJmyw23__ZlNQIzZdZtoH3XeaKxbSN9l7p_VRMG2FscDZxhoBZCchhxSenHNfX_xE3JNM7g 02/13/2025 02:31:26.734 7f1f8a821eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: user resources are None 02/13/2025 02:31:26.735 7f1f8e6d5f60 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: __default__ [SYS_INFO]: AnalyticsApiStats: api_stats = << operation_type = GET remote_ip = object_type = vrouter request_url = response_time_in_usec = 575 response_size_objects = 0 response_size_bytes = 0 resp_code = 200 useragent = python-requests/2.27.1 node = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 >> 02/13/2025 02:31:53.838 7f1f8a821eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: send sync_uve in the [ObjectCollectorInfo:NodeStatusUVE] map 02/13/2025 02:32:27.230 7f1f8a821eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: uve_type:vrouter user_token:gAAAAABnrVm7uWqUDzz2RciAw-NuiEtdp9w9s-k0_YJ4zXeB7w4GG63JZXlNnTtKLSjkXByKoJrPC0sc1vLEqD2PqV0_YKjNewOYjxZKAQeBECoiD5W7tEKlwWeiqY2wf6J00QqodfFJgwMVZXjglrpgov7Oj90n1c428AZxSRvbs7Zbz2pl1vA 02/13/2025 02:32:27.230 7f1f8a821eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: user resources are None 02/13/2025 02:32:27.231 7f1f8e8314e0 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: __default__ [SYS_INFO]: AnalyticsApiStats: api_stats = << operation_type = GET remote_ip = object_type = vrouter request_url = response_time_in_usec = 684 response_size_objects = 0 response_size_bytes = 0 resp_code = 200 useragent = python-requests/2.27.1 node = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 >> 02/13/2025 02:32:27.703 7f1f8a821eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: uve_type:vrouter user_token:gAAAAABnrVm7zbBxAxydjni08bN1dFpq5xI7wfKNT07O0HR8kSXAvQ0FwSVBMYFGz-6HqpRbUGwmGk3ZHZq5m1TiJgsxn-omNHFYoCxc7F0p-5jdjibnYOFiv_nSDGG8przlwwpaPU3V0i6i5DsS6P4PBZPPl0IguZk3-0oh6VkOc5qJbT2iGuI 02/13/2025 02:32:27.703 7f1f8a821eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: user resources are None 02/13/2025 02:32:27.704 7f1f8e831f60 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: __default__ [SYS_INFO]: AnalyticsApiStats: api_stats = << operation_type = GET remote_ip = object_type = vrouter request_url = response_time_in_usec = 641 response_size_objects = 0 response_size_bytes = 0 resp_code = 200 useragent = python-requests/2.27.1 node = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 >> 02/13/2025 02:32:52.754 7f1f8a821eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: send sync_uve in the [ObjectCollectorInfo:NodeStatusUVE] map 02/13/2025 02:33:01.666 7f1f8a821eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: resource list for bgp-peer is None 02/13/2025 02:33:03.130 7f1f8a821eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: resource list for bgp-peer is None 02/13/2025 02:33:04.663 7f1f8a821eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: send sync_uve in the [ObjectCollectorInfo:NodeStatusUVE] map 02/13/2025 02:33:28.177 7f1f8a821eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: uve_type:vrouter user_token:gAAAAABnrVn4i0_pu_xc0MNxMEyCDhgbPwdcxg-6eUrR3KnKXvP6w_E09BTBuxyhy7c_zrRkiHuk6CosfRO29UXMAaCdVfxvrR_YunTAF9ysHTPtvQWvfuKXBP2Fs0vdPIEd39o_0LbTiCPxZLr3c9WHYr8g0zjBZXE6K-obtfvjdX3t0cnsm3c 02/13/2025 02:33:28.177 7f1f8a821eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: user resources are None 02/13/2025 02:33:28.178 7f1f8e788240 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: __default__ [SYS_INFO]: AnalyticsApiStats: api_stats = << operation_type = GET remote_ip = object_type = vrouter request_url = response_time_in_usec = 612 response_size_objects = 0 response_size_bytes = 0 resp_code = 200 useragent = python-requests/2.27.1 node = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 >> 02/13/2025 02:33:28.660 7f1f8a821eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: uve_type:vrouter user_token:gAAAAABnrVn4ZHHyXK5ZGr1MItM2IU_79yJ6EYPgPWuVvR1Gff6_8Qoty-v0bz6HTbUKPTlfn_L_KKn-S3KlAma3J1A2SxsVj4545tA39OuHAFi0Z31s6Km2cPxYPARzQC4ww7lOmhdDGhgN1pb-q_xuadJPTo2VWm_9lkM99f1Y8SNjPZFbXIY 02/13/2025 02:33:28.660 7f1f8a821eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: user resources are None 02/13/2025 02:33:28.661 7f1f8e83a8d0 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: __default__ [SYS_INFO]: AnalyticsApiStats: api_stats = << operation_type = GET remote_ip = object_type = vrouter request_url = response_time_in_usec = 836 response_size_objects = 0 response_size_bytes = 0 resp_code = 200 useragent = python-requests/2.27.1 node = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 >> 02/13/2025 02:33:54.642 7f1f8a821eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: send sync_uve in the [ObjectCollectorInfo:NodeStatusUVE] map 02/13/2025 02:34:29.144 7f1f8a821eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: uve_type:vrouter user_token:gAAAAABnrVo1oqvV4NO1AgShe9Zx1Sm78429XkY9m9OpVPQ8yyjZ9ekgORHugR4xpD4twvYfIIoly2XwNRcrcFWsv09BP7h85SqBtd0sosKCKqiI0R9YKfgOUXwFGkomcsuBcDAG06TFJmTs6xhe7BjeOfT1sk2WoLubkFHmOf7-abjtSQisDAk 02/13/2025 02:34:29.144 7f1f8a821eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: user resources are None 02/13/2025 02:34:29.145 7f1f8e788240 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: __default__ [SYS_INFO]: AnalyticsApiStats: api_stats = << operation_type = GET remote_ip = object_type = vrouter request_url = response_time_in_usec = 653 response_size_objects = 0 response_size_bytes = 0 resp_code = 200 useragent = python-requests/2.27.1 node = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 >> 02/13/2025 02:34:29.627 7f1f8a821eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: uve_type:vrouter user_token:gAAAAABnrVo1WDxZCPiVJPVhLbNr6_07xFroXcXHhMmESTHLlhPSmU7A6EH5oywg9GL_hswz-fr6T1061XqTfJKUzJbJ-Eg5Ne7xGOGOrGm_i2gDwS95SiiDJv6crW-tf80hLCSiIBJvzRWWHkSDT3Y2imBYdgfY2JVZlggXTRd4HRMmEFXGJlk 02/13/2025 02:34:29.627 7f1f8a821eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: user resources are None 02/13/2025 02:34:29.628 7f1f8e831eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: __default__ [SYS_INFO]: AnalyticsApiStats: api_stats = << operation_type = GET remote_ip = object_type = vrouter request_url = response_time_in_usec = 722 response_size_objects = 0 response_size_bytes = 0 resp_code = 200 useragent = python-requests/2.27.1 node = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 >> 02/13/2025 02:35:30.108 7f1f8a821eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: uve_type:vrouter user_token:gAAAAABnrVpyDs3PkhBDb_9SlaLRWo3T3eWQDWnc7nnWpAJwLBwW8eOMl9sm4zPQvjffq9F4OKxLzzDEIQBDvw0NAqRlDPtl8j6UvfMPEmMmNBTqUgVp194oghByTfD0aBnSwLC2mj-4CwuInfpD2bTefoj4Nb9fVhRJ-YFT7GGx4uVjR036hxg 02/13/2025 02:35:30.108 7f1f8a821eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: user resources are None 02/13/2025 02:35:30.109 7f1f8e788978 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: __default__ [SYS_INFO]: AnalyticsApiStats: api_stats = << operation_type = GET remote_ip = object_type = vrouter request_url = response_time_in_usec = 721 response_size_objects = 0 response_size_bytes = 0 resp_code = 200 useragent = python-requests/2.27.1 node = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 >> 02/13/2025 02:35:30.571 7f1f8a821eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: uve_type:vrouter user_token:gAAAAABnrVpylOQ_4gEC9WZI4_KS8ktFG3yydv2-lw0v3rb7hugHjo3ssZo6d1SRxkimr3cJ-G0_O6zajylJguWdtcmOkusz8NzofSfyDJ-E-JrRA53XTf6fhlvV5UHLWZy4Ue1K9VjhjA_nxKoVI5lsynGcHhC5oqcIhWGSn2K6S7J6H106UAo 02/13/2025 02:35:30.572 7f1f8a821eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: user resources are None 02/13/2025 02:35:30.573 7f1f8e831240 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: __default__ [SYS_INFO]: AnalyticsApiStats: api_stats = << operation_type = GET remote_ip = object_type = vrouter request_url = response_time_in_usec = 788 response_size_objects = 0 response_size_bytes = 0 resp_code = 200 useragent = python-requests/2.27.1 node = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 >> 02/13/2025 02:36:11.796 7f1f8a821eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: send sync_uve in the [ObjectCollectorInfo:NodeStatusUVE] map 02/13/2025 02:36:31.104 7f1f8a821eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: uve_type:vrouter user_token:gAAAAABnrVqvKTm1nr0JI0IcYUxSxMDkFSuYFx_VByvbaF0WBLii9WqCf5luar_LRiiKRjZruJ9zxGFu4_O6omacvJ4hd-c04Y0ZWJwE-nQcAZJvC9g8PjEuR8sb4KkVnMwZqPmSqqNGQnws_jaAm9efHTYlQEbay2lnmoFFcY1sHMBuqLW4Ehc 02/13/2025 02:36:31.105 7f1f8a821eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: user resources are None 02/13/2025 02:36:31.105 7f1f8e6d9438 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: __default__ [SYS_INFO]: AnalyticsApiStats: api_stats = << operation_type = GET remote_ip = object_type = vrouter request_url = response_time_in_usec = 642 response_size_objects = 0 response_size_bytes = 0 resp_code = 200 useragent = python-requests/2.27.1 node = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 >> 02/13/2025 02:36:31.579 7f1f8a821eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: uve_type:vrouter user_token:gAAAAABnrVqvSPw5qpATAAGPvkxPnxHb2HNxh4MGR7Q8Hjnx5GYFhyIttfAitOamXf5QKa4dPR1K3aGqBQ59TLEYy4dtQ21JrrDyRm8otTwipd5G1pdSDtBoxJY7_lUXs7eomPA0D9X4uX8HSKZ8fBOi1MLXxfUgw3r8QYqSLfI97OmEnWlET2M 02/13/2025 02:36:31.579 7f1f8a821eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: user resources are None 02/13/2025 02:36:31.580 7f1f8e836e10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: __default__ [SYS_INFO]: AnalyticsApiStats: api_stats = << operation_type = GET remote_ip = object_type = vrouter request_url = response_time_in_usec = 588 response_size_objects = 0 response_size_bytes = 0 resp_code = 200 useragent = python-requests/2.27.1 node = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 >> 02/13/2025 02:36:44.483 7f1f8eef7a20 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: resource list for database-node is None 02/13/2025 02:36:44.485 7f1f8a818b70 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: db usage:{} 02/13/2025 02:36:44.488 7f1f8e83aac8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: resource list for database-node is None 02/13/2025 02:36:44.489 7f1f8a818b70 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: pending compaction tasks :{} 02/13/2025 02:37:04.721 7f1f8e83aac8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: send sync_uve in the [ObjectCollectorInfo:NodeStatusUVE] map 02/13/2025 02:37:16.115 7f1f8e83aac8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: send sync_uve in the [ObjectCollectorInfo:NodeStatusUVE] map 02/13/2025 02:37:32.056 7f1f90abf6d8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: uve_type:vrouter user_token:gAAAAABnrVrrb2wpBTuhv4CHqrsA_Z-F6rt6A86oGpNuIQdJ1nFaivJgaKcEODZbZYp7j7QG5qeQvxaoZXP4s2QkQ5ztlPi6HQ4Ij9uNjTPlK6RUVt5y_mfcUHUguFiHL3dXL4bm0J4vn4raQIABUrWYnrRWxRHh9p1vvyK8-m5dgo6He-L06cM 02/13/2025 02:37:32.057 7f1f90abf6d8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: user resources are None 02/13/2025 02:37:32.057 7f1f8e83a8d0 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: __default__ [SYS_INFO]: AnalyticsApiStats: api_stats = << operation_type = GET remote_ip = object_type = vrouter request_url = response_time_in_usec = 571 response_size_objects = 0 response_size_bytes = 0 resp_code = 200 useragent = python-requests/2.27.1 node = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 >> 02/13/2025 02:37:32.520 7f1f90abf6d8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: uve_type:vrouter user_token:gAAAAABnrVrsnMZccrEAIjGtR3-0PqV6QzKo58Q-HMTwfqTRmzqVv6z3W83TlSVCNteuRNihTrDtaYf3aB7KjfMcZs84meK7xNfHRGI3GeJFzwBCw7hg97yeeMp9qGEIE7h1ikYul8Jl271k1e0oXdPTuTirD48qSkT8HzJ4vgidOwC_jJ6KlBM 02/13/2025 02:37:32.520 7f1f90abf6d8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: user resources are None 02/13/2025 02:37:32.521 7f1f8e8360f0 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: __default__ [SYS_INFO]: AnalyticsApiStats: api_stats = << operation_type = GET remote_ip = object_type = vrouter request_url = response_time_in_usec = 598 response_size_objects = 0 response_size_bytes = 0 resp_code = 200 useragent = python-requests/2.27.1 node = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 >> 02/13/2025 02:38:01.661 7f1f90abf6d8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: resource list for bgp-peer is None 02/13/2025 02:38:03.128 7f1f90abf6d8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: resource list for bgp-peer is None 02/13/2025 02:38:32.998 7f1f90abf6d8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: uve_type:vrouter user_token:gAAAAABnrVsoIRm611Jhku5Ctn386QNStlv4n_NOxtdcTNSW9CL-gjj8c3eivy0_qOrglg8UNB-AD9v7NdfZDjZfRlw7N6zApQhqcPDVwC8bEX1eJxxbBzUPUirYn58zL0l0QV10TVDcPCMx-fjw5tod_0ns1aU3AnhUF4pEaCMUZRwCtXqxud4 02/13/2025 02:38:32.998 7f1f90abf6d8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: user resources are None 02/13/2025 02:38:32.999 7f1f8e83aa20 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: __default__ [SYS_INFO]: AnalyticsApiStats: api_stats = << operation_type = GET remote_ip = object_type = vrouter request_url = response_time_in_usec = 631 response_size_objects = 0 response_size_bytes = 0 resp_code = 200 useragent = python-requests/2.27.1 node = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 >> 02/13/2025 02:38:33.460 7f1f90abf6d8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: uve_type:vrouter user_token:gAAAAABnrVspts6r-8HHv2VOKuE66eMai5nJKt_jB2GbshoXcM1oRjCpaQdHkpKHmASqtTOhvoMFmjAka1fVD6mKgX7oCSO1YYE1TgPXhVl7makOKAaLVYppb43FTvyjBKjzxRnub34piV1b-xwMlc27ayDGggYan-EDsEISqAv3SOkaPEUunww 02/13/2025 02:38:33.460 7f1f90abf6d8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: user resources are None 02/13/2025 02:38:33.460 7f1f8e6d5c18 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: __default__ [SYS_INFO]: AnalyticsApiStats: api_stats = << operation_type = GET remote_ip = object_type = vrouter request_url = response_time_in_usec = 507 response_size_objects = 0 response_size_bytes = 0 resp_code = 200 useragent = python-requests/2.27.1 node = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 >> 02/13/2025 02:39:03.782 7f1f90abf6d8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: send sync_uve in the [ObjectCollectorInfo:NodeStatusUVE] map 02/13/2025 02:39:34.031 7f1f90abf6d8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: uve_type:vrouter user_token:gAAAAABnrVtlOb77AvG1crBKNJ1koR4ckB6bN92di1gVL1amSij2Vn0tKo9ysLUU88jPptrjQiEktCX4IW2XlL_20gKHIccjZS8tNiwJLVWPD6AWIjcweXhYkTMhpkHuYLcteiXaauoLRI-WQENolj_PFZZ2lrvnDK8qdKa7DHrhCPjpc1_poWc 02/13/2025 02:39:34.031 7f1f90abf6d8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: user resources are None 02/13/2025 02:39:34.032 7f1f8e831c18 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: __default__ [SYS_INFO]: AnalyticsApiStats: api_stats = << operation_type = GET remote_ip = object_type = vrouter request_url = response_time_in_usec = 662 response_size_objects = 0 response_size_bytes = 0 resp_code = 200 useragent = python-requests/2.27.1 node = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 >> 02/13/2025 02:39:34.601 7f1f90abf6d8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: uve_type:vrouter user_token:gAAAAABnrVtmK5LbKN1_qx6bGsMZ0lrQFz8kqC4HHyN9eukQYaWJZYr1H4Y29TUYM4GGRnCt6sCIkclCPaQRFmE3Vtbf_3Cm_IDniv05PlzDMc4BKq8iXs9Y0QNPVz9TdFa23g1FSHk30UTgrMvfLD4XouW-NKNbMwG71UPIj3pzil8Tjsv_6IM 02/13/2025 02:39:34.602 7f1f90abf6d8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: user resources are None 02/13/2025 02:39:34.602 7f1f8e836ac8 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: __default__ [SYS_INFO]: AnalyticsApiStats: api_stats = << operation_type = GET remote_ip = object_type = vrouter request_url = response_time_in_usec = 922 response_size_objects = 0 response_size_bytes = 0 resp_code = 200 useragent = python-requests/2.27.1 node = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 >> 02/13/2025 02:40:35.076 7f1f90abf6d8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: uve_type:vrouter user_token:gAAAAABnrVuiu2nLPzpSBUVo1hP30Q9_u_WzURD8zSbquPnBPIZ96XzplbZNw7s6Gwogs-oGSQ_o6X8iWpC-SYRASs8QgVC3NDxKgqFlocWf1uPW9RSCHNITLeSGgRFgwyY1k_7boqiLJjwK7Y9y_l6Xk2CQ-rFAVbv3qcwv2wdjxYx4zF0Th4I 02/13/2025 02:40:35.076 7f1f90abf6d8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: user resources are None 02/13/2025 02:40:35.077 7f1f922d4390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: __default__ [SYS_INFO]: AnalyticsApiStats: api_stats = << operation_type = GET remote_ip = object_type = vrouter request_url = response_time_in_usec = 700 response_size_objects = 0 response_size_bytes = 0 resp_code = 200 useragent = python-requests/2.27.1 node = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 >> 02/13/2025 02:40:35.539 7f1f90abf6d8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: uve_type:vrouter user_token:gAAAAABnrVujrY7gWndN3VdQ5FjSpQI-uln0Emypk_Gs_ulp1w0Pblc_fGUjWzEiHfkbSe_SCdbSkxPu1lK7Tbz7MqGh7WK9zPWyp-g7QXJlnpKawPDZA4Kf4_8KRv6lr1cqRhhcpLM2gaY6s-haCeLoDp76_LgI8ciPpK90Hf9zJmxjk7AlUaQ 02/13/2025 02:40:35.539 7f1f90abf6d8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: user resources are None 02/13/2025 02:40:35.540 7f1f8eef70f0 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: __default__ [SYS_INFO]: AnalyticsApiStats: api_stats = << operation_type = GET remote_ip = object_type = vrouter request_url = response_time_in_usec = 743 response_size_objects = 0 response_size_bytes = 0 resp_code = 200 useragent = python-requests/2.27.1 node = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 >> 02/13/2025 02:41:24.843 7f1f90abf6d8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: send sync_uve in the [ObjectCollectorInfo:NodeStatusUVE] map 02/13/2025 02:41:36.010 7f1f90abf6d8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: uve_type:vrouter user_token:gAAAAABnrVvfVoXvx77yHexvZLNsRqKh1sPXFFVaSM8vRRG9lvduNuktwQcCmBHZXVqycGzfEuwP04GcTAQkurrXgRLvjK3tO3kt-HEyq50RM_QVxgfwB07i5mmTYHDVY825mOCzdLXum9nwQZo3B7yw0bFkmcR6WfRFW4uKHC8vt1gd8MBuMko 02/13/2025 02:41:36.010 7f1f90abf6d8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: user resources are None 02/13/2025 02:41:36.011 7f1f8e8310f0 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: __default__ [SYS_INFO]: AnalyticsApiStats: api_stats = << operation_type = GET remote_ip = object_type = vrouter request_url = response_time_in_usec = 549 response_size_objects = 0 response_size_bytes = 0 resp_code = 200 useragent = python-requests/2.27.1 node = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 >> 02/13/2025 02:41:36.470 7f1f90abf6d8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: uve_type:vrouter user_token:gAAAAABnrVvgaGkENBq8eeXNFhBdYFrTQiFqBz84FlcZsmlZOL2hwgnTg5V8ux07DplI7qXYyCLaZytRNIcaP3CIvjA1Zj4aSOH7fr2neZqRbHPi1kHUytrzEkrwyicswBy6QhB_NLH_A0bXltDlQQGwjca0_OWnyngKVtiuVSgX7BZZl6FwgG8 02/13/2025 02:41:36.470 7f1f90abf6d8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: user resources are None 02/13/2025 02:41:36.470 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: __default__ [SYS_INFO]: AnalyticsApiStats: api_stats = << operation_type = GET remote_ip = object_type = vrouter request_url = response_time_in_usec = 533 response_size_objects = 0 response_size_bytes = 0 resp_code = 200 useragent = python-requests/2.27.1 node = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 >> 02/13/2025 02:42:36.952 7f1f90abf6d8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: uve_type:vrouter user_token:gAAAAABnrVwcyBksnPfwJ363SWVLZILeEbtbUPL6XalVMn7eKaTrBjMiUNbBN8PLMCc549twWAhwXKmgRArA0IRs2xgVizqbK5BV5fBlSM-D7NAqzxA_j5_SwcUY0t0iehg-_U-1MIwCwpAgFYux4pZ-Dl-0oy7k4oYZtleMhCRIX4VqoSdo_zY 02/13/2025 02:42:36.952 7f1f90abf6d8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: user resources are None 02/13/2025 02:42:36.953 7f1f8e6d9cc0 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: __default__ [SYS_INFO]: AnalyticsApiStats: api_stats = << operation_type = GET remote_ip = object_type = vrouter request_url = response_time_in_usec = 546 response_size_objects = 0 response_size_bytes = 0 resp_code = 200 useragent = python-requests/2.27.1 node = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 >> 02/13/2025 02:42:37.416 7f1f90abf6d8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: uve_type:vrouter user_token:gAAAAABnrVwdKZkKwrOxN00q5snatvHf5TEwFL9PjNS_xtOJwEFH7VP4Jouhnu2ySUvzs7nNC5WSqbQQaN-FonypGyTs4fHQGBqw5y7H0woWYEh_KmHdAP300EZ_RWpTZRsT69pHde8zBNb81S7yrSuQTZ6NMeoy4U3bSlt_db4wSmwTp6sCR04 02/13/2025 02:42:37.416 7f1f90abf6d8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: user resources are None 02/13/2025 02:42:37.417 7f1f8e6dd978 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: __default__ [SYS_INFO]: AnalyticsApiStats: api_stats = << operation_type = GET remote_ip = object_type = vrouter request_url = response_time_in_usec = 584 response_size_objects = 0 response_size_bytes = 0 resp_code = 200 useragent = python-requests/2.27.1 node = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 >> 02/13/2025 02:42:39.563 7f1f90abf6d8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: send sync_uve in the [ObjectCollectorInfo:NodeStatusUVE] map 02/13/2025 02:42:50.506 7f1f90abf6d8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: send sync_uve in the [ObjectCollectorInfo:NodeStatusUVE] map 02/13/2025 02:43:01.678 7f1f90abf6d8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: resource list for bgp-peer is None 02/13/2025 02:43:03.133 7f1f90abf6d8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: resource list for bgp-peer is None 02/13/2025 02:43:37.872 7f1f90abf6d8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: uve_type:vrouter user_token:gAAAAABnrVxZ8j5m3-XZnDNG5DGQW2aF6yUzpVL76eZFao_D3dfhJF8TqPDSxZ5LtpSM-MYX1nZ5ipqKOrABc74T9HSU_05H_3sVw-cKpL1bLI2YW1io8Cuqx8ynJx3yQmXrCqJhETIO45U2nsQOWs6FF9cUgfmW7oDtCD5-n57-P7plGonfX3U 02/13/2025 02:43:37.872 7f1f90abf6d8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: user resources are None 02/13/2025 02:43:37.873 7f1f8e7874e0 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: __default__ [SYS_INFO]: AnalyticsApiStats: api_stats = << operation_type = GET remote_ip = object_type = vrouter request_url = response_time_in_usec = 557 response_size_objects = 0 response_size_bytes = 0 resp_code = 200 useragent = python-requests/2.27.1 node = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 >> 02/13/2025 02:43:38.325 7f1f90abf6d8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: uve_type:vrouter user_token:gAAAAABnrVxa39DSjMk1zodD9wMAoKMiqaUvO7RG95Dvkz4dTjh9Vt6qIbB8DMvcTXV9zZ5_yQitFzmWkcu5hpl0ZOlkAUaqm5dxXrljHuQuJQDEuvNKgL5I919kfmgJLj1PfwSqmWtb0eOunIis6l9iI8L-GZYkdB-LC2AFexrfhAm58vjgA3Y 02/13/2025 02:43:38.325 7f1f90abf6d8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: user resources are None 02/13/2025 02:43:38.325 7f1f8e6ddb70 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: __default__ [SYS_INFO]: AnalyticsApiStats: api_stats = << operation_type = GET remote_ip = object_type = vrouter request_url = response_time_in_usec = 499 response_size_objects = 0 response_size_bytes = 0 resp_code = 200 useragent = python-requests/2.27.1 node = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 >> 02/13/2025 02:43:50.894 7f1f90abf6d8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: send sync_uve in the [ObjectCollectorInfo:NodeStatusUVE] map 02/13/2025 02:44:38.790 7f1f90abf6d8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: uve_type:vrouter user_token:gAAAAABnrVyWWWHQ4Wn2OwJHB3PjZG16VYz0qhNPCjqXqiL2U6Yc2SwT3xZXxeT3fPPiIT_ieLYkG6Dummalzub_PBrr_uU7zhCFEoZYxzmLZW0FXSQxSUwoXwrQSXwx25Or655q1ufNdZIir1trtYFWD9tA4VTtu9QpdNicScyKf1KniwpsziM 02/13/2025 02:44:38.790 7f1f90abf6d8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: user resources are None 02/13/2025 02:44:38.791 7f1f8e788978 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: __default__ [SYS_INFO]: AnalyticsApiStats: api_stats = << operation_type = GET remote_ip = object_type = vrouter request_url = response_time_in_usec = 520 response_size_objects = 0 response_size_bytes = 0 resp_code = 200 useragent = python-requests/2.27.1 node = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 >> 02/13/2025 02:44:39.248 7f1f90abf6d8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: uve_type:vrouter user_token:gAAAAABnrVyXpKIPCaLtzjAa3gm727NgMdS__TIJADLI4aQborF_j5X0N_oQa9RNVDDHFNnbABrPnVOg14DTpm8V91xAS9klCp7PwXZCmloxu8hHwCzmtRMacswuxqsUYC74qHZ3K_DoAfrSgrOuxwu2J-UZdA93vLU8LMvr3yfN2IfddK4ZHd0 02/13/2025 02:44:39.248 7f1f90abf6d8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: user resources are None 02/13/2025 02:44:39.249 7f1f8e8368d0 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: __default__ [SYS_INFO]: AnalyticsApiStats: api_stats = << operation_type = GET remote_ip = object_type = vrouter request_url = response_time_in_usec = 529 response_size_objects = 0 response_size_bytes = 0 resp_code = 200 useragent = python-requests/2.27.1 node = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 >> 02/13/2025 02:45:30.943 7f1f90abf6d8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: send sync_uve in the [ObjectCollectorInfo:NodeStatusUVE] map 02/13/2025 02:45:39.710 7f1f90abf6d8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: uve_type:vrouter user_token:gAAAAABnrVzT6_nFnZynQVRgt2UvVBvlsKEfSBEdMBZldy5V7CjKQJ5Sn6foB6J4jCOpFHSlw6Bl1-pjgpHkoePmmw2HFxJf6FsQ5tLbh3mxv6tFBXbDZ8KNmJRjIjcwBwiIhcvhQO1L4f3iRtF9bBLzmLfDekeOHO5z9oexA2kWUHoGmg9Elik 02/13/2025 02:45:39.710 7f1f90abf6d8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: user resources are None 02/13/2025 02:45:39.710 7f1f8e6ddcc0 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: __default__ [SYS_INFO]: AnalyticsApiStats: api_stats = << operation_type = GET remote_ip = object_type = vrouter request_url = response_time_in_usec = 572 response_size_objects = 0 response_size_bytes = 0 resp_code = 200 useragent = python-requests/2.27.1 node = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 >> 02/13/2025 02:45:40.165 7f1f90abf6d8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: uve_type:vrouter user_token:gAAAAABnrVzUByzH1gfrv7fpWZchhkLndoWcdqrR4xwr_8CwwMQ33JAtdizX7ZZ3Zwoif0_XFRMRwF7xi5LJYPTJXqYtsKGfezL4BIplpzRSZrogCCqGjP8itXVQ7WdvjtvPydSEt-8Qg2tOTR1B3G7afoeylAVOMZ359zjSsZl8XBuKqsTSdGg 02/13/2025 02:45:40.165 7f1f90abf6d8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: user resources are None 02/13/2025 02:45:40.166 7f1f8e891828 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: __default__ [SYS_INFO]: AnalyticsApiStats: api_stats = << operation_type = GET remote_ip = object_type = vrouter request_url = response_time_in_usec = 693 response_size_objects = 0 response_size_bytes = 0 resp_code = 200 useragent = python-requests/2.27.1 node = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 >> 02/13/2025 02:46:40.680 7f1f90abf6d8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: uve_type:vrouter user_token:gAAAAABnrV0QS8_K1gziydQOeriaqN653BnMvjEHwjQR5NfH1lzsX-J1_wNRHVb8Te5Zx5p7-eNCPy3xa9MQSYmk8Eh2tZy3w0UUX1eSdz_T5tz6hO_9pLKc8RlFBfU87QIwcxSSykxM02iU4628cCHmMdmdrO2oiDSTUvdlupweJoOy6Wyjoos 02/13/2025 02:46:40.680 7f1f90abf6d8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: user resources are None 02/13/2025 02:46:40.681 7f1f8e6ddcc0 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: __default__ [SYS_INFO]: AnalyticsApiStats: api_stats = << operation_type = GET remote_ip = object_type = vrouter request_url = response_time_in_usec = 519 response_size_objects = 0 response_size_bytes = 0 resp_code = 200 useragent = python-requests/2.27.1 node = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 >> 02/13/2025 02:46:41.133 7f1f90abf6d8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: uve_type:vrouter user_token:gAAAAABnrV0Recwag4VevTOTrm0u9I1uxUuztmnI00lOvjGq8JSX6SKx6UV6NWhbFMb0j_aZJXst5lQw9737ARivlTZpV2TZeA1jF4mD81qzO8OFIxLgvARkyA0kYXncZlz7N8pbbDLT6WIf_50WYtOFEqmIKMyp88OKEvtlTK-0k5teqi7G2Yo 02/13/2025 02:46:41.133 7f1f90abf6d8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: user resources are None 02/13/2025 02:46:41.134 7f1f8e891a20 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: __default__ [SYS_INFO]: AnalyticsApiStats: api_stats = << operation_type = GET remote_ip = object_type = vrouter request_url = response_time_in_usec = 576 response_size_objects = 0 response_size_bytes = 0 resp_code = 200 useragent = python-requests/2.27.1 node = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 >> 02/13/2025 02:46:44.182 7f1f90abf6d8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: send sync_uve in the [ObjectCollectorInfo:NodeStatusUVE] map 02/13/2025 02:46:44.496 7f1f97e75780 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: resource list for database-node is None 02/13/2025 02:46:44.497 7f1f8a818b70 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: db usage:{} 02/13/2025 02:46:44.501 7f1f97e75780 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: resource list for database-node is None 02/13/2025 02:46:44.502 7f1f8a818b70 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: pending compaction tasks :{} 02/13/2025 02:46:55.007 7f1f97e75780 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: send sync_uve in the [ObjectCollectorInfo:NodeStatusUVE] map 02/13/2025 02:47:41.600 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: uve_type:vrouter user_token:gAAAAABnrV1Nq3O_72SR0ZxVfeee_ryIjNaxWH9n1CDN69EN_pQaJcAX3Sajd93XLa6aPfYw_lfSAu_dgx77Rxp1svWw8bJxP0scOqLRAoOnDEmTECJzbbHk5fxwj7uunUjpBqwY9sT4QoqC53VFNCG14D_seFsTgKo1w8RtlAfRxl4Qp9A6l-o 02/13/2025 02:47:41.600 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: user resources are None 02/13/2025 02:47:41.601 7f1f8e788828 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: __default__ [SYS_INFO]: AnalyticsApiStats: api_stats = << operation_type = GET remote_ip = object_type = vrouter request_url = response_time_in_usec = 538 response_size_objects = 0 response_size_bytes = 0 resp_code = 200 useragent = python-requests/2.27.1 node = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 >> 02/13/2025 02:47:42.053 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: uve_type:vrouter user_token:gAAAAABnrV1NWhn9dP8_uLGWYgibA_mPy6i0ev2TauWpR3iUHeFZsruQ6u28Ax9qp0TfSLxq2o5rJc1DWuWWf8vvIngj5TXCua4MH7qNqdue-INmefNYgHEtuGPV8MmiBusGeW7iJncJZw85V4ri4Z1VdlsiCqYlQs1tmaOEuP7DbLBNoqPHw4U 02/13/2025 02:47:42.053 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: user resources are None 02/13/2025 02:47:42.054 7f1f8e83aa20 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: __default__ [SYS_INFO]: AnalyticsApiStats: api_stats = << operation_type = GET remote_ip = object_type = vrouter request_url = response_time_in_usec = 582 response_size_objects = 0 response_size_bytes = 0 resp_code = 200 useragent = python-requests/2.27.1 node = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 >> 02/13/2025 02:48:01.667 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: resource list for bgp-peer is None 02/13/2025 02:48:03.151 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: resource list for bgp-peer is None 02/13/2025 02:48:12.598 7f1f8ef286d8 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: Session Event: TCP Connection Closed 02/13/2025 02:48:12.598 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvTcpClose] in state[Established] 02/13/2025 02:48:17.602 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: Session Event: TCP Connect Fail 02/13/2025 02:48:17.602 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Sandesh Client: Event[EvTcpClose] => State[Established] -> State[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:48:17.602 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:48:17.603 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Non-Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Partitions:30 >>, << type = Redis-UVE name = server_addrs = [, ] status = Up >>, << type = Zookeeper name = OpServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to Zookeeper established >>, << type = Collector name = Collector server_addrs = [, ] status = Initializing