02/10/2025 02:22:28.947 7f356172f408 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: SANDESH: Logging: SYSLOG: [None] -> [LOG_LOCAL0] 02/10/2025 02:22:28.947 7f356172f408 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: SANDESH: Trace: PRINT: [None] -> [False] 02/10/2025 02:22:28.947 7f356172f408 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: SANDESH: Flow Logging: [None] -> [False] 02/10/2025 02:22:28.947 7f356172f408 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: Add uve in the [ObjectCollectorInfo:NodeStatusUVE] map 02/10/2025 02:22:28.979 7f356172f408 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: Add uve in the [ObjectCollectorInfo:AnalyticsApiInfoUVE] map 02/10/2025 02:22:28.980 7f3559781eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: Cannot write http_port 8090 to /tmp/contrail-analytics-api.0.http_port 02/10/2025 02:22:28.981 7f3559781eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: Starting Introspect on HTTP Port 8090 02/10/2025 02:22:28.981 7f355977a828 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvStart] in state[none] 02/10/2025 02:22:28.982 7f355977a828 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: Add uve in the [ObjectGeneratorInfo:SandeshModuleClientTrace] map 02/10/2025 02:22:28.982 7f355977a828 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Sandesh Client: Event[EvStart] => State[none] -> State[Idle] 02/10/2025 02:22:28.982 7f355977a828 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/10/2025 02:22:28.984 7f355977a828 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-ansible-os-2707-1. process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Not using Kafka for UVE Aggregation >>, ] description = >>, ] >> 02/10/2025 02:22:28.984 7f355977a828 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/10/2025 02:22:28.984 7f355977a828 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/10/2025 02:22:28.984 7f355977a828 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-ansible-os-2707-1. process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Non-Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Not using Kafka for UVE Aggregation >>, << type = Redis-UVE name = server_addrs = [, ] status = Initializing description = Redis Instance initialized >>, ] description = Redis-UVE:[Redis Instance initialized] connection down >>, ] >> 02/10/2025 02:22:28.984 7f355977a828 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/10/2025 02:22:28.984 7f355977a828 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/10/2025 02:22:28.984 7f355977a828 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-ansible-os-2707-1. process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Non-Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Not using Kafka for UVE Aggregation >>, << type = Redis-UVE name = server_addrs = [, ] status = Initializing description = Redis Instance initialized >>, << type = Zookeeper name = OpServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Initializing description = Connection to Zookeeper initialized >>, ] description = Redis-UVE:[Redis Instance initialized], Zookeeper:OpServer[Connection to Zookeeper initialized] connection down >>, ] >> 02/10/2025 02:22:28.984 7f355977a828 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/10/2025 02:22:28.984 7f355977a828 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/10/2025 02:22:28.984 7f355977a828 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] AnalyticsApiInfoUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-ansible-os-2707-1. analytics_node_ip = { rest_api_ip : : } >> 02/10/2025 02:22:28.984 7f355977a828 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/10/2025 02:22:28.984 7f355977a828 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/10/2025 02:22:28.985 7f355977a828 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-ansible-os-2707-1. process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Non-Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Not using Kafka for UVE Aggregation >>, << type = Redis-UVE name = server_addrs = [, ] status = Initializing description = Redis Instance initialized >>, << type = Zookeeper name = OpServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Initializing description = Connection to Zookeeper initialized >>, << type = Collector name = Collector server_addrs = [ , ] status = Down description = none to Idle on EvStart >>, ] description = Redis-UVE:[Redis Instance initialized], Zookeeper:OpServer[Connection to Zookeeper initialized], Collector:Collector[none to Idle on EvStart] connection down >>, ] >> 02/10/2025 02:22:28.985 7f355977a828 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/10/2025 02:22:28.985 7f355977a828 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/10/2025 02:22:28.985 7f355977a828 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] SandeshModuleClientTrace: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-ansible-os-2707-1.:Analytics:contrail-analytics-api:0 client_info = << status = Idle successful_connections = 0 pid = 1 http_port = 8090 start_time = 1739154148982297 collector_name = collector_ip = collector_list = [, ] >> sm_queue_count = 5 max_sm_queue_count = 5 >> 02/10/2025 02:22:28.986 7f355977a828 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/10/2025 02:22:28.987 7f355e9ddf60 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Analytics Discovery zk start 02/10/2025 02:22:28.997 7f355ea8a6d8 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/10/2025 02:22:28.998 7f355ea8a6d8 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-ansible-os-2707-1. process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Non-Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Not using Kafka for UVE Aggregation >>, << type = Redis-UVE name = server_addrs = [, ] status = Initializing description = Redis Instance initialized >>, << type = Zookeeper name = OpServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Initializing description = Connection to Zookeeper initialized >>, << type = Collector name = Collector server_addrs = [ , ] status = Down description = none to Idle on EvStart >>, << type = ApiServer name = ApiServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Initializing description = Connection to API Server initialized >>, ] description = Redis-UVE:[Redis Instance initialized], Zookeeper:OpServer[Connection to Zookeeper initialized], Collector:Collector[none to Idle on EvStart], ApiServer:ApiServer[Connection to API Server initialized] connection down >>, ] >> 02/10/2025 02:22:28.998 7f355ea8a6d8 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/10/2025 02:22:29.002 7f355deece10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/10/2025 02:22:29.002 7f355deece10 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-ansible-os-2707-1. process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Non-Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Not using Kafka for UVE Aggregation >>, << type = Redis-UVE name = server_addrs = [, ] status = Up >>, << type = Zookeeper name = OpServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Initializing description = Connection to Zookeeper initialized >>, << type = Collector name = Collector server_addrs = [ , ] status = Down description = none to Idle on EvStart >>, << type = ApiServer name = ApiServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Initializing description = Connection to API Server initialized >>, ] description = Zookeeper:OpServer[Connection to Zookeeper initialized], Collector:Collector[none to Idle on EvStart], ApiServer:ApiServer[Connection to API Server initialized] connection down >>, ] >> 02/10/2025 02:22:29.003 7f355deece10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/10/2025 02:22:29.007 7f355dee6198 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/10/2025 02:22:29.009 7f355dee6198 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-ansible-os-2707-1. process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Non-Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Not using Kafka for UVE Aggregation >>, << type = Redis-UVE name = server_addrs = [, ] status = Up >>, << type = Zookeeper name = OpServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Initializing description = Connection to Zookeeper initialized >>, << type = Collector name = Collector server_addrs = [ , ] status = Down description = none to Idle on EvStart >>, << type = ApiServer name = ApiServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to API Server established >>, ] description = Zookeeper:OpServer[Connection to Zookeeper initialized], Collector:Collector[none to Idle on EvStart] connection down >>, ] >> 02/10/2025 02:22:29.009 7f355dee6198 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/10/2025 02:22:29.009 7f355deec588 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Analytics Discovery listen CONNECTED 02/10/2025 02:22:29.009 7f355deec588 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Analytics Discovery to publish None 02/10/2025 02:22:29.010 7f35617d7eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/10/2025 02:22:29.010 7f35617d7eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-ansible-os-2707-1. process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Non-Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Not using Kafka for UVE Aggregation >>, << type = Redis-UVE name = server_addrs = [, ] status = Up >>, << type = Zookeeper name = OpServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to Zookeeper re-established >>, << type = Collector name = Collector server_addrs = [ , ] status = Down description = none to Idle on EvStart >>, << type = ApiServer name = ApiServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to API Server established >>, ] description = Collector:Collector[none to Idle on EvStart] connection down >>, ] >> 02/10/2025 02:22:29.010 7f35617d7eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/10/2025 02:22:29.010 7f35617d7eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/10/2025 02:22:29.010 7f35617d7eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-ansible-os-2707-1. process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Non-Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Not using Kafka for UVE Aggregation >>, << type = Redis-UVE name = server_addrs = [, ] status = Up >>, << type = Zookeeper name = OpServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to Zookeeper established >>, << type = Collector name = Collector server_addrs = [ , ] status = Down description = none to Idle on EvStart >>, << type = ApiServer name = ApiServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to API Server established >>, ] description = Collector:Collector[none to Idle on EvStart] connection down >>, ] >> 02/10/2025 02:22:29.010 7f35617d7eb8 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Idle] 02/10/2025 02:22:29.022 7f355e9ddf60 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Analytics Discovery Watcher AlarmGenerator Children [] 02/10/2025 02:22:29.025 7f355e9ddf60 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Analytics Discovery OpServer reconnect 02/10/2025 02:22:29.025 7f355e9ddf60 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: ensure /analytics-discovery-/OpServer 02/10/2025 02:22:29.026 7f355e9ddf60 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: zk state CONNECTED (CONNECTED) 02/10/2025 02:22:29.033 7f355e9ddf60 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: check for /analytics-discovery-/OpServer/cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-ansible-os-2707-1.-0 02/10/2025 02:22:32.986 7f355ea84198 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] in state[Idle] 02/10/2025 02:22:32.987 7f355ea84198 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Session Event: TCP Connected 02/10/2025 02:22:32.987 7f355ea84198 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Sandesh Client: Event[EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] => State[Idle] -> State[Connect] 02/10/2025 02:22:32.988 7f355ea84198 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Connect] 02/10/2025 02:22:32.988 7f355ea84198 [contrail-analytics-api] [ERROR]: SANDESH: [DROP: WrongClientSMState] NodeStatusUVE: data = << name = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-ansible-os-2707-1. process_status = [ << module_id = contrail-analytics-api instance_id = 0 state = Non-Functional connection_infos = [ << type = UvePartitions name = UVE-Aggregation server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Not using Kafka for UVE Aggregation >>, << type = Redis-UVE name = server_addrs = [, ] status = Up >>, << type = Zookeeper name = OpServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to Zookeeper established >>, << type = Collector name = Collector server_addrs = [, ] status = Initializing description = Idle to Connect on EvIdleHoldTimerExpired >>, << type = ApiServer name = ApiServer server_addrs = [, ] status = Up description = Connection to API Server established >>, ] description = Collector:Collector[Idle to Connect on EvIdleHoldTimerExpired] connection down >>, ] >> 02/10/2025 02:22:32.988 7f355ea84198 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Discarding event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[Connect] 02/10/2025 02:22:32.988 7f355ea84198 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvTcpConnected] in state[Connect] 02/10/2025 02:22:32.988 7f355ea84198 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: Send sandesh control message. uve type count # 7 02/10/2025 02:22:32.988 7f355ea84198 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Sandesh Client: Event[EvTcpConnected] => State[Connect] -> State[ClientInit] 02/10/2025 02:22:32.988 