description = Established to Connect on EvTcpClose >>, << type = ApiServer name = ApiServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to API Server established >>, ] description = Collector:Collector[Established to Connect on EvTcpClose] connection down >>, ] >> 02/13/2025 02:48:17.603 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:48:17.603 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvTcpConnectFail] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:48:17.603 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Sandesh Client: Event[EvTcpConnectFail] => State[Connect] -> State[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:48:17.603 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:48:17.604 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Non-Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Partitions:30 >>, << type = Redis-UVE name = server_addrs = [, ] status = Up >>, << type = Zookeeper name = OpServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to Zookeeper established >>, << type = Collector name = Collector server_addrs = [, ] status = Down description = Connect to Idle on EvTcpConnectFail >>, << type = ApiServer name = ApiServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to API Server established >>, ] description = Collector:Collector[Connect to Idle on EvTcpConnectFail] connection down >>, ] >> 02/13/2025 02:48:17.604 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:48:17.604 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:48:17.604 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] SandeshModuleClientTrace: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1:Analytics:contrail-analytics-api:0 client_info = << status = Idle successful_connections = 1 pid = 1 http_port = 8090 start_time = 1739413004458623 collector_name = collector_ip = collector_list = [, ] >> sm_queue_count = 1 max_sm_queue_count = 6 >> 02/13/2025 02:48:17.604 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:48:21.604 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:48:26.606 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: Session Event: TCP Connect Fail 02/13/2025 02:48:26.606 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Sandesh Client: Event[EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] => State[Idle] -> State[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:48:26.606 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:48:26.607 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Non-Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Partitions:30 >>, << type = Redis-UVE name = server_addrs = [, ] status = Up >>, << type = Zookeeper name = OpServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to Zookeeper established >>, << type = Collector name = Collector server_addrs = [, ] status = Initializing description = Idle to Connect on EvIdleHoldTimerExpired >>, << type = ApiServer name = ApiServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to API Server established >>, ] description = Collector:Collector[Idle to Connect on EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] connection down >>, ] >> 02/13/2025 02:48:26.607 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:48:26.607 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvTcpConnectFail] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:48:26.607 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Sandesh Client: Event[EvTcpConnectFail] => State[Connect] -> State[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:48:26.607 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:48:26.608 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Non-Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Partitions:30 >>, << type = Redis-UVE name = server_addrs = [, ] status = Up >>, << type = Zookeeper name = OpServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to Zookeeper established >>, << type = Collector name = Collector server_addrs = [, ] status = Down description = Connect to Idle on EvTcpConnectFail >>, << type = ApiServer name = ApiServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to API Server established >>, ] description = Collector:Collector[Connect to Idle on EvTcpConnectFail] connection down >>, ] >> 02/13/2025 02:48:26.608 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:48:26.608 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:48:26.608 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] SandeshModuleClientTrace: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1:Analytics:contrail-analytics-api:0 client_info = << status = Idle successful_connections = 1 pid = 1 http_port = 8090 start_time = 1739413004458623 collector_name = collector_ip = collector_list = [, ] >> sm_queue_count = 1 max_sm_queue_count = 6 >> 02/13/2025 02:48:26.608 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:48:30.607 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:48:35.609 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: Session Event: TCP Connect Fail 02/13/2025 02:48:35.609 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Sandesh Client: Event[EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] => State[Idle] -> State[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:48:35.609 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:48:35.609 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Non-Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Partitions:30 >>, << type = Redis-UVE name = server_addrs = [, ] status = Up >>, << type = Zookeeper name = OpServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to Zookeeper established >>, << type = Collector name = Collector server_addrs = [, ] status = Initializing description = Idle to Connect on EvIdleHoldTimerExpired >>, << type = ApiServer name = ApiServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to API Server established >>, ] description = Collector:Collector[Idle to Connect on EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] connection down >>, ] >> 02/13/2025 02:48:35.609 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:48:35.609 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvTcpConnectFail] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:48:35.610 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Sandesh Client: Event[EvTcpConnectFail] => State[Connect] -> State[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:48:35.610 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:48:35.610 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Non-Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Partitions:30 >>, << type = Redis-UVE name = server_addrs = [, ] status = Up >>, << type = Zookeeper name = OpServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to Zookeeper established >>, << type = Collector name = Collector server_addrs = [, ] status = Down description = Connect to Idle on EvTcpConnectFail >>, << type = ApiServer name = ApiServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to API Server established >>, ] description = Collector:Collector[Connect to Idle on EvTcpConnectFail] connection down >>, ] >> 02/13/2025 02:48:35.610 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:48:35.610 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:48:35.610 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] SandeshModuleClientTrace: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1:Analytics:contrail-analytics-api:0 client_info = << status = Idle successful_connections = 1 pid = 1 http_port = 8090 start_time = 1739413004458623 collector_name = collector_ip = collector_list = [, ] >> sm_queue_count = 1 max_sm_queue_count = 6 >> 02/13/2025 02:48:35.610 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:48:39.612 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:48:42.519 7f1f8ef13828 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: uve_type:vrouter user_token:gAAAAABnrV2KWfXMEGouw2JSN3YQ_39wAw9st_PQ_XChaFo-LfU2pXcrMA6OZBHIQ7Ol8D79p0X7O1lc1pcGYskNjPKwWcloBN0bGDxaWxnepp0fNoNmERpk16whGsS_qZcHFDJ7Z5P6bMFgw9VgskXrzX5ahx0-zMlKi3RuVcT-UYepvsoi8EQ 02/13/2025 02:48:42.519 7f1f8ef13828 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: user resources are None 02/13/2025 02:48:42.520 7f1f8eef7240 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: Not connected: __default__ [SYS_INFO]: AnalyticsApiStats: api_stats = << operation_type = GET remote_ip = object_type = vrouter request_url = response_time_in_usec = 552 response_size_objects = 0 response_size_bytes = 0 resp_code = 200 useragent = python-requests/2.27.1 node = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 >> 02/13/2025 02:48:42.520 7f1f8eef7240 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: SessionNotConnected] __default__ [SYS_INFO]: AnalyticsApiStats: api_stats = << operation_type = GET remote_ip = object_type = vrouter request_url = response_time_in_usec = 552 response_size_objects = 0 response_size_bytes = 0 resp_code = 200 useragent = python-requests/2.27.1 node = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 >> 02/13/2025 02:48:42.977 7f1f8ef13828 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: uve_type:vrouter user_token:gAAAAABnrV2Kgd_SmWKmkcR02ikRSds23Iqb8ibMBy1lBaEvw7sLhHrlHQFdXahyP-LTloLiGuD2Do2AE4bUvcivtK7GY1uehBfsmsZuFlexu4OmLYr5RtEs6liKlnWjba5TGY1BNpGSDyX-ZfZvarau3m2Zv7ouMnXTPkzt9jRKkmNK0HNcxIM 02/13/2025 02:48:42.978 7f1f8ef13828 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: user resources are None 02/13/2025 02:48:42.978 7f1f8e891b70 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: Not connected: __default__ [SYS_INFO]: AnalyticsApiStats: api_stats = << operation_type = GET remote_ip = object_type = vrouter request_url = response_time_in_usec = 579 response_size_objects = 0 response_size_bytes = 0 resp_code = 200 useragent = python-requests/2.27.1 node = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 >> 02/13/2025 02:48:42.978 7f1f8e891b70 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: SessionNotConnected] __default__ [SYS_INFO]: AnalyticsApiStats: api_stats = << operation_type = GET remote_ip = object_type = vrouter request_url = response_time_in_usec = 579 response_size_objects = 0 response_size_bytes = 0 resp_code = 200 useragent = python-requests/2.27.1 node = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 >> 02/13/2025 02:48:44.614 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: Session Event: TCP Connect Fail 02/13/2025 02:48:44.614 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Sandesh Client: Event[EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] => State[Idle] -> State[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:48:44.614 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:48:44.614 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Non-Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Partitions:30 >>, << type = Redis-UVE name = server_addrs = [, ] status = Up >>, << type = Zookeeper name = OpServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to Zookeeper established >>, << type = Collector name = Collector server_addrs = [, ] status = Initializing description = Idle to Connect on EvIdleHoldTimerExpired >>, << type = ApiServer name = ApiServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to API Server established >>, ] description = Collector:Collector[Idle to Connect on EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] connection down >>, ] >> 02/13/2025 02:48:44.614 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:48:44.615 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvTcpConnectFail] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:48:44.615 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Sandesh Client: Event[EvTcpConnectFail] => State[Connect] -> State[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:48:44.615 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:48:44.615 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Non-Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Partitions:30 >>, << type = Redis-UVE name = server_addrs = [, ] status = Up >>, << type = Zookeeper name = OpServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to Zookeeper established >>, << type = Collector name = Collector server_addrs = [, ] status = Down description = Connect to Idle on EvTcpConnectFail >>, << type = ApiServer name = ApiServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to API Server established >>, ] description = Collector:Collector[Connect to Idle on EvTcpConnectFail] connection down >>, ] >> 02/13/2025 02:48:44.615 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:48:44.615 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:48:44.616 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] SandeshModuleClientTrace: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1:Analytics:contrail-analytics-api:0 client_info = << status = Idle successful_connections = 1 pid = 1 http_port = 8090 start_time = 1739413004458623 collector_name = collector_ip = collector_list = [, ] >> sm_queue_count = 1 max_sm_queue_count = 6 >> 02/13/2025 02:48:44.616 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:48:48.617 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:48:53.619 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: Session Event: TCP Connect Fail 02/13/2025 02:48:53.620 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Sandesh Client: Event[EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] => State[Idle] -> State[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:48:53.620 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:48:53.620 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Non-Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Partitions:30 >>, << type = Redis-UVE name = server_addrs = [, ] status = Up >>, << type = Zookeeper name = OpServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to Zookeeper established >>, << type = Collector name = Collector server_addrs = [, ] status = Initializing description = Idle to Connect on EvIdleHoldTimerExpired >>, << type = ApiServer name = ApiServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to API Server established >>, ] description = Collector:Collector[Idle to Connect on EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] connection down >>, ] >> 02/13/2025 02:48:53.620 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:48:53.620 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvTcpConnectFail] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:48:53.621 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Sandesh Client: Event[EvTcpConnectFail] => State[Connect] -> State[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:48:53.621 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:48:53.621 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Non-Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Partitions:30 >>, << type = Redis-UVE name = server_addrs = [, ] status = Up >>, << type = Zookeeper name = OpServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to Zookeeper established >>, << type = Collector name = Collector server_addrs = [, ] status = Down description = Connect to Idle on EvTcpConnectFail >>, << type = ApiServer name = ApiServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to API Server established >>, ] description = Collector:Collector[Connect to Idle on EvTcpConnectFail] connection down >>, ] >> 02/13/2025 02:48:53.621 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:48:53.621 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:48:53.621 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] SandeshModuleClientTrace: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1:Analytics:contrail-analytics-api:0 client_info = << status = Idle successful_connections = 1 pid = 1 http_port = 8090 start_time = 1739413004458623 collector_name = collector_ip = collector_list = [, ] >> sm_queue_count = 1 max_sm_queue_count = 6 >> 02/13/2025 02:48:53.621 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:48:57.622 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:49:02.624 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: Session Event: TCP Connect Fail 02/13/2025 02:49:02.624 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Sandesh Client: Event[EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] => State[Idle] -> State[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:49:02.625 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:49:02.625 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Non-Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Partitions:30 >>, << type = Redis-UVE name = server_addrs = [, ] status = Up >>, << type = Zookeeper name = OpServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to Zookeeper established >>, << type = Collector name = Collector server_addrs = [, ] status = Initializing description = Idle to Connect on EvIdleHoldTimerExpired >>, << type = ApiServer name = ApiServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to API Server established >>, ] description = Collector:Collector[Idle to Connect on EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] connection down >>, ] >> 02/13/2025 02:49:02.625 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:49:02.625 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvTcpConnectFail] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:49:02.626 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Sandesh Client: Event[EvTcpConnectFail] => State[Connect] -> State[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:49:02.626 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:49:02.626 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Non-Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Partitions:30 >>, << type = Redis-UVE name = server_addrs = [, ] status = Up >>, << type = Zookeeper name = OpServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to Zookeeper established >>, << type = Collector name = Collector server_addrs = [, ] status = Down description = Connect to Idle on EvTcpConnectFail >>, << type = ApiServer name = ApiServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to API Server established >>, ] description = Collector:Collector[Connect to Idle on EvTcpConnectFail] connection down >>, ] >> 02/13/2025 02:49:02.626 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:49:02.626 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:49:02.627 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] SandeshModuleClientTrace: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1:Analytics:contrail-analytics-api:0 client_info = << status = Idle successful_connections = 1 pid = 1 http_port = 8090 start_time = 1739413004458623 collector_name = collector_ip = collector_list = [, ] >> sm_queue_count = 1 max_sm_queue_count = 6 >> 02/13/2025 02:49:02.627 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:49:06.625 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:49:11.628 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: Session Event: TCP Connect Fail 02/13/2025 02:49:11.629 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Sandesh Client: Event[EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] => State[Idle] -> State[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:49:11.629 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:49:11.629 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Non-Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Partitions:30 >>, << type = Redis-UVE name = server_addrs = [, ] status = Up >>, << type = Zookeeper name = OpServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to Zookeeper established >>, << type = Collector name = Collector server_addrs = [, ] status = Initializing description = Idle to Connect on EvIdleHoldTimerExpired >>, << type = ApiServer name = ApiServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to API Server established >>, ] description = Collector:Collector[Idle to Connect on EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] connection down >>, ] >> 02/13/2025 02:49:11.629 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:49:11.629 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvTcpConnectFail] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:49:11.630 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Sandesh Client: Event[EvTcpConnectFail] => State[Connect] -> State[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:49:11.630 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:49:11.630 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Non-Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Partitions:30 >>, << type = Redis-UVE name = server_addrs = [, ] status = Up >>, << type = Zookeeper name = OpServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to Zookeeper established >>, << type = Collector name = Collector server_addrs = [, ] status = Down description = Connect to Idle on EvTcpConnectFail >>, << type = ApiServer name = ApiServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to API Server established >>, ] description = Collector:Collector[Connect to Idle on EvTcpConnectFail] connection down >>, ] >> 02/13/2025 02:49:11.630 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:49:11.630 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:49:11.630 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] SandeshModuleClientTrace: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1:Analytics:contrail-analytics-api:0 client_info = << status = Idle successful_connections = 1 pid = 1 http_port = 8090 start_time = 1739413004458623 collector_name = collector_ip = collector_list = [, ] >> sm_queue_count = 1 max_sm_queue_count = 6 >> 02/13/2025 02:49:11.630 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:49:15.629 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:49:20.631 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: Session Event: TCP Connect Fail 02/13/2025 02:49:20.632 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Sandesh Client: Event[EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] => State[Idle] -> State[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:49:20.632 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:49:20.632 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Non-Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Partitions:30 >>, << type = Redis-UVE name = server_addrs = [, ] status = Up >>, << type = Zookeeper name = OpServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to Zookeeper established >>, << type = Collector name = Collector server_addrs = [, ] status = Initializing description = Idle to Connect on EvIdleHoldTimerExpired >>, << type = ApiServer name = ApiServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to API Server established >>, ] description = Collector:Collector[Idle to Connect on EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] connection down >>, ] >> 02/13/2025 02:49:20.632 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:49:20.632 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvTcpConnectFail] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:49:20.632 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Sandesh Client: Event[EvTcpConnectFail] => State[Connect] -> State[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:49:20.633 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:49:20.633 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Non-Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Partitions:30 >>, << type = Redis-UVE name = server_addrs = [, ] status = Up >>, << type = Zookeeper name = OpServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to Zookeeper established >>, << type = Collector name = Collector server_addrs = [, ] status = Down description = Connect to Idle on EvTcpConnectFail >>, << type = ApiServer name = ApiServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to API Server established >>, ] description = Collector:Collector[Connect to Idle on EvTcpConnectFail] connection down >>, ] >> 02/13/2025 02:49:20.633 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:49:20.633 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:49:20.633 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] SandeshModuleClientTrace: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1:Analytics:contrail-analytics-api:0 client_info = << status = Idle successful_connections = 1 pid = 1 http_port = 8090 start_time = 1739413004458623 collector_name = collector_ip = collector_list = [, ] >> sm_queue_count = 1 max_sm_queue_count = 6 >> 02/13/2025 02:49:20.633 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:49:24.635 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:49:28.362 7f1f8e891ac8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: send sync_uve in the [ObjectCollectorInfo:NodeStatusUVE] map 02/13/2025 02:49:29.638 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: Session Event: TCP Connect Fail 02/13/2025 02:49:29.638 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Sandesh Client: Event[EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] => State[Idle] -> State[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:49:29.638 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:49:29.638 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Non-Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Partitions:30 >>, << type = Redis-UVE name = server_addrs = [, ] status = Up >>, << type = Zookeeper name = OpServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to Zookeeper established >>, << type = Collector name = Collector server_addrs = [, ] status = Initializing description = Idle to Connect on EvIdleHoldTimerExpired >>, << type = ApiServer name = ApiServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to API Server established >>, ] description = Collector:Collector[Idle to Connect on EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] connection down >>, ] >> 02/13/2025 02:49:29.639 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:49:29.639 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvTcpConnectFail] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:49:29.639 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Sandesh Client: Event[EvTcpConnectFail] => State[Connect] -> State[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:49:29.639 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:49:29.639 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Non-Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Partitions:30 >>, << type = Redis-UVE name = server_addrs = [, ] status = Up >>, << type = Zookeeper name = OpServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to Zookeeper established >>, << type = Collector name = Collector server_addrs = [, ] status = Down description = Connect to Idle on EvTcpConnectFail >>, << type = ApiServer name = ApiServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to API Server established >>, ] description = Collector:Collector[Connect to Idle on EvTcpConnectFail] connection down >>, ] >> 02/13/2025 02:49:29.639 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:49:29.639 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:49:29.640 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] SandeshModuleClientTrace: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1:Analytics:contrail-analytics-api:0 client_info = << status = Idle successful_connections = 1 pid = 1 http_port = 8090 start_time = 1739413004458623 collector_name = collector_ip = collector_list = [, ] >> sm_queue_count = 1 max_sm_queue_count = 6 >> 02/13/2025 02:49:29.640 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:49:33.640 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:49:38.645 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: Session Event: TCP Connect Fail 02/13/2025 02:49:38.646 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Sandesh Client: Event[EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] => State[Idle] -> State[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:49:38.647 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:49:38.647 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Non-Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Partitions:30 >>, << type = Redis-UVE name = server_addrs = [, ] status = Up >>, << type = Zookeeper name = OpServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to Zookeeper established >>, << type = Collector name = Collector server_addrs = [, ] status = Initializing description = Idle to Connect on EvIdleHoldTimerExpired >>, << type = ApiServer name = ApiServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to API Server established >>, ] description = Collector:Collector[Idle to Connect on EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] connection down >>, ] >> 02/13/2025 02:49:38.647 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:49:38.647 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvTcpConnectFail] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:49:38.647 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Sandesh Client: Event[EvTcpConnectFail] => State[Connect] -> State[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:49:38.647 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:49:38.648 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Non-Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Partitions:30 >>, << type = Redis-UVE name = server_addrs = [, ] status = Up >>, << type = Zookeeper name = OpServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to Zookeeper established >>, << type = Collector name = Collector server_addrs = [, ] status = Down description = Connect to Idle on EvTcpConnectFail >>, << type = ApiServer name = ApiServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to API Server established >>, ] description = Collector:Collector[Connect to Idle on EvTcpConnectFail] connection down >>, ] >> 02/13/2025 02:49:38.648 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:49:38.648 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:49:38.648 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] SandeshModuleClientTrace: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1:Analytics:contrail-analytics-api:0 client_info = << status = Idle successful_connections = 1 pid = 1 http_port = 8090 start_time = 1739413004458623 collector_name = collector_ip = collector_list = [, ] >> sm_queue_count = 1 max_sm_queue_count = 6 >> 02/13/2025 02:49:38.648 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:49:39.078 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: send sync_uve in the [ObjectCollectorInfo:NodeStatusUVE] map 02/13/2025 02:49:42.647 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:49:43.445 7f1f8ef0d780 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: uve_type:vrouter user_token:gAAAAABnrV3HMDsTOHkwqe3Kn3RX-QNRql7QYsAeegeoaEgTpSmgLD0GrhvRZnrUtWNmzN3RoKmBwAmLzE9hs397d3Y6aUQ7-qVGuxI1HyAZ8Df7Ws1F52G8u73syILdOqx85UHF5UW4FftREV-YS3qk0ui50kBO6kf8OphbFKsKmmyOOh4MKtg 02/13/2025 02:49:43.445 7f1f8ef0d780 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: user resources are None 02/13/2025 02:49:43.446 7f1f8e8910f0 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: Not connected: __default__ [SYS_INFO]: AnalyticsApiStats: api_stats = << operation_type = GET remote_ip = object_type = vrouter request_url = response_time_in_usec = 691 response_size_objects = 0 response_size_bytes = 0 resp_code = 200 useragent = python-requests/2.27.1 node = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 >> 02/13/2025 02:49:43.446 7f1f8e8910f0 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: SessionNotConnected] __default__ [SYS_INFO]: AnalyticsApiStats: api_stats = << operation_type = GET remote_ip = object_type = vrouter request_url = response_time_in_usec = 691 response_size_objects = 0 response_size_bytes = 0 resp_code = 200 useragent = python-requests/2.27.1 node = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 >> 02/13/2025 02:49:43.900 7f1f8ef0d780 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: uve_type:vrouter user_token:gAAAAABnrV3HCBOJTt3M8J5tMk7puxLTzbCo7J977QzT9OQoI9HAsWwSbWAVHEAEvJr2yp2MT0L1BRxNaezclaIBx5tjLBQ_iRveobaEq6DFHvFxUBggT0ZY-Gn5HKKERK5DN28oRTl84p0Fjx5FvA2TS9FWO91_K9s_9m5G6a6P8Nrh8f0IB-o 02/13/2025 02:49:43.900 7f1f8ef0d780 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: user resources are None 02/13/2025 02:49:43.901 7f1f8e6ddf60 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: Not connected: __default__ [SYS_INFO]: AnalyticsApiStats: api_stats = << operation_type = GET remote_ip = object_type = vrouter request_url = response_time_in_usec = 519 response_size_objects = 0 response_size_bytes = 0 resp_code = 200 useragent = python-requests/2.27.1 node = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 >> 02/13/2025 02:49:43.902 7f1f8e6ddf60 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: SessionNotConnected] __default__ [SYS_INFO]: AnalyticsApiStats: api_stats = << operation_type = GET remote_ip = object_type = vrouter request_url = response_time_in_usec = 519 response_size_objects = 0 response_size_bytes = 0 resp_code = 200 useragent = python-requests/2.27.1 node = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 >> 02/13/2025 02:49:47.650 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: Session Event: TCP Connect Fail 02/13/2025 02:49:47.651 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Sandesh Client: Event[EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] => State[Idle] -> State[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:49:47.651 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:49:47.651 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Non-Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Partitions:30 >>, << type = Redis-UVE name = server_addrs = [, ] status = Up >>, << type = Zookeeper name = OpServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to Zookeeper established >>, << type = Collector name = Collector server_addrs = [, ] status = Initializing description = Idle to Connect on EvIdleHoldTimerExpired >>, << type = ApiServer name = ApiServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to API Server established >>, ] description = Collector:Collector[Idle to Connect on EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] connection down >>, ] >> 02/13/2025 02:49:47.651 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:49:47.651 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvTcpConnectFail] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:49:47.651 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Sandesh Client: Event[EvTcpConnectFail] => State[Connect] -> State[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:49:47.652 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:49:47.652 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Non-Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Partitions:30 >>, << type = Redis-UVE name = server_addrs = [, ] status = Up >>, << type = Zookeeper name = OpServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to Zookeeper established >>, << type = Collector name = Collector server_addrs = [, ] status = Down description = Connect to Idle on EvTcpConnectFail >>, << type = ApiServer name = ApiServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to API Server established >>, ] description = Collector:Collector[Connect to Idle on EvTcpConnectFail] connection down >>, ] >> 02/13/2025 02:49:47.652 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:49:47.652 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:49:47.652 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] SandeshModuleClientTrace: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1:Analytics:contrail-analytics-api:0 client_info = << status = Idle successful_connections = 1 pid = 1 http_port = 8090 start_time = 1739413004458623 collector_name = collector_ip = collector_list = [, ] >> sm_queue_count = 1 max_sm_queue_count = 6 >> 02/13/2025 02:49:47.652 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:49:51.656 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:49:56.658 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: Session Event: TCP Connect Fail 02/13/2025 02:49:56.658 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Sandesh Client: Event[EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] => State[Idle] -> State[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:49:56.658 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:49:56.658 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Non-Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Partitions:30 >>, << type = Redis-UVE name = server_addrs = [, ] status = Up >>, << type = Zookeeper name = OpServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to Zookeeper established >>, << type = Collector name = Collector server_addrs = [, ] status = Initializing description = Idle to Connect on EvIdleHoldTimerExpired >>, << type = ApiServer name = ApiServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to API Server established >>, ] description = Collector:Collector[Idle to Connect on EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] connection down >>, ] >> 02/13/2025 02:49:56.659 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:49:56.659 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvTcpConnectFail] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:49:56.659 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Sandesh Client: Event[EvTcpConnectFail] => State[Connect] -> State[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:49:56.659 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:49:56.660 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Non-Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Partitions:30 >>, << type = Redis-UVE name = server_addrs = [, ] status = Up >>, << type = Zookeeper name = OpServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to Zookeeper established >>, << type = Collector name = Collector server_addrs = [, ] status = Down description = Connect to Idle on EvTcpConnectFail >>, << type = ApiServer name = ApiServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to API Server established >>, ] description = Collector:Collector[Connect to Idle on EvTcpConnectFail] connection down >>, ] >> 02/13/2025 02:49:56.660 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:49:56.660 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:49:56.660 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] SandeshModuleClientTrace: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1:Analytics:contrail-analytics-api:0 client_info = << status = Idle successful_connections = 1 pid = 1 http_port = 8090 start_time = 1739413004458623 collector_name = collector_ip = collector_list = [, ] >> sm_queue_count = 1 max_sm_queue_count = 6 >> 02/13/2025 02:49:56.660 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:50:00.659 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:50:05.661 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: Session Event: TCP Connect Fail 02/13/2025 02:50:05.661 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Sandesh Client: Event[EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] => State[Idle] -> State[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:50:05.661 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:50:05.661 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Non-Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Partitions:30 >>, << type = Redis-UVE name = server_addrs = [, ] status = Up >>, << type = Zookeeper name = OpServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to Zookeeper established >>, << type = Collector name = Collector server_addrs = [, ] status = Initializing description = Idle to Connect on EvIdleHoldTimerExpired >>, << type = ApiServer name = ApiServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to API Server established >>, ] description = Collector:Collector[Idle to Connect on EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] connection down >>, ] >> 02/13/2025 02:50:05.661 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:50:05.662 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvTcpConnectFail] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:50:05.663 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Sandesh Client: Event[EvTcpConnectFail] => State[Connect] -> State[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:50:05.663 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:50:05.664 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Non-Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Partitions:30 >>, << type = Redis-UVE name = server_addrs = [, ] status = Up >>, << type = Zookeeper name = OpServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to Zookeeper established >>, << type = Collector name = Collector server_addrs = [, ] status = Down description = Connect to Idle on EvTcpConnectFail >>, << type = ApiServer name = ApiServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to API Server established >>, ] description = Collector:Collector[Connect to Idle on EvTcpConnectFail] connection down >>, ] >> 02/13/2025 02:50:05.664 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:50:05.664 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:50:05.664 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] SandeshModuleClientTrace: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1:Analytics:contrail-analytics-api:0 client_info = << status = Idle successful_connections = 1 pid = 1 http_port = 8090 start_time = 1739413004458623 collector_name = collector_ip = collector_list = [, ] >> sm_queue_count = 1 max_sm_queue_count = 6 >> 02/13/2025 02:50:05.664 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:50:09.663 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:50:14.668 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: Session Event: TCP Connect Fail 02/13/2025 02:50:14.669 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Sandesh Client: Event[EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] => State[Idle] -> State[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:50:14.669 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:50:14.669 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Non-Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Partitions:30 >>, << type = Redis-UVE name = server_addrs = [, ] status = Up >>, << type = Zookeeper name = OpServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to Zookeeper established >>, << type = Collector name = Collector server_addrs = [, ] status = Initializing description = Idle to Connect on EvIdleHoldTimerExpired >>, << type = ApiServer name = ApiServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to API Server established >>, ] description = Collector:Collector[Idle to Connect on EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] connection down >>, ] >> 02/13/2025 02:50:14.669 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:50:14.669 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvTcpConnectFail] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:50:14.670 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Sandesh Client: Event[EvTcpConnectFail] => State[Connect] -> State[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:50:14.670 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:50:14.670 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Non-Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Partitions:30 >>, << type = Redis-UVE name = server_addrs = [, ] status = Up >>, << type = Zookeeper name = OpServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to Zookeeper established >>, << type = Collector name = Collector server_addrs = [, ] status = Down description = Connect to Idle on EvTcpConnectFail >>, << type = ApiServer name = ApiServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to API Server established >>, ] description = Collector:Collector[Connect to Idle on EvTcpConnectFail] connection down >>, ] >> 02/13/2025 02:50:14.670 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:50:14.670 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:50:14.670 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] SandeshModuleClientTrace: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1:Analytics:contrail-analytics-api:0 client_info = << status = Idle successful_connections = 1 pid = 1 http_port = 8090 start_time = 1739413004458623 collector_name = collector_ip = collector_list = [, ] >> sm_queue_count = 1 max_sm_queue_count = 6 >> 02/13/2025 02:50:14.670 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:50:18.670 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:50:23.674 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: Session Event: TCP Connect Fail 02/13/2025 02:50:23.674 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Sandesh Client: Event[EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] => State[Idle] -> State[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:50:23.674 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:50:23.675 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Non-Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Partitions:30 >>, << type = Redis-UVE name = server_addrs = [, ] status = Up >>, << type = Zookeeper name = OpServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to Zookeeper established >>, << type = Collector name = Collector server_addrs = [, ] status = Initializing description = Idle to Connect on EvIdleHoldTimerExpired >>, << type = ApiServer name = ApiServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to API Server established >>, ] description = Collector:Collector[Idle to Connect on EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] connection down >>, ] >> 02/13/2025 02:50:23.675 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:50:23.675 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvTcpConnectFail] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:50:23.675 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Sandesh Client: Event[EvTcpConnectFail] => State[Connect] -> State[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:50:23.676 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:50:23.676 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Non-Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Partitions:30 >>, << type = Redis-UVE name = server_addrs = [, ] status = Up >>, << type = Zookeeper name = OpServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to Zookeeper established >>, << type = Collector name = Collector server_addrs = [, ] status = Down description = Connect to Idle on EvTcpConnectFail >>, << type = ApiServer name = ApiServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to API Server established >>, ] description = Collector:Collector[Connect to Idle on EvTcpConnectFail] connection down >>, ] >> 02/13/2025 02:50:23.676 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:50:23.676 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:50:23.676 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] SandeshModuleClientTrace: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1:Analytics:contrail-analytics-api:0 client_info = << status = Idle successful_connections = 1 pid = 1 http_port = 8090 start_time = 1739413004458623 collector_name = collector_ip = collector_list = [, ] >> sm_queue_count = 1 max_sm_queue_count = 6 >> 02/13/2025 02:50:23.676 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:50:27.676 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:50:32.680 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: Session Event: TCP Connect Fail 02/13/2025 02:50:32.680 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Sandesh Client: Event[EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] => State[Idle] -> State[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:50:32.680 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:50:32.681 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Non-Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Partitions:30 >>, << type = Redis-UVE name = server_addrs = [, ] status = Up >>, << type = Zookeeper name = OpServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to Zookeeper established >>, << type = Collector name = Collector server_addrs = [, ] status = Initializing description = Idle to Connect on EvIdleHoldTimerExpired >>, << type = ApiServer name = ApiServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to API Server established >>, ] description = Collector:Collector[Idle to Connect on EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] connection down >>, ] >> 02/13/2025 02:50:32.681 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:50:32.681 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvTcpConnectFail] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:50:32.682 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Sandesh Client: Event[EvTcpConnectFail] => State[Connect] -> State[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:50:32.682 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:50:32.682 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Non-Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Partitions:30 >>, << type = Redis-UVE name = server_addrs = [, ] status = Up >>, << type = Zookeeper name = OpServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to Zookeeper established >>, << type = Collector name = Collector server_addrs = [, ] status = Down description = Connect to Idle on EvTcpConnectFail >>, << type = ApiServer name = ApiServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to API Server established >>, ] description = Collector:Collector[Connect to Idle on EvTcpConnectFail] connection down >>, ] >> 02/13/2025 02:50:32.682 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:50:32.682 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:50:32.682 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] SandeshModuleClientTrace: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1:Analytics:contrail-analytics-api:0 client_info = << status = Idle successful_connections = 1 pid = 1 http_port = 8090 start_time = 1739413004458623 collector_name = collector_ip = collector_list = [, ] >> sm_queue_count = 1 max_sm_queue_count = 6 >> 02/13/2025 02:50:32.682 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:50:36.681 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:50:41.684 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: Session Event: TCP Connect Fail 02/13/2025 02:50:41.684 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Sandesh Client: Event[EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] => State[Idle] -> State[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:50:41.685 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:50:41.685 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Non-Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Partitions:30 >>, << type = Redis-UVE name = server_addrs = [, ] status = Up >>, << type = Zookeeper name = OpServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to Zookeeper established >>, << type = Collector name = Collector server_addrs = [, ] status = Initializing description = Idle to Connect on EvIdleHoldTimerExpired >>, << type = ApiServer name = ApiServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to API Server established >>, ] description = Collector:Collector[Idle to Connect on EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] connection down >>, ] >> 02/13/2025 02:50:41.685 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:50:41.685 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvTcpConnectFail] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:50:41.685 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Sandesh Client: Event[EvTcpConnectFail] => State[Connect] -> State[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:50:41.685 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:50:41.686 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Non-Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Partitions:30 >>, << type = Redis-UVE name = server_addrs = [, ] status = Up >>, << type = Zookeeper name = OpServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to Zookeeper established >>, << type = Collector name = Collector server_addrs = [, ] status = Down description = Connect to Idle on EvTcpConnectFail >>, << type = ApiServer name = ApiServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to API Server established >>, ] description = Collector:Collector[Connect to Idle on EvTcpConnectFail] connection down >>, ] >> 02/13/2025 02:50:41.686 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:50:41.686 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:50:41.686 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] SandeshModuleClientTrace: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1:Analytics:contrail-analytics-api:0 client_info = << status = Idle successful_connections = 1 pid = 1 http_port = 8090 start_time = 1739413004458623 collector_name = collector_ip = collector_list = [, ] >> sm_queue_count = 1 max_sm_queue_count = 6 >> 02/13/2025 02:50:41.686 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:50:44.371 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: uve_type:vrouter user_token:gAAAAABnrV4EW88yHFsH-HDfNNWDuRFaDI03DLGOY0CyTPjFtwvsen18FBwgUbjxbCQV_pGxBgB5AMJcI7oHJJBFIg6LUQyg5wF6ZjyPZCbvm8Mism17MbZvFEjWfe-QF3TzC0I8hgNXUULqTxE9-uAxyKGWNmksCPLGeKviZ4mVnjXbKEPdC-k 02/13/2025 02:50:44.371 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: user resources are None 02/13/2025 02:50:44.371 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: NoSession] __default__ [SYS_INFO]: AnalyticsApiStats: api_stats = << operation_type = GET remote_ip = object_type = vrouter request_url = response_time_in_usec = 580 response_size_objects = 0 response_size_bytes = 0 resp_code = 200 useragent = python-requests/2.27.1 node = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 >> 02/13/2025 02:50:44.836 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: uve_type:vrouter user_token:gAAAAABnrV4Eq1eC2tyeMO4PDWjIykJS7m9ECwD7KsenDtfo36RgJ0-LvnhDEohu6Pe1spPLSaJtkbSAwejF1USZM9qfrf7WxD10uGpB_4QmvOGLU0h435MQCNqp7ehGg6ARJ1poVUTjjo6tEBB5Hoeoy7Wb4HRILpyE_qov9VzpztU6mz0Op_g 02/13/2025 02:50:44.836 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: user resources are None 02/13/2025 02:50:44.836 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: NoSession] __default__ [SYS_INFO]: AnalyticsApiStats: api_stats = << operation_type = GET remote_ip = object_type = vrouter request_url = response_time_in_usec = 535 response_size_objects = 0 response_size_bytes = 0 resp_code = 200 useragent = python-requests/2.27.1 node = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 >> 02/13/2025 02:50:45.684 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:50:50.686 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: Session Event: TCP Connect Fail 02/13/2025 02:50:50.687 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Sandesh Client: Event[EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] => State[Idle] -> State[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:50:50.687 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:50:50.687 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Non-Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Partitions:30 >>, << type = Redis-UVE name = server_addrs = [, ] status = Up >>, << type = Zookeeper name = OpServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to Zookeeper established >>, << type = Collector name = Collector server_addrs = [, ] status = Initializing description = Idle to Connect on EvIdleHoldTimerExpired >>, << type = ApiServer name = ApiServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to API Server established >>, ] description = Collector:Collector[Idle to Connect on EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] connection down >>, ] >> 02/13/2025 02:50:50.688 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:50:50.688 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvTcpConnectFail] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:50:50.688 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Sandesh Client: Event[EvTcpConnectFail] => State[Connect] -> State[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:50:50.688 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:50:50.688 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Non-Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Partitions:30 >>, << type = Redis-UVE name = server_addrs = [, ] status = Up >>, << type = Zookeeper name = OpServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to Zookeeper established >>, << type = Collector name = Collector server_addrs = [, ] status = Down description = Connect to Idle on EvTcpConnectFail >>, << type = ApiServer name = ApiServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to API Server established >>, ] description = Collector:Collector[Connect to Idle on EvTcpConnectFail] connection down >>, ] >> 02/13/2025 02:50:50.689 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:50:50.689 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:50:50.689 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] SandeshModuleClientTrace: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1:Analytics:contrail-analytics-api:0 client_info = << status = Idle successful_connections = 1 pid = 1 http_port = 8090 start_time = 1739413004458623 collector_name = collector_ip = collector_list = [, ] >> sm_queue_count = 1 max_sm_queue_count = 6 >> 02/13/2025 02:50:50.689 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:50:54.690 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:50:59.695 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: Session Event: TCP Connect Fail 02/13/2025 02:50:59.696 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Sandesh Client: Event[EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] => State[Idle] -> State[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:50:59.696 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:50:59.696 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Non-Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Partitions:30 >>, << type = Redis-UVE name = server_addrs = [, ] status = Up >>, << type = Zookeeper name = OpServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to Zookeeper established >>, << type = Collector name = Collector server_addrs = [, ] status = Initializing description = Idle to Connect on EvIdleHoldTimerExpired >>, << type = ApiServer name = ApiServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to API Server established >>, ] description = Collector:Collector[Idle to Connect on EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] connection down >>, ] >> 02/13/2025 02:50:59.696 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:50:59.696 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvTcpConnectFail] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:50:59.697 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Sandesh Client: Event[EvTcpConnectFail] => State[Connect] -> State[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:50:59.697 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:50:59.697 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Non-Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Partitions:30 >>, << type = Redis-UVE name = server_addrs = [, ] status = Up >>, << type = Zookeeper name = OpServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to Zookeeper established >>, << type = Collector name = Collector server_addrs = [, ] status = Down description = Connect to Idle on EvTcpConnectFail >>, << type = ApiServer name = ApiServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to API Server established >>, ] description = Collector:Collector[Connect to Idle on EvTcpConnectFail] connection down >>, ] >> 02/13/2025 02:50:59.697 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:50:59.697 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:50:59.697 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] SandeshModuleClientTrace: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1:Analytics:contrail-analytics-api:0 client_info = << status = Idle successful_connections = 1 pid = 1 http_port = 8090 start_time = 1739413004458623 collector_name = collector_ip = collector_list = [, ] >> sm_queue_count = 1 max_sm_queue_count = 6 >> 02/13/2025 02:50:59.697 7f1f8ef0ce10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:51:03.699 7f1f8ef13438 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:51:08.703 7f1f8ef13438 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: Session Event: TCP Connect Fail 02/13/2025 02:51:08.703 7f1f8ef13438 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Sandesh Client: Event[EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] => State[Idle] -> State[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:51:08.703 7f1f8ef13438 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:51:08.704 7f1f8ef13438 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Non-Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Partitions:30 >>, << type = Redis-UVE name = server_addrs = [, ] status = Up >>, << type = Zookeeper name = OpServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to Zookeeper established >>, << type = Collector name = Collector server_addrs = [, ] status = Initializing description = Idle to Connect on EvIdleHoldTimerExpired >>, << type = ApiServer name = ApiServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to API Server established >>, ] description = Collector:Collector[Idle to Connect on EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] connection down >>, ] >> 02/13/2025 02:51:08.704 7f1f8ef13438 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:51:08.704 7f1f8ef13438 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvTcpConnectFail] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:51:08.704 7f1f8ef13438 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Sandesh Client: Event[EvTcpConnectFail] => State[Connect] -> State[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:51:08.704 7f1f8ef13438 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:51:08.704 7f1f8ef13438 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Non-Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Partitions:30 >>, << type = Redis-UVE name = server_addrs = [, ] status = Up >>, << type = Zookeeper name = OpServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to Zookeeper established >>, << type = Collector name = Collector server_addrs = [, ] status = Down description = Connect to Idle on EvTcpConnectFail >>, << type = ApiServer name = ApiServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to API Server established >>, ] description = Collector:Collector[Connect to Idle on EvTcpConnectFail] connection down >>, ] >> 02/13/2025 02:51:08.705 7f1f8ef13438 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:51:08.705 7f1f8ef13438 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:51:08.705 7f1f8ef13438 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] SandeshModuleClientTrace: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1:Analytics:contrail-analytics-api:0 client_info = << status = Idle successful_connections = 1 pid = 1 http_port = 8090 start_time = 1739413004458623 collector_name = collector_ip = collector_list = [, ] >> sm_queue_count = 1 max_sm_queue_count = 6 >> 02/13/2025 02:51:08.705 7f1f8ef13438 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:51:12.706 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:51:17.709 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: Session Event: TCP Connect Fail 02/13/2025 02:51:17.709 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Sandesh Client: Event[EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] => State[Idle] -> State[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:51:17.709 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:51:17.709 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Non-Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Partitions:30 >>, << type = Redis-UVE name = server_addrs = [, ] status = Up >>, << type = Zookeeper name = OpServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to Zookeeper established >>, << type = Collector name = Collector server_addrs = [, ] status = Initializing description = Idle to Connect on EvIdleHoldTimerExpired >>, << type = ApiServer name = ApiServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to API Server established >>, ] description = Collector:Collector[Idle to Connect on EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] connection down >>, ] >> 02/13/2025 02:51:17.709 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:51:17.709 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvTcpConnectFail] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:51:17.710 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Sandesh Client: Event[EvTcpConnectFail] => State[Connect] -> State[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:51:17.710 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:51:17.710 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Non-Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Partitions:30 >>, << type = Redis-UVE name = server_addrs = [, ] status = Up >>, << type = Zookeeper name = OpServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to Zookeeper established >>, << type = Collector name = Collector server_addrs = [, ] status = Down description = Connect to Idle on EvTcpConnectFail >>, << type = ApiServer name = ApiServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to API Server established >>, ] description = Collector:Collector[Connect to Idle on EvTcpConnectFail] connection down >>, ] >> 02/13/2025 02:51:17.710 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:51:17.710 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:51:17.710 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] SandeshModuleClientTrace: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1:Analytics:contrail-analytics-api:0 client_info = << status = Idle successful_connections = 1 pid = 1 http_port = 8090 start_time = 1739413004458623 collector_name = collector_ip = collector_list = [, ] >> sm_queue_count = 1 max_sm_queue_count = 6 >> 02/13/2025 02:51:17.710 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:51:21.710 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:51:26.713 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: Session Event: TCP Connect Fail 02/13/2025 02:51:26.713 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Sandesh Client: Event[EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] => State[Idle] -> State[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:51:26.713 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:51:26.714 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Non-Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Partitions:30 >>, << type = Redis-UVE name = server_addrs = [, ] status = Up >>, << type = Zookeeper name = OpServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to Zookeeper established >>, << type = Collector name = Collector server_addrs = [, ] status = Initializing description = Idle to Connect on EvIdleHoldTimerExpired >>, << type = ApiServer name = ApiServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to API Server established >>, ] description = Collector:Collector[Idle to Connect on EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] connection down >>, ] >> 02/13/2025 02:51:26.714 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:51:26.714 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvTcpConnectFail] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:51:26.714 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Sandesh Client: Event[EvTcpConnectFail] => State[Connect] -> State[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:51:26.714 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:51:26.715 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Non-Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Partitions:30 >>, << type = Redis-UVE name = server_addrs = [, ] status = Up >>, << type = Zookeeper name = OpServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to Zookeeper established >>, << type = Collector name = Collector server_addrs = [, ] status = Down description = Connect to Idle on EvTcpConnectFail >>, << type = ApiServer name = ApiServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to API Server established >>, ] description = Collector:Collector[Connect to Idle on EvTcpConnectFail] connection down >>, ] >> 02/13/2025 02:51:26.715 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:51:26.715 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:51:26.715 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] SandeshModuleClientTrace: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1:Analytics:contrail-analytics-api:0 client_info = << status = Idle successful_connections = 1 pid = 1 http_port = 8090 start_time = 1739413004458623 collector_name = collector_ip = collector_list = [, ] >> sm_queue_count = 1 max_sm_queue_count = 6 >> 02/13/2025 02:51:26.715 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:51:29.343 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: send sync_uve in the [ObjectCollectorInfo:NodeStatusUVE] map 02/13/2025 02:51:30.714 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:51:35.716 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: Session Event: TCP Connect Fail 02/13/2025 02:51:35.717 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Sandesh Client: Event[EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] => State[Idle] -> State[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:51:35.717 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:51:35.717 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Non-Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Partitions:30 >>, << type = Redis-UVE name = server_addrs = [, ] status = Up >>, << type = Zookeeper name = OpServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to Zookeeper established >>, << type = Collector name = Collector server_addrs = [, ] status = Initializing description = Idle to Connect on EvIdleHoldTimerExpired >>, << type = ApiServer name = ApiServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to API Server established >>, ] description = Collector:Collector[Idle to Connect on EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] connection down >>, ] >> 02/13/2025 02:51:35.717 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:51:35.717 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvTcpConnectFail] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:51:35.718 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Sandesh Client: Event[EvTcpConnectFail] => State[Connect] -> State[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:51:35.718 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:51:35.718 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Non-Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Partitions:30 >>, << type = Redis-UVE name = server_addrs = [, ] status = Up >>, << type = Zookeeper name = OpServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to Zookeeper established >>, << type = Collector name = Collector server_addrs = [, ] status = Down description = Connect to Idle on EvTcpConnectFail >>, << type = ApiServer name = ApiServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to API Server established >>, ] description = Collector:Collector[Connect to Idle on EvTcpConnectFail] connection down >>, ] >> 02/13/2025 02:51:35.718 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:51:35.718 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:51:35.718 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] SandeshModuleClientTrace: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1:Analytics:contrail-analytics-api:0 client_info = << status = Idle successful_connections = 1 pid = 1 http_port = 8090 start_time = 1739413004458623 collector_name = collector_ip = collector_list = [, ] >> sm_queue_count = 1 max_sm_queue_count = 6 >> 02/13/2025 02:51:35.718 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:51:39.719 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:51:40.423 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: send sync_uve in the [ObjectCollectorInfo:NodeStatusUVE] map 02/13/2025 02:51:44.722 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: Session Event: TCP Connect Fail 02/13/2025 02:51:44.722 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Sandesh Client: Event[EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] => State[Idle] -> State[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:51:44.722 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:51:44.722 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Non-Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Partitions:30 >>, << type = Redis-UVE name = server_addrs = [, ] status = Up >>, << type = Zookeeper name = OpServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to Zookeeper established >>, << type = Collector name = Collector server_addrs = [, ] status = Initializing description = Idle to Connect on EvIdleHoldTimerExpired >>, << type = ApiServer name = ApiServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to API Server established >>, ] description = Collector:Collector[Idle to Connect on EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] connection down >>, ] >> 02/13/2025 02:51:44.723 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:51:44.723 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvTcpConnectFail] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:51:44.723 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Sandesh Client: Event[EvTcpConnectFail] => State[Connect] -> State[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:51:44.723 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:51:44.723 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Non-Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Partitions:30 >>, << type = Redis-UVE name = server_addrs = [, ] status = Up >>, << type = Zookeeper name = OpServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to Zookeeper established >>, << type = Collector name = Collector server_addrs = [, ] status = Down description = Connect to Idle on EvTcpConnectFail >>, << type = ApiServer name = ApiServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to API Server established >>, ] description = Collector:Collector[Connect to Idle on EvTcpConnectFail] connection down >>, ] >> 02/13/2025 02:51:44.723 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:51:44.723 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:51:44.724 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] SandeshModuleClientTrace: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1:Analytics:contrail-analytics-api:0 client_info = << status = Idle successful_connections = 1 pid = 1 http_port = 8090 start_time = 1739413004458623 collector_name = collector_ip = collector_list = [, ] >> sm_queue_count = 1 max_sm_queue_count = 6 >> 02/13/2025 02:51:44.724 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:51:45.302 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: uve_type:vrouter user_token:gAAAAABnrV5BqOYPfpJobN7DDOXQ6zx6RKcnNVZueH6kL2TGBuPJhMq5Yx7dz6U17SX0yMzAvGGflxNAo0Q7pc-rRXezNaSNJxTbPdqiOxf2wYZWVrmwPcI7Yjdpx6dDRjIvfk9_glRu23WAY-BlD_NUuxHr0C12NhOrZ05u1H_Ye4o2aHPIGlo 02/13/2025 02:51:45.302 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: user resources are None 02/13/2025 02:51:45.302 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: NoSession] __default__ [SYS_INFO]: AnalyticsApiStats: api_stats = << operation_type = GET remote_ip = object_type = vrouter request_url = response_time_in_usec = 598 response_size_objects = 0 response_size_bytes = 0 resp_code = 200 useragent = python-requests/2.27.1 node = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 >> 02/13/2025 02:51:45.768 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: uve_type:vrouter user_token:gAAAAABnrV5B0eNvQskNB5a4OH_m8Y4KkQiLv5Gx26D_E0d_IVywv58LXSr4Szo1O2V8E4mwNcmBIxmaFTuN4xAPqr6oVA65UUljoxpKh9hQTEaMAVaOzA8tW4plGVcUVKsGFubgFRtlKmAIGY1S4OIluMjEPEzGV4EaXWkmb9GdnOPzh4KbM34 02/13/2025 02:51:45.768 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: user resources are None 02/13/2025 02:51:45.769 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: NoSession] __default__ [SYS_INFO]: AnalyticsApiStats: api_stats = << operation_type = GET remote_ip = object_type = vrouter request_url = response_time_in_usec = 528 response_size_objects = 0 response_size_bytes = 0 resp_code = 200 useragent = python-requests/2.27.1 node = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 >> 02/13/2025 02:51:48.725 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:51:53.727 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: Session Event: TCP Connect Fail 02/13/2025 02:51:53.728 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Sandesh Client: Event[EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] => State[Idle] -> State[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:51:53.728 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:51:53.728 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Non-Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Partitions:30 >>, << type = Redis-UVE name = server_addrs = [, ] status = Up >>, << type = Zookeeper name = OpServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to Zookeeper established >>, << type = Collector name = Collector server_addrs = [, ] status = Initializing description = Idle to Connect on EvIdleHoldTimerExpired >>, << type = ApiServer name = ApiServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to API Server established >>, ] description = Collector:Collector[Idle to Connect on EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] connection down >>, ] >> 02/13/2025 02:51:53.728 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:51:53.728 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvTcpConnectFail] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:51:53.729 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Sandesh Client: Event[EvTcpConnectFail] => State[Connect] -> State[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:51:53.729 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:51:53.729 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Non-Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Partitions:30 >>, << type = Redis-UVE name = server_addrs = [, ] status = Up >>, << type = Zookeeper name = OpServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to Zookeeper established >>, << type = Collector name = Collector server_addrs = [, ] status = Down description = Connect to Idle on EvTcpConnectFail >>, << type = ApiServer name = ApiServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to API Server established >>, ] description = Collector:Collector[Connect to Idle on EvTcpConnectFail] connection down >>, ] >> 02/13/2025 02:51:53.729 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:51:53.729 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:51:53.729 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] SandeshModuleClientTrace: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1:Analytics:contrail-analytics-api:0 client_info = << status = Idle successful_connections = 1 pid = 1 http_port = 8090 start_time = 1739413004458623 collector_name = collector_ip = collector_list = [, ] >> sm_queue_count = 1 max_sm_queue_count = 6 >> 02/13/2025 02:51:53.729 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:51:57.730 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:52:02.734 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: Session Event: TCP Connect Fail 02/13/2025 02:52:02.734 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Sandesh Client: Event[EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] => State[Idle] -> State[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:52:02.735 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:52:02.735 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Non-Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Partitions:30 >>, << type = Redis-UVE name = server_addrs = [, ] status = Up >>, << type = Zookeeper name = OpServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to Zookeeper established >>, << type = Collector name = Collector server_addrs = [, ] status = Initializing description = Idle to Connect on EvIdleHoldTimerExpired >>, << type = ApiServer name = ApiServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to API Server established >>, ] description = Collector:Collector[Idle to Connect on EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] connection down >>, ] >> 02/13/2025 02:52:02.735 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:52:02.735 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvTcpConnectFail] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:52:02.736 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Sandesh Client: Event[EvTcpConnectFail] => State[Connect] -> State[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:52:02.736 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:52:02.736 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Non-Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Partitions:30 >>, << type = Redis-UVE name = server_addrs = [, ] status = Up >>, << type = Zookeeper name = OpServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to Zookeeper established >>, << type = Collector name = Collector server_addrs = [, ] status = Down description = Connect to Idle on EvTcpConnectFail >>, << type = ApiServer name = ApiServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to API Server established >>, ] description = Collector:Collector[Connect to Idle on EvTcpConnectFail] connection down >>, ] >> 02/13/2025 02:52:02.736 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:52:02.736 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:52:02.737 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] SandeshModuleClientTrace: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1:Analytics:contrail-analytics-api:0 client_info = << status = Idle successful_connections = 1 pid = 1 http_port = 8090 start_time = 1739413004458623 collector_name = collector_ip = collector_list = [, ] >> sm_queue_count = 1 max_sm_queue_count = 6 >> 02/13/2025 02:52:02.737 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:52:06.735 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:52:11.738 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: Session Event: TCP Connect Fail 02/13/2025 02:52:11.738 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Sandesh Client: Event[EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] => State[Idle] -> State[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:52:11.738 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:52:11.739 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Non-Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Partitions:30 >>, << type = Redis-UVE name = server_addrs = [, ] status = Up >>, << type = Zookeeper name = OpServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to Zookeeper established >>, << type = Collector name = Collector server_addrs = [, ] status = Initializing description = Idle to Connect on EvIdleHoldTimerExpired >>, << type = ApiServer name = ApiServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to API Server established >>, ] description = Collector:Collector[Idle to Connect on EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] connection down >>, ] >> 02/13/2025 02:52:11.739 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:52:11.739 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvTcpConnectFail] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:52:11.739 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Sandesh Client: Event[EvTcpConnectFail] => State[Connect] -> State[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:52:11.740 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:52:11.740 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Non-Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Partitions:30 >>, << type = Redis-UVE name = server_addrs = [, ] status = Up >>, << type = Zookeeper name = OpServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to Zookeeper established >>, << type = Collector name = Collector server_addrs = [, ] status = Down description = Connect to Idle on EvTcpConnectFail >>, << type = ApiServer name = ApiServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to API Server established >>, ] description = Collector:Collector[Connect to Idle on EvTcpConnectFail] connection down >>, ] >> 02/13/2025 02:52:11.740 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:52:11.740 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:52:11.740 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] SandeshModuleClientTrace: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1:Analytics:contrail-analytics-api:0 client_info = << status = Idle successful_connections = 1 pid = 1 http_port = 8090 start_time = 1739413004458623 collector_name = collector_ip = collector_list = [, ] >> sm_queue_count = 1 max_sm_queue_count = 6 >> 02/13/2025 02:52:11.740 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:52:15.739 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:52:20.741 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: Session Event: TCP Connect Fail 02/13/2025 02:52:20.742 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Sandesh Client: Event[EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] => State[Idle] -> State[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:52:20.742 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:52:20.742 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Non-Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Partitions:30 >>, << type = Redis-UVE name = server_addrs = [, ] status = Up >>, << type = Zookeeper name = OpServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to Zookeeper established >>, << type = Collector name = Collector server_addrs = [, ] status = Initializing description = Idle to Connect on EvIdleHoldTimerExpired >>, << type = ApiServer name = ApiServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to API Server established >>, ] description = Collector:Collector[Idle to Connect on EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] connection down >>, ] >> 02/13/2025 02:52:20.742 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:52:20.742 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvTcpConnectFail] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:52:20.743 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Sandesh Client: Event[EvTcpConnectFail] => State[Connect] -> State[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:52:20.743 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:52:20.743 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Non-Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Partitions:30 >>, << type = Redis-UVE name = server_addrs = [, ] status = Up >>, << type = Zookeeper name = OpServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to Zookeeper established >>, << type = Collector name = Collector server_addrs = [, ] status = Down description = Connect to Idle on EvTcpConnectFail >>, << type = ApiServer name = ApiServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to API Server established >>, ] description = Collector:Collector[Connect to Idle on EvTcpConnectFail] connection down >>, ] >> 02/13/2025 02:52:20.743 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:52:20.743 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:52:20.743 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] SandeshModuleClientTrace: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1:Analytics:contrail-analytics-api:0 client_info = << status = Idle successful_connections = 1 pid = 1 http_port = 8090 start_time = 1739413004458623 collector_name = collector_ip = collector_list = [, ] >> sm_queue_count = 1 max_sm_queue_count = 6 >> 02/13/2025 02:52:20.743 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:52:24.746 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:52:29.750 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: Session Event: TCP Connect Fail 02/13/2025 02:52:29.750 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Sandesh Client: Event[EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] => State[Idle] -> State[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:52:29.750 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:52:29.750 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Non-Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Partitions:30 >>, << type = Redis-UVE name = server_addrs = [, ] status = Up >>, << type = Zookeeper name = OpServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to Zookeeper established >>, << type = Collector name = Collector server_addrs = [, ] status = Initializing description = Idle to Connect on EvIdleHoldTimerExpired >>, << type = ApiServer name = ApiServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to API Server established >>, ] description = Collector:Collector[Idle to Connect on EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] connection down >>, ] >> 02/13/2025 02:52:29.751 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:52:29.751 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvTcpConnectFail] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:52:29.751 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Sandesh Client: Event[EvTcpConnectFail] => State[Connect] -> State[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:52:29.751 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:52:29.752 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Non-Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Partitions:30 >>, << type = Redis-UVE name = server_addrs = [, ] status = Up >>, << type = Zookeeper name = OpServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to Zookeeper established >>, << type = Collector name = Collector server_addrs = [, ] status = Down description = Connect to Idle on EvTcpConnectFail >>, << type = ApiServer name = ApiServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to API Server established >>, ] description = Collector:Collector[Connect to Idle on EvTcpConnectFail] connection down >>, ] >> 02/13/2025 02:52:29.752 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:52:29.752 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:52:29.752 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] SandeshModuleClientTrace: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1:Analytics:contrail-analytics-api:0 client_info = << status = Idle successful_connections = 1 pid = 1 http_port = 8090 start_time = 1739413004458623 collector_name = collector_ip = collector_list = [, ] >> sm_queue_count = 1 max_sm_queue_count = 6 >> 02/13/2025 02:52:29.752 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:52:33.752 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:52:38.757 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: Session Event: TCP Connect Fail 02/13/2025 02:52:38.757 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Sandesh Client: Event[EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] => State[Idle] -> State[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:52:38.757 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:52:38.758 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Non-Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Partitions:30 >>, << type = Redis-UVE name = server_addrs = [, ] status = Up >>, << type = Zookeeper name = OpServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to Zookeeper established >>, << type = Collector name = Collector server_addrs = [, ] status = Initializing description = Idle to Connect on EvIdleHoldTimerExpired >>, << type = ApiServer name = ApiServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to API Server established >>, ] description = Collector:Collector[Idle to Connect on EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] connection down >>, ] >> 02/13/2025 02:52:38.758 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:52:38.758 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvTcpConnectFail] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:52:38.758 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Sandesh Client: Event[EvTcpConnectFail] => State[Connect] -> State[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:52:38.758 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:52:38.758 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Non-Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Partitions:30 >>, << type = Redis-UVE name = server_addrs = [, ] status = Up >>, << type = Zookeeper name = OpServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to Zookeeper established >>, << type = Collector name = Collector server_addrs = [, ] status = Down description = Connect to Idle on EvTcpConnectFail >>, << type = ApiServer name = ApiServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to API Server established >>, ] description = Collector:Collector[Connect to Idle on EvTcpConnectFail] connection down >>, ] >> 02/13/2025 02:52:38.759 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:52:38.759 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:52:38.759 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] SandeshModuleClientTrace: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1:Analytics:contrail-analytics-api:0 client_info = << status = Idle successful_connections = 1 pid = 1 http_port = 8090 start_time = 1739413004458623 collector_name = collector_ip = collector_list = [, ] >> sm_queue_count = 1 max_sm_queue_count = 6 >> 02/13/2025 02:52:38.759 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:52:42.759 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:52:46.238 7f1f8ef24f60 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: uve_type:vrouter user_token:gAAAAABnrV5-wFtSKtxPf-Vf_a2YmoPX8-ZG-F6P4erUEHnEvtHJNFiUmQ_kZe4qNwzRUQeGog5UnxSkLTxzCXRI5G7gSAIdjFWflDVZxOQrs_FUNtGjLQeOAMuntofOUutBMg4urRa1LkZv8dUVmNWAUphBCKmb8hIgNrO-aJlNoaPyD8NOfIQ 02/13/2025 02:52:46.238 7f1f8ef24f60 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: user resources are None 02/13/2025 02:52:46.239 7f1f8e6ddeb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: Not connected: __default__ [SYS_INFO]: AnalyticsApiStats: api_stats = << operation_type = GET remote_ip = object_type = vrouter request_url = response_time_in_usec = 598 response_size_objects = 0 response_size_bytes = 0 resp_code = 200 useragent = python-requests/2.27.1 node = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 >> 02/13/2025 02:52:46.239 7f1f8e6ddeb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: SessionNotConnected] __default__ [SYS_INFO]: AnalyticsApiStats: api_stats = << operation_type = GET remote_ip = object_type = vrouter request_url = response_time_in_usec = 598 response_size_objects = 0 response_size_bytes = 0 resp_code = 200 useragent = python-requests/2.27.1 node = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 >> 02/13/2025 02:52:46.709 7f1f8ef24f60 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: uve_type:vrouter user_token:gAAAAABnrV5-NbYPMvfgl2fXAskbdm3LZGcfXHQFWKyXiIrgqNISC09XJiwT2AtADoudG44cu7cHW3C__OWe_IH5uGXMj4Efm4tN_N3FBErs6brbU7mxXlu3nVb45i_e_8OwwmKXw7q-r-Qxy4XDEZhk9Fz15RCY_Olr8Ux7hF80IDIbyVijFdE 02/13/2025 02:52:46.710 