7f355ea84198 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[ClientInit] 02/10/2025 02:22:32.989 7f355ea84198 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshUVESend] in state[ClientInit] 02/10/2025 02:22:32.989 7f355de74198 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Sandesh Send Level [INVALID] -> [SYS_DEBUG] 02/10/2025 02:22:32.990 7f355de74198 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Sandesh Send Level [SYS_DEBUG] -> [INVALID] 02/10/2025 02:22:32.992 7f355de74c18 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: Extracted sandesh length: 0000001017 02/10/2025 02:22:32.993 7f355de74c18 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: Received sandesh control message [SandeshCtrlServerToClient] 02/10/2025 02:22:32.993 7f355de74f60 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshCtrlMessageRecv] in state[ClientInit] 02/10/2025 02:22:32.993 7f355de74f60 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: Number of uve types in sandesh control message is 0 02/10/2025 02:22:32.993 7f355de74f60 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: send sync_uve in the [ObjectCollectorInfo:AnalyticsApiInfoUVE] map 02/10/2025 02:22:32.994 7f355de74f60 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: send sync_uve in the [ObjectCollectorInfo:NodeStatusUVE] map 02/10/2025 02:22:32.994 7f355de74f60 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: send sync_uve in the [ObjectGeneratorInfo:SandeshModuleClientTrace] map 02/10/2025 02:22:32.994 7f355de74f60 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Sandesh Client: Event[EvSandeshCtrlMessageRecv] => State[ClientInit] -> State[Established] 02/10/2025 02:22:32.994 7f355de740f0 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Sandesh Send Level [INVALID] -> [SYS_DEBUG] 02/10/2025 02:22:32.995 7f355de740f0 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Sandesh Send Level [SYS_DEBUG] -> [INVALID] 02/10/2025 02:22:44.217 7f355de74c18 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: Extracted sandesh length: 0000001436 02/10/2025 02:22:44.217 7f355de74c18 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: Received sandesh control message [SandeshCtrlServerToClient] 02/10/2025 02:22:44.218 7f355f8e54e0 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Processing event[EvSandeshCtrlMessageRecv] in state[Established] 02/10/2025 02:22:44.218 7f355f8e54e0 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: Number of uve types in sandesh control message is 3 02/10/2025 02:22:44.218 7f355f8e54e0 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: send sync_uve in the [ObjectCollectorInfo:AnalyticsApiInfoUVE] map 02/10/2025 02:22:44.220 7f355f8e54e0 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: send sync_uve in the [ObjectCollectorInfo:NodeStatusUVE] map 02/10/2025 02:22:44.220 7f355f8e54e0 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: send sync_uve in the [ObjectGeneratorInfo:SandeshModuleClientTrace] map 02/10/2025 02:22:44.220 7f355ea842e8 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Sandesh Send Level [INVALID] -> [SYS_DEBUG] 02/10/2025 02:22:44.221 7f355ea842e8 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Sandesh Send Level [SYS_DEBUG] -> [INVALID] 02/10/2025 02:22:49.343 7f355deec2e8 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Analytics Discovery Watcher AlarmGenerator Children ['cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-ansible-os-2707-1.-0'] 02/10/2025 02:22:53.368 7f355f8e54e0 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: uve_type:vrouter user_token:gAAAAABnqWL8dEqBS_XLAeOr2nKeEXS8ukXFl0XtRWPxaaJ75WPSqvWCIvYQmahvYt7WcwdlkwJ9stlHGpaCjAakEe8BPTjYBEA_r4M-W7IO8PIQSoSeJmhCiBvHSx9k2PzFPXK3HDkoRfGkHHuittVhhy9lyaPm5LzwlEpu0pWDV9kMHrXlFYw 02/10/2025 02:22:53.368 7f355f8e54e0 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: user resources are None 02/10/2025 02:22:53.369 7f355de74b70 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: __default__ [SYS_INFO]: AnalyticsApiStats: api_stats = << operation_type = GET remote_ip = object_type = vrouter request_url = response_time_in_usec = 1425 response_size_objects = 0 response_size_bytes = 0 resp_code = 200 useragent = python-requests/2.27.1 node = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-ansible-os-2707-1. >> 02/10/2025 02:22:53.764 7f355f8e54e0 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: uve_type:vrouter user_token:gAAAAABnqWL9WjYvaNPHH-eMWjLPKKvwByBUy0dTI37-FeedkrCcAoSdyMFVFdqAZNnwF5pGi8AnhGucv2jILuo2QHJwRWem2EUaHk2Ao4SiqD_OTR399sh4S6AsBK9heT8MXcepZuUjgErd7atnDpNNb9ORPbXSJCVcugpcfFYOSfcsYErfVFA 02/10/2025 02:22:53.764 7f355f8e54e0 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: user resources are None 02/10/2025 02:22:53.766 7f355e9e24e0 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: __default__ [SYS_INFO]: AnalyticsApiStats: api_stats = << operation_type = GET remote_ip = object_type = vrouter request_url = response_time_in_usec = 1780 response_size_objects = 0 response_size_bytes = 0 resp_code = 200 useragent = python-requests/2.27.1 node = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-ansible-os-2707-1. >> 02/10/2025 02:22:59.037 7f355e9ddf60 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Analytics Discovery OpServer reconnect 02/10/2025 02:22:59.038 7f355e9ddf60 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: ensure /analytics-discovery-/OpServer 02/10/2025 02:22:59.038 7f355e9ddf60 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: zk state CONNECTED (CONNECTED) 02/10/2025 02:22:59.039 7f355e9ddf60 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: check for /analytics-discovery-/OpServer/cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-ansible-os-2707-1.-0 02/10/2025 02:22:59.041 7f355e9ddf60 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Analytics Discovery AlarmGenerator ChildData : child cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-ansible-os-2707-1.-0, data b'{"ip-address": "", "instance-id": "0", "redis-ip": "", "redis-port": "6379", "redis-agg-db": 7, "partitions": "{}"}', event None 02/10/2025 02:22:59.042 7f355e9ddf60 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Analytics Discovery AlarmGenerator ChildData : child cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-ansible-os-2707-1.-0, data OrderedDict([('instance-id', '0'), ('ip-address', ''), ('partitions', '{}'), ('redis-agg-db', 7), ('redis-ip', ''), ('redis-port', '6379')]), event GET 02/10/2025 02:22:59.913 7f355deec2e8 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: Analytics Discovery AlarmGenerator ChildData : child cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-ansible-os-2707-1.-0, data b'{"ip-address": "", "instance-id": "0", "redis-ip": "", "redis-port": "6379", "redis-agg-db": 7, "partitions": "{\\"1\\": 1739154178652348, \\"0\\": 1739154178653326, \\"12\\": 1739154178844831, \\"10\\": 1739154178845221, \\"9\\": 1739154178845394, \\"8\\": 1739154178845552, \\"7\\": 1739154178845738, \\"6\\": 1739154178845913, \\"4\\": 1739154178846073, \\"3\\": 1739154178846251, \\"2\\": 1739154178846441, \\"13\\": 1739154178870506, \\"11\\": 1739154178870710, \\"22\\": 1739154178878525, \\"16\\": 1739154178879606, \\"15\\": 1739154178879814, \\"14\\": 1739154178879999, \\"23\\": 1739154178895149, \\"21\\": 1739154178895341, \\"20\\": 1739154178895503, \\"19\\": 1739154178895670, \\"17\\": 1739154178895877, \\"18\\": 1739154178896045, \\"26\\": 1739154178928032, \\"24\\": 1739154178928484, \\"5\\": 1739154179087055, \\"29\\": 1739154179087263, \\"28\\": 1739154179087435, \\"25\\": 1739154179087595, \\"27\\": 1739154179087753}"}', event WatchedEvent(type='CHANGED', state='CONNECTED', path='/analytics-discovery-/AlarmGenerator/cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-ansible-os-2707-1.-0') 02/10/2025 02:23:54.159 7f355dee6390 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: uve_type:vrouter user_token:gAAAAABnqWM6biOho6EqwhrKno087_u6holS2u7OQjadb51YSVibMe9itwtu_xgTVKdLtY4apw9nUNEuFAzYSMgizre1byb8EiQNG2lzSLZ-Fnm33wTri-_Ec9b30wkfn1iT35rGIRgjnou4KoqEqGDLTrjO8pwjt1JYaZ8idUH4XpYBF0LV41E 02/10/2025 02:23:54.160 7f355dee6390 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: user resources are None 02/10/2025 02:23:54.161 7f355de71ac8 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: __default__ [SYS_INFO]: AnalyticsApiStats: api_stats = << operation_type = GET remote_ip = object_type = vrouter request_url = response_time_in_usec = 1037 response_size_objects = 0 response_size_bytes = 0 resp_code = 200 useragent = python-requests/2.27.1 node = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-ansible-os-2707-1. >> 02/10/2025 02:23:54.545 7f355dee6390 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: uve_type:vrouter user_token:gAAAAABnqWM62HoBgvggbBQ0iK5E3TJ30n0p5VjjCUvRxJT6jBNJYSUNA2N_STauX37O0twTbcQpjH6zYT0c-Q2fmsbzpr7vyLNiKzd694jautg8079XEdRP9Pw2z1sw0soL1eayIIWjc5wZWm1woE-QMDG861evpcHA5LLYs_YK0TYJPJg5gvo 02/10/2025 02:23:54.545 7f355dee6390 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: user resources are None 02/10/2025 02:23:54.546 7f355de74a20 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: __default__ [SYS_INFO]: AnalyticsApiStats: api_stats = << operation_type = GET remote_ip = object_type = vrouter request_url = response_time_in_usec = 872 response_size_objects = 0 response_size_bytes = 0 resp_code = 200 useragent = python-requests/2.27.1 node = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-ansible-os-2707-1. >> 02/10/2025 02:24:28.399 7f355dee6390 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: resource list for bgp-peer is None 02/10/2025 02:24:29.265 7f355dee6390 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: resource list for bgp-peer is None 02/10/2025 02:24:46.536 7f355dee6390 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: send sync_uve in the [ObjectCollectorInfo:NodeStatusUVE] map 02/10/2025 02:24:48.862 7f355dee6390 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: send sync_uve in the [ObjectCollectorInfo:NodeStatusUVE] map 02/10/2025 02:24:54.934 7f355dee6390 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: uve_type:vrouter user_token:gAAAAABnqWN2JGw6kZrdn5SSsZ3yWQXmR_Hp3Nw6hLYyR0YCcdqEermcH5ZWiZJvV_76PslpWVclE19FHskY19o6hHuUFaGlFazHyvavAPjn3vC8GUezw3eIAa8LUgMqV92Xm7Bopfc4H39IwID0TMyg2rOzcMWLjCG1K4vg_T6N46EaaGcl6Ao 02/10/2025 02:24:54.935 7f355dee6390 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: user resources are None 02/10/2025 02:24:54.936 7f35597f6048 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: __default__ [SYS_INFO]: AnalyticsApiStats: api_stats = << operation_type = GET remote_ip = object_type = vrouter request_url = response_time_in_usec = 866 response_size_objects = 0 response_size_bytes = 0 resp_code = 200 useragent = python-requests/2.27.1 node = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-ansible-os-2707-1. >> 02/10/2025 02:24:55.316 7f355dee6390 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: uve_type:vrouter user_token:gAAAAABnqWN3G9zkxmOJiZbDaLmsCniBul4gzWjpc33qHJFocuHe8Z9Fn7r_Ir1ApD1y2ZVcdxp4L22TVRANsIqV85MvSIlpDm6NntD_s_Kp7mA4AuFJrc8VXYQKtHpu315cvSIk7J_4X0CWAcjBs-D5W_bM6eqjOJGnSDjF8WsBmAIdLwah_Yo 02/10/2025 02:24:55.316 7f355dee6390 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: user resources are None 02/10/2025 02:24:55.319 7f355dee6390 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: Computed ObjectVRouter:cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-ansible-os-2707-1 as ['NodeStatus'] 02/10/2025 02:24:55.319 7f3561784e10 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: __default__ [SYS_INFO]: AnalyticsApiStats: api_stats = << operation_type = GET remote_ip = object_type = vrouter request_url = response_time_in_usec = 2751 response_size_objects = 1 response_size_bytes = 926 resp_code = 200 useragent = python-requests/2.27.1 node = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-ansible-os-2707-1. >> 02/10/2025 02:25:55.714 7f355dee6390 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: uve_type:vrouter user_token:gAAAAABnqWOzD2rSUGf6yarCS5yj1oWtANpV_1k8kNga3eHUm1zd2j5sI8rMIxkMF03XM7duw5keFcopEvkzq6kzpQwvByFi8Gw4bJoU7Jt40UJEk1xnEuVaPsHNf3vpA59uno4nDJUoU84Z233Fi1tu5vEbs1ubj7vJZ6QqPAVIzwssBcLY48s 02/10/2025 02:25:55.714 7f355dee6390 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: user resources are None 02/10/2025 02:25:55.716 7f355dee6390 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: Computed ObjectVRouter:cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-ansible-os-2707-1 as ['VrouterAgent'] 02/10/2025 02:25:55.716 7f355dee1390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: __default__ [SYS_INFO]: AnalyticsApiStats: api_stats = << operation_type = GET remote_ip = object_type = vrouter request_url = response_time_in_usec = 2151 response_size_objects = 1 response_size_bytes = 104 resp_code = 200 useragent = python-requests/2.27.1 node = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-ansible-os-2707-1. >> 02/10/2025 02:25:56.100 7f355dee6390 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: uve_type:vrouter user_token:gAAAAABnqWO06RznJHyqdiGO58k7VbHngiENYADoV1lHCuR87pdyHQ5MOVe1Th5Igfoen-n7vC3bqP5MAKALAJ6KholLQT9LFu1ptC26Y1w0gQRszwb1LiN3FPvrgulE58C-Fyz5fcAV5CtI1pn3orofbz-iaO0M4dbBShgSZogh_S2iT4VGboE 02/10/2025 02:25:56.100 7f355dee6390 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: user resources are None 02/10/2025 02:25:56.102 7f355dee6390 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: Computed ObjectVRouter:cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-ansible-os-2707-1 as ['NodeStatus'] 02/10/2025 02:25:56.103 7f355dee1390 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: __default__ [SYS_INFO]: AnalyticsApiStats: api_stats = << operation_type = GET remote_ip = object_type = vrouter request_url = response_time_in_usec = 2632 response_size_objects = 1 response_size_bytes = 926 resp_code = 200 useragent = python-requests/2.27.1 node = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-ansible-os-2707-1. >> 02/10/2025 02:26:56.528 7f355dee6390 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: uve_type:vrouter user_token:gAAAAABnqWPwOVTd38tthX9lMwp7qwqebImQ9tOT-vcMvtZOomEJISDelASKO9V-KTdiy7VdkIKrPZxIT2ufX5mlMonJ5DdnCcX1h98WEzHs55xz--duKDh1lA9eCKkSuau4O1strR82y5I4fmRYeDCnNcLuSyS6L-Vo1b_gXyIZvIkD_g0UnOY 02/10/2025 02:26:56.528 7f355dee6390 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: user resources are None 02/10/2025 02:26:56.531 7f355dee6390 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: Computed ObjectVRouter:cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-ansible-os-2707-1 as ['VrouterAgent'] 02/10/2025 02:26:56.531 7f355de712e8 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: __default__ [SYS_INFO]: AnalyticsApiStats: api_stats = << operation_type = GET remote_ip = object_type = vrouter request_url = response_time_in_usec = 2921 response_size_objects = 1 response_size_bytes = 104 resp_code = 200 useragent = python-requests/2.27.1 node = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-ansible-os-2707-1. >> 02/10/2025 02:26:56.958 7f355dee6390 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: uve_type:vrouter user_token:gAAAAABnqWPwZ-aS9y-0EC_8avKTaJfj5hVAiFn6RSPlIyYWpOYMaQZcFkMgOVKJaaNjzS_bSP_ynav9L81GExZTo37E_jTk-g0l_ItyAyZ9zUxaGvcTFmYXSmm8lZ3IIOwNRm5LABtjOD-6ltAnPyKfFc4r6Vxfs11phnXYX-fPAvO5Vox_Yh0 02/10/2025 02:26:56.958 7f355dee6390 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: user resources are None 02/10/2025 02:26:56.961 7f355dee6390 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: Computed ObjectVRouter:cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-ansible-os-2707-1 as ['NodeStatus'] 02/10/2025 02:26:56.962 7f355eac0828 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: __default__ [SYS_INFO]: AnalyticsApiStats: api_stats = << operation_type = GET remote_ip = object_type = vrouter request_url = response_time_in_usec = 3318 response_size_objects = 1 response_size_bytes = 926 resp_code = 200 useragent = python-requests/2.27.1 node = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-ansible-os-2707-1. >> 02/10/2025 02:27:58.746 7f355de748d0 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: uve_type:vrouter user_token:gAAAAABnqWQutuCZfWBUPuS5u1EvRoyQ8KvyKs6h9_pmm_CbnnWJsizLz-I43D9WUFCELfhyLYCsVzsbq84WYP1hQMCalXvSRPgtKzhFcWUx7QWS9hhOnZZBXo_L28d1bWNHYXQeZR41K0fcZ6UHz23FOfy66k4EEWUpcG3QHlHa7OaZH_PzM58 02/10/2025 02:27:58.746 7f355de748d0 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: user resources are None 02/10/2025 02:27:58.749 7f355de748d0 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: Computed ObjectVRouter:cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-ansible-os-2707-1 as ['VrouterAgent'] 02/10/2025 02:27:58.749 7f355e9e24e0 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: __default__ [SYS_INFO]: AnalyticsApiStats: api_stats = << operation_type = GET remote_ip = object_type = vrouter request_url = response_time_in_usec = 3183 response_size_objects = 1 response_size_bytes = 104 resp_code = 200 useragent = python-requests/2.27.1 node = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-ansible-os-2707-1. >> 02/10/2025 02:27:59.184 7f355e9e24e0 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: uve_type:vrouter user_token:gAAAAABnqWQvBN42ZeOgon1Ta9gA_tHP-OExLt1nA1BB0X8paQvoVbNgQNsmujzZuGm7o3au7rkvhVLKAf3ZaVzk3plCvkDpBqVYlDsNF4YzMuKdeS3UyljWLoG87wltx2Bsuh433PImI55cnx2pYJruoBEv-K2h58kD9kQcAErwEIRjAB6MKP4 02/10/2025 02:27:59.184 7f355e9e24e0 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: user resources are None 02/10/2025 02:27:59.186 7f355e9e24e0 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: Computed ObjectVRouter:cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-ansible-os-2707-1 as ['NodeStatus'] 02/10/2025 02:27:59.187 7f355deecb70 [contrail-analytics-api] [INFO]: __default__ [SYS_INFO]: AnalyticsApiStats: api_stats = << operation_type = GET remote_ip = object_type = vrouter request_url = response_time_in_usec = 2611 response_size_objects = 1 response_size_bytes = 926 resp_code = 200 useragent = python-requests/2.27.1 node = cn-jenkins-deploy-platform-ansible-os-2707-1. >> 02/10/2025 02:28:43.174 7f355e9e24e0 [contrail-analytics-api] [DEBUG]: send sync_uve in the [ObjectCollectorInfo:NodeStatusUVE] map