7f1f8ef24f60 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: user resources are None 02/13/2025 02:52:46.710 7f1f8a81d198 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: Not connected: __default__ [SYS_INFO]: AnalyticsApiStats: api_stats = << operation_type = GET remote_ip = object_type = vrouter request_url = response_time_in_usec = 595 response_size_objects = 0 response_size_bytes = 0 resp_code = 200 useragent = python-requests/2.27.1 node = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 >> 02/13/2025 02:52:46.711 7f1f8a81d198 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: SessionNotConnected] __default__ [SYS_INFO]: AnalyticsApiStats: api_stats = << operation_type = GET remote_ip = object_type = vrouter request_url = response_time_in_usec = 595 response_size_objects = 0 response_size_bytes = 0 resp_code = 200 useragent = python-requests/2.27.1 node = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 >> 02/13/2025 02:52:47.762 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: Session Event: TCP Connect Fail 02/13/2025 02:52:47.762 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Sandesh Client: Event[EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] => State[Idle] -> State[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:52:47.762 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:52:47.762 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Non-Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Partitions:30 >>, << type = Redis-UVE name = server_addrs = [, ] status = Up >>, << type = Zookeeper name = OpServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to Zookeeper established >>, << type = Collector name = Collector server_addrs = [, ] status = Initializing description = Idle to Connect on EvIdleHoldTimerExpired >>, << type = ApiServer name = ApiServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to API Server established >>, ] description = Collector:Collector[Idle to Connect on EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] connection down >>, ] >> 02/13/2025 02:52:47.762 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:52:47.762 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvTcpConnectFail] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:52:47.763 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Sandesh Client: Event[EvTcpConnectFail] => State[Connect] -> State[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:52:47.763 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:52:47.763 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Non-Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Partitions:30 >>, << type = Redis-UVE name = server_addrs = [, ] status = Up >>, << type = Zookeeper name = OpServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to Zookeeper established >>, << type = Collector name = Collector server_addrs = [, ] status = Down description = Connect to Idle on EvTcpConnectFail >>, << type = ApiServer name = ApiServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to API Server established >>, ] description = Collector:Collector[Connect to Idle on EvTcpConnectFail] connection down >>, ] >> 02/13/2025 02:52:47.763 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:52:47.763 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:52:47.763 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] SandeshModuleClientTrace: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1:Analytics:contrail-analytics-api:0 client_info = << status = Idle successful_connections = 1 pid = 1 http_port = 8090 start_time = 1739413004458623 collector_name = collector_ip = collector_list = [, ] >> sm_queue_count = 1 max_sm_queue_count = 6 >> 02/13/2025 02:52:47.763 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:52:51.763 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:52:56.766 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: Session Event: TCP Connect Fail 02/13/2025 02:52:56.766 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Sandesh Client: Event[EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] => State[Idle] -> State[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:52:56.766 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:52:56.766 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Non-Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Partitions:30 >>, << type = Redis-UVE name = server_addrs = [, ] status = Up >>, << type = Zookeeper name = OpServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to Zookeeper established >>, << type = Collector name = Collector server_addrs = [, ] status = Initializing description = Idle to Connect on EvIdleHoldTimerExpired >>, << type = ApiServer name = ApiServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to API Server established >>, ] description = Collector:Collector[Idle to Connect on EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] connection down >>, ] >> 02/13/2025 02:52:56.766 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:52:56.767 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvTcpConnectFail] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:52:56.767 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Sandesh Client: Event[EvTcpConnectFail] => State[Connect] -> State[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:52:56.767 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:52:56.767 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Non-Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Partitions:30 >>, << type = Redis-UVE name = server_addrs = [, ] status = Up >>, << type = Zookeeper name = OpServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to Zookeeper established >>, << type = Collector name = Collector server_addrs = [, ] status = Down description = Connect to Idle on EvTcpConnectFail >>, << type = ApiServer name = ApiServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to API Server established >>, ] description = Collector:Collector[Connect to Idle on EvTcpConnectFail] connection down >>, ] >> 02/13/2025 02:52:56.767 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:52:56.767 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:52:56.767 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] SandeshModuleClientTrace: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1:Analytics:contrail-analytics-api:0 client_info = << status = Idle successful_connections = 1 pid = 1 http_port = 8090 start_time = 1739413004458623 collector_name = collector_ip = collector_list = [, ] >> sm_queue_count = 1 max_sm_queue_count = 6 >> 02/13/2025 02:52:56.768 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:53:00.767 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:53:01.680 7f1f8e6d5c18 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: resource list for bgp-peer is None 02/13/2025 02:53:03.158 7f1f8e6d5c18 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: resource list for bgp-peer is None 02/13/2025 02:53:05.768 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: Session Event: TCP Connect Fail 02/13/2025 02:53:05.769 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Sandesh Client: Event[EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] => State[Idle] -> State[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:53:05.769 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:53:05.769 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Non-Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Partitions:30 >>, << type = Redis-UVE name = server_addrs = [, ] status = Up >>, << type = Zookeeper name = OpServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to Zookeeper established >>, << type = Collector name = Collector server_addrs = [, ] status = Initializing description = Idle to Connect on EvIdleHoldTimerExpired >>, << type = ApiServer name = ApiServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to API Server established >>, ] description = Collector:Collector[Idle to Connect on EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] connection down >>, ] >> 02/13/2025 02:53:05.769 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:53:05.769 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvTcpConnectFail] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:53:05.770 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Sandesh Client: Event[EvTcpConnectFail] => State[Connect] -> State[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:53:05.770 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:53:05.770 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Non-Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Partitions:30 >>, << type = Redis-UVE name = server_addrs = [, ] status = Up >>, << type = Zookeeper name = OpServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to Zookeeper established >>, << type = Collector name = Collector server_addrs = [, ] status = Down description = Connect to Idle on EvTcpConnectFail >>, << type = ApiServer name = ApiServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to API Server established >>, ] description = Collector:Collector[Connect to Idle on EvTcpConnectFail] connection down >>, ] >> 02/13/2025 02:53:05.770 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:53:05.770 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:53:05.770 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] SandeshModuleClientTrace: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1:Analytics:contrail-analytics-api:0 client_info = << status = Idle successful_connections = 1 pid = 1 http_port = 8090 start_time = 1739413004458623 collector_name = collector_ip = collector_list = [, ] >> sm_queue_count = 1 max_sm_queue_count = 6 >> 02/13/2025 02:53:05.770 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:53:09.773 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:53:14.777 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: Session Event: TCP Connect Fail 02/13/2025 02:53:14.778 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Sandesh Client: Event[EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] => State[Idle] -> State[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:53:14.778 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:53:14.778 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Non-Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Partitions:30 >>, << type = Redis-UVE name = server_addrs = [, ] status = Up >>, << type = Zookeeper name = OpServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to Zookeeper established >>, << type = Collector name = Collector server_addrs = [, ] status = Initializing description = Idle to Connect on EvIdleHoldTimerExpired >>, << type = ApiServer name = ApiServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to API Server established >>, ] description = Collector:Collector[Idle to Connect on EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] connection down >>, ] >> 02/13/2025 02:53:14.778 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:53:14.778 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvTcpConnectFail] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:53:14.779 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Sandesh Client: Event[EvTcpConnectFail] => State[Connect] -> State[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:53:14.779 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:53:14.779 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Non-Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Partitions:30 >>, << type = Redis-UVE name = server_addrs = [, ] status = Up >>, << type = Zookeeper name = OpServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to Zookeeper established >>, << type = Collector name = Collector server_addrs = [, ] status = Down description = Connect to Idle on EvTcpConnectFail >>, << type = ApiServer name = ApiServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to API Server established >>, ] description = Collector:Collector[Connect to Idle on EvTcpConnectFail] connection down >>, ] >> 02/13/2025 02:53:14.779 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:53:14.779 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:53:14.779 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] SandeshModuleClientTrace: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1:Analytics:contrail-analytics-api:0 client_info = << status = Idle successful_connections = 1 pid = 1 http_port = 8090 start_time = 1739413004458623 collector_name = collector_ip = collector_list = [, ] >> sm_queue_count = 1 max_sm_queue_count = 6 >> 02/13/2025 02:53:14.779 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:53:18.779 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:53:23.784 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: Session Event: TCP Connect Fail 02/13/2025 02:53:23.784 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Sandesh Client: Event[EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] => State[Idle] -> State[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:53:23.784 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:53:23.784 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Non-Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Partitions:30 >>, << type = Redis-UVE name = server_addrs = [, ] status = Up >>, << type = Zookeeper name = OpServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to Zookeeper established >>, << type = Collector name = Collector server_addrs = [, ] status = Initializing description = Idle to Connect on EvIdleHoldTimerExpired >>, << type = ApiServer name = ApiServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to API Server established >>, ] description = Collector:Collector[Idle to Connect on EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] connection down >>, ] >> 02/13/2025 02:53:23.785 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:53:23.785 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvTcpConnectFail] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:53:23.785 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Sandesh Client: Event[EvTcpConnectFail] => State[Connect] -> State[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:53:23.785 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:53:23.785 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Non-Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Partitions:30 >>, << type = Redis-UVE name = server_addrs = [, ] status = Up >>, << type = Zookeeper name = OpServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to Zookeeper established >>, << type = Collector name = Collector server_addrs = [, ] status = Down description = Connect to Idle on EvTcpConnectFail >>, << type = ApiServer name = ApiServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to API Server established >>, ] description = Collector:Collector[Connect to Idle on EvTcpConnectFail] connection down >>, ] >> 02/13/2025 02:53:23.785 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:53:23.785 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:53:23.786 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] SandeshModuleClientTrace: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1:Analytics:contrail-analytics-api:0 client_info = << status = Idle successful_connections = 1 pid = 1 http_port = 8090 start_time = 1739413004458623 collector_name = collector_ip = collector_list = [, ] >> sm_queue_count = 1 max_sm_queue_count = 6 >> 02/13/2025 02:53:23.786 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:53:27.786 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:53:32.790 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: Session Event: TCP Connect Fail 02/13/2025 02:53:32.790 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Sandesh Client: Event[EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] => State[Idle] -> State[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:53:32.790 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:53:32.790 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Non-Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Partitions:30 >>, << type = Redis-UVE name = server_addrs = [, ] status = Up >>, << type = Zookeeper name = OpServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to Zookeeper established >>, << type = Collector name = Collector server_addrs = [, ] status = Initializing description = Idle to Connect on EvIdleHoldTimerExpired >>, << type = ApiServer name = ApiServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to API Server established >>, ] description = Collector:Collector[Idle to Connect on EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] connection down >>, ] >> 02/13/2025 02:53:32.791 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:53:32.791 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvTcpConnectFail] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:53:32.791 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Sandesh Client: Event[EvTcpConnectFail] => State[Connect] -> State[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:53:32.791 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:53:32.791 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Non-Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Partitions:30 >>, << type = Redis-UVE name = server_addrs = [, ] status = Up >>, << type = Zookeeper name = OpServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to Zookeeper established >>, << type = Collector name = Collector server_addrs = [, ] status = Down description = Connect to Idle on EvTcpConnectFail >>, << type = ApiServer name = ApiServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to API Server established >>, ] description = Collector:Collector[Connect to Idle on EvTcpConnectFail] connection down >>, ] >> 02/13/2025 02:53:32.791 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:53:32.792 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:53:32.792 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] SandeshModuleClientTrace: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1:Analytics:contrail-analytics-api:0 client_info = << status = Idle successful_connections = 1 pid = 1 http_port = 8090 start_time = 1739413004458623 collector_name = collector_ip = collector_list = [, ] >> sm_queue_count = 1 max_sm_queue_count = 6 >> 02/13/2025 02:53:32.792 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:53:36.791 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:53:41.794 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: Session Event: TCP Connect Fail 02/13/2025 02:53:41.794 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Sandesh Client: Event[EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] => State[Idle] -> State[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:53:41.794 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:53:41.795 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Non-Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Partitions:30 >>, << type = Redis-UVE name = server_addrs = [, ] status = Up >>, << type = Zookeeper name = OpServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to Zookeeper established >>, << type = Collector name = Collector server_addrs = [, ] status = Initializing description = Idle to Connect on EvIdleHoldTimerExpired >>, << type = ApiServer name = ApiServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to API Server established >>, ] description = Collector:Collector[Idle to Connect on EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] connection down >>, ] >> 02/13/2025 02:53:41.795 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:53:41.795 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvTcpConnectFail] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:53:41.796 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Sandesh Client: Event[EvTcpConnectFail] => State[Connect] -> State[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:53:41.796 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:53:41.796 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Non-Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Partitions:30 >>, << type = Redis-UVE name = server_addrs = [, ] status = Up >>, << type = Zookeeper name = OpServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to Zookeeper established >>, << type = Collector name = Collector server_addrs = [, ] status = Down description = Connect to Idle on EvTcpConnectFail >>, << type = ApiServer name = ApiServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to API Server established >>, ] description = Collector:Collector[Connect to Idle on EvTcpConnectFail] connection down >>, ] >> 02/13/2025 02:53:41.796 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:53:41.796 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:53:41.796 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] SandeshModuleClientTrace: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1:Analytics:contrail-analytics-api:0 client_info = << status = Idle successful_connections = 1 pid = 1 http_port = 8090 start_time = 1739413004458623 collector_name = collector_ip = collector_list = [, ] >> sm_queue_count = 1 max_sm_queue_count = 6 >> 02/13/2025 02:53:41.796 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:53:45.794 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:53:47.193 7f1f8e8312e8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: uve_type:vrouter user_token:gAAAAABnrV671nFN3nfSkqQcuBIqi1dI9iZUxEiYs0eHhZ7-u7w3h7-K40UKDido12gjZZS_e42pQR3K_olDz-yfX2FR71kr4k5Efv5GM0_pSRx-KIW2NW25hjooiQ5s7c3uiwvNcCi6vjOV5QpT8Fj12UyZVRhMAOlbMupfv5gmMaM3Xj_Y0jY 02/13/2025 02:53:47.194 7f1f8e8312e8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: user resources are None 02/13/2025 02:53:47.195 7f1f8e68a4e0 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: Not connected: __default__ [SYS_INFO]: AnalyticsApiStats: api_stats = << operation_type = GET remote_ip = object_type = vrouter request_url = response_time_in_usec = 695 response_size_objects = 0 response_size_bytes = 0 resp_code = 200 useragent = python-requests/2.27.1 node = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 >> 02/13/2025 02:53:47.195 7f1f8e68a4e0 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: SessionNotConnected] __default__ [SYS_INFO]: AnalyticsApiStats: api_stats = << operation_type = GET remote_ip = object_type = vrouter request_url = response_time_in_usec = 695 response_size_objects = 0 response_size_bytes = 0 resp_code = 200 useragent = python-requests/2.27.1 node = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 >> 02/13/2025 02:53:47.667 7f1f8e8312e8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: uve_type:vrouter user_token:gAAAAABnrV67jlBD9cQQL17bH3CMhzsmhbm5mJst0fTNfMPTc5SNyKTSa6wRFUnO4ML92z1t0jsOSQ1ikmsaGusPBBnyjoR_F_EulqRAxQ0e03UXuCRAYQEZslmZBZWS2-K5oJuxUmBkqP4jHYrHl21z0IFvaobbWlDbM5sV3S4_qnFi7Gwr-Ic 02/13/2025 02:53:47.667 7f1f8e8312e8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: user resources are None 02/13/2025 02:53:47.668 7f1f8e6d9cc0 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: Not connected: __default__ [SYS_INFO]: AnalyticsApiStats: api_stats = << operation_type = GET remote_ip = object_type = vrouter request_url = response_time_in_usec = 688 response_size_objects = 0 response_size_bytes = 0 resp_code = 200 useragent = python-requests/2.27.1 node = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 >> 02/13/2025 02:53:47.668 7f1f8e6d9cc0 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: SessionNotConnected] __default__ [SYS_INFO]: AnalyticsApiStats: api_stats = << operation_type = GET remote_ip = object_type = vrouter request_url = response_time_in_usec = 688 response_size_objects = 0 response_size_bytes = 0 resp_code = 200 useragent = python-requests/2.27.1 node = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 >> 02/13/2025 02:53:50.797 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: Session Event: TCP Connect Fail 02/13/2025 02:53:50.797 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Sandesh Client: Event[EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] => State[Idle] -> State[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:53:50.797 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:53:50.797 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Non-Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Partitions:30 >>, << type = Redis-UVE name = server_addrs = [, ] status = Up >>, << type = Zookeeper name = OpServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to Zookeeper established >>, << type = Collector name = Collector server_addrs = [, ] status = Initializing description = Idle to Connect on EvIdleHoldTimerExpired >>, << type = ApiServer name = ApiServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to API Server established >>, ] description = Collector:Collector[Idle to Connect on EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] connection down >>, ] >> 02/13/2025 02:53:50.797 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:53:50.797 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvTcpConnectFail] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:53:50.798 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Sandesh Client: Event[EvTcpConnectFail] => State[Connect] -> State[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:53:50.798 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:53:50.798 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Non-Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Partitions:30 >>, << type = Redis-UVE name = server_addrs = [, ] status = Up >>, << type = Zookeeper name = OpServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to Zookeeper established >>, << type = Collector name = Collector server_addrs = [, ] status = Down description = Connect to Idle on EvTcpConnectFail >>, << type = ApiServer name = ApiServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to API Server established >>, ] description = Collector:Collector[Connect to Idle on EvTcpConnectFail] connection down >>, ] >> 02/13/2025 02:53:50.798 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:53:50.798 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:53:50.798 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] SandeshModuleClientTrace: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1:Analytics:contrail-analytics-api:0 client_info = << status = Idle successful_connections = 1 pid = 1 http_port = 8090 start_time = 1739413004458623 collector_name = collector_ip = collector_list = [, ] >> sm_queue_count = 1 max_sm_queue_count = 6 >> 02/13/2025 02:53:50.799 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:53:54.798 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:53:55.102 7f1f8e689cc0 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: send sync_uve in the [ObjectCollectorInfo:NodeStatusUVE] map 02/13/2025 02:53:59.804 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: Session Event: TCP Connect Fail 02/13/2025 02:53:59.804 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Sandesh Client: Event[EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] => State[Idle] -> State[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:53:59.804 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:53:59.804 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Non-Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Partitions:30 >>, << type = Redis-UVE name = server_addrs = [, ] status = Up >>, << type = Zookeeper name = OpServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to Zookeeper established >>, << type = Collector name = Collector server_addrs = [, ] status = Initializing description = Idle to Connect on EvIdleHoldTimerExpired >>, << type = ApiServer name = ApiServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to API Server established >>, ] description = Collector:Collector[Idle to Connect on EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] connection down >>, ] >> 02/13/2025 02:53:59.804 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:53:59.804 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvTcpConnectFail] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:53:59.805 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Sandesh Client: Event[EvTcpConnectFail] => State[Connect] -> State[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:53:59.805 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:53:59.805 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Non-Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Partitions:30 >>, << type = Redis-UVE name = server_addrs = [, ] status = Up >>, << type = Zookeeper name = OpServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to Zookeeper established >>, << type = Collector name = Collector server_addrs = [, ] status = Down description = Connect to Idle on EvTcpConnectFail >>, << type = ApiServer name = ApiServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to API Server established >>, ] description = Collector:Collector[Connect to Idle on EvTcpConnectFail] connection down >>, ] >> 02/13/2025 02:53:59.805 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:53:59.805 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:53:59.805 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] SandeshModuleClientTrace: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1:Analytics:contrail-analytics-api:0 client_info = << status = Idle successful_connections = 1 pid = 1 http_port = 8090 start_time = 1739413004458623 collector_name = collector_ip = collector_list = [, ] >> sm_queue_count = 1 max_sm_queue_count = 6 >> 02/13/2025 02:53:59.806 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:54:03.806 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:54:08.810 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: Session Event: TCP Connect Fail 02/13/2025 02:54:08.810 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Sandesh Client: Event[EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] => State[Idle] -> State[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:54:08.810 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:54:08.811 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Non-Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Partitions:30 >>, << type = Redis-UVE name = server_addrs = [, ] status = Up >>, << type = Zookeeper name = OpServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to Zookeeper established >>, << type = Collector name = Collector server_addrs = [, ] status = Initializing description = Idle to Connect on EvIdleHoldTimerExpired >>, << type = ApiServer name = ApiServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to API Server established >>, ] description = Collector:Collector[Idle to Connect on EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] connection down >>, ] >> 02/13/2025 02:54:08.811 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:54:08.811 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvTcpConnectFail] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:54:08.811 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Sandesh Client: Event[EvTcpConnectFail] => State[Connect] -> State[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:54:08.811 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:54:08.812 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Non-Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Partitions:30 >>, << type = Redis-UVE name = server_addrs = [, ] status = Up >>, << type = Zookeeper name = OpServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to Zookeeper established >>, << type = Collector name = Collector server_addrs = [, ] status = Down description = Connect to Idle on EvTcpConnectFail >>, << type = ApiServer name = ApiServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to API Server established >>, ] description = Collector:Collector[Connect to Idle on EvTcpConnectFail] connection down >>, ] >> 02/13/2025 02:54:08.812 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:54:08.812 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:54:08.812 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] SandeshModuleClientTrace: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1:Analytics:contrail-analytics-api:0 client_info = << status = Idle successful_connections = 1 pid = 1 http_port = 8090 start_time = 1739413004458623 collector_name = collector_ip = collector_list = [, ] >> sm_queue_count = 1 max_sm_queue_count = 6 >> 02/13/2025 02:54:08.812 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:54:12.812 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:54:17.815 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: Session Event: TCP Connect Fail 02/13/2025 02:54:17.815 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Sandesh Client: Event[EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] => State[Idle] -> State[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:54:17.816 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:54:17.816 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Non-Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Partitions:30 >>, << type = Redis-UVE name = server_addrs = [, ] status = Up >>, << type = Zookeeper name = OpServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to Zookeeper established >>, << type = Collector name = Collector server_addrs = [, ] status = Initializing description = Idle to Connect on EvIdleHoldTimerExpired >>, << type = ApiServer name = ApiServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to API Server established >>, ] description = Collector:Collector[Idle to Connect on EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] connection down >>, ] >> 02/13/2025 02:54:17.816 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:54:17.816 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvTcpConnectFail] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:54:17.816 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Sandesh Client: Event[EvTcpConnectFail] => State[Connect] -> State[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:54:17.817 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:54:17.817 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Non-Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Partitions:30 >>, << type = Redis-UVE name = server_addrs = [, ] status = Up >>, << type = Zookeeper name = OpServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to Zookeeper established >>, << type = Collector name = Collector server_addrs = [, ] status = Down description = Connect to Idle on EvTcpConnectFail >>, << type = ApiServer name = ApiServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to API Server established >>, ] description = Collector:Collector[Connect to Idle on EvTcpConnectFail] connection down >>, ] >> 02/13/2025 02:54:17.817 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:54:17.817 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:54:17.817 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] SandeshModuleClientTrace: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1:Analytics:contrail-analytics-api:0 client_info = << status = Idle successful_connections = 1 pid = 1 http_port = 8090 start_time = 1739413004458623 collector_name = collector_ip = collector_list = [, ] >> sm_queue_count = 1 max_sm_queue_count = 6 >> 02/13/2025 02:54:17.817 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:54:21.816 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:54:26.818 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: Session Event: TCP Connect Fail 02/13/2025 02:54:26.819 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Sandesh Client: Event[EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] => State[Idle] -> State[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:54:26.819 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:54:26.819 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Non-Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Partitions:30 >>, << type = Redis-UVE name = server_addrs = [, ] status = Up >>, << type = Zookeeper name = OpServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to Zookeeper established >>, << type = Collector name = Collector server_addrs = [, ] status = Initializing description = Idle to Connect on EvIdleHoldTimerExpired >>, << type = ApiServer name = ApiServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to API Server established >>, ] description = Collector:Collector[Idle to Connect on EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] connection down >>, ] >> 02/13/2025 02:54:26.819 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:54:26.819 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvTcpConnectFail] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:54:26.820 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Sandesh Client: Event[EvTcpConnectFail] => State[Connect] -> State[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:54:26.820 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:54:26.820 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Non-Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Partitions:30 >>, << type = Redis-UVE name = server_addrs = [, ] status = Up >>, << type = Zookeeper name = OpServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to Zookeeper established >>, << type = Collector name = Collector server_addrs = [, ] status = Down description = Connect to Idle on EvTcpConnectFail >>, << type = ApiServer name = ApiServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to API Server established >>, ] description = Collector:Collector[Connect to Idle on EvTcpConnectFail] connection down >>, ] >> 02/13/2025 02:54:26.820 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:54:26.820 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:54:26.820 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] SandeshModuleClientTrace: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1:Analytics:contrail-analytics-api:0 client_info = << status = Idle successful_connections = 1 pid = 1 http_port = 8090 start_time = 1739413004458623 collector_name = collector_ip = collector_list = [, ] >> sm_queue_count = 1 max_sm_queue_count = 6 >> 02/13/2025 02:54:26.820 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:54:30.819 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:54:35.821 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: Session Event: TCP Connect Fail 02/13/2025 02:54:35.822 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Sandesh Client: Event[EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] => State[Idle] -> State[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:54:35.822 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:54:35.822 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Non-Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Partitions:30 >>, << type = Redis-UVE name = server_addrs = [, ] status = Up >>, << type = Zookeeper name = OpServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to Zookeeper established >>, << type = Collector name = Collector server_addrs = [, ] status = Initializing description = Idle to Connect on EvIdleHoldTimerExpired >>, << type = ApiServer name = ApiServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to API Server established >>, ] description = Collector:Collector[Idle to Connect on EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] connection down >>, ] >> 02/13/2025 02:54:35.822 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:54:35.822 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvTcpConnectFail] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:54:35.823 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Sandesh Client: Event[EvTcpConnectFail] => State[Connect] -> State[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:54:35.823 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:54:35.824 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Non-Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Partitions:30 >>, << type = Redis-UVE name = server_addrs = [, ] status = Up >>, << type = Zookeeper name = OpServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to Zookeeper established >>, << type = Collector name = Collector server_addrs = [, ] status = Down description = Connect to Idle on EvTcpConnectFail >>, << type = ApiServer name = ApiServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to API Server established >>, ] description = Collector:Collector[Connect to Idle on EvTcpConnectFail] connection down >>, ] >> 02/13/2025 02:54:35.824 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:54:35.824 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:54:35.824 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] SandeshModuleClientTrace: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1:Analytics:contrail-analytics-api:0 client_info = << status = Idle successful_connections = 1 pid = 1 http_port = 8090 start_time = 1739413004458623 collector_name = collector_ip = collector_list = [, ] >> sm_queue_count = 1 max_sm_queue_count = 6 >> 02/13/2025 02:54:35.824 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:54:39.825 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:54:44.827 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: Session Event: TCP Connect Fail 02/13/2025 02:54:44.827 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Sandesh Client: Event[EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] => State[Idle] -> State[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:54:44.827 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:54:44.828 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Non-Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Partitions:30 >>, << type = Redis-UVE name = server_addrs = [, ] status = Up >>, << type = Zookeeper name = OpServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to Zookeeper established >>, << type = Collector name = Collector server_addrs = [, ] status = Initializing description = Idle to Connect on EvIdleHoldTimerExpired >>, << type = ApiServer name = ApiServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to API Server established >>, ] description = Collector:Collector[Idle to Connect on EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] connection down >>, ] >> 02/13/2025 02:54:44.828 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:54:44.828 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvTcpConnectFail] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:54:44.828 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Sandesh Client: Event[EvTcpConnectFail] => State[Connect] -> State[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:54:44.828 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:54:44.829 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Non-Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Partitions:30 >>, << type = Redis-UVE name = server_addrs = [, ] status = Up >>, << type = Zookeeper name = OpServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to Zookeeper established >>, << type = Collector name = Collector server_addrs = [, ] status = Down description = Connect to Idle on EvTcpConnectFail >>, << type = ApiServer name = ApiServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to API Server established >>, ] description = Collector:Collector[Connect to Idle on EvTcpConnectFail] connection down >>, ] >> 02/13/2025 02:54:44.829 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:54:44.829 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:54:44.829 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] SandeshModuleClientTrace: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1:Analytics:contrail-analytics-api:0 client_info = << status = Idle successful_connections = 1 pid = 1 http_port = 8090 start_time = 1739413004458623 collector_name = collector_ip = collector_list = [, ] >> sm_queue_count = 1 max_sm_queue_count = 6 >> 02/13/2025 02:54:44.829 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:54:48.130 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: uve_type:vrouter user_token:gAAAAABnrV74NTEnEa-T9zC_2dtQwkYf89XsmkLaGCkB8RmwBhzfVYWmbroynqdW0tbYAtR09t1NM-WP24Fx3q8a1obTG7KSNGcS61gkYoO3FcK8cXNmlnJa5E1Uotz0Byja2v2VfkMFAvBHv9aOpo11DUdpvNsTuIsEoKSvgu5pHKAGEKfY6bU 02/13/2025 02:54:48.131 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: user resources are None 02/13/2025 02:54:48.131 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: NoSession] __default__ [SYS_INFO]: AnalyticsApiStats: api_stats = << operation_type = GET remote_ip = object_type = vrouter request_url = response_time_in_usec = 539 response_size_objects = 0 response_size_bytes = 0 resp_code = 200 useragent = python-requests/2.27.1 node = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 >> 02/13/2025 02:54:48.605 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: uve_type:vrouter user_token:gAAAAABnrV74tVXWql9dd4PHVjF9JB5qGTuMs38RW843hbO2yRWZGTFFcj4X_kepdlaMkXVFQlOWAGgTcv4x1YgvpxmZtEExneCr8svzCUTd7Gw_htuamygNRAGQcwhG76vNjk4EFELpT4gn91inutAEIw64RgEjy0H51Q_qLhJqa7F4zH7-vYM 02/13/2025 02:54:48.605 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: user resources are None 02/13/2025 02:54:48.606 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: NoSession] __default__ [SYS_INFO]: AnalyticsApiStats: api_stats = << operation_type = GET remote_ip = object_type = vrouter request_url = response_time_in_usec = 632 response_size_objects = 0 response_size_bytes = 0 resp_code = 200 useragent = python-requests/2.27.1 node = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 >> 02/13/2025 02:54:48.828 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:54:53.832 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: Session Event: TCP Connect Fail 02/13/2025 02:54:53.833 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Sandesh Client: Event[EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] => State[Idle] -> State[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:54:53.833 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:54:53.833 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Non-Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Partitions:30 >>, << type = Redis-UVE name = server_addrs = [, ] status = Up >>, << type = Zookeeper name = OpServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to Zookeeper established >>, << type = Collector name = Collector server_addrs = [, ] status = Initializing description = Idle to Connect on EvIdleHoldTimerExpired >>, << type = ApiServer name = ApiServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to API Server established >>, ] description = Collector:Collector[Idle to Connect on EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] connection down >>, ] >> 02/13/2025 02:54:53.833 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:54:53.833 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvTcpConnectFail] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:54:53.834 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Sandesh Client: Event[EvTcpConnectFail] => State[Connect] -> State[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:54:53.834 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:54:53.834 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Non-Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Partitions:30 >>, << type = Redis-UVE name = server_addrs = [, ] status = Up >>, << type = Zookeeper name = OpServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to Zookeeper established >>, << type = Collector name = Collector server_addrs = [, ] status = Down description = Connect to Idle on EvTcpConnectFail >>, << type = ApiServer name = ApiServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to API Server established >>, ] description = Collector:Collector[Connect to Idle on EvTcpConnectFail] connection down >>, ] >> 02/13/2025 02:54:53.835 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:54:53.835 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:54:53.835 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] SandeshModuleClientTrace: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1:Analytics:contrail-analytics-api:0 client_info = << status = Idle successful_connections = 1 pid = 1 http_port = 8090 start_time = 1739413004458623 collector_name = collector_ip = collector_list = [, ] >> sm_queue_count = 1 max_sm_queue_count = 6 >> 02/13/2025 02:54:53.835 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:54:57.833 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:55:01.832 7f1f8e891eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: send sync_uve in the [ObjectCollectorInfo:NodeStatusUVE] map 02/13/2025 02:55:02.835 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: Session Event: TCP Connect Fail 02/13/2025 02:55:02.835 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Sandesh Client: Event[EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] => State[Idle] -> State[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:55:02.836 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:55:02.836 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Non-Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Partitions:30 >>, << type = Redis-UVE name = server_addrs = [, ] status = Up >>, << type = Zookeeper name = OpServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to Zookeeper established >>, << type = Collector name = Collector server_addrs = [, ] status = Initializing description = Idle to Connect on EvIdleHoldTimerExpired >>, << type = ApiServer name = ApiServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to API Server established >>, ] description = Collector:Collector[Idle to Connect on EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] connection down >>, ] >> 02/13/2025 02:55:02.836 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:55:02.836 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvTcpConnectFail] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:55:02.836 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Sandesh Client: Event[EvTcpConnectFail] => State[Connect] -> State[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:55:02.837 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:55:02.837 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Non-Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Partitions:30 >>, << type = Redis-UVE name = server_addrs = [, ] status = Up >>, << type = Zookeeper name = OpServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to Zookeeper established >>, << type = Collector name = Collector server_addrs = [, ] status = Down description = Connect to Idle on EvTcpConnectFail >>, << type = ApiServer name = ApiServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to API Server established >>, ] description = Collector:Collector[Connect to Idle on EvTcpConnectFail] connection down >>, ] >> 02/13/2025 02:55:02.837 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:55:02.837 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:55:02.837 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] SandeshModuleClientTrace: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1:Analytics:contrail-analytics-api:0 client_info = << status = Idle successful_connections = 1 pid = 1 http_port = 8090 start_time = 1739413004458623 collector_name = collector_ip = collector_list = [, ] >> sm_queue_count = 1 max_sm_queue_count = 6 >> 02/13/2025 02:55:02.837 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:55:06.837 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:55:11.840 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: Session Event: TCP Connect Fail 02/13/2025 02:55:11.841 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Sandesh Client: Event[EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] => State[Idle] -> State[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:55:11.841 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:55:11.841 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Non-Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Partitions:30 >>, << type = Redis-UVE name = server_addrs = [, ] status = Up >>, << type = Zookeeper name = OpServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to Zookeeper established >>, << type = Collector name = Collector server_addrs = [, ] status = Initializing description = Idle to Connect on EvIdleHoldTimerExpired >>, << type = ApiServer name = ApiServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to API Server established >>, ] description = Collector:Collector[Idle to Connect on EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] connection down >>, ] >> 02/13/2025 02:55:11.841 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:55:11.841 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvTcpConnectFail] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:55:11.842 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Sandesh Client: Event[EvTcpConnectFail] => State[Connect] -> State[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:55:11.842 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:55:11.842 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Non-Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Partitions:30 >>, << type = Redis-UVE name = server_addrs = [, ] status = Up >>, << type = Zookeeper name = OpServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to Zookeeper established >>, << type = Collector name = Collector server_addrs = [, ] status = Down description = Connect to Idle on EvTcpConnectFail >>, << type = ApiServer name = ApiServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to API Server established >>, ] description = Collector:Collector[Connect to Idle on EvTcpConnectFail] connection down >>, ] >> 02/13/2025 02:55:11.842 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:55:11.842 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:55:11.842 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] SandeshModuleClientTrace: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1:Analytics:contrail-analytics-api:0 client_info = << status = Idle successful_connections = 1 pid = 1 http_port = 8090 start_time = 1739413004458623 collector_name = collector_ip = collector_list = [, ] >> sm_queue_count = 1 max_sm_queue_count = 6 >> 02/13/2025 02:55:11.842 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:55:15.840 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:55:20.843 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: Session Event: TCP Connect Fail 02/13/2025 02:55:20.843 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Sandesh Client: Event[EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] => State[Idle] -> State[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:55:20.843 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:55:20.843 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Non-Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Partitions:30 >>, << type = Redis-UVE name = server_addrs = [, ] status = Up >>, << type = Zookeeper name = OpServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to Zookeeper established >>, << type = Collector name = Collector server_addrs = [, ] status = Initializing description = Idle to Connect on EvIdleHoldTimerExpired >>, << type = ApiServer name = ApiServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to API Server established >>, ] description = Collector:Collector[Idle to Connect on EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] connection down >>, ] >> 02/13/2025 02:55:20.843 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:55:20.843 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvTcpConnectFail] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:55:20.844 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Sandesh Client: Event[EvTcpConnectFail] => State[Connect] -> State[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:55:20.844 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:55:20.844 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Non-Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Partitions:30 >>, << type = Redis-UVE name = server_addrs = [, ] status = Up >>, << type = Zookeeper name = OpServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to Zookeeper established >>, << type = Collector name = Collector server_addrs = [, ] status = Down description = Connect to Idle on EvTcpConnectFail >>, << type = ApiServer name = ApiServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to API Server established >>, ] description = Collector:Collector[Connect to Idle on EvTcpConnectFail] connection down >>, ] >> 02/13/2025 02:55:20.844 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:55:20.844 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:55:20.844 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] SandeshModuleClientTrace: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1:Analytics:contrail-analytics-api:0 client_info = << status = Idle successful_connections = 1 pid = 1 http_port = 8090 start_time = 1739413004458623 collector_name = collector_ip = collector_list = [, ] >> sm_queue_count = 1 max_sm_queue_count = 6 >> 02/13/2025 02:55:20.844 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:55:24.843 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:55:29.848 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: Session Event: TCP Connect Fail 02/13/2025 02:55:29.848 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Sandesh Client: Event[EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] => State[Idle] -> State[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:55:29.848 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:55:29.849 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Non-Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Partitions:30 >>, << type = Redis-UVE name = server_addrs = [, ] status = Up >>, << type = Zookeeper name = OpServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to Zookeeper established >>, << type = Collector name = Collector server_addrs = [, ] status = Initializing description = Idle to Connect on EvIdleHoldTimerExpired >>, << type = ApiServer name = ApiServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to API Server established >>, ] description = Collector:Collector[Idle to Connect on EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] connection down >>, ] >> 02/13/2025 02:55:29.849 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:55:29.849 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvTcpConnectFail] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:55:29.849 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Sandesh Client: Event[EvTcpConnectFail] => State[Connect] -> State[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:55:29.849 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:55:29.850 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Non-Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Partitions:30 >>, << type = Redis-UVE name = server_addrs = [, ] status = Up >>, << type = Zookeeper name = OpServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to Zookeeper established >>, << type = Collector name = Collector server_addrs = [, ] status = Down description = Connect to Idle on EvTcpConnectFail >>, << type = ApiServer name = ApiServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to API Server established >>, ] description = Collector:Collector[Connect to Idle on EvTcpConnectFail] connection down >>, ] >> 02/13/2025 02:55:29.850 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:55:29.850 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:55:29.850 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] SandeshModuleClientTrace: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1:Analytics:contrail-analytics-api:0 client_info = << status = Idle successful_connections = 1 pid = 1 http_port = 8090 start_time = 1739413004458623 collector_name = collector_ip = collector_list = [, ] >> sm_queue_count = 1 max_sm_queue_count = 6 >> 02/13/2025 02:55:29.851 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:55:33.852 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:55:38.856 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: Session Event: TCP Connect Fail 02/13/2025 02:55:38.856 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Sandesh Client: Event[EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] => State[Idle] -> State[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:55:38.856 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:55:38.856 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Non-Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Partitions:30 >>, << type = Redis-UVE name = server_addrs = [, ] status = Up >>, << type = Zookeeper name = OpServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to Zookeeper established >>, << type = Collector name = Collector server_addrs = [, ] status = Initializing description = Idle to Connect on EvIdleHoldTimerExpired >>, << type = ApiServer name = ApiServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to API Server established >>, ] description = Collector:Collector[Idle to Connect on EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] connection down >>, ] >> 02/13/2025 02:55:38.856 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:55:38.856 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvTcpConnectFail] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:55:38.857 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Sandesh Client: Event[EvTcpConnectFail] => State[Connect] -> State[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:55:38.857 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:55:38.857 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Non-Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Partitions:30 >>, << type = Redis-UVE name = server_addrs = [, ] status = Up >>, << type = Zookeeper name = OpServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to Zookeeper established >>, << type = Collector name = Collector server_addrs = [, ] status = Down description = Connect to Idle on EvTcpConnectFail >>, << type = ApiServer name = ApiServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to API Server established >>, ] description = Collector:Collector[Connect to Idle on EvTcpConnectFail] connection down >>, ] >> 02/13/2025 02:55:38.857 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:55:38.857 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:55:38.858 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] SandeshModuleClientTrace: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1:Analytics:contrail-analytics-api:0 client_info = << status = Idle successful_connections = 1 pid = 1 http_port = 8090 start_time = 1739413004458623 collector_name = collector_ip = collector_list = [, ] >> sm_queue_count = 1 max_sm_queue_count = 6 >> 02/13/2025 02:55:38.858 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:55:42.858 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:55:47.864 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: Session Event: TCP Connect Fail 02/13/2025 02:55:47.864 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Sandesh Client: Event[EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] => State[Idle] -> State[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:55:47.864 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:55:47.865 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Non-Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Partitions:30 >>, << type = Redis-UVE name = server_addrs = [, ] status = Up >>, << type = Zookeeper name = OpServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to Zookeeper established >>, << type = Collector name = Collector server_addrs = [, ] status = Initializing description = Idle to Connect on EvIdleHoldTimerExpired >>, << type = ApiServer name = ApiServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to API Server established >>, ] description = Collector:Collector[Idle to Connect on EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] connection down >>, ] >> 02/13/2025 02:55:47.865 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:55:47.865 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvTcpConnectFail] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:55:47.865 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Sandesh Client: Event[EvTcpConnectFail] => State[Connect] -> State[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:55:47.866 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:55:47.866 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Non-Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Partitions:30 >>, << type = Redis-UVE name = server_addrs = [, ] status = Up >>, << type = Zookeeper name = OpServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to Zookeeper established >>, << type = Collector name = Collector server_addrs = [, ] status = Down description = Connect to Idle on EvTcpConnectFail >>, << type = ApiServer name = ApiServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to API Server established >>, ] description = Collector:Collector[Connect to Idle on EvTcpConnectFail] connection down >>, ] >> 02/13/2025 02:55:47.866 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:55:47.866 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:55:47.866 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] SandeshModuleClientTrace: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1:Analytics:contrail-analytics-api:0 client_info = << status = Idle successful_connections = 1 pid = 1 http_port = 8090 start_time = 1739413004458623 collector_name = collector_ip = collector_list = [, ] >> sm_queue_count = 1 max_sm_queue_count = 6 >> 02/13/2025 02:55:47.866 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:55:49.489 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: uve_type:vrouter user_token:gAAAAABnrV811cED_I2czhXEdpQkw_I2T7UA_PMzjk1s4GnzFybxp1WrHjS0cLvXsDlXG2sAcFKtNcfZMXWK14B7ni4epnsl-m2kz9PB-qcDca8clYvdUfCTmsnoB5BF1s7YwrW-ekku0wl9sm96RfNUi30Yc6eTRcEntyyAwXqHgLFrWGbQ-TM 02/13/2025 02:55:49.489 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: user resources are None 02/13/2025 02:55:49.489 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: NoSession] __default__ [SYS_INFO]: AnalyticsApiStats: api_stats = << operation_type = GET remote_ip = object_type = vrouter request_url = response_time_in_usec = 502 response_size_objects = 0 response_size_bytes = 0 resp_code = 200 useragent = python-requests/2.27.1 node = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 >> 02/13/2025 02:55:50.106 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: uve_type:vrouter user_token:gAAAAABnrV81RdS0P16QjAtyiyPdvD_LKZ6XzDyuwi9pp_BtDiE75hNC0pjnAF3b6OXzt7Mq0x7IeLbLgo6La48Lklb8fhll-tsGIreHeIC66eHiRW_1p1tY7TRURu7Y3kEcPgQXojM8BdWzXZT5EihZ8XR3DqxJSHoJCo3VKgSz86Wtpo9WEtw 02/13/2025 02:55:50.106 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: user resources are None 02/13/2025 02:55:50.107 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: NoSession] __default__ [SYS_INFO]: AnalyticsApiStats: api_stats = << operation_type = GET remote_ip = object_type = vrouter request_url = response_time_in_usec = 4792 response_size_objects = 0 response_size_bytes = 0 resp_code = 200 useragent = python-requests/2.27.1 node = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 >> 02/13/2025 02:55:51.867 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:55:56.873 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: Session Event: TCP Connect Fail 02/13/2025 02:55:56.873 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Sandesh Client: Event[EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] => State[Idle] -> State[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:55:56.873 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:55:56.874 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Non-Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Partitions:30 >>, << type = Redis-UVE name = server_addrs = [, ] status = Up >>, << type = Zookeeper name = OpServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to Zookeeper established >>, << type = Collector name = Collector server_addrs = [, ] status = Initializing description = Idle to Connect on EvIdleHoldTimerExpired >>, << type = ApiServer name = ApiServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to API Server established >>, ] description = Collector:Collector[Idle to Connect on EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] connection down >>, ] >> 02/13/2025 02:55:56.874 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:55:56.874 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvTcpConnectFail] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:55:56.874 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Sandesh Client: Event[EvTcpConnectFail] => State[Connect] -> State[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:55:56.874 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:55:56.875 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Non-Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Partitions:30 >>, << type = Redis-UVE name = server_addrs = [, ] status = Up >>, << type = Zookeeper name = OpServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to Zookeeper established >>, << type = Collector name = Collector server_addrs = [, ] status = Down description = Connect to Idle on EvTcpConnectFail >>, << type = ApiServer name = ApiServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to API Server established >>, ] description = Collector:Collector[Connect to Idle on EvTcpConnectFail] connection down >>, ] >> 02/13/2025 02:55:56.875 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:55:56.875 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:55:56.875 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] SandeshModuleClientTrace: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1:Analytics:contrail-analytics-api:0 client_info = << status = Idle successful_connections = 1 pid = 1 http_port = 8090 start_time = 1739413004458623 collector_name = collector_ip = collector_list = [, ] >> sm_queue_count = 1 max_sm_queue_count = 6 >> 02/13/2025 02:55:56.875 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:56:00.874 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:56:01.592 7f1f97e7dcc0 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: send sync_uve in the [ObjectCollectorInfo:NodeStatusUVE] map 02/13/2025 02:56:05.877 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: Session Event: TCP Connect Fail 02/13/2025 02:56:05.877 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Sandesh Client: Event[EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] => State[Idle] -> State[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:56:05.877 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:56:05.877 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Non-Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Partitions:30 >>, << type = Redis-UVE name = server_addrs = [, ] status = Up >>, << type = Zookeeper name = OpServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to Zookeeper established >>, << type = Collector name = Collector server_addrs = [, ] status = Initializing description = Idle to Connect on EvIdleHoldTimerExpired >>, << type = ApiServer name = ApiServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to API Server established >>, ] description = Collector:Collector[Idle to Connect on EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] connection down >>, ] >> 02/13/2025 02:56:05.877 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:56:05.877 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvTcpConnectFail] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:56:05.878 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Sandesh Client: Event[EvTcpConnectFail] => State[Connect] -> State[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:56:05.878 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:56:05.878 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Non-Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Partitions:30 >>, << type = Redis-UVE name = server_addrs = [, ] status = Up >>, << type = Zookeeper name = OpServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to Zookeeper established >>, << type = Collector name = Collector server_addrs = [, ] status = Down description = Connect to Idle on EvTcpConnectFail >>, << type = ApiServer name = ApiServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to API Server established >>, ] description = Collector:Collector[Connect to Idle on EvTcpConnectFail] connection down >>, ] >> 02/13/2025 02:56:05.878 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:56:05.878 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:56:05.878 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] SandeshModuleClientTrace: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1:Analytics:contrail-analytics-api:0 client_info = << status = Idle successful_connections = 1 pid = 1 http_port = 8090 start_time = 1739413004458623 collector_name = collector_ip = collector_list = [, ] >> sm_queue_count = 1 max_sm_queue_count = 6 >> 02/13/2025 02:56:05.878 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:56:09.881 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:56:12.435 7f1f8e787630 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: send sync_uve in the [ObjectCollectorInfo:NodeStatusUVE] map 02/13/2025 02:56:14.885 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: Session Event: TCP Connect Fail 02/13/2025 02:56:14.885 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Sandesh Client: Event[EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] => State[Idle] -> State[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:56:14.885 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:56:14.885 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Non-Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Partitions:30 >>, << type = Redis-UVE name = server_addrs = [, ] status = Up >>, << type = Zookeeper name = OpServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to Zookeeper established >>, << type = Collector name = Collector server_addrs = [, ] status = Initializing description = Idle to Connect on EvIdleHoldTimerExpired >>, << type = ApiServer name = ApiServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to API Server established >>, ] description = Collector:Collector[Idle to Connect on EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] connection down >>, ] >> 02/13/2025 02:56:14.886 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:56:14.886 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvTcpConnectFail] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:56:14.886 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Sandesh Client: Event[EvTcpConnectFail] => State[Connect] -> State[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:56:14.886 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:56:14.887 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Non-Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Partitions:30 >>, << type = Redis-UVE name = server_addrs = [, ] status = Up >>, << type = Zookeeper name = OpServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to Zookeeper established >>, << type = Collector name = Collector server_addrs = [, ] status = Down description = Connect to Idle on EvTcpConnectFail >>, << type = ApiServer name = ApiServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to API Server established >>, ] description = Collector:Collector[Connect to Idle on EvTcpConnectFail] connection down >>, ] >> 02/13/2025 02:56:14.887 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:56:14.887 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:56:14.887 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] SandeshModuleClientTrace: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1:Analytics:contrail-analytics-api:0 client_info = << status = Idle successful_connections = 1 pid = 1 http_port = 8090 start_time = 1739413004458623 collector_name = collector_ip = collector_list = [, ] >> sm_queue_count = 1 max_sm_queue_count = 6 >> 02/13/2025 02:56:14.887 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:56:18.887 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:56:23.891 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: Session Event: TCP Connect Fail 02/13/2025 02:56:23.892 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Sandesh Client: Event[EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] => State[Idle] -> State[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:56:23.892 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:56:23.892 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Non-Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Partitions:30 >>, << type = Redis-UVE name = server_addrs = [, ] status = Up >>, << type = Zookeeper name = OpServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to Zookeeper established >>, << type = Collector name = Collector server_addrs = [, ] status = Initializing description = Idle to Connect on EvIdleHoldTimerExpired >>, << type = ApiServer name = ApiServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to API Server established >>, ] description = Collector:Collector[Idle to Connect on EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] connection down >>, ] >> 02/13/2025 02:56:23.892 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:56:23.892 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvTcpConnectFail] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:56:23.893 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Sandesh Client: Event[EvTcpConnectFail] => State[Connect] -> State[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:56:23.893 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:56:23.893 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Non-Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Partitions:30 >>, << type = Redis-UVE name = server_addrs = [, ] status = Up >>, << type = Zookeeper name = OpServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to Zookeeper established >>, << type = Collector name = Collector server_addrs = [, ] status = Down description = Connect to Idle on EvTcpConnectFail >>, << type = ApiServer name = ApiServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to API Server established >>, ] description = Collector:Collector[Connect to Idle on EvTcpConnectFail] connection down >>, ] >> 02/13/2025 02:56:23.893 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:56:23.893 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:56:23.893 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] SandeshModuleClientTrace: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1:Analytics:contrail-analytics-api:0 client_info = << status = Idle successful_connections = 1 pid = 1 http_port = 8090 start_time = 1739413004458623 collector_name = collector_ip = collector_list = [, ] >> sm_queue_count = 1 max_sm_queue_count = 6 >> 02/13/2025 02:56:23.893 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:56:27.894 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:56:32.898 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: Session Event: TCP Connect Fail 02/13/2025 02:56:32.898 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Sandesh Client: Event[EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] => State[Idle] -> State[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:56:32.898 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:56:32.899 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Non-Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Partitions:30 >>, << type = Redis-UVE name = server_addrs = [, ] status = Up >>, << type = Zookeeper name = OpServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to Zookeeper established >>, << type = Collector name = Collector server_addrs = [, ] status = Initializing description = Idle to Connect on EvIdleHoldTimerExpired >>, << type = ApiServer name = ApiServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to API Server established >>, ] description = Collector:Collector[Idle to Connect on EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] connection down >>, ] >> 02/13/2025 02:56:32.899 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:56:32.899 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvTcpConnectFail] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:56:32.899 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Sandesh Client: Event[EvTcpConnectFail] => State[Connect] -> State[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:56:32.899 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:56:32.899 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Non-Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Partitions:30 >>, << type = Redis-UVE name = server_addrs = [, ] status = Up >>, << type = Zookeeper name = OpServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to Zookeeper established >>, << type = Collector name = Collector server_addrs = [, ] status = Down description = Connect to Idle on EvTcpConnectFail >>, << type = ApiServer name = ApiServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to API Server established >>, ] description = Collector:Collector[Connect to Idle on EvTcpConnectFail] connection down >>, ] >> 02/13/2025 02:56:32.900 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:56:32.900 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:56:32.900 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] SandeshModuleClientTrace: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1:Analytics:contrail-analytics-api:0 client_info = << status = Idle successful_connections = 1 pid = 1 http_port = 8090 start_time = 1739413004458623 collector_name = collector_ip = collector_list = [, ] >> sm_queue_count = 1 max_sm_queue_count = 6 >> 02/13/2025 02:56:32.900 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:56:36.900 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:56:41.902 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: Session Event: TCP Connect Fail 02/13/2025 02:56:41.902 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Sandesh Client: Event[EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] => State[Idle] -> State[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:56:41.902 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:56:41.903 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Non-Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Partitions:30 >>, << type = Redis-UVE name = server_addrs = [, ] status = Up >>, << type = Zookeeper name = OpServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to Zookeeper established >>, << type = Collector name = Collector server_addrs = [, ] status = Initializing description = Idle to Connect on EvIdleHoldTimerExpired >>, << type = ApiServer name = ApiServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to API Server established >>, ] description = Collector:Collector[Idle to Connect on EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] connection down >>, ] >> 02/13/2025 02:56:41.903 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:56:41.903 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvTcpConnectFail] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:56:41.903 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Sandesh Client: Event[EvTcpConnectFail] => State[Connect] -> State[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:56:41.903 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:56:41.904 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Non-Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Partitions:30 >>, << type = Redis-UVE name = server_addrs = [, ] status = Up >>, << type = Zookeeper name = OpServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to Zookeeper established >>, << type = Collector name = Collector server_addrs = [, ] status = Down description = Connect to Idle on EvTcpConnectFail >>, << type = ApiServer name = ApiServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to API Server established >>, ] description = Collector:Collector[Connect to Idle on EvTcpConnectFail] connection down >>, ] >> 02/13/2025 02:56:41.904 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:56:41.904 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:56:41.904 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] SandeshModuleClientTrace: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1:Analytics:contrail-analytics-api:0 client_info = << status = Idle successful_connections = 1 pid = 1 http_port = 8090 start_time = 1739413004458623 collector_name = collector_ip = collector_list = [, ] >> sm_queue_count = 1 max_sm_queue_count = 6 >> 02/13/2025 02:56:41.904 7f1f8fa9d390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:56:44.510 7f1f8e689e10 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: resource list for database-node is None 02/13/2025 02:56:44.511 7f1f8a818b70 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: db usage:{} 02/13/2025 02:56:44.518 7f1f8ef13588 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: resource list for database-node is None 02/13/2025 02:56:44.519 7f1f8a818b70 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: pending compaction tasks :{} 02/13/2025 02:56:45.902 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:56:50.626 7f1f8ef13588 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: uve_type:vrouter user_token:gAAAAABnrV9yEjszmqps88nW_WWY_3iPQ69dACsVuQFL2k-NxVxbbyVGtqUC5IOrDXq6BgwIMmAOrCuK-BrU_821aaAFYDU4jUbNHPiN-xWwB_8vIB44aUUI6qsTmNvmsasYW9hk8rzoEwEbbcTFK_uPvcnyahhe90TScd79_lyQyHyMgQCvosY 02/13/2025 02:56:50.626 7f1f8ef13588 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: user resources are None 02/13/2025 02:56:50.627 7f1f8e891978 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: Not connected: __default__ [SYS_INFO]: AnalyticsApiStats: api_stats = << operation_type = GET remote_ip = object_type = vrouter request_url = response_time_in_usec = 521 response_size_objects = 0 response_size_bytes = 0 resp_code = 200 useragent = python-requests/2.27.1 node = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 >> 02/13/2025 02:56:50.627 7f1f8e891978 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: SessionNotConnected] __default__ [SYS_INFO]: AnalyticsApiStats: api_stats = << operation_type = GET remote_ip = object_type = vrouter request_url = response_time_in_usec = 521 response_size_objects = 0 response_size_bytes = 0 resp_code = 200 useragent = python-requests/2.27.1 node = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 >> 02/13/2025 02:56:50.904 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: Session Event: TCP Connect Fail 02/13/2025 02:56:50.904 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Sandesh Client: Event[EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] => State[Idle] -> State[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:56:50.904 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:56:50.904 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Non-Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Partitions:30 >>, << type = Redis-UVE name = server_addrs = [, ] status = Up >>, << type = Zookeeper name = OpServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to Zookeeper established >>, << type = Collector name = Collector server_addrs = [, ] status = Initializing description = Idle to Connect on EvIdleHoldTimerExpired >>, << type = ApiServer name = ApiServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to API Server established >>, ] description = Collector:Collector[Idle to Connect on EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] connection down >>, ] >> 02/13/2025 02:56:50.904 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:56:50.904 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvTcpConnectFail] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:56:50.905 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Sandesh Client: Event[EvTcpConnectFail] => State[Connect] -> State[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:56:50.905 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:56:50.905 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Non-Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Partitions:30 >>, << type = Redis-UVE name = server_addrs = [, ] status = Up >>, << type = Zookeeper name = OpServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to Zookeeper established >>, << type = Collector name = Collector server_addrs = [, ] status = Down description = Connect to Idle on EvTcpConnectFail >>, << type = ApiServer name = ApiServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to API Server established >>, ] description = Collector:Collector[Connect to Idle on EvTcpConnectFail] connection down >>, ] >> 02/13/2025 02:56:50.905 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:56:50.905 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:56:50.905 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] SandeshModuleClientTrace: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1:Analytics:contrail-analytics-api:0 client_info = << status = Idle successful_connections = 1 pid = 1 http_port = 8090 start_time = 1739413004458623 collector_name = collector_ip = collector_list = [, ] >> sm_queue_count = 1 max_sm_queue_count = 6 >> 02/13/2025 02:56:50.906 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:56:51.100 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: uve_type:vrouter user_token:gAAAAABnrV9zsvHfdO0Yd2ezHJYD5VFa1Feyfwbrcm2PpArtq8IneE9IhUiTtwZ78maduZVs9CzXs4ZYBO39-5lWwePBSabYvr5Dm76axtg9QFoRGPKUm_s_r7vevLQthcXnIXfknpcAvFLwGPjsONv1NMlsw2RpAMyjwP3uT6vSqvFmNreL8ms 02/13/2025 02:56:51.100 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: user resources are None 02/13/2025 02:56:51.101 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: NoSession] __default__ [SYS_INFO]: AnalyticsApiStats: api_stats = << operation_type = GET remote_ip = object_type = vrouter request_url = response_time_in_usec = 544 response_size_objects = 0 response_size_bytes = 0 resp_code = 200 useragent = python-requests/2.27.1 node = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 >> 02/13/2025 02:56:54.908 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:56:59.914 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: Session Event: TCP Connect Fail 02/13/2025 02:56:59.914 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Sandesh Client: Event[EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] => State[Idle] -> State[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:56:59.914 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:56:59.914 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Non-Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Partitions:30 >>, << type = Redis-UVE name = server_addrs = [, ] status = Up >>, << type = Zookeeper name = OpServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to Zookeeper established >>, << type = Collector name = Collector server_addrs = [, ] status = Initializing description = Idle to Connect on EvIdleHoldTimerExpired >>, << type = ApiServer name = ApiServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to API Server established >>, ] description = Collector:Collector[Idle to Connect on EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] connection down >>, ] >> 02/13/2025 02:56:59.915 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:56:59.915 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvTcpConnectFail] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:56:59.915 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Sandesh Client: Event[EvTcpConnectFail] => State[Connect] -> State[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:56:59.915 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:56:59.915 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Non-Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Partitions:30 >>, << type = Redis-UVE name = server_addrs = [, ] status = Up >>, << type = Zookeeper name = OpServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to Zookeeper established >>, << type = Collector name = Collector server_addrs = [, ] status = Down description = Connect to Idle on EvTcpConnectFail >>, << type = ApiServer name = ApiServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to API Server established >>, ] description = Collector:Collector[Connect to Idle on EvTcpConnectFail] connection down >>, ] >> 02/13/2025 02:56:59.915 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:56:59.915 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:56:59.916 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] SandeshModuleClientTrace: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1:Analytics:contrail-analytics-api:0 client_info = << status = Idle successful_connections = 1 pid = 1 http_port = 8090 start_time = 1739413004458623 collector_name = collector_ip = collector_list = [, ] >> sm_queue_count = 1 max_sm_queue_count = 6 >> 02/13/2025 02:56:59.916 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:57:03.915 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:57:08.919 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: Session Event: TCP Connect Fail 02/13/2025 02:57:08.920 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Sandesh Client: Event[EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] => State[Idle] -> State[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:57:08.920 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:57:08.920 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Non-Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Partitions:30 >>, << type = Redis-UVE name = server_addrs = [, ] status = Up >>, << type = Zookeeper name = OpServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to Zookeeper established >>, << type = Collector name = Collector server_addrs = [, ] status = Initializing description = Idle to Connect on EvIdleHoldTimerExpired >>, << type = ApiServer name = ApiServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to API Server established >>, ] description = Collector:Collector[Idle to Connect on EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] connection down >>, ] >> 02/13/2025 02:57:08.920 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:57:08.920 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvTcpConnectFail] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:57:08.921 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Sandesh Client: Event[EvTcpConnectFail] => State[Connect] -> State[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:57:08.921 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:57:08.921 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Non-Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Partitions:30 >>, << type = Redis-UVE name = server_addrs = [, ] status = Up >>, << type = Zookeeper name = OpServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to Zookeeper established >>, << type = Collector name = Collector server_addrs = [, ] status = Down description = Connect to Idle on EvTcpConnectFail >>, << type = ApiServer name = ApiServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to API Server established >>, ] description = Collector:Collector[Connect to Idle on EvTcpConnectFail] connection down >>, ] >> 02/13/2025 02:57:08.922 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:57:08.922 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:57:08.922 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] SandeshModuleClientTrace: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1:Analytics:contrail-analytics-api:0 client_info = << status = Idle successful_connections = 1 pid = 1 http_port = 8090 start_time = 1739413004458623 collector_name = collector_ip = collector_list = [, ] >> sm_queue_count = 1 max_sm_queue_count = 6 >> 02/13/2025 02:57:08.922 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:57:12.922 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:57:17.926 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: Session Event: TCP Connect Fail 02/13/2025 02:57:17.926 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Sandesh Client: Event[EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] => State[Idle] -> State[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:57:17.926 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:57:17.926 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Non-Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Partitions:30 >>, << type = Redis-UVE name = server_addrs = [, ] status = Up >>, << type = Zookeeper name = OpServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to Zookeeper established >>, << type = Collector name = Collector server_addrs = [, ] status = Initializing description = Idle to Connect on EvIdleHoldTimerExpired >>, << type = ApiServer name = ApiServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to API Server established >>, ] description = Collector:Collector[Idle to Connect on EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] connection down >>, ] >> 02/13/2025 02:57:17.926 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:57:17.926 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvTcpConnectFail] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:57:17.927 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Sandesh Client: Event[EvTcpConnectFail] => State[Connect] -> State[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:57:17.927 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:57:17.927 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Non-Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Partitions:30 >>, << type = Redis-UVE name = server_addrs = [, ] status = Up >>, << type = Zookeeper name = OpServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to Zookeeper established >>, << type = Collector name = Collector server_addrs = [, ] status = Down description = Connect to Idle on EvTcpConnectFail >>, << type = ApiServer name = ApiServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to API Server established >>, ] description = Collector:Collector[Connect to Idle on EvTcpConnectFail] connection down >>, ] >> 02/13/2025 02:57:17.927 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:57:17.927 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:57:17.927 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] SandeshModuleClientTrace: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1:Analytics:contrail-analytics-api:0 client_info = << status = Idle successful_connections = 1 pid = 1 http_port = 8090 start_time = 1739413004458623 collector_name = collector_ip = collector_list = [, ] >> sm_queue_count = 1 max_sm_queue_count = 6 >> 02/13/2025 02:57:17.927 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:57:21.927 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:57:26.931 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: Session Event: TCP Connect Fail 02/13/2025 02:57:26.932 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Sandesh Client: Event[EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] => State[Idle] -> State[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:57:26.932 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:57:26.932 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Non-Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Partitions:30 >>, << type = Redis-UVE name = server_addrs = [, ] status = Up >>, << type = Zookeeper name = OpServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to Zookeeper established >>, << type = Collector name = Collector server_addrs = [, ] status = Initializing description = Idle to Connect on EvIdleHoldTimerExpired >>, << type = ApiServer name = ApiServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to API Server established >>, ] description = Collector:Collector[Idle to Connect on EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] connection down >>, ] >> 02/13/2025 02:57:26.932 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:57:26.932 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvTcpConnectFail] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:57:26.933 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Sandesh Client: Event[EvTcpConnectFail] => State[Connect] -> State[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:57:26.933 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:57:26.933 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Non-Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Partitions:30 >>, << type = Redis-UVE name = server_addrs = [, ] status = Up >>, << type = Zookeeper name = OpServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to Zookeeper established >>, << type = Collector name = Collector server_addrs = [, ] status = Down description = Connect to Idle on EvTcpConnectFail >>, << type = ApiServer name = ApiServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to API Server established >>, ] description = Collector:Collector[Connect to Idle on EvTcpConnectFail] connection down >>, ] >> 02/13/2025 02:57:26.933 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:57:26.933 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:57:26.933 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] SandeshModuleClientTrace: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1:Analytics:contrail-analytics-api:0 client_info = << status = Idle successful_connections = 1 pid = 1 http_port = 8090 start_time = 1739413004458623 collector_name = collector_ip = collector_list = [, ] >> sm_queue_count = 1 max_sm_queue_count = 6 >> 02/13/2025 02:57:26.933 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:57:30.932 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:57:35.934 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: Session Event: TCP Connect Fail 02/13/2025 02:57:35.934 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Sandesh Client: Event[EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] => State[Idle] -> State[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:57:35.935 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:57:35.935 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Non-Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Partitions:30 >>, << type = Redis-UVE name = server_addrs = [, ] status = Up >>, << type = Zookeeper name = OpServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to Zookeeper established >>, << type = Collector name = Collector server_addrs = [, ] status = Initializing description = Idle to Connect on EvIdleHoldTimerExpired >>, << type = ApiServer name = ApiServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to API Server established >>, ] description = Collector:Collector[Idle to Connect on EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] connection down >>, ] >> 02/13/2025 02:57:35.935 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:57:35.935 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvTcpConnectFail] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:57:35.935 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Sandesh Client: Event[EvTcpConnectFail] => State[Connect] -> State[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:57:35.936 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:57:35.936 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Non-Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Partitions:30 >>, << type = Redis-UVE name = server_addrs = [, ] status = Up >>, << type = Zookeeper name = OpServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to Zookeeper established >>, << type = Collector name = Collector server_addrs = [, ] status = Down description = Connect to Idle on EvTcpConnectFail >>, << type = ApiServer name = ApiServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to API Server established >>, ] description = Collector:Collector[Connect to Idle on EvTcpConnectFail] connection down >>, ] >> 02/13/2025 02:57:35.936 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:57:35.936 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:57:35.936 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] SandeshModuleClientTrace: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1:Analytics:contrail-analytics-api:0 client_info = << status = Idle successful_connections = 1 pid = 1 http_port = 8090 start_time = 1739413004458623 collector_name = collector_ip = collector_list = [, ] >> sm_queue_count = 1 max_sm_queue_count = 6 >> 02/13/2025 02:57:35.936 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:57:39.936 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:57:44.941 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: Session Event: TCP Connect Fail 02/13/2025 02:57:44.942 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Sandesh Client: Event[EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] => State[Idle] -> State[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:57:44.942 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:57:44.942 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Non-Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Partitions:30 >>, << type = Redis-UVE name = server_addrs = [, ] status = Up >>, << type = Zookeeper name = OpServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to Zookeeper established >>, << type = Collector name = Collector server_addrs = [, ] status = Initializing description = Idle to Connect on EvIdleHoldTimerExpired >>, << type = ApiServer name = ApiServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to API Server established >>, ] description = Collector:Collector[Idle to Connect on EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] connection down >>, ] >> 02/13/2025 02:57:44.942 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:57:44.942 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvTcpConnectFail] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:57:44.943 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Sandesh Client: Event[EvTcpConnectFail] => State[Connect] -> State[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:57:44.943 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:57:44.943 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Non-Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Partitions:30 >>, << type = Redis-UVE name = server_addrs = [, ] status = Up >>, << type = Zookeeper name = OpServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to Zookeeper established >>, << type = Collector name = Collector server_addrs = [, ] status = Down description = Connect to Idle on EvTcpConnectFail >>, << type = ApiServer name = ApiServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to API Server established >>, ] description = Collector:Collector[Connect to Idle on EvTcpConnectFail] connection down >>, ] >> 02/13/2025 02:57:44.943 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:57:44.943 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:57:44.943 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] SandeshModuleClientTrace: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1:Analytics:contrail-analytics-api:0 client_info = << status = Idle successful_connections = 1 pid = 1 http_port = 8090 start_time = 1739413004458623 collector_name = collector_ip = collector_list = [, ] >> sm_queue_count = 1 max_sm_queue_count = 6 >> 02/13/2025 02:57:44.943 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:57:48.942 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:57:51.569 7f1f8eef7390 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: uve_type:vrouter user_token:gAAAAABnrV-vEU5pdaWjdUMqzpAG-L38FQTFkur3YdO7d7cSuIZaet-ewsZYqRtCAy5Nq-5N9Jvc_0Jx3tlKwrwnrLGBb7MaoySBiSZiMlhmd0Yz29aKPKghaeKctSvZBl2flt7NrfNfAaghX-u55l_ywM_gPDVmob31RTncTGqBMnk_s8HIGS8 02/13/2025 02:57:51.569 7f1f8eef7390 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: user resources are None 02/13/2025 02:57:51.570 7f1f8e689240 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: Not connected: __default__ [SYS_INFO]: AnalyticsApiStats: api_stats = << operation_type = GET remote_ip = object_type = vrouter request_url = response_time_in_usec = 541 response_size_objects = 0 response_size_bytes = 0 resp_code = 200 useragent = python-requests/2.27.1 node = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 >> 02/13/2025 02:57:51.570 7f1f8e689240 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: SessionNotConnected] __default__ [SYS_INFO]: AnalyticsApiStats: api_stats = << operation_type = GET remote_ip = object_type = vrouter request_url = response_time_in_usec = 541 response_size_objects = 0 response_size_bytes = 0 resp_code = 200 useragent = python-requests/2.27.1 node = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 >> 02/13/2025 02:57:52.029 7f1f8eef7390 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: uve_type:vrouter user_token:gAAAAABnrV-vzsHWeZyPGPvr9f8FTUOVyOKBCX74Z9Pmb9VIigDj5g7JS7sIzbily2HT1s1JGS-w-7RPW_5E4Ckphvcm9zvH55n_dOuGnhmLMmL4n9YDnyJM9hXGM9WDfqmW2-XTfh_pEyAEQDTNFTql4C6fkmH64CNOFnY9vgGk8XwA9bGqoyY 02/13/2025 02:57:52.029 7f1f8eef7390 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: user resources are None 02/13/2025 02:57:52.030 7f1f8e68ab70 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: Not connected: __default__ [SYS_INFO]: AnalyticsApiStats: api_stats = << operation_type = GET remote_ip = object_type = vrouter request_url = response_time_in_usec = 524 response_size_objects = 0 response_size_bytes = 0 resp_code = 200 useragent = python-requests/2.27.1 node = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 >> 02/13/2025 02:57:52.030 7f1f8e68ab70 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: SessionNotConnected] __default__ [SYS_INFO]: AnalyticsApiStats: api_stats = << operation_type = GET remote_ip = object_type = vrouter request_url = response_time_in_usec = 524 response_size_objects = 0 response_size_bytes = 0 resp_code = 200 useragent = python-requests/2.27.1 node = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 >> 02/13/2025 02:57:53.945 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: Session Event: TCP Connect Fail 02/13/2025 02:57:53.946 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Sandesh Client: Event[EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] => State[Idle] -> State[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:57:53.946 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:57:53.946 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Non-Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Partitions:30 >>, << type = Redis-UVE name = server_addrs = [, ] status = Up >>, << type = Zookeeper name = OpServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to Zookeeper established >>, << type = Collector name = Collector server_addrs = [, ] status = Initializing description = Idle to Connect on EvIdleHoldTimerExpired >>, << type = ApiServer name = ApiServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to API Server established >>, ] description = Collector:Collector[Idle to Connect on EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] connection down >>, ] >> 02/13/2025 02:57:53.946 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:57:53.946 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvTcpConnectFail] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:57:53.947 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Sandesh Client: Event[EvTcpConnectFail] => State[Connect] -> State[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:57:53.947 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:57:53.947 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Non-Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Partitions:30 >>, << type = Redis-UVE name = server_addrs = [, ] status = Up >>, << type = Zookeeper name = OpServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to Zookeeper established >>, << type = Collector name = Collector server_addrs = [, ] status = Down description = Connect to Idle on EvTcpConnectFail >>, << type = ApiServer name = ApiServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to API Server established >>, ] description = Collector:Collector[Connect to Idle on EvTcpConnectFail] connection down >>, ] >> 02/13/2025 02:57:53.947 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:57:53.947 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:57:53.947 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] SandeshModuleClientTrace: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1:Analytics:contrail-analytics-api:0 client_info = << status = Idle successful_connections = 1 pid = 1 http_port = 8090 start_time = 1739413004458623 collector_name = collector_ip = collector_list = [, ] >> sm_queue_count = 1 max_sm_queue_count = 6 >> 02/13/2025 02:57:53.947 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:57:57.948 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:58:01.689 7f1f8e689f60 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: resource list for bgp-peer is None 02/13/2025 02:58:02.951 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: Session Event: TCP Connect Fail 02/13/2025 02:58:02.952 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Sandesh Client: Event[EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] => State[Idle] -> State[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:58:02.952 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:58:02.952 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Non-Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Partitions:30 >>, << type = Redis-UVE name = server_addrs = [, ] status = Up >>, << type = Zookeeper name = OpServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to Zookeeper established >>, << type = Collector name = Collector server_addrs = [, ] status = Initializing description = Idle to Connect on EvIdleHoldTimerExpired >>, << type = ApiServer name = ApiServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to API Server established >>, ] description = Collector:Collector[Idle to Connect on EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] connection down >>, ] >> 02/13/2025 02:58:02.952 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:58:02.952 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvTcpConnectFail] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:58:02.953 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Sandesh Client: Event[EvTcpConnectFail] => State[Connect] -> State[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:58:02.953 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:58:02.953 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Non-Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Partitions:30 >>, << type = Redis-UVE name = server_addrs = [, ] status = Up >>, << type = Zookeeper name = OpServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to Zookeeper established >>, << type = Collector name = Collector server_addrs = [, ] status = Down description = Connect to Idle on EvTcpConnectFail >>, << type = ApiServer name = ApiServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to API Server established >>, ] description = Collector:Collector[Connect to Idle on EvTcpConnectFail] connection down >>, ] >> 02/13/2025 02:58:02.953 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:58:02.953 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:58:02.953 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] SandeshModuleClientTrace: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1:Analytics:contrail-analytics-api:0 client_info = << status = Idle successful_connections = 1 pid = 1 http_port = 8090 start_time = 1739413004458623 collector_name = collector_ip = collector_list = [, ] >> sm_queue_count = 1 max_sm_queue_count = 6 >> 02/13/2025 02:58:02.954 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:58:03.154 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: resource list for bgp-peer is None 02/13/2025 02:58:06.953 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:58:11.954 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: Session Event: TCP Connect Fail 02/13/2025 02:58:11.955 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Sandesh Client: Event[EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] => State[Idle] -> State[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:58:11.955 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:58:11.955 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Non-Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Partitions:30 >>, << type = Redis-UVE name = server_addrs = [, ] status = Up >>, << type = Zookeeper name = OpServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to Zookeeper established >>, << type = Collector name = Collector server_addrs = [, ] status = Initializing description = Idle to Connect on EvIdleHoldTimerExpired >>, << type = ApiServer name = ApiServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to API Server established >>, ] description = Collector:Collector[Idle to Connect on EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] connection down >>, ] >> 02/13/2025 02:58:11.955 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:58:11.955 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvTcpConnectFail] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:58:11.956 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Sandesh Client: Event[EvTcpConnectFail] => State[Connect] -> State[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:58:11.956 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:58:11.956 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Non-Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Partitions:30 >>, << type = Redis-UVE name = server_addrs = [, ] status = Up >>, << type = Zookeeper name = OpServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to Zookeeper established >>, << type = Collector name = Collector server_addrs = [, ] status = Down description = Connect to Idle on EvTcpConnectFail >>, << type = ApiServer name = ApiServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to API Server established >>, ] description = Collector:Collector[Connect to Idle on EvTcpConnectFail] connection down >>, ] >> 02/13/2025 02:58:11.956 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:58:11.956 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:58:11.957 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] SandeshModuleClientTrace: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1:Analytics:contrail-analytics-api:0 client_info = << status = Idle successful_connections = 1 pid = 1 http_port = 8090 start_time = 1739413004458623 collector_name = collector_ip = collector_list = [, ] >> sm_queue_count = 1 max_sm_queue_count = 6 >> 02/13/2025 02:58:11.957 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:58:15.955 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:58:20.958 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: Session Event: TCP Connect Fail 02/13/2025 02:58:20.958 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Sandesh Client: Event[EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] => State[Idle] -> State[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:58:20.958 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:58:20.958 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Non-Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Partitions:30 >>, << type = Redis-UVE name = server_addrs = [, ] status = Up >>, << type = Zookeeper name = OpServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to Zookeeper established >>, << type = Collector name = Collector server_addrs = [, ] status = Initializing description = Idle to Connect on EvIdleHoldTimerExpired >>, << type = ApiServer name = ApiServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to API Server established >>, ] description = Collector:Collector[Idle to Connect on EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] connection down >>, ] >> 02/13/2025 02:58:20.959 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:58:20.959 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvTcpConnectFail] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:58:20.959 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Sandesh Client: Event[EvTcpConnectFail] => State[Connect] -> State[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:58:20.959 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:58:20.959 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Non-Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Partitions:30 >>, << type = Redis-UVE name = server_addrs = [, ] status = Up >>, << type = Zookeeper name = OpServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to Zookeeper established >>, << type = Collector name = Collector server_addrs = [, ] status = Down description = Connect to Idle on EvTcpConnectFail >>, << type = ApiServer name = ApiServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to API Server established >>, ] description = Collector:Collector[Connect to Idle on EvTcpConnectFail] connection down >>, ] >> 02/13/2025 02:58:20.960 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:58:20.960 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:58:20.960 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] SandeshModuleClientTrace: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1:Analytics:contrail-analytics-api:0 client_info = << status = Idle successful_connections = 1 pid = 1 http_port = 8090 start_time = 1739413004458623 collector_name = collector_ip = collector_list = [, ] >> sm_queue_count = 1 max_sm_queue_count = 6 >> 02/13/2025 02:58:20.960 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:58:24.961 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:58:29.964 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: Session Event: TCP Connect Fail 02/13/2025 02:58:29.965 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Sandesh Client: Event[EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] => State[Idle] -> State[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:58:29.965 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:58:29.965 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Non-Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Partitions:30 >>, << type = Redis-UVE name = server_addrs = [, ] status = Up >>, << type = Zookeeper name = OpServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to Zookeeper established >>, << type = Collector name = Collector server_addrs = [, ] status = Initializing description = Idle to Connect on EvIdleHoldTimerExpired >>, << type = ApiServer name = ApiServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to API Server established >>, ] description = Collector:Collector[Idle to Connect on EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] connection down >>, ] >> 02/13/2025 02:58:29.965 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:58:29.965 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvTcpConnectFail] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:58:29.966 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Sandesh Client: Event[EvTcpConnectFail] => State[Connect] -> State[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:58:29.966 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:58:29.966 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Non-Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Partitions:30 >>, << type = Redis-UVE name = server_addrs = [, ] status = Up >>, << type = Zookeeper name = OpServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to Zookeeper established >>, << type = Collector name = Collector server_addrs = [, ] status = Down description = Connect to Idle on EvTcpConnectFail >>, << type = ApiServer name = ApiServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to API Server established >>, ] description = Collector:Collector[Connect to Idle on EvTcpConnectFail] connection down >>, ] >> 02/13/2025 02:58:29.966 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:58:29.966 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:58:29.966 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] SandeshModuleClientTrace: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1:Analytics:contrail-analytics-api:0 client_info = << status = Idle successful_connections = 1 pid = 1 http_port = 8090 start_time = 1739413004458623 collector_name = collector_ip = collector_list = [, ] >> sm_queue_count = 1 max_sm_queue_count = 6 >> 02/13/2025 02:58:29.966 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:58:33.965 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:58:34.730 7f1f9110c240 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: send sync_uve in the [ObjectCollectorInfo:NodeStatusUVE] map 02/13/2025 02:58:38.970 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: Session Event: TCP Connect Fail 02/13/2025 02:58:38.970 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Sandesh Client: Event[EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] => State[Idle] -> State[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:58:38.970 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:58:38.970 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Non-Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Partitions:30 >>, << type = Redis-UVE name = server_addrs = [, ] status = Up >>, << type = Zookeeper name = OpServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to Zookeeper established >>, << type = Collector name = Collector server_addrs = [, ] status = Initializing description = Idle to Connect on EvIdleHoldTimerExpired >>, << type = ApiServer name = ApiServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to API Server established >>, ] description = Collector:Collector[Idle to Connect on EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] connection down >>, ] >> 02/13/2025 02:58:38.970 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:58:38.971 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvTcpConnectFail] in state[Connect] 02/13/2025 02:58:38.971 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Sandesh Client: Event[EvTcpConnectFail] => State[Connect] -> State[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:58:38.971 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:58:38.971 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1 process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Non-Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Partitions:30 >>, << type = Redis-UVE name = server_addrs = [, ] status = Up >>, << type = Zookeeper name = OpServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to Zookeeper established >>, << type = Collector name = Collector server_addrs = [, ] status = Down description = Connect to Idle on EvTcpConnectFail >>, << type = ApiServer name = ApiServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to API Server established >>, ] description = Collector:Collector[Connect to Idle on EvTcpConnectFail] connection down >>, ] >> 02/13/2025 02:58:38.971 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:58:38.971 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/13/2025 02:58:38.972 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] SandeshModuleClientTrace: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-juju-os-473-1:Analytics:contrail-analytics-api:0 client_info = << status = Idle successful_connections = 1 pid = 1 http_port = 8090 start_time = 1739413004458623 collector_name = collector_ip = collector_list = [, ] >> sm_queue_count = 1 max_sm_queue_count = 6 >> 02/13/2025 02:58:38.972 7f1f8d158eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle]