I : 141217 : 2024/09/09 02:22:10 cni.go:144: Skip file */etc/cni/net.d/05-default.conf I : 141217 : 2024/09/09 02:22:10 cni.go:136: Read file */etc/cni/net.d/10-contrail.conf I : 141217 : 2024/09/09 02:22:10 cni.go:197: Parent Process Name containerd I : 141217 : 2024/09/09 02:22:10 cni.go:109: K8S Cluster Name : k8s I : 141217 : 2024/09/09 02:22:10 cni.go:110: CNI Version : 0.3.1 I : 141217 : 2024/09/09 02:22:10 cni.go:111: CNI Args : K8S_POD_NAMESPACE=kube-system;K8S_POD_NAME=coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t;K8S_POD_INFRA_CONTAINER_ID=e6176484bcc828bbac6c0fa8286b671a750d96b588a4fcc22a8de6f6239f7ccb;K8S_POD_UID=01e24474-ac59-421c-a01c-8190443edfda;IgnoreUnknown=1 I : 141217 : 2024/09/09 02:22:10 cni.go:112: CNI Args StdinData : {"cniVersion":"0.3.1","contrail":{"cluster-name":"k8s","config-dir":"/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm","log-file":"/var/log/cni/opencontrail.log","log-level":"4","meta-plugin":"multus","mtu":1500,"poll-retries":15,"poll-timeout":5,"vrouter-ip":"","vrouter-port":9091},"name":"contrail-k8s-cni","type":"contrail-k8s-cni"} I : 141217 : 2024/09/09 02:22:10 cni.go:113: ContainerID : e6176484bcc828bbac6c0fa8286b671a750d96b588a4fcc22a8de6f6239f7ccb I : 141217 : 2024/09/09 02:22:10 cni.go:114: NetNS : /var/run/netns/cni-2f4334ad-e5b1-2c3a-f836-d1fab908cb5f I : 141217 : 2024/09/09 02:22:10 cni.go:115: Container Ifname : eth0 I : 141217 : 2024/09/09 02:22:10 cni.go:116: Meta Plugin Call : false I : 141217 : 2024/09/09 02:22:10 cni.go:117: Network Name: contrail-k8s-cni I : 141217 : 2024/09/09 02:22:10 cni.go:118: MTU : 1500 I : 141217 : 2024/09/09 02:22:10 vrouter.go:535: {Server: Port:9091 Dir:/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm PollTimeout:5 PollRetries:15 containerName: containerId: containerUuid: containerVn: VmiUuid: httpClient:0xc000093350} I : 141217 : 2024/09/09 02:22:10 cni.go:120: &{cniArgs:0xc0000f0000 ContainerUuid: ContainerName:k8s__kube-system__coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t ContainerVn: ClusterName:k8s Mode:k8s MetaPlugin:multus VifParent:eth0 VifType:veth Mtu:1500 NetworkName:contrail-k8s-cni LogFile:/var/log/cni/opencontrail.log LogLevel:4 VRouter:{Server: Port:9091 Dir:/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm PollTimeout:5 PollRetries:15 containerName: containerId: containerUuid: containerVn: VmiUuid: httpClient:0xc000093350}} I : 141217 : 2024/09/09 02:22:10 contrail-kube-cni.go:25: Came in Add for container e6176484bcc828bbac6c0fa8286b671a750d96b588a4fcc22a8de6f6239f7ccb I : 141217 : 2024/09/09 02:22:10 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 141217 : 2024/09/09 02:22:10 vrouter.go:93: Failed HTTP operation : &{Method:GET URL: Proto:HTTP/1.1 ProtoMajor:1 ProtoMinor:1 Header:map[Content-Type:[application/json]] Body:{} GetBody:0x6b3560 ContentLength:0 TransferEncoding:[] Close:false Host: Form:map[] PostForm:map[] MultipartForm: Trailer:map[] RemoteAddr: RequestURI: TLS: Cancel: Response: ctx:0xc0000aa030}. Error : Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused E : 141217 : 2024/09/09 02:22:10 vrouter.go:166: Failed HTTP GET operation I : 141217 : 2024/09/09 02:22:10 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 0 : Get vrouter failed I : 141217 : 2024/09/09 02:22:15 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 141217 : 2024/09/09 02:22:15 vrouter.go:93: Failed HTTP operation : &{Method:GET URL: Proto:HTTP/1.1 ProtoMajor:1 ProtoMinor:1 Header:map[Content-Type:[application/json]] Body:{} GetBody:0x6b3560 ContentLength:0 TransferEncoding:[] Close:false Host: Form:map[] PostForm:map[] MultipartForm: Trailer:map[] RemoteAddr: RequestURI: TLS: Cancel: Response: ctx:0xc0000aa030}. Error : Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused E : 141217 : 2024/09/09 02:22:15 vrouter.go:166: Failed HTTP GET operation I : 141217 : 2024/09/09 02:22:15 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 1 : Get vrouter failed I : 141217 : 2024/09/09 02:22:20 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 141217 : 2024/09/09 02:22:20 vrouter.go:93: Failed HTTP operation : &{Method:GET URL: Proto:HTTP/1.1 ProtoMajor:1 ProtoMinor:1 Header:map[Content-Type:[application/json]] Body:{} GetBody:0x6b3560 ContentLength:0 TransferEncoding:[] Close:false Host: Form:map[] PostForm:map[] MultipartForm: Trailer:map[] RemoteAddr: RequestURI: TLS: Cancel: Response: ctx:0xc0000aa030}. Error : Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused E : 141217 : 2024/09/09 02:22:20 vrouter.go:166: Failed HTTP GET operation I : 141217 : 2024/09/09 02:22:20 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 2 : Get vrouter failed I : 141217 : 2024/09/09 02:22:25 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 141217 : 2024/09/09 02:22:25 vrouter.go:93: Failed HTTP operation : &{Method:GET URL: Proto:HTTP/1.1 ProtoMajor:1 ProtoMinor:1 Header:map[Content-Type:[application/json]] Body:{} GetBody:0x6b3560 ContentLength:0 TransferEncoding:[] Close:false Host: Form:map[] PostForm:map[] MultipartForm: Trailer:map[] RemoteAddr: RequestURI: TLS: Cancel: Response: ctx:0xc0000aa030}. Error : Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused E : 141217 : 2024/09/09 02:22:25 vrouter.go:166: Failed HTTP GET operation I : 141217 : 2024/09/09 02:22:25 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 3 : Get vrouter failed I : 141217 : 2024/09/09 02:22:30 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 141217 : 2024/09/09 02:22:30 vrouter.go:93: Failed HTTP operation : &{Method:GET URL: Proto:HTTP/1.1 ProtoMajor:1 ProtoMinor:1 Header:map[Content-Type:[application/json]] Body:{} GetBody:0x6b3560 ContentLength:0 TransferEncoding:[] Close:false Host: Form:map[] PostForm:map[] MultipartForm: Trailer:map[] RemoteAddr: RequestURI: TLS: Cancel: Response: ctx:0xc0000aa030}. Error : Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused E : 141217 : 2024/09/09 02:22:30 vrouter.go:166: Failed HTTP GET operation I : 141217 : 2024/09/09 02:22:30 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 4 : Get vrouter failed I : 141217 : 2024/09/09 02:22:35 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 141217 : 2024/09/09 02:22:35 vrouter.go:93: Failed HTTP operation : &{Method:GET URL: Proto:HTTP/1.1 ProtoMajor:1 ProtoMinor:1 Header:map[Content-Type:[application/json]] Body:{} GetBody:0x6b3560 ContentLength:0 TransferEncoding:[] Close:false Host: Form:map[] PostForm:map[] MultipartForm: Trailer:map[] RemoteAddr: RequestURI: TLS: Cancel: Response: ctx:0xc0000aa030}. Error : Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused E : 141217 : 2024/09/09 02:22:35 vrouter.go:166: Failed HTTP GET operation I : 141217 : 2024/09/09 02:22:35 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 5 : Get vrouter failed I : 141217 : 2024/09/09 02:22:40 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 141217 : 2024/09/09 02:22:40 vrouter.go:93: Failed HTTP operation : &{Method:GET URL: Proto:HTTP/1.1 ProtoMajor:1 ProtoMinor:1 Header:map[Content-Type:[application/json]] Body:{} GetBody:0x6b3560 ContentLength:0 TransferEncoding:[] Close:false Host: Form:map[] PostForm:map[] MultipartForm: Trailer:map[] RemoteAddr: RequestURI: TLS: Cancel: Response: ctx:0xc0000aa030}. Error : Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused E : 141217 : 2024/09/09 02:22:40 vrouter.go:166: Failed HTTP GET operation I : 141217 : 2024/09/09 02:22:40 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 6 : Get vrouter failed I : 141217 : 2024/09/09 02:22:45 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 141217 : 2024/09/09 02:22:45 vrouter.go:93: Failed HTTP operation : &{Method:GET URL: Proto:HTTP/1.1 ProtoMajor:1 ProtoMinor:1 Header:map[Content-Type:[application/json]] Body:{} GetBody:0x6b3560 ContentLength:0 TransferEncoding:[] Close:false Host: Form:map[] PostForm:map[] MultipartForm: Trailer:map[] RemoteAddr: RequestURI: TLS: Cancel: Response: ctx:0xc0000aa030}. Error : Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused E : 141217 : 2024/09/09 02:22:45 vrouter.go:166: Failed HTTP GET operation I : 141217 : 2024/09/09 02:22:45 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 7 : Get vrouter failed I : 141217 : 2024/09/09 02:22:50 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 141217 : 2024/09/09 02:22:50 vrouter.go:93: Failed HTTP operation : &{Method:GET URL: Proto:HTTP/1.1 ProtoMajor:1 ProtoMinor:1 Header:map[Content-Type:[application/json]] Body:{} GetBody:0x6b3560 ContentLength:0 TransferEncoding:[] Close:false Host: Form:map[] PostForm:map[] MultipartForm: Trailer:map[] RemoteAddr: RequestURI: TLS: Cancel: Response: ctx:0xc0000aa030}. Error : Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused E : 141217 : 2024/09/09 02:22:50 vrouter.go:166: Failed HTTP GET operation I : 141217 : 2024/09/09 02:22:50 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 8 : Get vrouter failed I : 141217 : 2024/09/09 02:22:55 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 141217 : 2024/09/09 02:22:55 vrouter.go:93: Failed HTTP operation : &{Method:GET URL: Proto:HTTP/1.1 ProtoMajor:1 ProtoMinor:1 Header:map[Content-Type:[application/json]] Body:{} GetBody:0x6b3560 ContentLength:0 TransferEncoding:[] Close:false Host: Form:map[] PostForm:map[] MultipartForm: Trailer:map[] RemoteAddr: RequestURI: TLS: Cancel: Response: ctx:0xc0000aa030}. Error : Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused E : 141217 : 2024/09/09 02:22:55 vrouter.go:166: Failed HTTP GET operation I : 141217 : 2024/09/09 02:22:55 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 9 : Get vrouter failed I : 141217 : 2024/09/09 02:23:00 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 141217 : 2024/09/09 02:23:00 vrouter.go:93: Failed HTTP operation : &{Method:GET URL: Proto:HTTP/1.1 ProtoMajor:1 ProtoMinor:1 Header:map[Content-Type:[application/json]] Body:{} GetBody:0x6b3560 ContentLength:0 TransferEncoding:[] Close:false Host: Form:map[] PostForm:map[] MultipartForm: Trailer:map[] RemoteAddr: RequestURI: TLS: Cancel: Response: ctx:0xc0000aa030}. Error : Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused E : 141217 : 2024/09/09 02:23:00 vrouter.go:166: Failed HTTP GET operation I : 141217 : 2024/09/09 02:23:00 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 10 : Get vrouter failed I : 141217 : 2024/09/09 02:23:05 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 141217 : 2024/09/09 02:23:05 vrouter.go:93: Failed HTTP operation : &{Method:GET URL: Proto:HTTP/1.1 ProtoMajor:1 ProtoMinor:1 Header:map[Content-Type:[application/json]] Body:{} GetBody:0x6b3560 ContentLength:0 TransferEncoding:[] Close:false Host: Form:map[] PostForm:map[] MultipartForm: Trailer:map[] RemoteAddr: RequestURI: TLS: Cancel: Response: ctx:0xc0000aa030}. Error : Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused E : 141217 : 2024/09/09 02:23:05 vrouter.go:166: Failed HTTP GET operation I : 141217 : 2024/09/09 02:23:05 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 11 : Get vrouter failed I : 141217 : 2024/09/09 02:23:10 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 141217 : 2024/09/09 02:23:10 vrouter.go:93: Failed HTTP operation : &{Method:GET URL: Proto:HTTP/1.1 ProtoMajor:1 ProtoMinor:1 Header:map[Content-Type:[application/json]] Body:{} GetBody:0x6b3560 ContentLength:0 TransferEncoding:[] Close:false Host: Form:map[] PostForm:map[] MultipartForm: Trailer:map[] RemoteAddr: RequestURI: TLS: Cancel: Response: ctx:0xc0000aa030}. Error : Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused E : 141217 : 2024/09/09 02:23:10 vrouter.go:166: Failed HTTP GET operation I : 141217 : 2024/09/09 02:23:10 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 12 : Get vrouter failed I : 141217 : 2024/09/09 02:23:15 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 141217 : 2024/09/09 02:23:15 vrouter.go:93: Failed HTTP operation : &{Method:GET URL: Proto:HTTP/1.1 ProtoMajor:1 ProtoMinor:1 Header:map[Content-Type:[application/json]] Body:{} GetBody:0x6b3560 ContentLength:0 TransferEncoding:[] Close:false Host: Form:map[] PostForm:map[] MultipartForm: Trailer:map[] RemoteAddr: RequestURI: TLS: Cancel: Response: ctx:0xc0000aa030}. Error : Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused E : 141217 : 2024/09/09 02:23:15 vrouter.go:166: Failed HTTP GET operation I : 141217 : 2024/09/09 02:23:15 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 13 : Get vrouter failed I : 141217 : 2024/09/09 02:23:20 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 141217 : 2024/09/09 02:23:20 vrouter.go:93: Failed HTTP operation : &{Method:GET URL: Proto:HTTP/1.1 ProtoMajor:1 ProtoMinor:1 Header:map[Content-Type:[application/json]] Body:{} GetBody:0x6b3560 ContentLength:0 TransferEncoding:[] Close:false Host: Form:map[] PostForm:map[] MultipartForm: Trailer:map[] RemoteAddr: RequestURI: TLS: Cancel: Response: ctx:0xc0000aa030}. Error : Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused E : 141217 : 2024/09/09 02:23:20 vrouter.go:166: Failed HTTP GET operation I : 141217 : 2024/09/09 02:23:20 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 14 : Get vrouter failed E : 141217 : 2024/09/09 02:23:25 cni.go:479: Error polling for configuration of E : 141217 : 2024/09/09 02:23:25 contrail-kube-cni.go:30: Failed processing Add command. I : 141439 : 2024/09/09 02:23:25 cni.go:144: Skip file */etc/cni/net.d/05-default.conf I : 141439 : 2024/09/09 02:23:25 cni.go:136: Read file */etc/cni/net.d/10-contrail.conf I : 141439 : 2024/09/09 02:23:25 cni.go:197: Parent Process Name containerd I : 141439 : 2024/09/09 02:23:25 cni.go:109: K8S Cluster Name : k8s I : 141439 : 2024/09/09 02:23:25 cni.go:110: CNI Version : 0.3.1 I : 141439 : 2024/09/09 02:23:25 cni.go:111: CNI Args : K8S_POD_UID=01e24474-ac59-421c-a01c-8190443edfda;IgnoreUnknown=1;K8S_POD_NAMESPACE=kube-system;K8S_POD_NAME=coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t;K8S_POD_INFRA_CONTAINER_ID=e6176484bcc828bbac6c0fa8286b671a750d96b588a4fcc22a8de6f6239f7ccb I : 141439 : 2024/09/09 02:23:25 cni.go:112: CNI Args StdinData : {"cniVersion":"0.3.1","contrail":{"cluster-name":"k8s","config-dir":"/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm","log-file":"/var/log/cni/opencontrail.log","log-level":"4","meta-plugin":"multus","mtu":1500,"poll-retries":15,"poll-timeout":5,"vrouter-ip":"","vrouter-port":9091},"name":"contrail-k8s-cni","type":"contrail-k8s-cni"} I : 141439 : 2024/09/09 02:23:25 cni.go:113: ContainerID : e6176484bcc828bbac6c0fa8286b671a750d96b588a4fcc22a8de6f6239f7ccb I : 141439 : 2024/09/09 02:23:25 cni.go:114: NetNS : /var/run/netns/cni-2f4334ad-e5b1-2c3a-f836-d1fab908cb5f I : 141439 : 2024/09/09 02:23:25 cni.go:115: Container Ifname : eth0 I : 141439 : 2024/09/09 02:23:25 cni.go:116: Meta Plugin Call : false I : 141439 : 2024/09/09 02:23:25 cni.go:117: Network Name: contrail-k8s-cni I : 141439 : 2024/09/09 02:23:25 cni.go:118: MTU : 1500 I : 141439 : 2024/09/09 02:23:25 vrouter.go:535: {Server: Port:9091 Dir:/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm PollTimeout:5 PollRetries:15 containerName: containerId: containerUuid: containerVn: VmiUuid: httpClient:0xc0000952f0} I : 141439 : 2024/09/09 02:23:25 cni.go:120: &{cniArgs:0xc0000f0000 ContainerUuid: ContainerName:k8s__kube-system__coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t ContainerVn: ClusterName:k8s Mode:k8s MetaPlugin:multus VifParent:eth0 VifType:veth Mtu:1500 NetworkName:contrail-k8s-cni LogFile:/var/log/cni/opencontrail.log LogLevel:4 VRouter:{Server: Port:9091 Dir:/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm PollTimeout:5 PollRetries:15 containerName: containerId: containerUuid: containerVn: VmiUuid: httpClient:0xc0000952f0}} I : 141439 : 2024/09/09 02:23:25 contrail-kube-cni.go:45: Came in Del for container e6176484bcc828bbac6c0fa8286b671a750d96b588a4fcc22a8de6f6239f7ccb I : 141439 : 2024/09/09 02:23:25 utils.go:27: File/Dir - /var/lib/contrail/ports/vm/k8s__kube-system__coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t does not exist. Error - stat /var/lib/contrail/ports/vm/k8s__kube-system__coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t: no such file or directory I : 141439 : 2024/09/09 02:23:25 cni.go:641: CmdDel is done I : 141463 : 2024/09/09 02:23:37 cni.go:144: Skip file */etc/cni/net.d/05-default.conf I : 141463 : 2024/09/09 02:23:37 cni.go:136: Read file */etc/cni/net.d/10-contrail.conf I : 141463 : 2024/09/09 02:23:37 cni.go:197: Parent Process Name containerd I : 141463 : 2024/09/09 02:23:37 cni.go:109: K8S Cluster Name : k8s I : 141463 : 2024/09/09 02:23:37 cni.go:110: CNI Version : 0.3.1 I : 141463 : 2024/09/09 02:23:37 cni.go:111: CNI Args : K8S_POD_UID=01e24474-ac59-421c-a01c-8190443edfda;IgnoreUnknown=1;K8S_POD_NAMESPACE=kube-system;K8S_POD_NAME=coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t;K8S_POD_INFRA_CONTAINER_ID=b97bf3d71da35694e281e2d92693721e7ae6fc024d15daf0b41f304fc676ea7b I : 141463 : 2024/09/09 02:23:37 cni.go:112: CNI Args StdinData : {"cniVersion":"0.3.1","contrail":{"cluster-name":"k8s","config-dir":"/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm","log-file":"/var/log/cni/opencontrail.log","log-level":"4","meta-plugin":"multus","mtu":1500,"poll-retries":15,"poll-timeout":5,"vrouter-ip":"","vrouter-port":9091},"name":"contrail-k8s-cni","type":"contrail-k8s-cni"} I : 141463 : 2024/09/09 02:23:37 cni.go:113: ContainerID : b97bf3d71da35694e281e2d92693721e7ae6fc024d15daf0b41f304fc676ea7b I : 141463 : 2024/09/09 02:23:37 cni.go:114: NetNS : /var/run/netns/cni-8ceb4d60-832a-7e50-4d1c-86599d94d838 I : 141463 : 2024/09/09 02:23:37 cni.go:115: Container Ifname : eth0 I : 141463 : 2024/09/09 02:23:37 cni.go:116: Meta Plugin Call : false I : 141463 : 2024/09/09 02:23:37 cni.go:117: Network Name: contrail-k8s-cni I : 141463 : 2024/09/09 02:23:37 cni.go:118: MTU : 1500 I : 141463 : 2024/09/09 02:23:37 vrouter.go:535: {Server: Port:9091 Dir:/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm PollTimeout:5 PollRetries:15 containerName: containerId: containerUuid: containerVn: VmiUuid: httpClient:0xc00009d2f0} I : 141463 : 2024/09/09 02:23:37 cni.go:120: &{cniArgs:0xc0000f8000 ContainerUuid: ContainerName:k8s__kube-system__coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t ContainerVn: ClusterName:k8s Mode:k8s MetaPlugin:multus VifParent:eth0 VifType:veth Mtu:1500 NetworkName:contrail-k8s-cni LogFile:/var/log/cni/opencontrail.log LogLevel:4 VRouter:{Server: Port:9091 Dir:/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm PollTimeout:5 PollRetries:15 containerName: containerId: containerUuid: containerVn: VmiUuid: httpClient:0xc00009d2f0}} I : 141463 : 2024/09/09 02:23:37 contrail-kube-cni.go:25: Came in Add for container b97bf3d71da35694e281e2d92693721e7ae6fc024d15daf0b41f304fc676ea7b I : 141463 : 2024/09/09 02:23:37 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 141463 : 2024/09/09 02:23:37 vrouter.go:93: Failed HTTP operation : &{Method:GET URL: Proto:HTTP/1.1 ProtoMajor:1 ProtoMinor:1 Header:map[Content-Type:[application/json]] Body:{} GetBody:0x6b3560 ContentLength:0 TransferEncoding:[] Close:false Host: Form:map[] PostForm:map[] MultipartForm: Trailer:map[] RemoteAddr: RequestURI: TLS: Cancel: Response: ctx:0xc0000b4030}. Error : Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused E : 141463 : 2024/09/09 02:23:37 vrouter.go:166: Failed HTTP GET operation I : 141463 : 2024/09/09 02:23:37 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 0 : Get vrouter failed I : 141463 : 2024/09/09 02:23:42 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 141463 : 2024/09/09 02:23:42 vrouter.go:93: Failed HTTP operation : &{Method:GET URL: Proto:HTTP/1.1 ProtoMajor:1 ProtoMinor:1 Header:map[Content-Type:[application/json]] Body:{} GetBody:0x6b3560 ContentLength:0 TransferEncoding:[] Close:false Host: Form:map[] PostForm:map[] MultipartForm: Trailer:map[] RemoteAddr: RequestURI: TLS: Cancel: Response: ctx:0xc0000b4030}. Error : Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused E : 141463 : 2024/09/09 02:23:42 vrouter.go:166: Failed HTTP GET operation I : 141463 : 2024/09/09 02:23:42 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 1 : Get vrouter failed I : 141463 : 2024/09/09 02:23:47 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 141463 : 2024/09/09 02:23:47 vrouter.go:93: Failed HTTP operation : &{Method:GET URL: Proto:HTTP/1.1 ProtoMajor:1 ProtoMinor:1 Header:map[Content-Type:[application/json]] Body:{} GetBody:0x6b3560 ContentLength:0 TransferEncoding:[] Close:false Host: Form:map[] PostForm:map[] MultipartForm: Trailer:map[] RemoteAddr: RequestURI: TLS: Cancel: Response: ctx:0xc0000b4030}. Error : Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused E : 141463 : 2024/09/09 02:23:47 vrouter.go:166: Failed HTTP GET operation I : 141463 : 2024/09/09 02:23:47 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 2 : Get vrouter failed I : 141463 : 2024/09/09 02:23:52 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 141463 : 2024/09/09 02:23:52 vrouter.go:93: Failed HTTP operation : &{Method:GET URL: Proto:HTTP/1.1 ProtoMajor:1 ProtoMinor:1 Header:map[Content-Type:[application/json]] Body:{} GetBody:0x6b3560 ContentLength:0 TransferEncoding:[] Close:false Host: Form:map[] PostForm:map[] MultipartForm: Trailer:map[] RemoteAddr: RequestURI: TLS: Cancel: Response: ctx:0xc0000b4030}. Error : Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused E : 141463 : 2024/09/09 02:23:52 vrouter.go:166: Failed HTTP GET operation I : 141463 : 2024/09/09 02:23:52 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 3 : Get vrouter failed I : 141463 : 2024/09/09 02:23:57 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 141463 : 2024/09/09 02:23:57 vrouter.go:93: Failed HTTP operation : &{Method:GET URL: Proto:HTTP/1.1 ProtoMajor:1 ProtoMinor:1 Header:map[Content-Type:[application/json]] Body:{} GetBody:0x6b3560 ContentLength:0 TransferEncoding:[] Close:false Host: Form:map[] PostForm:map[] MultipartForm: Trailer:map[] RemoteAddr: RequestURI: TLS: Cancel: Response: ctx:0xc0000b4030}. Error : Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused E : 141463 : 2024/09/09 02:23:57 vrouter.go:166: Failed HTTP GET operation I : 141463 : 2024/09/09 02:23:57 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 4 : Get vrouter failed I : 141463 : 2024/09/09 02:24:02 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 141463 : 2024/09/09 02:24:02 vrouter.go:93: Failed HTTP operation : &{Method:GET URL: Proto:HTTP/1.1 ProtoMajor:1 ProtoMinor:1 Header:map[Content-Type:[application/json]] Body:{} GetBody:0x6b3560 ContentLength:0 TransferEncoding:[] Close:false Host: Form:map[] PostForm:map[] MultipartForm: Trailer:map[] RemoteAddr: RequestURI: TLS: Cancel: Response: ctx:0xc0000b4030}. Error : Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused E : 141463 : 2024/09/09 02:24:02 vrouter.go:166: Failed HTTP GET operation I : 141463 : 2024/09/09 02:24:02 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 5 : Get vrouter failed I : 141463 : 2024/09/09 02:24:07 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 141463 : 2024/09/09 02:24:07 vrouter.go:93: Failed HTTP operation : &{Method:GET URL: Proto:HTTP/1.1 ProtoMajor:1 ProtoMinor:1 Header:map[Content-Type:[application/json]] Body:{} GetBody:0x6b3560 ContentLength:0 TransferEncoding:[] Close:false Host: Form:map[] PostForm:map[] MultipartForm: Trailer:map[] RemoteAddr: RequestURI: TLS: Cancel: Response: ctx:0xc0000b4030}. Error : Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused E : 141463 : 2024/09/09 02:24:07 vrouter.go:166: Failed HTTP GET operation I : 141463 : 2024/09/09 02:24:07 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 6 : Get vrouter failed I : 141463 : 2024/09/09 02:24:12 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 141463 : 2024/09/09 02:24:12 vrouter.go:93: Failed HTTP operation : &{Method:GET URL: Proto:HTTP/1.1 ProtoMajor:1 ProtoMinor:1 Header:map[Content-Type:[application/json]] Body:{} GetBody:0x6b3560 ContentLength:0 TransferEncoding:[] Close:false Host: Form:map[] PostForm:map[] MultipartForm: Trailer:map[] RemoteAddr: RequestURI: TLS: Cancel: Response: ctx:0xc0000b4030}. Error : Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused E : 141463 : 2024/09/09 02:24:12 vrouter.go:166: Failed HTTP GET operation I : 141463 : 2024/09/09 02:24:12 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 7 : Get vrouter failed I : 141463 : 2024/09/09 02:24:17 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 141463 : 2024/09/09 02:24:17 vrouter.go:93: Failed HTTP operation : &{Method:GET URL: Proto:HTTP/1.1 ProtoMajor:1 ProtoMinor:1 Header:map[Content-Type:[application/json]] Body:{} GetBody:0x6b3560 ContentLength:0 TransferEncoding:[] Close:false Host: Form:map[] PostForm:map[] MultipartForm: Trailer:map[] RemoteAddr: RequestURI: TLS: Cancel: Response: ctx:0xc0000b4030}. Error : Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused E : 141463 : 2024/09/09 02:24:17 vrouter.go:166: Failed HTTP GET operation I : 141463 : 2024/09/09 02:24:17 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 8 : Get vrouter failed I : 141463 : 2024/09/09 02:24:22 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 141463 : 2024/09/09 02:24:22 vrouter.go:93: Failed HTTP operation : &{Method:GET URL: Proto:HTTP/1.1 ProtoMajor:1 ProtoMinor:1 Header:map[Content-Type:[application/json]] Body:{} GetBody:0x6b3560 ContentLength:0 TransferEncoding:[] Close:false Host: Form:map[] PostForm:map[] MultipartForm: Trailer:map[] RemoteAddr: RequestURI: TLS: Cancel: Response: ctx:0xc0000b4030}. Error : Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused E : 141463 : 2024/09/09 02:24:22 vrouter.go:166: Failed HTTP GET operation I : 141463 : 2024/09/09 02:24:22 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 9 : Get vrouter failed I : 141463 : 2024/09/09 02:24:27 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 141463 : 2024/09/09 02:24:27 vrouter.go:93: Failed HTTP operation : &{Method:GET URL: Proto:HTTP/1.1 ProtoMajor:1 ProtoMinor:1 Header:map[Content-Type:[application/json]] Body:{} GetBody:0x6b3560 ContentLength:0 TransferEncoding:[] Close:false Host: Form:map[] PostForm:map[] MultipartForm: Trailer:map[] RemoteAddr: RequestURI: TLS: Cancel: Response: ctx:0xc0000b4030}. Error : Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused E : 141463 : 2024/09/09 02:24:27 vrouter.go:166: Failed HTTP GET operation I : 141463 : 2024/09/09 02:24:27 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 10 : Get vrouter failed I : 141463 : 2024/09/09 02:24:32 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 141463 : 2024/09/09 02:24:32 vrouter.go:93: Failed HTTP operation : &{Method:GET URL: Proto:HTTP/1.1 ProtoMajor:1 ProtoMinor:1 Header:map[Content-Type:[application/json]] Body:{} GetBody:0x6b3560 ContentLength:0 TransferEncoding:[] Close:false Host: Form:map[] PostForm:map[] MultipartForm: Trailer:map[] RemoteAddr: RequestURI: TLS: Cancel: Response: ctx:0xc0000b4030}. Error : Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused E : 141463 : 2024/09/09 02:24:32 vrouter.go:166: Failed HTTP GET operation I : 141463 : 2024/09/09 02:24:32 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 11 : Get vrouter failed I : 141463 : 2024/09/09 02:24:37 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 141463 : 2024/09/09 02:24:37 vrouter.go:93: Failed HTTP operation : &{Method:GET URL: Proto:HTTP/1.1 ProtoMajor:1 ProtoMinor:1 Header:map[Content-Type:[application/json]] Body:{} GetBody:0x6b3560 ContentLength:0 TransferEncoding:[] Close:false Host: Form:map[] PostForm:map[] MultipartForm: Trailer:map[] RemoteAddr: RequestURI: TLS: Cancel: Response: ctx:0xc0000b4030}. Error : Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused E : 141463 : 2024/09/09 02:24:37 vrouter.go:166: Failed HTTP GET operation I : 141463 : 2024/09/09 02:24:37 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 12 : Get vrouter failed I : 141463 : 2024/09/09 02:24:42 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 141463 : 2024/09/09 02:24:42 vrouter.go:93: Failed HTTP operation : &{Method:GET URL: Proto:HTTP/1.1 ProtoMajor:1 ProtoMinor:1 Header:map[Content-Type:[application/json]] Body:{} GetBody:0x6b3560 ContentLength:0 TransferEncoding:[] Close:false Host: Form:map[] PostForm:map[] MultipartForm: Trailer:map[] RemoteAddr: RequestURI: TLS: Cancel: Response: ctx:0xc0000b4030}. Error : Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused E : 141463 : 2024/09/09 02:24:42 vrouter.go:166: Failed HTTP GET operation I : 141463 : 2024/09/09 02:24:42 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 13 : Get vrouter failed I : 141463 : 2024/09/09 02:24:47 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 141463 : 2024/09/09 02:24:47 vrouter.go:93: Failed HTTP operation : &{Method:GET URL: Proto:HTTP/1.1 ProtoMajor:1 ProtoMinor:1 Header:map[Content-Type:[application/json]] Body:{} GetBody:0x6b3560 ContentLength:0 TransferEncoding:[] Close:false Host: Form:map[] PostForm:map[] MultipartForm: Trailer:map[] RemoteAddr: RequestURI: TLS: Cancel: Response: ctx:0xc0000b4030}. Error : Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused E : 141463 : 2024/09/09 02:24:47 vrouter.go:166: Failed HTTP GET operation I : 141463 : 2024/09/09 02:24:47 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 14 : Get vrouter failed E : 141463 : 2024/09/09 02:24:52 cni.go:479: Error polling for configuration of E : 141463 : 2024/09/09 02:24:52 contrail-kube-cni.go:30: Failed processing Add command. I : 142122 : 2024/09/09 02:24:52 cni.go:144: Skip file */etc/cni/net.d/05-default.conf I : 142122 : 2024/09/09 02:24:52 cni.go:136: Read file */etc/cni/net.d/10-contrail.conf I : 142122 : 2024/09/09 02:24:52 cni.go:197: Parent Process Name containerd I : 142122 : 2024/09/09 02:24:52 cni.go:109: K8S Cluster Name : k8s I : 142122 : 2024/09/09 02:24:52 cni.go:110: CNI Version : 0.3.1 I : 142122 : 2024/09/09 02:24:52 cni.go:111: CNI Args : K8S_POD_NAMESPACE=kube-system;K8S_POD_NAME=coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t;K8S_POD_INFRA_CONTAINER_ID=b97bf3d71da35694e281e2d92693721e7ae6fc024d15daf0b41f304fc676ea7b;K8S_POD_UID=01e24474-ac59-421c-a01c-8190443edfda;IgnoreUnknown=1 I : 142122 : 2024/09/09 02:24:52 cni.go:112: CNI Args StdinData : {"cniVersion":"0.3.1","contrail":{"cluster-name":"k8s","config-dir":"/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm","log-file":"/var/log/cni/opencontrail.log","log-level":"4","meta-plugin":"multus","mtu":1500,"poll-retries":15,"poll-timeout":5,"vrouter-ip":"","vrouter-port":9091},"name":"contrail-k8s-cni","type":"contrail-k8s-cni"} I : 142122 : 2024/09/09 02:24:52 cni.go:113: ContainerID : b97bf3d71da35694e281e2d92693721e7ae6fc024d15daf0b41f304fc676ea7b I : 142122 : 2024/09/09 02:24:52 cni.go:114: NetNS : /var/run/netns/cni-8ceb4d60-832a-7e50-4d1c-86599d94d838 I : 142122 : 2024/09/09 02:24:52 cni.go:115: Container Ifname : eth0 I : 142122 : 2024/09/09 02:24:52 cni.go:116: Meta Plugin Call : false I : 142122 : 2024/09/09 02:24:52 cni.go:117: Network Name: contrail-k8s-cni I : 142122 : 2024/09/09 02:24:52 cni.go:118: MTU : 1500 I : 142122 : 2024/09/09 02:24:52 vrouter.go:535: {Server: Port:9091 Dir:/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm PollTimeout:5 PollRetries:15 containerName: containerId: containerUuid: containerVn: VmiUuid: httpClient:0xc0000932f0} I : 142122 : 2024/09/09 02:24:52 cni.go:120: &{cniArgs:0xc0000f0000 ContainerUuid: ContainerName:k8s__kube-system__coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t ContainerVn: ClusterName:k8s Mode:k8s MetaPlugin:multus VifParent:eth0 VifType:veth Mtu:1500 NetworkName:contrail-k8s-cni LogFile:/var/log/cni/opencontrail.log LogLevel:4 VRouter:{Server: Port:9091 Dir:/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm PollTimeout:5 PollRetries:15 containerName: containerId: containerUuid: containerVn: VmiUuid: httpClient:0xc0000932f0}} I : 142122 : 2024/09/09 02:24:52 contrail-kube-cni.go:45: Came in Del for container b97bf3d71da35694e281e2d92693721e7ae6fc024d15daf0b41f304fc676ea7b I : 142122 : 2024/09/09 02:24:52 utils.go:27: File/Dir - /var/lib/contrail/ports/vm/k8s__kube-system__coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t does not exist. Error - stat /var/lib/contrail/ports/vm/k8s__kube-system__coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t: no such file or directory I : 142122 : 2024/09/09 02:24:52 cni.go:641: CmdDel is done I : 145459 : 2024/09/09 02:25:02 cni.go:144: Skip file */etc/cni/net.d/05-default.conf I : 145459 : 2024/09/09 02:25:02 cni.go:136: Read file */etc/cni/net.d/10-contrail.conf I : 145459 : 2024/09/09 02:25:02 cni.go:197: Parent Process Name containerd I : 145459 : 2024/09/09 02:25:02 cni.go:109: K8S Cluster Name : k8s I : 145459 : 2024/09/09 02:25:02 cni.go:110: CNI Version : 0.3.1 I : 145459 : 2024/09/09 02:25:02 cni.go:111: CNI Args : IgnoreUnknown=1;K8S_POD_NAMESPACE=kube-system;K8S_POD_NAME=coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t;K8S_POD_INFRA_CONTAINER_ID=6019f9f9d1dfa629b985f0c31a2a4986f41bf5813f825d6130bc3742eb181a58;K8S_POD_UID=01e24474-ac59-421c-a01c-8190443edfda I : 145459 : 2024/09/09 02:25:02 cni.go:112: CNI Args StdinData : {"cniVersion":"0.3.1","contrail":{"cluster-name":"k8s","config-dir":"/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm","log-file":"/var/log/cni/opencontrail.log","log-level":"4","meta-plugin":"multus","mtu":1500,"poll-retries":15,"poll-timeout":5,"vrouter-ip":"","vrouter-port":9091},"name":"contrail-k8s-cni","type":"contrail-k8s-cni"} I : 145459 : 2024/09/09 02:25:02 cni.go:113: ContainerID : 6019f9f9d1dfa629b985f0c31a2a4986f41bf5813f825d6130bc3742eb181a58 I : 145459 : 2024/09/09 02:25:02 cni.go:114: NetNS : /var/run/netns/cni-60bdd815-37b2-52b9-cae7-ad50a3bf1df9 I : 145459 : 2024/09/09 02:25:02 cni.go:115: Container Ifname : eth0 I : 145459 : 2024/09/09 02:25:02 cni.go:116: Meta Plugin Call : false I : 145459 : 2024/09/09 02:25:02 cni.go:117: Network Name: contrail-k8s-cni I : 145459 : 2024/09/09 02:25:02 cni.go:118: MTU : 1500 I : 145459 : 2024/09/09 02:25:02 vrouter.go:535: {Server: Port:9091 Dir:/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm PollTimeout:5 PollRetries:15 containerName: containerId: containerUuid: containerVn: VmiUuid: httpClient:0xc0000932f0} I : 145459 : 2024/09/09 02:25:02 cni.go:120: &{cniArgs:0xc0000f0000 ContainerUuid: ContainerName:k8s__kube-system__coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t ContainerVn: ClusterName:k8s Mode:k8s MetaPlugin:multus VifParent:eth0 VifType:veth Mtu:1500 NetworkName:contrail-k8s-cni LogFile:/var/log/cni/opencontrail.log LogLevel:4 VRouter:{Server: Port:9091 Dir:/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm PollTimeout:5 PollRetries:15 containerName: containerId: containerUuid: containerVn: VmiUuid: httpClient:0xc0000932f0}} I : 145459 : 2024/09/09 02:25:02 contrail-kube-cni.go:25: Came in Add for container 6019f9f9d1dfa629b985f0c31a2a4986f41bf5813f825d6130bc3742eb181a58 I : 145459 : 2024/09/09 02:25:02 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 145459 : 2024/09/09 02:25:02 vrouter.go:93: Failed HTTP operation : &{Method:GET URL: Proto:HTTP/1.1 ProtoMajor:1 ProtoMinor:1 Header:map[Content-Type:[application/json]] Body:{} GetBody:0x6b3560 ContentLength:0 TransferEncoding:[] Close:false Host: Form:map[] PostForm:map[] MultipartForm: Trailer:map[] RemoteAddr: RequestURI: TLS: Cancel: Response: ctx:0xc0000aa030}. Error : Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused E : 145459 : 2024/09/09 02:25:02 vrouter.go:166: Failed HTTP GET operation I : 145459 : 2024/09/09 02:25:02 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 0 : Get vrouter failed I : 145459 : 2024/09/09 02:25:07 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 145459 : 2024/09/09 02:25:07 vrouter.go:93: Failed HTTP operation : &{Method:GET URL: Proto:HTTP/1.1 ProtoMajor:1 ProtoMinor:1 Header:map[Content-Type:[application/json]] Body:{} GetBody:0x6b3560 ContentLength:0 TransferEncoding:[] Close:false Host: Form:map[] PostForm:map[] MultipartForm: Trailer:map[] RemoteAddr: RequestURI: TLS: Cancel: Response: ctx:0xc0000aa030}. Error : Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused E : 145459 : 2024/09/09 02:25:07 vrouter.go:166: Failed HTTP GET operation I : 145459 : 2024/09/09 02:25:07 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 1 : Get vrouter failed I : 145459 : 2024/09/09 02:25:12 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 145459 : 2024/09/09 02:25:12 vrouter.go:93: Failed HTTP operation : &{Method:GET URL: Proto:HTTP/1.1 ProtoMajor:1 ProtoMinor:1 Header:map[Content-Type:[application/json]] Body:{} GetBody:0x6b3560 ContentLength:0 TransferEncoding:[] Close:false Host: Form:map[] PostForm:map[] MultipartForm: Trailer:map[] RemoteAddr: RequestURI: TLS: Cancel: Response: ctx:0xc0000aa030}. Error : Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused E : 145459 : 2024/09/09 02:25:12 vrouter.go:166: Failed HTTP GET operation I : 145459 : 2024/09/09 02:25:12 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 2 : Get vrouter failed I : 145459 : 2024/09/09 02:25:17 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 145459 : 2024/09/09 02:25:17 vrouter.go:93: Failed HTTP operation : &{Method:GET URL: Proto:HTTP/1.1 ProtoMajor:1 ProtoMinor:1 Header:map[Content-Type:[application/json]] Body:{} GetBody:0x6b3560 ContentLength:0 TransferEncoding:[] Close:false Host: Form:map[] PostForm:map[] MultipartForm: Trailer:map[] RemoteAddr: RequestURI: TLS: Cancel: Response: ctx:0xc0000aa030}. Error : Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused E : 145459 : 2024/09/09 02:25:17 vrouter.go:166: Failed HTTP GET operation I : 145459 : 2024/09/09 02:25:17 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 3 : Get vrouter failed I : 145459 : 2024/09/09 02:25:22 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 145459 : 2024/09/09 02:25:22 vrouter.go:93: Failed HTTP operation : &{Method:GET URL: Proto:HTTP/1.1 ProtoMajor:1 ProtoMinor:1 Header:map[Content-Type:[application/json]] Body:{} GetBody:0x6b3560 ContentLength:0 TransferEncoding:[] Close:false Host: Form:map[] PostForm:map[] MultipartForm: Trailer:map[] RemoteAddr: RequestURI: TLS: Cancel: Response: ctx:0xc0000aa030}. Error : Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused E : 145459 : 2024/09/09 02:25:22 vrouter.go:166: Failed HTTP GET operation I : 145459 : 2024/09/09 02:25:22 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 4 : Get vrouter failed I : 145459 : 2024/09/09 02:25:27 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 145459 : 2024/09/09 02:25:27 vrouter.go:93: Failed HTTP operation : &{Method:GET URL: Proto:HTTP/1.1 ProtoMajor:1 ProtoMinor:1 Header:map[Content-Type:[application/json]] Body:{} GetBody:0x6b3560 ContentLength:0 TransferEncoding:[] Close:false Host: Form:map[] PostForm:map[] MultipartForm: Trailer:map[] RemoteAddr: RequestURI: TLS: Cancel: Response: ctx:0xc0000aa030}. Error : Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused E : 145459 : 2024/09/09 02:25:27 vrouter.go:166: Failed HTTP GET operation I : 145459 : 2024/09/09 02:25:27 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 5 : Get vrouter failed I : 145459 : 2024/09/09 02:25:32 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 145459 : 2024/09/09 02:25:32 vrouter.go:93: Failed HTTP operation : &{Method:GET URL: Proto:HTTP/1.1 ProtoMajor:1 ProtoMinor:1 Header:map[Content-Type:[application/json]] Body:{} GetBody:0x6b3560 ContentLength:0 TransferEncoding:[] Close:false Host: Form:map[] PostForm:map[] MultipartForm: Trailer:map[] RemoteAddr: RequestURI: TLS: Cancel: Response: ctx:0xc0000aa030}. Error : Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused E : 145459 : 2024/09/09 02:25:32 vrouter.go:166: Failed HTTP GET operation I : 145459 : 2024/09/09 02:25:32 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 6 : Get vrouter failed I : 145459 : 2024/09/09 02:25:37 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 145459 : 2024/09/09 02:25:37 vrouter.go:93: Failed HTTP operation : &{Method:GET URL: Proto:HTTP/1.1 ProtoMajor:1 ProtoMinor:1 Header:map[Content-Type:[application/json]] Body:{} GetBody:0x6b3560 ContentLength:0 TransferEncoding:[] Close:false Host: Form:map[] PostForm:map[] MultipartForm: Trailer:map[] RemoteAddr: RequestURI: TLS: Cancel: Response: ctx:0xc0000aa030}. Error : Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused E : 145459 : 2024/09/09 02:25:37 vrouter.go:166: Failed HTTP GET operation I : 145459 : 2024/09/09 02:25:37 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 7 : Get vrouter failed I : 145459 : 2024/09/09 02:25:42 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 145459 : 2024/09/09 02:25:42 vrouter.go:93: Failed HTTP operation : &{Method:GET URL: Proto:HTTP/1.1 ProtoMajor:1 ProtoMinor:1 Header:map[Content-Type:[application/json]] Body:{} GetBody:0x6b3560 ContentLength:0 TransferEncoding:[] Close:false Host: Form:map[] PostForm:map[] MultipartForm: Trailer:map[] RemoteAddr: RequestURI: TLS: Cancel: Response: ctx:0xc0000aa030}. Error : Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused E : 145459 : 2024/09/09 02:25:42 vrouter.go:166: Failed HTTP GET operation I : 145459 : 2024/09/09 02:25:42 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 8 : Get vrouter failed I : 145459 : 2024/09/09 02:25:47 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 145459 : 2024/09/09 02:25:47 vrouter.go:93: Failed HTTP operation : &{Method:GET URL: Proto:HTTP/1.1 ProtoMajor:1 ProtoMinor:1 Header:map[Content-Type:[application/json]] Body:{} GetBody:0x6b3560 ContentLength:0 TransferEncoding:[] Close:false Host: Form:map[] PostForm:map[] MultipartForm: Trailer:map[] RemoteAddr: RequestURI: TLS: Cancel: Response: ctx:0xc0000aa030}. Error : Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused E : 145459 : 2024/09/09 02:25:47 vrouter.go:166: Failed HTTP GET operation I : 145459 : 2024/09/09 02:25:47 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 9 : Get vrouter failed I : 145459 : 2024/09/09 02:25:52 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 145459 : 2024/09/09 02:25:52 vrouter.go:93: Failed HTTP operation : &{Method:GET URL: Proto:HTTP/1.1 ProtoMajor:1 ProtoMinor:1 Header:map[Content-Type:[application/json]] Body:{} GetBody:0x6b3560 ContentLength:0 TransferEncoding:[] Close:false Host: Form:map[] PostForm:map[] MultipartForm: Trailer:map[] RemoteAddr: RequestURI: TLS: Cancel: Response: ctx:0xc0000aa030}. Error : Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused E : 145459 : 2024/09/09 02:25:52 vrouter.go:166: Failed HTTP GET operation I : 145459 : 2024/09/09 02:25:52 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 10 : Get vrouter failed I : 145459 : 2024/09/09 02:25:57 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 145459 : 2024/09/09 02:25:57 vrouter.go:93: Failed HTTP operation : &{Method:GET URL: Proto:HTTP/1.1 ProtoMajor:1 ProtoMinor:1 Header:map[Content-Type:[application/json]] Body:{} GetBody:0x6b3560 ContentLength:0 TransferEncoding:[] Close:false Host: Form:map[] PostForm:map[] MultipartForm: Trailer:map[] RemoteAddr: RequestURI: TLS: Cancel: Response: ctx:0xc0000aa030}. Error : Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused E : 145459 : 2024/09/09 02:25:57 vrouter.go:166: Failed HTTP GET operation I : 145459 : 2024/09/09 02:25:57 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 11 : Get vrouter failed I : 145459 : 2024/09/09 02:26:02 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 145459 : 2024/09/09 02:26:02 vrouter.go:93: Failed HTTP operation : &{Method:GET URL: Proto:HTTP/1.1 ProtoMajor:1 ProtoMinor:1 Header:map[Content-Type:[application/json]] Body:{} GetBody:0x6b3560 ContentLength:0 TransferEncoding:[] Close:false Host: Form:map[] PostForm:map[] MultipartForm: Trailer:map[] RemoteAddr: RequestURI: TLS: Cancel: Response: ctx:0xc0000aa030}. Error : Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused E : 145459 : 2024/09/09 02:26:02 vrouter.go:166: Failed HTTP GET operation I : 145459 : 2024/09/09 02:26:02 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 12 : Get vrouter failed I : 145459 : 2024/09/09 02:26:07 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 145459 : 2024/09/09 02:26:07 vrouter.go:93: Failed HTTP operation : &{Method:GET URL: Proto:HTTP/1.1 ProtoMajor:1 ProtoMinor:1 Header:map[Content-Type:[application/json]] Body:{} GetBody:0x6b3560 ContentLength:0 TransferEncoding:[] Close:false Host: Form:map[] PostForm:map[] MultipartForm: Trailer:map[] RemoteAddr: RequestURI: TLS: Cancel: Response: ctx:0xc0000aa030}. Error : Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused E : 145459 : 2024/09/09 02:26:07 vrouter.go:166: Failed HTTP GET operation I : 145459 : 2024/09/09 02:26:07 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 13 : Get vrouter failed I : 145459 : 2024/09/09 02:26:12 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 145459 : 2024/09/09 02:26:12 vrouter.go:93: Failed HTTP operation : &{Method:GET URL: Proto:HTTP/1.1 ProtoMajor:1 ProtoMinor:1 Header:map[Content-Type:[application/json]] Body:{} GetBody:0x6b3560 ContentLength:0 TransferEncoding:[] Close:false Host: Form:map[] PostForm:map[] MultipartForm: Trailer:map[] RemoteAddr: RequestURI: TLS: Cancel: Response: ctx:0xc0000aa030}. Error : Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused E : 145459 : 2024/09/09 02:26:12 vrouter.go:166: Failed HTTP GET operation I : 145459 : 2024/09/09 02:26:12 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 14 : Get vrouter failed E : 145459 : 2024/09/09 02:26:17 cni.go:479: Error polling for configuration of E : 145459 : 2024/09/09 02:26:17 contrail-kube-cni.go:30: Failed processing Add command. I : 147623 : 2024/09/09 02:26:18 cni.go:144: Skip file */etc/cni/net.d/05-default.conf I : 147623 : 2024/09/09 02:26:18 cni.go:136: Read file */etc/cni/net.d/10-contrail.conf I : 147623 : 2024/09/09 02:26:18 cni.go:197: Parent Process Name containerd I : 147623 : 2024/09/09 02:26:18 cni.go:109: K8S Cluster Name : k8s I : 147623 : 2024/09/09 02:26:18 cni.go:110: CNI Version : 0.3.1 I : 147623 : 2024/09/09 02:26:18 cni.go:111: CNI Args : K8S_POD_NAMESPACE=kube-system;K8S_POD_NAME=coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t;K8S_POD_INFRA_CONTAINER_ID=6019f9f9d1dfa629b985f0c31a2a4986f41bf5813f825d6130bc3742eb181a58;K8S_POD_UID=01e24474-ac59-421c-a01c-8190443edfda;IgnoreUnknown=1 I : 147623 : 2024/09/09 02:26:18 cni.go:112: CNI Args StdinData : {"cniVersion":"0.3.1","contrail":{"cluster-name":"k8s","config-dir":"/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm","log-file":"/var/log/cni/opencontrail.log","log-level":"4","meta-plugin":"multus","mtu":1500,"poll-retries":15,"poll-timeout":5,"vrouter-ip":"","vrouter-port":9091},"name":"contrail-k8s-cni","type":"contrail-k8s-cni"} I : 147623 : 2024/09/09 02:26:18 cni.go:113: ContainerID : 6019f9f9d1dfa629b985f0c31a2a4986f41bf5813f825d6130bc3742eb181a58 I : 147623 : 2024/09/09 02:26:18 cni.go:114: NetNS : /var/run/netns/cni-60bdd815-37b2-52b9-cae7-ad50a3bf1df9 I : 147623 : 2024/09/09 02:26:18 cni.go:115: Container Ifname : eth0 I : 147623 : 2024/09/09 02:26:18 cni.go:116: Meta Plugin Call : false I : 147623 : 2024/09/09 02:26:18 cni.go:117: Network Name: contrail-k8s-cni I : 147623 : 2024/09/09 02:26:18 cni.go:118: MTU : 1500 I : 147623 : 2024/09/09 02:26:18 vrouter.go:535: {Server: Port:9091 Dir:/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm PollTimeout:5 PollRetries:15 containerName: containerId: containerUuid: containerVn: VmiUuid: httpClient:0xc00009d2f0} I : 147623 : 2024/09/09 02:26:18 cni.go:120: &{cniArgs:0xc0000f8000 ContainerUuid: ContainerName:k8s__kube-system__coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t ContainerVn: ClusterName:k8s Mode:k8s MetaPlugin:multus VifParent:eth0 VifType:veth Mtu:1500 NetworkName:contrail-k8s-cni LogFile:/var/log/cni/opencontrail.log LogLevel:4 VRouter:{Server: Port:9091 Dir:/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm PollTimeout:5 PollRetries:15 containerName: containerId: containerUuid: containerVn: VmiUuid: httpClient:0xc00009d2f0}} I : 147623 : 2024/09/09 02:26:18 contrail-kube-cni.go:45: Came in Del for container 6019f9f9d1dfa629b985f0c31a2a4986f41bf5813f825d6130bc3742eb181a58 I : 147623 : 2024/09/09 02:26:18 utils.go:27: File/Dir - /var/lib/contrail/ports/vm/k8s__kube-system__coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t does not exist. Error - stat /var/lib/contrail/ports/vm/k8s__kube-system__coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t: no such file or directory I : 147623 : 2024/09/09 02:26:18 cni.go:641: CmdDel is done I : 148781 : 2024/09/09 02:26:29 cni.go:144: Skip file */etc/cni/net.d/05-default.conf I : 148781 : 2024/09/09 02:26:29 cni.go:136: Read file */etc/cni/net.d/10-contrail.conf I : 148781 : 2024/09/09 02:26:29 cni.go:197: Parent Process Name containerd I : 148781 : 2024/09/09 02:26:29 cni.go:109: K8S Cluster Name : k8s I : 148781 : 2024/09/09 02:26:29 cni.go:110: CNI Version : 0.3.1 I : 148781 : 2024/09/09 02:26:29 cni.go:111: CNI Args : IgnoreUnknown=1;K8S_POD_NAMESPACE=kube-system;K8S_POD_NAME=coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t;K8S_POD_INFRA_CONTAINER_ID=2bc3024abd2037b69d00115b888bf128ba94e91129dd60b1c7686b3dc7693863;K8S_POD_UID=01e24474-ac59-421c-a01c-8190443edfda I : 148781 : 2024/09/09 02:26:29 cni.go:112: CNI Args StdinData : {"cniVersion":"0.3.1","contrail":{"cluster-name":"k8s","config-dir":"/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm","log-file":"/var/log/cni/opencontrail.log","log-level":"4","meta-plugin":"multus","mtu":1500,"poll-retries":15,"poll-timeout":5,"vrouter-ip":"","vrouter-port":9091},"name":"contrail-k8s-cni","type":"contrail-k8s-cni"} I : 148781 : 2024/09/09 02:26:29 cni.go:113: ContainerID : 2bc3024abd2037b69d00115b888bf128ba94e91129dd60b1c7686b3dc7693863 I : 148781 : 2024/09/09 02:26:29 cni.go:114: NetNS : /var/run/netns/cni-132cb513-c6ac-8873-e174-0b519c42efea I : 148781 : 2024/09/09 02:26:29 cni.go:115: Container Ifname : eth0 I : 148781 : 2024/09/09 02:26:29 cni.go:116: Meta Plugin Call : false I : 148781 : 2024/09/09 02:26:29 cni.go:117: Network Name: contrail-k8s-cni I : 148781 : 2024/09/09 02:26:29 cni.go:118: MTU : 1500 I : 148781 : 2024/09/09 02:26:29 vrouter.go:535: {Server: Port:9091 Dir:/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm PollTimeout:5 PollRetries:15 containerName: containerId: containerUuid: containerVn: VmiUuid: httpClient:0xc0000772f0} I : 148781 : 2024/09/09 02:26:29 cni.go:120: &{cniArgs:0xc0000c6000 ContainerUuid: ContainerName:k8s__kube-system__coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t ContainerVn: ClusterName:k8s Mode:k8s MetaPlugin:multus VifParent:eth0 VifType:veth Mtu:1500 NetworkName:contrail-k8s-cni LogFile:/var/log/cni/opencontrail.log LogLevel:4 VRouter:{Server: Port:9091 Dir:/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm PollTimeout:5 PollRetries:15 containerName: containerId: containerUuid: containerVn: VmiUuid: httpClient:0xc0000772f0}} I : 148781 : 2024/09/09 02:26:29 contrail-kube-cni.go:25: Came in Add for container 2bc3024abd2037b69d00115b888bf128ba94e91129dd60b1c7686b3dc7693863 I : 148781 : 2024/09/09 02:26:29 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 148781 : 2024/09/09 02:26:29 vrouter.go:93: Failed HTTP operation : &{Method:GET URL: Proto:HTTP/1.1 ProtoMajor:1 ProtoMinor:1 Header:map[Content-Type:[application/json]] Body:{} GetBody:0x6b3560 ContentLength:0 TransferEncoding:[] Close:false Host: Form:map[] PostForm:map[] MultipartForm: Trailer:map[] RemoteAddr: RequestURI: TLS: Cancel: Response: ctx:0xc00001a058}. Error : Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused E : 148781 : 2024/09/09 02:26:29 vrouter.go:166: Failed HTTP GET operation I : 148781 : 2024/09/09 02:26:29 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 0 : Get vrouter failed I : 148781 : 2024/09/09 02:26:34 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 148781 : 2024/09/09 02:26:34 vrouter.go:93: Failed HTTP operation : &{Method:GET URL: Proto:HTTP/1.1 ProtoMajor:1 ProtoMinor:1 Header:map[Content-Type:[application/json]] Body:{} GetBody:0x6b3560 ContentLength:0 TransferEncoding:[] Close:false Host: Form:map[] PostForm:map[] MultipartForm: Trailer:map[] RemoteAddr: RequestURI: TLS: Cancel: Response: ctx:0xc00001a058}. Error : Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused E : 148781 : 2024/09/09 02:26:34 vrouter.go:166: Failed HTTP GET operation I : 148781 : 2024/09/09 02:26:34 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 1 : Get vrouter failed I : 148781 : 2024/09/09 02:26:39 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 148781 : 2024/09/09 02:26:39 vrouter.go:93: Failed HTTP operation : &{Method:GET URL: Proto:HTTP/1.1 ProtoMajor:1 ProtoMinor:1 Header:map[Content-Type:[application/json]] Body:{} GetBody:0x6b3560 ContentLength:0 TransferEncoding:[] Close:false Host: Form:map[] PostForm:map[] MultipartForm: Trailer:map[] RemoteAddr: RequestURI: TLS: Cancel: Response: ctx:0xc00001a058}. Error : Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused E : 148781 : 2024/09/09 02:26:39 vrouter.go:166: Failed HTTP GET operation I : 148781 : 2024/09/09 02:26:39 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 2 : Get vrouter failed I : 148781 : 2024/09/09 02:26:44 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 148781 : 2024/09/09 02:26:44 vrouter.go:93: Failed HTTP operation : &{Method:GET URL: Proto:HTTP/1.1 ProtoMajor:1 ProtoMinor:1 Header:map[Content-Type:[application/json]] Body:{} GetBody:0x6b3560 ContentLength:0 TransferEncoding:[] Close:false Host: Form:map[] PostForm:map[] MultipartForm: Trailer:map[] RemoteAddr: RequestURI: TLS: Cancel: Response: ctx:0xc00001a058}. Error : Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused E : 148781 : 2024/09/09 02:26:44 vrouter.go:166: Failed HTTP GET operation I : 148781 : 2024/09/09 02:26:44 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 3 : Get vrouter failed I : 148781 : 2024/09/09 02:26:49 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 148781 : 2024/09/09 02:26:49 vrouter.go:93: Failed HTTP operation : &{Method:GET URL: Proto:HTTP/1.1 ProtoMajor:1 ProtoMinor:1 Header:map[Content-Type:[application/json]] Body:{} GetBody:0x6b3560 ContentLength:0 TransferEncoding:[] Close:false Host: Form:map[] PostForm:map[] MultipartForm: Trailer:map[] RemoteAddr: RequestURI: TLS: Cancel: Response: ctx:0xc00001a058}. Error : Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused E : 148781 : 2024/09/09 02:26:49 vrouter.go:166: Failed HTTP GET operation I : 148781 : 2024/09/09 02:26:49 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 4 : Get vrouter failed I : 148781 : 2024/09/09 02:26:54 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 148781 : 2024/09/09 02:26:54 vrouter.go:93: Failed HTTP operation : &{Method:GET URL: Proto:HTTP/1.1 ProtoMajor:1 ProtoMinor:1 Header:map[Content-Type:[application/json]] Body:{} GetBody:0x6b3560 ContentLength:0 TransferEncoding:[] Close:false Host: Form:map[] PostForm:map[] MultipartForm: Trailer:map[] RemoteAddr: RequestURI: TLS: Cancel: Response: ctx:0xc00001a058}. Error : Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused E : 148781 : 2024/09/09 02:26:54 vrouter.go:166: Failed HTTP GET operation I : 148781 : 2024/09/09 02:26:54 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 5 : Get vrouter failed I : 148781 : 2024/09/09 02:26:59 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 148781 : 2024/09/09 02:26:59 vrouter.go:93: Failed HTTP operation : &{Method:GET URL: Proto:HTTP/1.1 ProtoMajor:1 ProtoMinor:1 Header:map[Content-Type:[application/json]] Body:{} GetBody:0x6b3560 ContentLength:0 TransferEncoding:[] Close:false Host: Form:map[] PostForm:map[] MultipartForm: Trailer:map[] RemoteAddr: RequestURI: TLS: Cancel: Response: ctx:0xc00001a058}. Error : Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused E : 148781 : 2024/09/09 02:26:59 vrouter.go:166: Failed HTTP GET operation I : 148781 : 2024/09/09 02:26:59 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 6 : Get vrouter failed I : 148781 : 2024/09/09 02:27:04 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 148781 : 2024/09/09 02:27:04 vrouter.go:93: Failed HTTP operation : &{Method:GET URL: Proto:HTTP/1.1 ProtoMajor:1 ProtoMinor:1 Header:map[Content-Type:[application/json]] Body:{} GetBody:0x6b3560 ContentLength:0 TransferEncoding:[] Close:false Host: Form:map[] PostForm:map[] MultipartForm: Trailer:map[] RemoteAddr: RequestURI: TLS: Cancel: Response: ctx:0xc00001a058}. Error : Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused E : 148781 : 2024/09/09 02:27:04 vrouter.go:166: Failed HTTP GET operation I : 148781 : 2024/09/09 02:27:04 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 7 : Get vrouter failed I : 148781 : 2024/09/09 02:27:09 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 148781 : 2024/09/09 02:27:09 vrouter.go:93: Failed HTTP operation : &{Method:GET URL: Proto:HTTP/1.1 ProtoMajor:1 ProtoMinor:1 Header:map[Content-Type:[application/json]] Body:{} GetBody:0x6b3560 ContentLength:0 TransferEncoding:[] Close:false Host: Form:map[] PostForm:map[] MultipartForm: Trailer:map[] RemoteAddr: RequestURI: TLS: Cancel: Response: ctx:0xc00001a058}. Error : Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused E : 148781 : 2024/09/09 02:27:09 vrouter.go:166: Failed HTTP GET operation I : 148781 : 2024/09/09 02:27:09 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 8 : Get vrouter failed I : 148781 : 2024/09/09 02:27:14 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 148781 : 2024/09/09 02:27:14 vrouter.go:93: Failed HTTP operation : &{Method:GET URL: Proto:HTTP/1.1 ProtoMajor:1 ProtoMinor:1 Header:map[Content-Type:[application/json]] Body:{} GetBody:0x6b3560 ContentLength:0 TransferEncoding:[] Close:false Host: Form:map[] PostForm:map[] MultipartForm: Trailer:map[] RemoteAddr: RequestURI: TLS: Cancel: Response: ctx:0xc00001a058}. Error : Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused E : 148781 : 2024/09/09 02:27:14 vrouter.go:166: Failed HTTP GET operation I : 148781 : 2024/09/09 02:27:14 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 9 : Get vrouter failed I : 148781 : 2024/09/09 02:27:19 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 148781 : 2024/09/09 02:27:19 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 148781 : 2024/09/09 02:27:19 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 10 : Get vrouter failed I : 148781 : 2024/09/09 02:27:24 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 148781 : 2024/09/09 02:27:24 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 148781 : 2024/09/09 02:27:24 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 11 : Get vrouter failed I : 148781 : 2024/09/09 02:27:29 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 148781 : 2024/09/09 02:27:29 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 148781 : 2024/09/09 02:27:29 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 12 : Get vrouter failed I : 148781 : 2024/09/09 02:27:34 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 148781 : 2024/09/09 02:27:34 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 148781 : 2024/09/09 02:27:34 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 13 : Get vrouter failed I : 148781 : 2024/09/09 02:27:39 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 148781 : 2024/09/09 02:27:39 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 148781 : 2024/09/09 02:27:39 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 14 : Get vrouter failed E : 148781 : 2024/09/09 02:27:44 cni.go:479: Error polling for configuration of E : 148781 : 2024/09/09 02:27:44 contrail-kube-cni.go:30: Failed processing Add command. I : 152711 : 2024/09/09 02:27:45 cni.go:144: Skip file */etc/cni/net.d/05-default.conf I : 152711 : 2024/09/09 02:27:45 cni.go:136: Read file */etc/cni/net.d/10-contrail.conf I : 152711 : 2024/09/09 02:27:45 cni.go:197: Parent Process Name containerd I : 152711 : 2024/09/09 02:27:45 cni.go:109: K8S Cluster Name : k8s I : 152711 : 2024/09/09 02:27:45 cni.go:110: CNI Version : 0.3.1 I : 152711 : 2024/09/09 02:27:45 cni.go:111: CNI Args : IgnoreUnknown=1;K8S_POD_NAMESPACE=kube-system;K8S_POD_NAME=coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t;K8S_POD_INFRA_CONTAINER_ID=2bc3024abd2037b69d00115b888bf128ba94e91129dd60b1c7686b3dc7693863;K8S_POD_UID=01e24474-ac59-421c-a01c-8190443edfda I : 152711 : 2024/09/09 02:27:45 cni.go:112: CNI Args StdinData : {"cniVersion":"0.3.1","contrail":{"cluster-name":"k8s","config-dir":"/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm","log-file":"/var/log/cni/opencontrail.log","log-level":"4","meta-plugin":"multus","mtu":1500,"poll-retries":15,"poll-timeout":5,"vrouter-ip":"","vrouter-port":9091},"name":"contrail-k8s-cni","type":"contrail-k8s-cni"} I : 152711 : 2024/09/09 02:27:45 cni.go:113: ContainerID : 2bc3024abd2037b69d00115b888bf128ba94e91129dd60b1c7686b3dc7693863 I : 152711 : 2024/09/09 02:27:45 cni.go:114: NetNS : /var/run/netns/cni-132cb513-c6ac-8873-e174-0b519c42efea I : 152711 : 2024/09/09 02:27:45 cni.go:115: Container Ifname : eth0 I : 152711 : 2024/09/09 02:27:45 cni.go:116: Meta Plugin Call : false I : 152711 : 2024/09/09 02:27:45 cni.go:117: Network Name: contrail-k8s-cni I : 152711 : 2024/09/09 02:27:45 cni.go:118: MTU : 1500 I : 152711 : 2024/09/09 02:27:45 vrouter.go:535: {Server: Port:9091 Dir:/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm PollTimeout:5 PollRetries:15 containerName: containerId: containerUuid: containerVn: VmiUuid: httpClient:0xc00006f2f0} I : 152711 : 2024/09/09 02:27:45 cni.go:120: &{cniArgs:0xc0000be000 ContainerUuid: ContainerName:k8s__kube-system__coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t ContainerVn: ClusterName:k8s Mode:k8s MetaPlugin:multus VifParent:eth0 VifType:veth Mtu:1500 NetworkName:contrail-k8s-cni LogFile:/var/log/cni/opencontrail.log LogLevel:4 VRouter:{Server: Port:9091 Dir:/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm PollTimeout:5 PollRetries:15 containerName: containerId: containerUuid: containerVn: VmiUuid: httpClient:0xc00006f2f0}} I : 152711 : 2024/09/09 02:27:45 contrail-kube-cni.go:45: Came in Del for container 2bc3024abd2037b69d00115b888bf128ba94e91129dd60b1c7686b3dc7693863 I : 152711 : 2024/09/09 02:27:45 utils.go:27: File/Dir - /var/lib/contrail/ports/vm/k8s__kube-system__coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t does not exist. Error - stat /var/lib/contrail/ports/vm/k8s__kube-system__coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t: no such file or directory I : 152711 : 2024/09/09 02:27:45 cni.go:641: CmdDel is done I : 152781 : 2024/09/09 02:27:59 cni.go:144: Skip file */etc/cni/net.d/05-default.conf I : 152781 : 2024/09/09 02:27:59 cni.go:136: Read file */etc/cni/net.d/10-contrail.conf I : 152781 : 2024/09/09 02:27:59 cni.go:197: Parent Process Name containerd I : 152781 : 2024/09/09 02:27:59 cni.go:109: K8S Cluster Name : k8s I : 152781 : 2024/09/09 02:27:59 cni.go:110: CNI Version : 0.3.1 I : 152781 : 2024/09/09 02:27:59 cni.go:111: CNI Args : K8S_POD_UID=01e24474-ac59-421c-a01c-8190443edfda;IgnoreUnknown=1;K8S_POD_NAMESPACE=kube-system;K8S_POD_NAME=coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t;K8S_POD_INFRA_CONTAINER_ID=84f66efc9c17071d20247f4db5c1674807f45008d32534b030687b7d6aeec557 I : 152781 : 2024/09/09 02:27:59 cni.go:112: CNI Args StdinData : {"cniVersion":"0.3.1","contrail":{"cluster-name":"k8s","config-dir":"/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm","log-file":"/var/log/cni/opencontrail.log","log-level":"4","meta-plugin":"multus","mtu":1500,"poll-retries":15,"poll-timeout":5,"vrouter-ip":"","vrouter-port":9091},"name":"contrail-k8s-cni","type":"contrail-k8s-cni"} I : 152781 : 2024/09/09 02:27:59 cni.go:113: ContainerID : 84f66efc9c17071d20247f4db5c1674807f45008d32534b030687b7d6aeec557 I : 152781 : 2024/09/09 02:27:59 cni.go:114: NetNS : /var/run/netns/cni-7a21b9ab-f7fc-f632-68dd-5f79587d21b3 I : 152781 : 2024/09/09 02:27:59 cni.go:115: Container Ifname : eth0 I : 152781 : 2024/09/09 02:27:59 cni.go:116: Meta Plugin Call : false I : 152781 : 2024/09/09 02:27:59 cni.go:117: Network Name: contrail-k8s-cni I : 152781 : 2024/09/09 02:27:59 cni.go:118: MTU : 1500 I : 152781 : 2024/09/09 02:27:59 vrouter.go:535: {Server: Port:9091 Dir:/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm PollTimeout:5 PollRetries:15 containerName: containerId: containerUuid: containerVn: VmiUuid: httpClient:0xc0000932f0} I : 152781 : 2024/09/09 02:27:59 cni.go:120: &{cniArgs:0xc0000f0000 ContainerUuid: ContainerName:k8s__kube-system__coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t ContainerVn: ClusterName:k8s Mode:k8s MetaPlugin:multus VifParent:eth0 VifType:veth Mtu:1500 NetworkName:contrail-k8s-cni LogFile:/var/log/cni/opencontrail.log LogLevel:4 VRouter:{Server: Port:9091 Dir:/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm PollTimeout:5 PollRetries:15 containerName: containerId: containerUuid: containerVn: VmiUuid: httpClient:0xc0000932f0}} I : 152781 : 2024/09/09 02:27:59 contrail-kube-cni.go:25: Came in Add for container 84f66efc9c17071d20247f4db5c1674807f45008d32534b030687b7d6aeec557 I : 152781 : 2024/09/09 02:27:59 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 152781 : 2024/09/09 02:27:59 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 152781 : 2024/09/09 02:27:59 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 0 : Get vrouter failed I : 152781 : 2024/09/09 02:28:04 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 152781 : 2024/09/09 02:28:04 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 152781 : 2024/09/09 02:28:04 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 1 : Get vrouter failed I : 152781 : 2024/09/09 02:28:09 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 152781 : 2024/09/09 02:28:09 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 152781 : 2024/09/09 02:28:09 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 2 : Get vrouter failed I : 152781 : 2024/09/09 02:28:14 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 152781 : 2024/09/09 02:28:14 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 152781 : 2024/09/09 02:28:14 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 3 : Get vrouter failed I : 152781 : 2024/09/09 02:28:19 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 152781 : 2024/09/09 02:28:19 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 152781 : 2024/09/09 02:28:19 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 4 : Get vrouter failed I : 152781 : 2024/09/09 02:28:24 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 152781 : 2024/09/09 02:28:24 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 152781 : 2024/09/09 02:28:24 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 5 : Get vrouter failed I : 152781 : 2024/09/09 02:28:29 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 152781 : 2024/09/09 02:28:29 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 152781 : 2024/09/09 02:28:29 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 6 : Get vrouter failed I : 152781 : 2024/09/09 02:28:34 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 152781 : 2024/09/09 02:28:34 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 152781 : 2024/09/09 02:28:34 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 7 : Get vrouter failed I : 152781 : 2024/09/09 02:28:39 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 152781 : 2024/09/09 02:28:39 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 152781 : 2024/09/09 02:28:39 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 8 : Get vrouter failed I : 152781 : 2024/09/09 02:28:44 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 152781 : 2024/09/09 02:28:44 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 152781 : 2024/09/09 02:28:44 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 9 : Get vrouter failed I : 152781 : 2024/09/09 02:28:49 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 152781 : 2024/09/09 02:28:49 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 152781 : 2024/09/09 02:28:49 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 10 : Get vrouter failed I : 152781 : 2024/09/09 02:28:54 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 152781 : 2024/09/09 02:28:54 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 152781 : 2024/09/09 02:28:54 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 11 : Get vrouter failed I : 152781 : 2024/09/09 02:28:59 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 152781 : 2024/09/09 02:28:59 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 152781 : 2024/09/09 02:28:59 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 12 : Get vrouter failed I : 152781 : 2024/09/09 02:29:04 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 152781 : 2024/09/09 02:29:04 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 152781 : 2024/09/09 02:29:04 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 13 : Get vrouter failed I : 152781 : 2024/09/09 02:29:09 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 152781 : 2024/09/09 02:29:09 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 152781 : 2024/09/09 02:29:09 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 14 : Get vrouter failed E : 152781 : 2024/09/09 02:29:14 cni.go:479: Error polling for configuration of E : 152781 : 2024/09/09 02:29:14 contrail-kube-cni.go:30: Failed processing Add command. I : 153202 : 2024/09/09 02:29:14 cni.go:144: Skip file */etc/cni/net.d/05-default.conf I : 153202 : 2024/09/09 02:29:14 cni.go:136: Read file */etc/cni/net.d/10-contrail.conf I : 153202 : 2024/09/09 02:29:14 cni.go:197: Parent Process Name containerd I : 153202 : 2024/09/09 02:29:14 cni.go:109: K8S Cluster Name : k8s I : 153202 : 2024/09/09 02:29:14 cni.go:110: CNI Version : 0.3.1 I : 153202 : 2024/09/09 02:29:14 cni.go:111: CNI Args : IgnoreUnknown=1;K8S_POD_NAMESPACE=kube-system;K8S_POD_NAME=coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t;K8S_POD_INFRA_CONTAINER_ID=84f66efc9c17071d20247f4db5c1674807f45008d32534b030687b7d6aeec557;K8S_POD_UID=01e24474-ac59-421c-a01c-8190443edfda I : 153202 : 2024/09/09 02:29:14 cni.go:112: CNI Args StdinData : {"cniVersion":"0.3.1","contrail":{"cluster-name":"k8s","config-dir":"/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm","log-file":"/var/log/cni/opencontrail.log","log-level":"4","meta-plugin":"multus","mtu":1500,"poll-retries":15,"poll-timeout":5,"vrouter-ip":"","vrouter-port":9091},"name":"contrail-k8s-cni","type":"contrail-k8s-cni"} I : 153202 : 2024/09/09 02:29:14 cni.go:113: ContainerID : 84f66efc9c17071d20247f4db5c1674807f45008d32534b030687b7d6aeec557 I : 153202 : 2024/09/09 02:29:14 cni.go:114: NetNS : /var/run/netns/cni-7a21b9ab-f7fc-f632-68dd-5f79587d21b3 I : 153202 : 2024/09/09 02:29:14 cni.go:115: Container Ifname : eth0 I : 153202 : 2024/09/09 02:29:14 cni.go:116: Meta Plugin Call : false I : 153202 : 2024/09/09 02:29:14 cni.go:117: Network Name: contrail-k8s-cni I : 153202 : 2024/09/09 02:29:14 cni.go:118: MTU : 1500 I : 153202 : 2024/09/09 02:29:14 vrouter.go:535: {Server: Port:9091 Dir:/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm PollTimeout:5 PollRetries:15 containerName: containerId: containerUuid: containerVn: VmiUuid: httpClient:0xc0000952f0} I : 153202 : 2024/09/09 02:29:14 cni.go:120: &{cniArgs:0xc0000f0000 ContainerUuid: ContainerName:k8s__kube-system__coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t ContainerVn: ClusterName:k8s Mode:k8s MetaPlugin:multus VifParent:eth0 VifType:veth Mtu:1500 NetworkName:contrail-k8s-cni LogFile:/var/log/cni/opencontrail.log LogLevel:4 VRouter:{Server: Port:9091 Dir:/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm PollTimeout:5 PollRetries:15 containerName: containerId: containerUuid: containerVn: VmiUuid: httpClient:0xc0000952f0}} I : 153202 : 2024/09/09 02:29:14 contrail-kube-cni.go:45: Came in Del for container 84f66efc9c17071d20247f4db5c1674807f45008d32534b030687b7d6aeec557 I : 153202 : 2024/09/09 02:29:14 utils.go:27: File/Dir - /var/lib/contrail/ports/vm/k8s__kube-system__coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t does not exist. Error - stat /var/lib/contrail/ports/vm/k8s__kube-system__coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t: no such file or directory I : 153202 : 2024/09/09 02:29:14 cni.go:641: CmdDel is done I : 153583 : 2024/09/09 02:29:26 cni.go:144: Skip file */etc/cni/net.d/05-default.conf I : 153583 : 2024/09/09 02:29:26 cni.go:136: Read file */etc/cni/net.d/10-contrail.conf I : 153583 : 2024/09/09 02:29:26 cni.go:197: Parent Process Name containerd I : 153583 : 2024/09/09 02:29:26 cni.go:109: K8S Cluster Name : k8s I : 153583 : 2024/09/09 02:29:26 cni.go:110: CNI Version : 0.3.1 I : 153583 : 2024/09/09 02:29:26 cni.go:111: CNI Args : IgnoreUnknown=1;K8S_POD_NAMESPACE=kube-system;K8S_POD_NAME=coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t;K8S_POD_INFRA_CONTAINER_ID=cbe386b85b91014e75f27c594e5cd541d7e9eba8ebbd148531e8b727c90c1a2d;K8S_POD_UID=01e24474-ac59-421c-a01c-8190443edfda I : 153583 : 2024/09/09 02:29:26 cni.go:112: CNI Args StdinData : {"cniVersion":"0.3.1","contrail":{"cluster-name":"k8s","config-dir":"/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm","log-file":"/var/log/cni/opencontrail.log","log-level":"4","meta-plugin":"multus","mtu":1500,"poll-retries":15,"poll-timeout":5,"vrouter-ip":"","vrouter-port":9091},"name":"contrail-k8s-cni","type":"contrail-k8s-cni"} I : 153583 : 2024/09/09 02:29:26 cni.go:113: ContainerID : cbe386b85b91014e75f27c594e5cd541d7e9eba8ebbd148531e8b727c90c1a2d I : 153583 : 2024/09/09 02:29:26 cni.go:114: NetNS : /var/run/netns/cni-ae4a7ae5-cf9a-5cd8-3819-542d237cb1b4 I : 153583 : 2024/09/09 02:29:26 cni.go:115: Container Ifname : eth0 I : 153583 : 2024/09/09 02:29:26 cni.go:116: Meta Plugin Call : false I : 153583 : 2024/09/09 02:29:26 cni.go:117: Network Name: contrail-k8s-cni I : 153583 : 2024/09/09 02:29:26 cni.go:118: MTU : 1500 I : 153583 : 2024/09/09 02:29:26 vrouter.go:535: {Server: Port:9091 Dir:/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm PollTimeout:5 PollRetries:15 containerName: containerId: containerUuid: containerVn: VmiUuid: httpClient:0xc00006f2f0} I : 153583 : 2024/09/09 02:29:26 cni.go:120: &{cniArgs:0xc0000be000 ContainerUuid: ContainerName:k8s__kube-system__coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t ContainerVn: ClusterName:k8s Mode:k8s MetaPlugin:multus VifParent:eth0 VifType:veth Mtu:1500 NetworkName:contrail-k8s-cni LogFile:/var/log/cni/opencontrail.log LogLevel:4 VRouter:{Server: Port:9091 Dir:/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm PollTimeout:5 PollRetries:15 containerName: containerId: containerUuid: containerVn: VmiUuid: httpClient:0xc00006f2f0}} I : 153583 : 2024/09/09 02:29:26 contrail-kube-cni.go:25: Came in Add for container cbe386b85b91014e75f27c594e5cd541d7e9eba8ebbd148531e8b727c90c1a2d I : 153583 : 2024/09/09 02:29:26 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 153583 : 2024/09/09 02:29:26 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 153583 : 2024/09/09 02:29:26 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 0 : Get vrouter failed I : 153583 : 2024/09/09 02:29:31 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 153583 : 2024/09/09 02:29:31 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 153583 : 2024/09/09 02:29:31 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 1 : Get vrouter failed I : 153583 : 2024/09/09 02:29:36 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 153583 : 2024/09/09 02:29:37 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 153583 : 2024/09/09 02:29:37 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 2 : Get vrouter failed I : 153583 : 2024/09/09 02:29:42 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 153583 : 2024/09/09 02:29:42 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 153583 : 2024/09/09 02:29:42 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 3 : Get vrouter failed I : 153583 : 2024/09/09 02:29:47 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 153583 : 2024/09/09 02:29:47 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 153583 : 2024/09/09 02:29:47 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 4 : Get vrouter failed I : 153583 : 2024/09/09 02:29:52 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 153583 : 2024/09/09 02:29:52 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 153583 : 2024/09/09 02:29:52 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 5 : Get vrouter failed I : 153583 : 2024/09/09 02:29:57 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 153583 : 2024/09/09 02:29:57 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 153583 : 2024/09/09 02:29:57 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 6 : Get vrouter failed I : 153583 : 2024/09/09 02:30:02 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 153583 : 2024/09/09 02:30:02 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 153583 : 2024/09/09 02:30:02 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 7 : Get vrouter failed I : 159719 : 2024/09/09 02:30:03 cni.go:144: Skip file */etc/cni/net.d/05-default.conf I : 159719 : 2024/09/09 02:30:03 cni.go:136: Read file */etc/cni/net.d/10-contrail.conf I : 159719 : 2024/09/09 02:30:03 cni.go:197: Parent Process Name containerd I : 159719 : 2024/09/09 02:30:03 cni.go:109: K8S Cluster Name : k8s I : 159719 : 2024/09/09 02:30:03 cni.go:110: CNI Version : 0.3.1 I : 159719 : 2024/09/09 02:30:03 cni.go:111: CNI Args : IgnoreUnknown=1;K8S_POD_NAMESPACE=kube-system;K8S_POD_NAME=coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t;K8S_POD_INFRA_CONTAINER_ID=cbe386b85b91014e75f27c594e5cd541d7e9eba8ebbd148531e8b727c90c1a2d;K8S_POD_UID=01e24474-ac59-421c-a01c-8190443edfda I : 159719 : 2024/09/09 02:30:03 cni.go:112: CNI Args StdinData : {"cniVersion":"0.3.1","contrail":{"cluster-name":"k8s","config-dir":"/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm","log-file":"/var/log/cni/opencontrail.log","log-level":"4","meta-plugin":"multus","mtu":1500,"poll-retries":15,"poll-timeout":5,"vrouter-ip":"","vrouter-port":9091},"name":"contrail-k8s-cni","type":"contrail-k8s-cni"} I : 159719 : 2024/09/09 02:30:03 cni.go:113: ContainerID : cbe386b85b91014e75f27c594e5cd541d7e9eba8ebbd148531e8b727c90c1a2d I : 159719 : 2024/09/09 02:30:03 cni.go:114: NetNS : /var/run/netns/cni-ae4a7ae5-cf9a-5cd8-3819-542d237cb1b4 I : 159719 : 2024/09/09 02:30:03 cni.go:115: Container Ifname : eth0 I : 159719 : 2024/09/09 02:30:03 cni.go:116: Meta Plugin Call : false I : 159719 : 2024/09/09 02:30:03 cni.go:117: Network Name: contrail-k8s-cni I : 159719 : 2024/09/09 02:30:03 cni.go:118: MTU : 1500 I : 159719 : 2024/09/09 02:30:03 vrouter.go:535: {Server: Port:9091 Dir:/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm PollTimeout:5 PollRetries:15 containerName: containerId: containerUuid: containerVn: VmiUuid: httpClient:0xc00006f2f0} I : 159719 : 2024/09/09 02:30:03 cni.go:120: &{cniArgs:0xc0000be000 ContainerUuid: ContainerName:k8s__kube-system__coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t ContainerVn: ClusterName:k8s Mode:k8s MetaPlugin:multus VifParent:eth0 VifType:veth Mtu:1500 NetworkName:contrail-k8s-cni LogFile:/var/log/cni/opencontrail.log LogLevel:4 VRouter:{Server: Port:9091 Dir:/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm PollTimeout:5 PollRetries:15 containerName: containerId: containerUuid: containerVn: VmiUuid: httpClient:0xc00006f2f0}} I : 159719 : 2024/09/09 02:30:03 contrail-kube-cni.go:45: Came in Del for container cbe386b85b91014e75f27c594e5cd541d7e9eba8ebbd148531e8b727c90c1a2d I : 159719 : 2024/09/09 02:30:03 utils.go:27: File/Dir - /var/lib/contrail/ports/vm/k8s__kube-system__coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t does not exist. Error - stat /var/lib/contrail/ports/vm/k8s__kube-system__coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t: no such file or directory I : 159719 : 2024/09/09 02:30:03 cni.go:641: CmdDel is done I : 160245 : 2024/09/09 02:30:05 cni.go:144: Skip file */etc/cni/net.d/05-default.conf I : 160245 : 2024/09/09 02:30:05 cni.go:136: Read file */etc/cni/net.d/10-contrail.conf I : 160245 : 2024/09/09 02:30:05 cni.go:197: Parent Process Name containerd I : 160245 : 2024/09/09 02:30:05 cni.go:109: K8S Cluster Name : k8s I : 160245 : 2024/09/09 02:30:05 cni.go:110: CNI Version : 0.3.1 I : 160245 : 2024/09/09 02:30:05 cni.go:111: CNI Args : K8S_POD_UID=01e24474-ac59-421c-a01c-8190443edfda;IgnoreUnknown=1;K8S_POD_NAMESPACE=kube-system;K8S_POD_NAME=coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t;K8S_POD_INFRA_CONTAINER_ID=0b10be78401fbfe4d7a3f237c225260c24cf1b256fa3376e0063d0d572e93370 I : 160245 : 2024/09/09 02:30:05 cni.go:112: CNI Args StdinData : {"cniVersion":"0.3.1","contrail":{"cluster-name":"k8s","config-dir":"/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm","log-file":"/var/log/cni/opencontrail.log","log-level":"4","meta-plugin":"multus","mtu":1500,"poll-retries":15,"poll-timeout":5,"vrouter-ip":"","vrouter-port":9091},"name":"contrail-k8s-cni","type":"contrail-k8s-cni"} I : 160245 : 2024/09/09 02:30:05 cni.go:113: ContainerID : 0b10be78401fbfe4d7a3f237c225260c24cf1b256fa3376e0063d0d572e93370 I : 160245 : 2024/09/09 02:30:05 cni.go:114: NetNS : /var/run/netns/cni-fc6c91a2-48f1-0f5e-f4a9-83fe88a14fc4 I : 160245 : 2024/09/09 02:30:05 cni.go:115: Container Ifname : eth0 I : 160245 : 2024/09/09 02:30:05 cni.go:116: Meta Plugin Call : false I : 160245 : 2024/09/09 02:30:05 cni.go:117: Network Name: contrail-k8s-cni I : 160245 : 2024/09/09 02:30:05 cni.go:118: MTU : 1500 I : 160245 : 2024/09/09 02:30:05 vrouter.go:535: {Server: Port:9091 Dir:/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm PollTimeout:5 PollRetries:15 containerName: containerId: containerUuid: containerVn: VmiUuid: httpClient:0xc0000932f0} I : 160245 : 2024/09/09 02:30:05 cni.go:120: &{cniArgs:0xc0000f0000 ContainerUuid: ContainerName:k8s__kube-system__coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t ContainerVn: ClusterName:k8s Mode:k8s MetaPlugin:multus VifParent:eth0 VifType:veth Mtu:1500 NetworkName:contrail-k8s-cni LogFile:/var/log/cni/opencontrail.log LogLevel:4 VRouter:{Server: Port:9091 Dir:/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm PollTimeout:5 PollRetries:15 containerName: containerId: containerUuid: containerVn: VmiUuid: httpClient:0xc0000932f0}} I : 160245 : 2024/09/09 02:30:05 contrail-kube-cni.go:25: Came in Add for container 0b10be78401fbfe4d7a3f237c225260c24cf1b256fa3376e0063d0d572e93370 I : 160245 : 2024/09/09 02:30:05 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 160245 : 2024/09/09 02:30:05 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 160245 : 2024/09/09 02:30:05 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 0 : Get vrouter failed I : 160245 : 2024/09/09 02:30:10 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 160245 : 2024/09/09 02:30:10 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 160245 : 2024/09/09 02:30:10 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 1 : Get vrouter failed I : 160245 : 2024/09/09 02:30:15 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 160245 : 2024/09/09 02:30:15 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 160245 : 2024/09/09 02:30:15 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 2 : Get vrouter failed I : 160245 : 2024/09/09 02:30:20 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 160245 : 2024/09/09 02:30:20 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 160245 : 2024/09/09 02:30:20 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 3 : Get vrouter failed I : 160245 : 2024/09/09 02:30:25 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 160245 : 2024/09/09 02:30:25 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 160245 : 2024/09/09 02:30:25 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 4 : Get vrouter failed I : 160245 : 2024/09/09 02:30:30 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 160245 : 2024/09/09 02:30:30 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 160245 : 2024/09/09 02:30:30 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 5 : Get vrouter failed I : 160245 : 2024/09/09 02:30:35 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 160245 : 2024/09/09 02:30:35 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 160245 : 2024/09/09 02:30:35 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 6 : Get vrouter failed I : 160245 : 2024/09/09 02:30:40 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 160245 : 2024/09/09 02:30:40 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 160245 : 2024/09/09 02:30:40 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 7 : Get vrouter failed I : 160245 : 2024/09/09 02:30:45 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 160245 : 2024/09/09 02:30:45 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 160245 : 2024/09/09 02:30:45 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 8 : Get vrouter failed I : 160245 : 2024/09/09 02:30:50 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 160245 : 2024/09/09 02:30:50 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 160245 : 2024/09/09 02:30:50 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 9 : Get vrouter failed I : 160245 : 2024/09/09 02:30:55 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 160245 : 2024/09/09 02:30:55 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 160245 : 2024/09/09 02:30:55 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 10 : Get vrouter failed I : 160245 : 2024/09/09 02:31:00 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 160245 : 2024/09/09 02:31:00 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 160245 : 2024/09/09 02:31:00 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 11 : Get vrouter failed I : 160245 : 2024/09/09 02:31:05 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 160245 : 2024/09/09 02:31:05 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 160245 : 2024/09/09 02:31:05 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 12 : Get vrouter failed I : 160245 : 2024/09/09 02:31:10 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 160245 : 2024/09/09 02:31:10 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 160245 : 2024/09/09 02:31:10 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 13 : Get vrouter failed I : 160245 : 2024/09/09 02:31:15 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 160245 : 2024/09/09 02:31:15 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 160245 : 2024/09/09 02:31:15 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 14 : Get vrouter failed E : 160245 : 2024/09/09 02:31:20 cni.go:479: Error polling for configuration of E : 160245 : 2024/09/09 02:31:20 contrail-kube-cni.go:30: Failed processing Add command. I : 162307 : 2024/09/09 02:31:20 cni.go:144: Skip file */etc/cni/net.d/05-default.conf I : 162307 : 2024/09/09 02:31:20 cni.go:136: Read file */etc/cni/net.d/10-contrail.conf I : 162307 : 2024/09/09 02:31:20 cni.go:197: Parent Process Name containerd I : 162307 : 2024/09/09 02:31:20 cni.go:109: K8S Cluster Name : k8s I : 162307 : 2024/09/09 02:31:20 cni.go:110: CNI Version : 0.3.1 I : 162307 : 2024/09/09 02:31:20 cni.go:111: CNI Args : K8S_POD_UID=01e24474-ac59-421c-a01c-8190443edfda;IgnoreUnknown=1;K8S_POD_NAMESPACE=kube-system;K8S_POD_NAME=coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t;K8S_POD_INFRA_CONTAINER_ID=0b10be78401fbfe4d7a3f237c225260c24cf1b256fa3376e0063d0d572e93370 I : 162307 : 2024/09/09 02:31:20 cni.go:112: CNI Args StdinData : {"cniVersion":"0.3.1","contrail":{"cluster-name":"k8s","config-dir":"/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm","log-file":"/var/log/cni/opencontrail.log","log-level":"4","meta-plugin":"multus","mtu":1500,"poll-retries":15,"poll-timeout":5,"vrouter-ip":"","vrouter-port":9091},"name":"contrail-k8s-cni","type":"contrail-k8s-cni"} I : 162307 : 2024/09/09 02:31:20 cni.go:113: ContainerID : 0b10be78401fbfe4d7a3f237c225260c24cf1b256fa3376e0063d0d572e93370 I : 162307 : 2024/09/09 02:31:20 cni.go:114: NetNS : /var/run/netns/cni-fc6c91a2-48f1-0f5e-f4a9-83fe88a14fc4 I : 162307 : 2024/09/09 02:31:20 cni.go:115: Container Ifname : eth0 I : 162307 : 2024/09/09 02:31:20 cni.go:116: Meta Plugin Call : false I : 162307 : 2024/09/09 02:31:20 cni.go:117: Network Name: contrail-k8s-cni I : 162307 : 2024/09/09 02:31:20 cni.go:118: MTU : 1500 I : 162307 : 2024/09/09 02:31:20 vrouter.go:535: {Server: Port:9091 Dir:/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm PollTimeout:5 PollRetries:15 containerName: containerId: containerUuid: containerVn: VmiUuid: httpClient:0xc0000952f0} I : 162307 : 2024/09/09 02:31:20 cni.go:120: &{cniArgs:0xc0000f0000 ContainerUuid: ContainerName:k8s__kube-system__coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t ContainerVn: ClusterName:k8s Mode:k8s MetaPlugin:multus VifParent:eth0 VifType:veth Mtu:1500 NetworkName:contrail-k8s-cni LogFile:/var/log/cni/opencontrail.log LogLevel:4 VRouter:{Server: Port:9091 Dir:/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm PollTimeout:5 PollRetries:15 containerName: containerId: containerUuid: containerVn: VmiUuid: httpClient:0xc0000952f0}} I : 162307 : 2024/09/09 02:31:20 contrail-kube-cni.go:45: Came in Del for container 0b10be78401fbfe4d7a3f237c225260c24cf1b256fa3376e0063d0d572e93370 I : 162307 : 2024/09/09 02:31:20 utils.go:27: File/Dir - /var/lib/contrail/ports/vm/k8s__kube-system__coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t does not exist. Error - stat /var/lib/contrail/ports/vm/k8s__kube-system__coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t: no such file or directory I : 162307 : 2024/09/09 02:31:20 cni.go:641: CmdDel is done I : 162333 : 2024/09/09 02:31:31 cni.go:144: Skip file */etc/cni/net.d/05-default.conf I : 162333 : 2024/09/09 02:31:31 cni.go:136: Read file */etc/cni/net.d/10-contrail.conf I : 162333 : 2024/09/09 02:31:31 cni.go:197: Parent Process Name containerd I : 162333 : 2024/09/09 02:31:31 cni.go:109: K8S Cluster Name : k8s I : 162333 : 2024/09/09 02:31:31 cni.go:110: CNI Version : 0.3.1 I : 162333 : 2024/09/09 02:31:31 cni.go:111: CNI Args : IgnoreUnknown=1;K8S_POD_NAMESPACE=kube-system;K8S_POD_NAME=coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t;K8S_POD_INFRA_CONTAINER_ID=1598d5875697da921dd6da07d5a4f4295d0512cc1156c958b8fd0e98ca9e6f0f;K8S_POD_UID=01e24474-ac59-421c-a01c-8190443edfda I : 162333 : 2024/09/09 02:31:31 cni.go:112: CNI Args StdinData : {"cniVersion":"0.3.1","contrail":{"cluster-name":"k8s","config-dir":"/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm","log-file":"/var/log/cni/opencontrail.log","log-level":"4","meta-plugin":"multus","mtu":1500,"poll-retries":15,"poll-timeout":5,"vrouter-ip":"","vrouter-port":9091},"name":"contrail-k8s-cni","type":"contrail-k8s-cni"} I : 162333 : 2024/09/09 02:31:31 cni.go:113: ContainerID : 1598d5875697da921dd6da07d5a4f4295d0512cc1156c958b8fd0e98ca9e6f0f I : 162333 : 2024/09/09 02:31:31 cni.go:114: NetNS : /var/run/netns/cni-ee992d98-46ad-04ee-3f62-43bc1e6547b9 I : 162333 : 2024/09/09 02:31:31 cni.go:115: Container Ifname : eth0 I : 162333 : 2024/09/09 02:31:31 cni.go:116: Meta Plugin Call : false I : 162333 : 2024/09/09 02:31:31 cni.go:117: Network Name: contrail-k8s-cni I : 162333 : 2024/09/09 02:31:31 cni.go:118: MTU : 1500 I : 162333 : 2024/09/09 02:31:31 vrouter.go:535: {Server: Port:9091 Dir:/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm PollTimeout:5 PollRetries:15 containerName: containerId: containerUuid: containerVn: VmiUuid: httpClient:0xc0000932f0} I : 162333 : 2024/09/09 02:31:31 cni.go:120: &{cniArgs:0xc0000f0000 ContainerUuid: ContainerName:k8s__kube-system__coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t ContainerVn: ClusterName:k8s Mode:k8s MetaPlugin:multus VifParent:eth0 VifType:veth Mtu:1500 NetworkName:contrail-k8s-cni LogFile:/var/log/cni/opencontrail.log LogLevel:4 VRouter:{Server: Port:9091 Dir:/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm PollTimeout:5 PollRetries:15 containerName: containerId: containerUuid: containerVn: VmiUuid: httpClient:0xc0000932f0}} I : 162333 : 2024/09/09 02:31:31 contrail-kube-cni.go:25: Came in Add for container 1598d5875697da921dd6da07d5a4f4295d0512cc1156c958b8fd0e98ca9e6f0f I : 162333 : 2024/09/09 02:31:31 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 162333 : 2024/09/09 02:31:31 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 162333 : 2024/09/09 02:31:31 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 0 : Get vrouter failed I : 162333 : 2024/09/09 02:31:36 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 162333 : 2024/09/09 02:31:36 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 162333 : 2024/09/09 02:31:36 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 1 : Get vrouter failed I : 162333 : 2024/09/09 02:31:41 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 162333 : 2024/09/09 02:31:41 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 162333 : 2024/09/09 02:31:41 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 2 : Get vrouter failed I : 162333 : 2024/09/09 02:31:46 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 162333 : 2024/09/09 02:31:46 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 162333 : 2024/09/09 02:31:46 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 3 : Get vrouter failed I : 162333 : 2024/09/09 02:31:51 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 162333 : 2024/09/09 02:31:51 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 162333 : 2024/09/09 02:31:51 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 4 : Get vrouter failed I : 162333 : 2024/09/09 02:31:56 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 162333 : 2024/09/09 02:31:56 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 162333 : 2024/09/09 02:31:56 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 5 : Get vrouter failed I : 162333 : 2024/09/09 02:32:01 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 162333 : 2024/09/09 02:32:01 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 162333 : 2024/09/09 02:32:01 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 6 : Get vrouter failed I : 162333 : 2024/09/09 02:32:06 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 162333 : 2024/09/09 02:32:06 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 162333 : 2024/09/09 02:32:06 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 7 : Get vrouter failed I : 162333 : 2024/09/09 02:32:11 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 162333 : 2024/09/09 02:32:11 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 162333 : 2024/09/09 02:32:11 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 8 : Get vrouter failed I : 162333 : 2024/09/09 02:32:16 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 162333 : 2024/09/09 02:32:16 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 162333 : 2024/09/09 02:32:16 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 9 : Get vrouter failed I : 162333 : 2024/09/09 02:32:21 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 162333 : 2024/09/09 02:32:21 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 162333 : 2024/09/09 02:32:21 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 10 : Get vrouter failed I : 162333 : 2024/09/09 02:32:26 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 162333 : 2024/09/09 02:32:26 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 162333 : 2024/09/09 02:32:26 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 11 : Get vrouter failed I : 162333 : 2024/09/09 02:32:31 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 162333 : 2024/09/09 02:32:31 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 162333 : 2024/09/09 02:32:31 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 12 : Get vrouter failed I : 162333 : 2024/09/09 02:32:36 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 162333 : 2024/09/09 02:32:36 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 162333 : 2024/09/09 02:32:36 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 13 : Get vrouter failed I : 162333 : 2024/09/09 02:32:41 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 162333 : 2024/09/09 02:32:41 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 162333 : 2024/09/09 02:32:41 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 14 : Get vrouter failed E : 162333 : 2024/09/09 02:32:46 cni.go:479: Error polling for configuration of E : 162333 : 2024/09/09 02:32:46 contrail-kube-cni.go:30: Failed processing Add command. I : 162739 : 2024/09/09 02:32:46 cni.go:144: Skip file */etc/cni/net.d/05-default.conf I : 162739 : 2024/09/09 02:32:46 cni.go:136: Read file */etc/cni/net.d/10-contrail.conf I : 162739 : 2024/09/09 02:32:46 cni.go:197: Parent Process Name containerd I : 162739 : 2024/09/09 02:32:46 cni.go:109: K8S Cluster Name : k8s I : 162739 : 2024/09/09 02:32:46 cni.go:110: CNI Version : 0.3.1 I : 162739 : 2024/09/09 02:32:46 cni.go:111: CNI Args : K8S_POD_NAMESPACE=kube-system;K8S_POD_NAME=coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t;K8S_POD_INFRA_CONTAINER_ID=1598d5875697da921dd6da07d5a4f4295d0512cc1156c958b8fd0e98ca9e6f0f;K8S_POD_UID=01e24474-ac59-421c-a01c-8190443edfda;IgnoreUnknown=1 I : 162739 : 2024/09/09 02:32:46 cni.go:112: CNI Args StdinData : {"cniVersion":"0.3.1","contrail":{"cluster-name":"k8s","config-dir":"/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm","log-file":"/var/log/cni/opencontrail.log","log-level":"4","meta-plugin":"multus","mtu":1500,"poll-retries":15,"poll-timeout":5,"vrouter-ip":"","vrouter-port":9091},"name":"contrail-k8s-cni","type":"contrail-k8s-cni"} I : 162739 : 2024/09/09 02:32:46 cni.go:113: ContainerID : 1598d5875697da921dd6da07d5a4f4295d0512cc1156c958b8fd0e98ca9e6f0f I : 162739 : 2024/09/09 02:32:46 cni.go:114: NetNS : /var/run/netns/cni-ee992d98-46ad-04ee-3f62-43bc1e6547b9 I : 162739 : 2024/09/09 02:32:46 cni.go:115: Container Ifname : eth0 I : 162739 : 2024/09/09 02:32:46 cni.go:116: Meta Plugin Call : false I : 162739 : 2024/09/09 02:32:46 cni.go:117: Network Name: contrail-k8s-cni I : 162739 : 2024/09/09 02:32:46 cni.go:118: MTU : 1500 I : 162739 : 2024/09/09 02:32:46 vrouter.go:535: {Server: Port:9091 Dir:/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm PollTimeout:5 PollRetries:15 containerName: containerId: containerUuid: containerVn: VmiUuid: httpClient:0xc00006f2f0} I : 162739 : 2024/09/09 02:32:46 cni.go:120: &{cniArgs:0xc00013e000 ContainerUuid: ContainerName:k8s__kube-system__coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t ContainerVn: ClusterName:k8s Mode:k8s MetaPlugin:multus VifParent:eth0 VifType:veth Mtu:1500 NetworkName:contrail-k8s-cni LogFile:/var/log/cni/opencontrail.log LogLevel:4 VRouter:{Server: Port:9091 Dir:/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm PollTimeout:5 PollRetries:15 containerName: containerId: containerUuid: containerVn: VmiUuid: httpClient:0xc00006f2f0}} I : 162739 : 2024/09/09 02:32:46 contrail-kube-cni.go:45: Came in Del for container 1598d5875697da921dd6da07d5a4f4295d0512cc1156c958b8fd0e98ca9e6f0f I : 162739 : 2024/09/09 02:32:46 utils.go:27: File/Dir - /var/lib/contrail/ports/vm/k8s__kube-system__coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t does not exist. Error - stat /var/lib/contrail/ports/vm/k8s__kube-system__coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t: no such file or directory I : 162739 : 2024/09/09 02:32:46 cni.go:641: CmdDel is done I : 162787 : 2024/09/09 02:32:58 cni.go:144: Skip file */etc/cni/net.d/05-default.conf I : 162787 : 2024/09/09 02:32:58 cni.go:136: Read file */etc/cni/net.d/10-contrail.conf I : 162787 : 2024/09/09 02:32:58 cni.go:197: Parent Process Name containerd I : 162787 : 2024/09/09 02:32:58 cni.go:109: K8S Cluster Name : k8s I : 162787 : 2024/09/09 02:32:58 cni.go:110: CNI Version : 0.3.1 I : 162787 : 2024/09/09 02:32:58 cni.go:111: CNI Args : K8S_POD_NAMESPACE=kube-system;K8S_POD_NAME=coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t;K8S_POD_INFRA_CONTAINER_ID=d4ad37e349726084132b58ac20923e482bd8171cdfd50b5ea082abd1a9fe4161;K8S_POD_UID=01e24474-ac59-421c-a01c-8190443edfda;IgnoreUnknown=1 I : 162787 : 2024/09/09 02:32:58 cni.go:112: CNI Args StdinData : {"cniVersion":"0.3.1","contrail":{"cluster-name":"k8s","config-dir":"/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm","log-file":"/var/log/cni/opencontrail.log","log-level":"4","meta-plugin":"multus","mtu":1500,"poll-retries":15,"poll-timeout":5,"vrouter-ip":"","vrouter-port":9091},"name":"contrail-k8s-cni","type":"contrail-k8s-cni"} I : 162787 : 2024/09/09 02:32:58 cni.go:113: ContainerID : d4ad37e349726084132b58ac20923e482bd8171cdfd50b5ea082abd1a9fe4161 I : 162787 : 2024/09/09 02:32:58 cni.go:114: NetNS : /var/run/netns/cni-df1bc962-3d65-6248-2721-26ea2971dfab I : 162787 : 2024/09/09 02:32:58 cni.go:115: Container Ifname : eth0 I : 162787 : 2024/09/09 02:32:58 cni.go:116: Meta Plugin Call : false I : 162787 : 2024/09/09 02:32:58 cni.go:117: Network Name: contrail-k8s-cni I : 162787 : 2024/09/09 02:32:58 cni.go:118: MTU : 1500 I : 162787 : 2024/09/09 02:32:58 vrouter.go:535: {Server: Port:9091 Dir:/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm PollTimeout:5 PollRetries:15 containerName: containerId: containerUuid: containerVn: VmiUuid: httpClient:0xc00006f2f0} I : 162787 : 2024/09/09 02:32:58 cni.go:120: &{cniArgs:0xc0000be000 ContainerUuid: ContainerName:k8s__kube-system__coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t ContainerVn: ClusterName:k8s Mode:k8s MetaPlugin:multus VifParent:eth0 VifType:veth Mtu:1500 NetworkName:contrail-k8s-cni LogFile:/var/log/cni/opencontrail.log LogLevel:4 VRouter:{Server: Port:9091 Dir:/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm PollTimeout:5 PollRetries:15 containerName: containerId: containerUuid: containerVn: VmiUuid: httpClient:0xc00006f2f0}} I : 162787 : 2024/09/09 02:32:58 contrail-kube-cni.go:25: Came in Add for container d4ad37e349726084132b58ac20923e482bd8171cdfd50b5ea082abd1a9fe4161 I : 162787 : 2024/09/09 02:32:58 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 162787 : 2024/09/09 02:32:58 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 162787 : 2024/09/09 02:32:58 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 0 : Get vrouter failed I : 162787 : 2024/09/09 02:33:03 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 162787 : 2024/09/09 02:33:03 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 162787 : 2024/09/09 02:33:03 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 1 : Get vrouter failed I : 162787 : 2024/09/09 02:33:08 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 162787 : 2024/09/09 02:33:08 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 162787 : 2024/09/09 02:33:08 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 2 : Get vrouter failed I : 162787 : 2024/09/09 02:33:13 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 162787 : 2024/09/09 02:33:13 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 162787 : 2024/09/09 02:33:13 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 3 : Get vrouter failed I : 162787 : 2024/09/09 02:33:18 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 162787 : 2024/09/09 02:33:18 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 162787 : 2024/09/09 02:33:18 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 4 : Get vrouter failed I : 162787 : 2024/09/09 02:33:23 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 162787 : 2024/09/09 02:33:23 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 162787 : 2024/09/09 02:33:23 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 5 : Get vrouter failed I : 162787 : 2024/09/09 02:33:28 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 162787 : 2024/09/09 02:33:28 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 162787 : 2024/09/09 02:33:28 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 6 : Get vrouter failed I : 162787 : 2024/09/09 02:33:33 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 162787 : 2024/09/09 02:33:33 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 162787 : 2024/09/09 02:33:33 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 7 : Get vrouter failed I : 162787 : 2024/09/09 02:33:38 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 162787 : 2024/09/09 02:33:38 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 162787 : 2024/09/09 02:33:38 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 8 : Get vrouter failed I : 162787 : 2024/09/09 02:33:43 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 162787 : 2024/09/09 02:33:43 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 162787 : 2024/09/09 02:33:43 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 9 : Get vrouter failed I : 162787 : 2024/09/09 02:33:48 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 162787 : 2024/09/09 02:33:48 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 162787 : 2024/09/09 02:33:48 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 10 : Get vrouter failed I : 162787 : 2024/09/09 02:33:53 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 162787 : 2024/09/09 02:33:53 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 162787 : 2024/09/09 02:33:53 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 11 : Get vrouter failed I : 162787 : 2024/09/09 02:33:58 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 162787 : 2024/09/09 02:33:58 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 162787 : 2024/09/09 02:33:58 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 12 : Get vrouter failed I : 162787 : 2024/09/09 02:34:03 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 162787 : 2024/09/09 02:34:03 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 162787 : 2024/09/09 02:34:03 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 13 : Get vrouter failed I : 166625 : 2024/09/09 02:34:04 cni.go:144: Skip file */etc/cni/net.d/05-default.conf I : 166625 : 2024/09/09 02:34:04 cni.go:136: Read file */etc/cni/net.d/10-contrail.conf I : 166625 : 2024/09/09 02:34:04 cni.go:197: Parent Process Name containerd I : 166625 : 2024/09/09 02:34:04 cni.go:109: K8S Cluster Name : k8s I : 166625 : 2024/09/09 02:34:04 cni.go:110: CNI Version : 0.3.1 I : 166625 : 2024/09/09 02:34:04 cni.go:111: CNI Args : IgnoreUnknown=1;K8S_POD_NAMESPACE=kube-system;K8S_POD_NAME=coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t;K8S_POD_INFRA_CONTAINER_ID=d4ad37e349726084132b58ac20923e482bd8171cdfd50b5ea082abd1a9fe4161;K8S_POD_UID=01e24474-ac59-421c-a01c-8190443edfda I : 166625 : 2024/09/09 02:34:04 cni.go:112: CNI Args StdinData : {"cniVersion":"0.3.1","contrail":{"cluster-name":"k8s","config-dir":"/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm","log-file":"/var/log/cni/opencontrail.log","log-level":"4","meta-plugin":"multus","mtu":1500,"poll-retries":15,"poll-timeout":5,"vrouter-ip":"","vrouter-port":9091},"name":"contrail-k8s-cni","type":"contrail-k8s-cni"} I : 166625 : 2024/09/09 02:34:04 cni.go:113: ContainerID : d4ad37e349726084132b58ac20923e482bd8171cdfd50b5ea082abd1a9fe4161 I : 166625 : 2024/09/09 02:34:04 cni.go:114: NetNS : /var/run/netns/cni-df1bc962-3d65-6248-2721-26ea2971dfab I : 166625 : 2024/09/09 02:34:04 cni.go:115: Container Ifname : eth0 I : 166625 : 2024/09/09 02:34:04 cni.go:116: Meta Plugin Call : false I : 166625 : 2024/09/09 02:34:04 cni.go:117: Network Name: contrail-k8s-cni I : 166625 : 2024/09/09 02:34:04 cni.go:118: MTU : 1500 I : 166625 : 2024/09/09 02:34:04 vrouter.go:535: {Server: Port:9091 Dir:/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm PollTimeout:5 PollRetries:15 containerName: containerId: containerUuid: containerVn: VmiUuid: httpClient:0xc0000952f0} I : 166625 : 2024/09/09 02:34:04 cni.go:120: &{cniArgs:0xc0000f0000 ContainerUuid: ContainerName:k8s__kube-system__coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t ContainerVn: ClusterName:k8s Mode:k8s MetaPlugin:multus VifParent:eth0 VifType:veth Mtu:1500 NetworkName:contrail-k8s-cni LogFile:/var/log/cni/opencontrail.log LogLevel:4 VRouter:{Server: Port:9091 Dir:/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm PollTimeout:5 PollRetries:15 containerName: containerId: containerUuid: containerVn: VmiUuid: httpClient:0xc0000952f0}} I : 166625 : 2024/09/09 02:34:04 contrail-kube-cni.go:45: Came in Del for container d4ad37e349726084132b58ac20923e482bd8171cdfd50b5ea082abd1a9fe4161 I : 166625 : 2024/09/09 02:34:04 utils.go:27: File/Dir - /var/lib/contrail/ports/vm/k8s__kube-system__coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t does not exist. Error - stat /var/lib/contrail/ports/vm/k8s__kube-system__coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t: no such file or directory I : 166625 : 2024/09/09 02:34:04 cni.go:641: CmdDel is done I : 167081 : 2024/09/09 02:34:06 cni.go:144: Skip file */etc/cni/net.d/05-default.conf I : 167081 : 2024/09/09 02:34:06 cni.go:136: Read file */etc/cni/net.d/10-contrail.conf I : 167081 : 2024/09/09 02:34:06 cni.go:197: Parent Process Name containerd I : 167081 : 2024/09/09 02:34:06 cni.go:109: K8S Cluster Name : k8s I : 167081 : 2024/09/09 02:34:06 cni.go:110: CNI Version : 0.3.1 I : 167081 : 2024/09/09 02:34:06 cni.go:111: CNI Args : K8S_POD_NAMESPACE=kube-system;K8S_POD_NAME=coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t;K8S_POD_INFRA_CONTAINER_ID=e4689a06364eb0e055bb32b5e308208539a78b4209e49f0dc1ca70a7445849a0;K8S_POD_UID=01e24474-ac59-421c-a01c-8190443edfda;IgnoreUnknown=1 I : 167081 : 2024/09/09 02:34:06 cni.go:112: CNI Args StdinData : {"cniVersion":"0.3.1","contrail":{"cluster-name":"k8s","config-dir":"/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm","log-file":"/var/log/cni/opencontrail.log","log-level":"4","meta-plugin":"multus","mtu":1500,"poll-retries":15,"poll-timeout":5,"vrouter-ip":"","vrouter-port":9091},"name":"contrail-k8s-cni","type":"contrail-k8s-cni"} I : 167081 : 2024/09/09 02:34:06 cni.go:113: ContainerID : e4689a06364eb0e055bb32b5e308208539a78b4209e49f0dc1ca70a7445849a0 I : 167081 : 2024/09/09 02:34:06 cni.go:114: NetNS : /var/run/netns/cni-8beb517c-a417-314d-7ea9-52a4cb63944f I : 167081 : 2024/09/09 02:34:06 cni.go:115: Container Ifname : eth0 I : 167081 : 2024/09/09 02:34:06 cni.go:116: Meta Plugin Call : false I : 167081 : 2024/09/09 02:34:06 cni.go:117: Network Name: contrail-k8s-cni I : 167081 : 2024/09/09 02:34:06 cni.go:118: MTU : 1500 I : 167081 : 2024/09/09 02:34:06 vrouter.go:535: {Server: Port:9091 Dir:/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm PollTimeout:5 PollRetries:15 containerName: containerId: containerUuid: containerVn: VmiUuid: httpClient:0xc0000932f0} I : 167081 : 2024/09/09 02:34:06 cni.go:120: &{cniArgs:0xc0000f0000 ContainerUuid: ContainerName:k8s__kube-system__coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t ContainerVn: ClusterName:k8s Mode:k8s MetaPlugin:multus VifParent:eth0 VifType:veth Mtu:1500 NetworkName:contrail-k8s-cni LogFile:/var/log/cni/opencontrail.log LogLevel:4 VRouter:{Server: Port:9091 Dir:/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm PollTimeout:5 PollRetries:15 containerName: containerId: containerUuid: containerVn: VmiUuid: httpClient:0xc0000932f0}} I : 167081 : 2024/09/09 02:34:06 contrail-kube-cni.go:25: Came in Add for container e4689a06364eb0e055bb32b5e308208539a78b4209e49f0dc1ca70a7445849a0 I : 167081 : 2024/09/09 02:34:06 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 167081 : 2024/09/09 02:34:06 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 167081 : 2024/09/09 02:34:06 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 0 : Get vrouter failed I : 167081 : 2024/09/09 02:34:11 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 167081 : 2024/09/09 02:34:11 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 167081 : 2024/09/09 02:34:11 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 1 : Get vrouter failed I : 167081 : 2024/09/09 02:34:16 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 167081 : 2024/09/09 02:34:16 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 167081 : 2024/09/09 02:34:16 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 2 : Get vrouter failed I : 167081 : 2024/09/09 02:34:21 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 167081 : 2024/09/09 02:34:21 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 167081 : 2024/09/09 02:34:21 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 3 : Get vrouter failed I : 167081 : 2024/09/09 02:34:26 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 167081 : 2024/09/09 02:34:26 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 167081 : 2024/09/09 02:34:26 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 4 : Get vrouter failed I : 167081 : 2024/09/09 02:34:31 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 167081 : 2024/09/09 02:34:31 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 167081 : 2024/09/09 02:34:31 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 5 : Get vrouter failed I : 167081 : 2024/09/09 02:34:36 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 167081 : 2024/09/09 02:34:36 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 167081 : 2024/09/09 02:34:36 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 6 : Get vrouter failed I : 167081 : 2024/09/09 02:34:41 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 167081 : 2024/09/09 02:34:41 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 167081 : 2024/09/09 02:34:41 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 7 : Get vrouter failed I : 167081 : 2024/09/09 02:34:46 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 167081 : 2024/09/09 02:34:46 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 167081 : 2024/09/09 02:34:46 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 8 : Get vrouter failed I : 167081 : 2024/09/09 02:34:51 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 167081 : 2024/09/09 02:34:51 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 167081 : 2024/09/09 02:34:51 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 9 : Get vrouter failed I : 167081 : 2024/09/09 02:34:56 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 167081 : 2024/09/09 02:34:56 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 167081 : 2024/09/09 02:34:56 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 10 : Get vrouter failed I : 167081 : 2024/09/09 02:35:01 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 167081 : 2024/09/09 02:35:01 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 167081 : 2024/09/09 02:35:01 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 11 : Get vrouter failed I : 167081 : 2024/09/09 02:35:06 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 167081 : 2024/09/09 02:35:06 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 167081 : 2024/09/09 02:35:06 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 12 : Get vrouter failed I : 167081 : 2024/09/09 02:35:11 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 167081 : 2024/09/09 02:35:11 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 167081 : 2024/09/09 02:35:11 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 13 : Get vrouter failed I : 167081 : 2024/09/09 02:35:16 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 167081 : 2024/09/09 02:35:16 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 167081 : 2024/09/09 02:35:16 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 14 : Get vrouter failed E : 167081 : 2024/09/09 02:35:21 cni.go:479: Error polling for configuration of E : 167081 : 2024/09/09 02:35:21 contrail-kube-cni.go:30: Failed processing Add command. I : 167676 : 2024/09/09 02:35:21 cni.go:144: Skip file */etc/cni/net.d/05-default.conf I : 167676 : 2024/09/09 02:35:21 cni.go:136: Read file */etc/cni/net.d/10-contrail.conf I : 167676 : 2024/09/09 02:35:21 cni.go:197: Parent Process Name containerd I : 167676 : 2024/09/09 02:35:21 cni.go:109: K8S Cluster Name : k8s I : 167676 : 2024/09/09 02:35:21 cni.go:110: CNI Version : 0.3.1 I : 167676 : 2024/09/09 02:35:21 cni.go:111: CNI Args : IgnoreUnknown=1;K8S_POD_NAMESPACE=kube-system;K8S_POD_NAME=coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t;K8S_POD_INFRA_CONTAINER_ID=e4689a06364eb0e055bb32b5e308208539a78b4209e49f0dc1ca70a7445849a0;K8S_POD_UID=01e24474-ac59-421c-a01c-8190443edfda I : 167676 : 2024/09/09 02:35:21 cni.go:112: CNI Args StdinData : {"cniVersion":"0.3.1","contrail":{"cluster-name":"k8s","config-dir":"/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm","log-file":"/var/log/cni/opencontrail.log","log-level":"4","meta-plugin":"multus","mtu":1500,"poll-retries":15,"poll-timeout":5,"vrouter-ip":"","vrouter-port":9091},"name":"contrail-k8s-cni","type":"contrail-k8s-cni"} I : 167676 : 2024/09/09 02:35:21 cni.go:113: ContainerID : e4689a06364eb0e055bb32b5e308208539a78b4209e49f0dc1ca70a7445849a0 I : 167676 : 2024/09/09 02:35:21 cni.go:114: NetNS : /var/run/netns/cni-8beb517c-a417-314d-7ea9-52a4cb63944f I : 167676 : 2024/09/09 02:35:21 cni.go:115: Container Ifname : eth0 I : 167676 : 2024/09/09 02:35:21 cni.go:116: Meta Plugin Call : false I : 167676 : 2024/09/09 02:35:21 cni.go:117: Network Name: contrail-k8s-cni I : 167676 : 2024/09/09 02:35:21 cni.go:118: MTU : 1500 I : 167676 : 2024/09/09 02:35:21 vrouter.go:535: {Server: Port:9091 Dir:/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm PollTimeout:5 PollRetries:15 containerName: containerId: containerUuid: containerVn: VmiUuid: httpClient:0xc00006f2f0} I : 167676 : 2024/09/09 02:35:21 cni.go:120: &{cniArgs:0xc00013e000 ContainerUuid: ContainerName:k8s__kube-system__coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t ContainerVn: ClusterName:k8s Mode:k8s MetaPlugin:multus VifParent:eth0 VifType:veth Mtu:1500 NetworkName:contrail-k8s-cni LogFile:/var/log/cni/opencontrail.log LogLevel:4 VRouter:{Server: Port:9091 Dir:/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm PollTimeout:5 PollRetries:15 containerName: containerId: containerUuid: containerVn: VmiUuid: httpClient:0xc00006f2f0}} I : 167676 : 2024/09/09 02:35:21 contrail-kube-cni.go:45: Came in Del for container e4689a06364eb0e055bb32b5e308208539a78b4209e49f0dc1ca70a7445849a0 I : 167676 : 2024/09/09 02:35:21 utils.go:27: File/Dir - /var/lib/contrail/ports/vm/k8s__kube-system__coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t does not exist. Error - stat /var/lib/contrail/ports/vm/k8s__kube-system__coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t: no such file or directory I : 167676 : 2024/09/09 02:35:21 cni.go:641: CmdDel is done I : 167706 : 2024/09/09 02:35:35 cni.go:144: Skip file */etc/cni/net.d/05-default.conf I : 167706 : 2024/09/09 02:35:35 cni.go:136: Read file */etc/cni/net.d/10-contrail.conf I : 167706 : 2024/09/09 02:35:35 cni.go:197: Parent Process Name containerd I : 167706 : 2024/09/09 02:35:35 cni.go:109: K8S Cluster Name : k8s I : 167706 : 2024/09/09 02:35:35 cni.go:110: CNI Version : 0.3.1 I : 167706 : 2024/09/09 02:35:35 cni.go:111: CNI Args : IgnoreUnknown=1;K8S_POD_NAMESPACE=kube-system;K8S_POD_NAME=coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t;K8S_POD_INFRA_CONTAINER_ID=bb91ba1fcb09bd932f0f20c35359a497fee9c4c520daec6259a18454d4091366;K8S_POD_UID=01e24474-ac59-421c-a01c-8190443edfda I : 167706 : 2024/09/09 02:35:35 cni.go:112: CNI Args StdinData : {"cniVersion":"0.3.1","contrail":{"cluster-name":"k8s","config-dir":"/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm","log-file":"/var/log/cni/opencontrail.log","log-level":"4","meta-plugin":"multus","mtu":1500,"poll-retries":15,"poll-timeout":5,"vrouter-ip":"","vrouter-port":9091},"name":"contrail-k8s-cni","type":"contrail-k8s-cni"} I : 167706 : 2024/09/09 02:35:35 cni.go:113: ContainerID : bb91ba1fcb09bd932f0f20c35359a497fee9c4c520daec6259a18454d4091366 I : 167706 : 2024/09/09 02:35:35 cni.go:114: NetNS : /var/run/netns/cni-f1e655fd-4bb0-3c0a-bfe7-6612bf953179 I : 167706 : 2024/09/09 02:35:35 cni.go:115: Container Ifname : eth0 I : 167706 : 2024/09/09 02:35:35 cni.go:116: Meta Plugin Call : false I : 167706 : 2024/09/09 02:35:35 cni.go:117: Network Name: contrail-k8s-cni I : 167706 : 2024/09/09 02:35:35 cni.go:118: MTU : 1500 I : 167706 : 2024/09/09 02:35:35 vrouter.go:535: {Server: Port:9091 Dir:/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm PollTimeout:5 PollRetries:15 containerName: containerId: containerUuid: containerVn: VmiUuid: httpClient:0xc00006f2f0} I : 167706 : 2024/09/09 02:35:35 cni.go:120: &{cniArgs:0xc0000be000 ContainerUuid: ContainerName:k8s__kube-system__coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t ContainerVn: ClusterName:k8s Mode:k8s MetaPlugin:multus VifParent:eth0 VifType:veth Mtu:1500 NetworkName:contrail-k8s-cni LogFile:/var/log/cni/opencontrail.log LogLevel:4 VRouter:{Server: Port:9091 Dir:/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm PollTimeout:5 PollRetries:15 containerName: containerId: containerUuid: containerVn: VmiUuid: httpClient:0xc00006f2f0}} I : 167706 : 2024/09/09 02:35:35 contrail-kube-cni.go:25: Came in Add for container bb91ba1fcb09bd932f0f20c35359a497fee9c4c520daec6259a18454d4091366 I : 167706 : 2024/09/09 02:35:35 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 167706 : 2024/09/09 02:35:35 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 167706 : 2024/09/09 02:35:35 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 0 : Get vrouter failed I : 167706 : 2024/09/09 02:35:40 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 167706 : 2024/09/09 02:35:40 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 167706 : 2024/09/09 02:35:40 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 1 : Get vrouter failed I : 167706 : 2024/09/09 02:35:45 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 167706 : 2024/09/09 02:35:45 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 167706 : 2024/09/09 02:35:45 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 2 : Get vrouter failed I : 167706 : 2024/09/09 02:35:50 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 167706 : 2024/09/09 02:35:50 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 167706 : 2024/09/09 02:35:50 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 3 : Get vrouter failed I : 167706 : 2024/09/09 02:35:55 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 167706 : 2024/09/09 02:35:55 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 167706 : 2024/09/09 02:35:55 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 4 : Get vrouter failed I : 167706 : 2024/09/09 02:36:00 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 167706 : 2024/09/09 02:36:00 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 167706 : 2024/09/09 02:36:00 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 5 : Get vrouter failed I : 167706 : 2024/09/09 02:36:05 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 167706 : 2024/09/09 02:36:05 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 167706 : 2024/09/09 02:36:05 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 6 : Get vrouter failed I : 167706 : 2024/09/09 02:36:10 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 167706 : 2024/09/09 02:36:10 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 167706 : 2024/09/09 02:36:10 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 7 : Get vrouter failed I : 167706 : 2024/09/09 02:36:15 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 167706 : 2024/09/09 02:36:15 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 167706 : 2024/09/09 02:36:15 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 8 : Get vrouter failed I : 167706 : 2024/09/09 02:36:20 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 167706 : 2024/09/09 02:36:20 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 167706 : 2024/09/09 02:36:20 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 9 : Get vrouter failed I : 167706 : 2024/09/09 02:36:25 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 167706 : 2024/09/09 02:36:25 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 167706 : 2024/09/09 02:36:25 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 10 : Get vrouter failed I : 167706 : 2024/09/09 02:36:30 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 167706 : 2024/09/09 02:36:30 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 167706 : 2024/09/09 02:36:30 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 11 : Get vrouter failed I : 167706 : 2024/09/09 02:36:35 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 167706 : 2024/09/09 02:36:35 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 167706 : 2024/09/09 02:36:35 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 12 : Get vrouter failed I : 167706 : 2024/09/09 02:36:40 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 167706 : 2024/09/09 02:36:40 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 167706 : 2024/09/09 02:36:40 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 13 : Get vrouter failed I : 167706 : 2024/09/09 02:36:45 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 167706 : 2024/09/09 02:36:45 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 167706 : 2024/09/09 02:36:45 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 14 : Get vrouter failed E : 167706 : 2024/09/09 02:36:50 cni.go:479: Error polling for configuration of E : 167706 : 2024/09/09 02:36:50 contrail-kube-cni.go:30: Failed processing Add command. I : 168109 : 2024/09/09 02:36:50 cni.go:144: Skip file */etc/cni/net.d/05-default.conf I : 168109 : 2024/09/09 02:36:50 cni.go:136: Read file */etc/cni/net.d/10-contrail.conf I : 168109 : 2024/09/09 02:36:50 cni.go:197: Parent Process Name containerd I : 168109 : 2024/09/09 02:36:50 cni.go:109: K8S Cluster Name : k8s I : 168109 : 2024/09/09 02:36:50 cni.go:110: CNI Version : 0.3.1 I : 168109 : 2024/09/09 02:36:50 cni.go:111: CNI Args : IgnoreUnknown=1;K8S_POD_NAMESPACE=kube-system;K8S_POD_NAME=coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t;K8S_POD_INFRA_CONTAINER_ID=bb91ba1fcb09bd932f0f20c35359a497fee9c4c520daec6259a18454d4091366;K8S_POD_UID=01e24474-ac59-421c-a01c-8190443edfda I : 168109 : 2024/09/09 02:36:50 cni.go:112: CNI Args StdinData : {"cniVersion":"0.3.1","contrail":{"cluster-name":"k8s","config-dir":"/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm","log-file":"/var/log/cni/opencontrail.log","log-level":"4","meta-plugin":"multus","mtu":1500,"poll-retries":15,"poll-timeout":5,"vrouter-ip":"","vrouter-port":9091},"name":"contrail-k8s-cni","type":"contrail-k8s-cni"} I : 168109 : 2024/09/09 02:36:50 cni.go:113: ContainerID : bb91ba1fcb09bd932f0f20c35359a497fee9c4c520daec6259a18454d4091366 I : 168109 : 2024/09/09 02:36:50 cni.go:114: NetNS : /var/run/netns/cni-f1e655fd-4bb0-3c0a-bfe7-6612bf953179 I : 168109 : 2024/09/09 02:36:50 cni.go:115: Container Ifname : eth0 I : 168109 : 2024/09/09 02:36:50 cni.go:116: Meta Plugin Call : false I : 168109 : 2024/09/09 02:36:50 cni.go:117: Network Name: contrail-k8s-cni I : 168109 : 2024/09/09 02:36:50 cni.go:118: MTU : 1500 I : 168109 : 2024/09/09 02:36:50 vrouter.go:535: {Server: Port:9091 Dir:/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm PollTimeout:5 PollRetries:15 containerName: containerId: containerUuid: containerVn: VmiUuid: httpClient:0xc0000932f0} I : 168109 : 2024/09/09 02:36:50 cni.go:120: &{cniArgs:0xc0000f0000 ContainerUuid: ContainerName:k8s__kube-system__coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t ContainerVn: ClusterName:k8s Mode:k8s MetaPlugin:multus VifParent:eth0 VifType:veth Mtu:1500 NetworkName:contrail-k8s-cni LogFile:/var/log/cni/opencontrail.log LogLevel:4 VRouter:{Server: Port:9091 Dir:/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm PollTimeout:5 PollRetries:15 containerName: containerId: containerUuid: containerVn: VmiUuid: httpClient:0xc0000932f0}} I : 168109 : 2024/09/09 02:36:50 contrail-kube-cni.go:45: Came in Del for container bb91ba1fcb09bd932f0f20c35359a497fee9c4c520daec6259a18454d4091366 I : 168109 : 2024/09/09 02:36:50 utils.go:27: File/Dir - /var/lib/contrail/ports/vm/k8s__kube-system__coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t does not exist. Error - stat /var/lib/contrail/ports/vm/k8s__kube-system__coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t: no such file or directory I : 168109 : 2024/09/09 02:36:50 cni.go:641: CmdDel is done I : 168151 : 2024/09/09 02:37:03 cni.go:144: Skip file */etc/cni/net.d/05-default.conf I : 168151 : 2024/09/09 02:37:03 cni.go:136: Read file */etc/cni/net.d/10-contrail.conf I : 168151 : 2024/09/09 02:37:03 cni.go:197: Parent Process Name containerd I : 168151 : 2024/09/09 02:37:03 cni.go:109: K8S Cluster Name : k8s I : 168151 : 2024/09/09 02:37:03 cni.go:110: CNI Version : 0.3.1 I : 168151 : 2024/09/09 02:37:03 cni.go:111: CNI Args : K8S_POD_NAME=coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t;K8S_POD_INFRA_CONTAINER_ID=50fd77a8c31d85062c889abe17cbea4722239bb2a177b876d839c15b4ecfd818;K8S_POD_UID=01e24474-ac59-421c-a01c-8190443edfda;IgnoreUnknown=1;K8S_POD_NAMESPACE=kube-system I : 168151 : 2024/09/09 02:37:03 cni.go:112: CNI Args StdinData : {"cniVersion":"0.3.1","contrail":{"cluster-name":"k8s","config-dir":"/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm","log-file":"/var/log/cni/opencontrail.log","log-level":"4","meta-plugin":"multus","mtu":1500,"poll-retries":15,"poll-timeout":5,"vrouter-ip":"","vrouter-port":9091},"name":"contrail-k8s-cni","type":"contrail-k8s-cni"} I : 168151 : 2024/09/09 02:37:03 cni.go:113: ContainerID : 50fd77a8c31d85062c889abe17cbea4722239bb2a177b876d839c15b4ecfd818 I : 168151 : 2024/09/09 02:37:03 cni.go:114: NetNS : /var/run/netns/cni-bcd044f6-0543-bba6-c5da-67f7a563dc65 I : 168151 : 2024/09/09 02:37:03 cni.go:115: Container Ifname : eth0 I : 168151 : 2024/09/09 02:37:03 cni.go:116: Meta Plugin Call : false I : 168151 : 2024/09/09 02:37:03 cni.go:117: Network Name: contrail-k8s-cni I : 168151 : 2024/09/09 02:37:03 cni.go:118: MTU : 1500 I : 168151 : 2024/09/09 02:37:03 vrouter.go:535: {Server: Port:9091 Dir:/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm PollTimeout:5 PollRetries:15 containerName: containerId: containerUuid: containerVn: VmiUuid: httpClient:0xc0000932f0} I : 168151 : 2024/09/09 02:37:03 cni.go:120: &{cniArgs:0xc0000f0000 ContainerUuid: ContainerName:k8s__kube-system__coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t ContainerVn: ClusterName:k8s Mode:k8s MetaPlugin:multus VifParent:eth0 VifType:veth Mtu:1500 NetworkName:contrail-k8s-cni LogFile:/var/log/cni/opencontrail.log LogLevel:4 VRouter:{Server: Port:9091 Dir:/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm PollTimeout:5 PollRetries:15 containerName: containerId: containerUuid: containerVn: VmiUuid: httpClient:0xc0000932f0}} I : 168151 : 2024/09/09 02:37:03 contrail-kube-cni.go:25: Came in Add for container 50fd77a8c31d85062c889abe17cbea4722239bb2a177b876d839c15b4ecfd818 I : 168151 : 2024/09/09 02:37:03 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 168151 : 2024/09/09 02:37:03 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 168151 : 2024/09/09 02:37:03 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 0 : Get vrouter failed I : 168151 : 2024/09/09 02:37:08 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 168151 : 2024/09/09 02:37:08 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 168151 : 2024/09/09 02:37:08 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 1 : Get vrouter failed I : 168151 : 2024/09/09 02:37:13 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 168151 : 2024/09/09 02:37:13 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 168151 : 2024/09/09 02:37:13 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 2 : Get vrouter failed I : 168151 : 2024/09/09 02:37:18 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 168151 : 2024/09/09 02:37:18 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 168151 : 2024/09/09 02:37:18 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 3 : Get vrouter failed I : 168151 : 2024/09/09 02:37:23 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 168151 : 2024/09/09 02:37:23 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 168151 : 2024/09/09 02:37:23 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 4 : Get vrouter failed I : 168151 : 2024/09/09 02:37:28 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 168151 : 2024/09/09 02:37:28 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 168151 : 2024/09/09 02:37:28 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 5 : Get vrouter failed I : 168151 : 2024/09/09 02:37:33 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 168151 : 2024/09/09 02:37:33 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 168151 : 2024/09/09 02:37:33 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 6 : Get vrouter failed I : 168151 : 2024/09/09 02:37:38 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 168151 : 2024/09/09 02:37:38 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 168151 : 2024/09/09 02:37:38 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 7 : Get vrouter failed I : 168151 : 2024/09/09 02:37:43 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 168151 : 2024/09/09 02:37:43 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 168151 : 2024/09/09 02:37:43 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 8 : Get vrouter failed I : 168151 : 2024/09/09 02:37:48 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 168151 : 2024/09/09 02:37:48 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 168151 : 2024/09/09 02:37:48 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 9 : Get vrouter failed I : 168151 : 2024/09/09 02:37:53 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 168151 : 2024/09/09 02:37:53 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 168151 : 2024/09/09 02:37:53 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 10 : Get vrouter failed I : 168151 : 2024/09/09 02:37:58 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 168151 : 2024/09/09 02:37:58 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 168151 : 2024/09/09 02:37:58 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 11 : Get vrouter failed I : 168151 : 2024/09/09 02:38:03 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 168151 : 2024/09/09 02:38:03 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 168151 : 2024/09/09 02:38:03 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 12 : Get vrouter failed I : 168151 : 2024/09/09 02:38:08 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 168151 : 2024/09/09 02:38:08 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 168151 : 2024/09/09 02:38:08 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 13 : Get vrouter failed I : 168151 : 2024/09/09 02:38:13 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 168151 : 2024/09/09 02:38:13 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 168151 : 2024/09/09 02:38:13 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 14 : Get vrouter failed E : 168151 : 2024/09/09 02:38:18 cni.go:479: Error polling for configuration of E : 168151 : 2024/09/09 02:38:18 contrail-kube-cni.go:30: Failed processing Add command. I : 168579 : 2024/09/09 02:38:18 cni.go:144: Skip file */etc/cni/net.d/05-default.conf I : 168579 : 2024/09/09 02:38:18 cni.go:136: Read file */etc/cni/net.d/10-contrail.conf I : 168579 : 2024/09/09 02:38:18 cni.go:197: Parent Process Name containerd I : 168579 : 2024/09/09 02:38:18 cni.go:109: K8S Cluster Name : k8s I : 168579 : 2024/09/09 02:38:18 cni.go:110: CNI Version : 0.3.1 I : 168579 : 2024/09/09 02:38:18 cni.go:111: CNI Args : IgnoreUnknown=1;K8S_POD_NAMESPACE=kube-system;K8S_POD_NAME=coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t;K8S_POD_INFRA_CONTAINER_ID=50fd77a8c31d85062c889abe17cbea4722239bb2a177b876d839c15b4ecfd818;K8S_POD_UID=01e24474-ac59-421c-a01c-8190443edfda I : 168579 : 2024/09/09 02:38:18 cni.go:112: CNI Args StdinData : {"cniVersion":"0.3.1","contrail":{"cluster-name":"k8s","config-dir":"/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm","log-file":"/var/log/cni/opencontrail.log","log-level":"4","meta-plugin":"multus","mtu":1500,"poll-retries":15,"poll-timeout":5,"vrouter-ip":"","vrouter-port":9091},"name":"contrail-k8s-cni","type":"contrail-k8s-cni"} I : 168579 : 2024/09/09 02:38:18 cni.go:113: ContainerID : 50fd77a8c31d85062c889abe17cbea4722239bb2a177b876d839c15b4ecfd818 I : 168579 : 2024/09/09 02:38:18 cni.go:114: NetNS : /var/run/netns/cni-bcd044f6-0543-bba6-c5da-67f7a563dc65 I : 168579 : 2024/09/09 02:38:18 cni.go:115: Container Ifname : eth0 I : 168579 : 2024/09/09 02:38:18 cni.go:116: Meta Plugin Call : false I : 168579 : 2024/09/09 02:38:18 cni.go:117: Network Name: contrail-k8s-cni I : 168579 : 2024/09/09 02:38:18 cni.go:118: MTU : 1500 I : 168579 : 2024/09/09 02:38:18 vrouter.go:535: {Server: Port:9091 Dir:/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm PollTimeout:5 PollRetries:15 containerName: containerId: containerUuid: containerVn: VmiUuid: httpClient:0xc0000952f0} I : 168579 : 2024/09/09 02:38:18 cni.go:120: &{cniArgs:0xc0000f0000 ContainerUuid: ContainerName:k8s__kube-system__coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t ContainerVn: ClusterName:k8s Mode:k8s MetaPlugin:multus VifParent:eth0 VifType:veth Mtu:1500 NetworkName:contrail-k8s-cni LogFile:/var/log/cni/opencontrail.log LogLevel:4 VRouter:{Server: Port:9091 Dir:/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm PollTimeout:5 PollRetries:15 containerName: containerId: containerUuid: containerVn: VmiUuid: httpClient:0xc0000952f0}} I : 168579 : 2024/09/09 02:38:18 contrail-kube-cni.go:45: Came in Del for container 50fd77a8c31d85062c889abe17cbea4722239bb2a177b876d839c15b4ecfd818 I : 168579 : 2024/09/09 02:38:18 utils.go:27: File/Dir - /var/lib/contrail/ports/vm/k8s__kube-system__coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t does not exist. Error - stat /var/lib/contrail/ports/vm/k8s__kube-system__coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t: no such file or directory I : 168579 : 2024/09/09 02:38:18 cni.go:641: CmdDel is done I : 169389 : 2024/09/09 02:38:33 cni.go:144: Skip file */etc/cni/net.d/05-default.conf I : 169389 : 2024/09/09 02:38:33 cni.go:136: Read file */etc/cni/net.d/10-contrail.conf I : 169389 : 2024/09/09 02:38:33 cni.go:197: Parent Process Name containerd I : 169389 : 2024/09/09 02:38:33 cni.go:109: K8S Cluster Name : k8s I : 169389 : 2024/09/09 02:38:33 cni.go:110: CNI Version : 0.3.1 I : 169389 : 2024/09/09 02:38:33 cni.go:111: CNI Args : K8S_POD_INFRA_CONTAINER_ID=641d23bc848451be43af0642cc61608b18f5168f34f85e43736b709a20e94da8;K8S_POD_UID=01e24474-ac59-421c-a01c-8190443edfda;IgnoreUnknown=1;K8S_POD_NAMESPACE=kube-system;K8S_POD_NAME=coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t I : 169389 : 2024/09/09 02:38:33 cni.go:112: CNI Args StdinData : {"cniVersion":"0.3.1","contrail":{"cluster-name":"k8s","config-dir":"/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm","log-file":"/var/log/cni/opencontrail.log","log-level":"4","meta-plugin":"multus","mtu":1500,"poll-retries":15,"poll-timeout":5,"vrouter-ip":"","vrouter-port":9091},"name":"contrail-k8s-cni","type":"contrail-k8s-cni"} I : 169389 : 2024/09/09 02:38:33 cni.go:113: ContainerID : 641d23bc848451be43af0642cc61608b18f5168f34f85e43736b709a20e94da8 I : 169389 : 2024/09/09 02:38:33 cni.go:114: NetNS : /var/run/netns/cni-d3259368-035d-3a5e-ba20-5588ab3e7350 I : 169389 : 2024/09/09 02:38:33 cni.go:115: Container Ifname : eth0 I : 169389 : 2024/09/09 02:38:33 cni.go:116: Meta Plugin Call : false I : 169389 : 2024/09/09 02:38:33 cni.go:117: Network Name: contrail-k8s-cni I : 169389 : 2024/09/09 02:38:33 cni.go:118: MTU : 1500 I : 169389 : 2024/09/09 02:38:33 vrouter.go:535: {Server: Port:9091 Dir:/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm PollTimeout:5 PollRetries:15 containerName: containerId: containerUuid: containerVn: VmiUuid: httpClient:0xc0000952f0} I : 169389 : 2024/09/09 02:38:33 cni.go:120: &{cniArgs:0xc0000f0000 ContainerUuid: ContainerName:k8s__kube-system__coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t ContainerVn: ClusterName:k8s Mode:k8s MetaPlugin:multus VifParent:eth0 VifType:veth Mtu:1500 NetworkName:contrail-k8s-cni LogFile:/var/log/cni/opencontrail.log LogLevel:4 VRouter:{Server: Port:9091 Dir:/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm PollTimeout:5 PollRetries:15 containerName: containerId: containerUuid: containerVn: VmiUuid: httpClient:0xc0000952f0}} I : 169389 : 2024/09/09 02:38:33 contrail-kube-cni.go:25: Came in Add for container 641d23bc848451be43af0642cc61608b18f5168f34f85e43736b709a20e94da8 I : 169389 : 2024/09/09 02:38:33 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 169389 : 2024/09/09 02:38:33 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 169389 : 2024/09/09 02:38:33 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 0 : Get vrouter failed I : 169389 : 2024/09/09 02:38:38 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 169389 : 2024/09/09 02:38:38 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 169389 : 2024/09/09 02:38:38 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 1 : Get vrouter failed I : 169389 : 2024/09/09 02:38:43 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 169389 : 2024/09/09 02:38:43 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 169389 : 2024/09/09 02:38:43 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 2 : Get vrouter failed I : 169389 : 2024/09/09 02:38:48 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 169389 : 2024/09/09 02:38:48 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 169389 : 2024/09/09 02:38:48 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 3 : Get vrouter failed I : 169389 : 2024/09/09 02:38:53 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 169389 : 2024/09/09 02:38:53 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 169389 : 2024/09/09 02:38:53 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 4 : Get vrouter failed I : 169389 : 2024/09/09 02:38:58 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 169389 : 2024/09/09 02:38:58 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 169389 : 2024/09/09 02:38:58 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 5 : Get vrouter failed I : 169389 : 2024/09/09 02:39:03 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 169389 : 2024/09/09 02:39:03 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 169389 : 2024/09/09 02:39:03 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 6 : Get vrouter failed I : 169389 : 2024/09/09 02:39:08 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 169389 : 2024/09/09 02:39:08 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 169389 : 2024/09/09 02:39:08 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 7 : Get vrouter failed I : 169389 : 2024/09/09 02:39:13 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 169389 : 2024/09/09 02:39:13 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 169389 : 2024/09/09 02:39:13 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 8 : Get vrouter failed I : 169389 : 2024/09/09 02:39:18 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 169389 : 2024/09/09 02:39:18 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 169389 : 2024/09/09 02:39:18 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 9 : Get vrouter failed I : 169389 : 2024/09/09 02:39:23 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 169389 : 2024/09/09 02:39:23 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 169389 : 2024/09/09 02:39:23 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 10 : Get vrouter failed I : 169389 : 2024/09/09 02:39:28 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 169389 : 2024/09/09 02:39:28 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 169389 : 2024/09/09 02:39:28 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 11 : Get vrouter failed I : 169389 : 2024/09/09 02:39:33 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 169389 : 2024/09/09 02:39:33 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 169389 : 2024/09/09 02:39:33 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 12 : Get vrouter failed I : 169389 : 2024/09/09 02:39:38 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 169389 : 2024/09/09 02:39:38 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 169389 : 2024/09/09 02:39:38 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 13 : Get vrouter failed I : 169389 : 2024/09/09 02:39:43 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 169389 : 2024/09/09 02:39:43 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 169389 : 2024/09/09 02:39:43 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 14 : Get vrouter failed E : 169389 : 2024/09/09 02:39:48 cni.go:479: Error polling for configuration of E : 169389 : 2024/09/09 02:39:48 contrail-kube-cni.go:30: Failed processing Add command. I : 169806 : 2024/09/09 02:39:48 cni.go:144: Skip file */etc/cni/net.d/05-default.conf I : 169806 : 2024/09/09 02:39:48 cni.go:136: Read file */etc/cni/net.d/10-contrail.conf I : 169806 : 2024/09/09 02:39:48 cni.go:197: Parent Process Name containerd I : 169806 : 2024/09/09 02:39:48 cni.go:109: K8S Cluster Name : k8s I : 169806 : 2024/09/09 02:39:48 cni.go:110: CNI Version : 0.3.1 I : 169806 : 2024/09/09 02:39:48 cni.go:111: CNI Args : K8S_POD_INFRA_CONTAINER_ID=641d23bc848451be43af0642cc61608b18f5168f34f85e43736b709a20e94da8;K8S_POD_UID=01e24474-ac59-421c-a01c-8190443edfda;IgnoreUnknown=1;K8S_POD_NAMESPACE=kube-system;K8S_POD_NAME=coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t I : 169806 : 2024/09/09 02:39:48 cni.go:112: CNI Args StdinData : {"cniVersion":"0.3.1","contrail":{"cluster-name":"k8s","config-dir":"/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm","log-file":"/var/log/cni/opencontrail.log","log-level":"4","meta-plugin":"multus","mtu":1500,"poll-retries":15,"poll-timeout":5,"vrouter-ip":"","vrouter-port":9091},"name":"contrail-k8s-cni","type":"contrail-k8s-cni"} I : 169806 : 2024/09/09 02:39:48 cni.go:113: ContainerID : 641d23bc848451be43af0642cc61608b18f5168f34f85e43736b709a20e94da8 I : 169806 : 2024/09/09 02:39:48 cni.go:114: NetNS : /var/run/netns/cni-d3259368-035d-3a5e-ba20-5588ab3e7350 I : 169806 : 2024/09/09 02:39:48 cni.go:115: Container Ifname : eth0 I : 169806 : 2024/09/09 02:39:48 cni.go:116: Meta Plugin Call : false I : 169806 : 2024/09/09 02:39:48 cni.go:117: Network Name: contrail-k8s-cni I : 169806 : 2024/09/09 02:39:48 cni.go:118: MTU : 1500 I : 169806 : 2024/09/09 02:39:48 vrouter.go:535: {Server: Port:9091 Dir:/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm PollTimeout:5 PollRetries:15 containerName: containerId: containerUuid: containerVn: VmiUuid: httpClient:0xc00006d2f0} I : 169806 : 2024/09/09 02:39:48 cni.go:120: &{cniArgs:0xc00013e000 ContainerUuid: ContainerName:k8s__kube-system__coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t ContainerVn: ClusterName:k8s Mode:k8s MetaPlugin:multus VifParent:eth0 VifType:veth Mtu:1500 NetworkName:contrail-k8s-cni LogFile:/var/log/cni/opencontrail.log LogLevel:4 VRouter:{Server: Port:9091 Dir:/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm PollTimeout:5 PollRetries:15 containerName: containerId: containerUuid: containerVn: VmiUuid: httpClient:0xc00006d2f0}} I : 169806 : 2024/09/09 02:39:48 contrail-kube-cni.go:45: Came in Del for container 641d23bc848451be43af0642cc61608b18f5168f34f85e43736b709a20e94da8 I : 169806 : 2024/09/09 02:39:48 utils.go:27: File/Dir - /var/lib/contrail/ports/vm/k8s__kube-system__coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t does not exist. Error - stat /var/lib/contrail/ports/vm/k8s__kube-system__coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t: no such file or directory I : 169806 : 2024/09/09 02:39:48 cni.go:641: CmdDel is done I : 170029 : 2024/09/09 02:40:01 cni.go:144: Skip file */etc/cni/net.d/05-default.conf I : 170029 : 2024/09/09 02:40:01 cni.go:136: Read file */etc/cni/net.d/10-contrail.conf I : 170029 : 2024/09/09 02:40:01 cni.go:197: Parent Process Name containerd I : 170029 : 2024/09/09 02:40:01 cni.go:109: K8S Cluster Name : k8s I : 170029 : 2024/09/09 02:40:01 cni.go:110: CNI Version : 0.3.1 I : 170029 : 2024/09/09 02:40:01 cni.go:111: CNI Args : K8S_POD_NAMESPACE=kube-system;K8S_POD_NAME=coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t;K8S_POD_INFRA_CONTAINER_ID=5bf3ada2289e36db84be3a5b59b6e2cd1aadfe796f012f77d936e277b5bdb360;K8S_POD_UID=01e24474-ac59-421c-a01c-8190443edfda;IgnoreUnknown=1 I : 170029 : 2024/09/09 02:40:01 cni.go:112: CNI Args StdinData : {"cniVersion":"0.3.1","contrail":{"cluster-name":"k8s","config-dir":"/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm","log-file":"/var/log/cni/opencontrail.log","log-level":"4","meta-plugin":"multus","mtu":1500,"poll-retries":15,"poll-timeout":5,"vrouter-ip":"","vrouter-port":9091},"name":"contrail-k8s-cni","type":"contrail-k8s-cni"} I : 170029 : 2024/09/09 02:40:01 cni.go:113: ContainerID : 5bf3ada2289e36db84be3a5b59b6e2cd1aadfe796f012f77d936e277b5bdb360 I : 170029 : 2024/09/09 02:40:01 cni.go:114: NetNS : /var/run/netns/cni-6694bca8-4bde-3e54-1347-728ba1ab61e4 I : 170029 : 2024/09/09 02:40:01 cni.go:115: Container Ifname : eth0 I : 170029 : 2024/09/09 02:40:01 cni.go:116: Meta Plugin Call : false I : 170029 : 2024/09/09 02:40:01 cni.go:117: Network Name: contrail-k8s-cni I : 170029 : 2024/09/09 02:40:01 cni.go:118: MTU : 1500 I : 170029 : 2024/09/09 02:40:01 vrouter.go:535: {Server: Port:9091 Dir:/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm PollTimeout:5 PollRetries:15 containerName: containerId: containerUuid: containerVn: VmiUuid: httpClient:0xc0000772f0} I : 170029 : 2024/09/09 02:40:01 cni.go:120: &{cniArgs:0xc0000c6000 ContainerUuid: ContainerName:k8s__kube-system__coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t ContainerVn: ClusterName:k8s Mode:k8s MetaPlugin:multus VifParent:eth0 VifType:veth Mtu:1500 NetworkName:contrail-k8s-cni LogFile:/var/log/cni/opencontrail.log LogLevel:4 VRouter:{Server: Port:9091 Dir:/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm PollTimeout:5 PollRetries:15 containerName: containerId: containerUuid: containerVn: VmiUuid: httpClient:0xc0000772f0}} I : 170029 : 2024/09/09 02:40:01 contrail-kube-cni.go:25: Came in Add for container 5bf3ada2289e36db84be3a5b59b6e2cd1aadfe796f012f77d936e277b5bdb360 I : 170029 : 2024/09/09 02:40:01 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 170029 : 2024/09/09 02:40:01 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 170029 : 2024/09/09 02:40:01 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 0 : Get vrouter failed I : 170029 : 2024/09/09 02:40:06 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 170029 : 2024/09/09 02:40:06 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 170029 : 2024/09/09 02:40:06 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 1 : Get vrouter failed I : 170029 : 2024/09/09 02:40:11 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 170029 : 2024/09/09 02:40:11 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 170029 : 2024/09/09 02:40:11 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 2 : Get vrouter failed I : 170029 : 2024/09/09 02:40:16 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 170029 : 2024/09/09 02:40:16 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 170029 : 2024/09/09 02:40:16 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 3 : Get vrouter failed I : 170029 : 2024/09/09 02:40:21 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 170029 : 2024/09/09 02:40:21 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 170029 : 2024/09/09 02:40:21 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 4 : Get vrouter failed I : 170029 : 2024/09/09 02:40:26 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 170029 : 2024/09/09 02:40:26 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 170029 : 2024/09/09 02:40:26 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 5 : Get vrouter failed I : 170029 : 2024/09/09 02:40:31 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 170029 : 2024/09/09 02:40:31 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 170029 : 2024/09/09 02:40:31 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 6 : Get vrouter failed I : 170029 : 2024/09/09 02:40:36 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 170029 : 2024/09/09 02:40:36 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 170029 : 2024/09/09 02:40:36 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 7 : Get vrouter failed I : 170029 : 2024/09/09 02:40:41 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 170029 : 2024/09/09 02:40:41 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 170029 : 2024/09/09 02:40:41 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 8 : Get vrouter failed I : 170029 : 2024/09/09 02:40:46 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 170029 : 2024/09/09 02:40:46 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 170029 : 2024/09/09 02:40:46 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 9 : Get vrouter failed I : 170029 : 2024/09/09 02:40:51 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 170029 : 2024/09/09 02:40:51 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 170029 : 2024/09/09 02:40:51 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 10 : Get vrouter failed I : 170029 : 2024/09/09 02:40:56 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 170029 : 2024/09/09 02:40:56 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 170029 : 2024/09/09 02:40:56 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 11 : Get vrouter failed I : 170029 : 2024/09/09 02:41:01 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 170029 : 2024/09/09 02:41:01 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 170029 : 2024/09/09 02:41:01 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 12 : Get vrouter failed I : 170029 : 2024/09/09 02:41:06 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 170029 : 2024/09/09 02:41:06 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 170029 : 2024/09/09 02:41:06 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 13 : Get vrouter failed I : 170029 : 2024/09/09 02:41:11 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 170029 : 2024/09/09 02:41:11 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 170029 : 2024/09/09 02:41:11 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 14 : Get vrouter failed E : 170029 : 2024/09/09 02:41:16 cni.go:479: Error polling for configuration of E : 170029 : 2024/09/09 02:41:16 contrail-kube-cni.go:30: Failed processing Add command. I : 170436 : 2024/09/09 02:41:16 cni.go:144: Skip file */etc/cni/net.d/05-default.conf I : 170436 : 2024/09/09 02:41:16 cni.go:136: Read file */etc/cni/net.d/10-contrail.conf I : 170436 : 2024/09/09 02:41:16 cni.go:197: Parent Process Name containerd I : 170436 : 2024/09/09 02:41:16 cni.go:109: K8S Cluster Name : k8s I : 170436 : 2024/09/09 02:41:16 cni.go:110: CNI Version : 0.3.1 I : 170436 : 2024/09/09 02:41:16 cni.go:111: CNI Args : K8S_POD_UID=01e24474-ac59-421c-a01c-8190443edfda;IgnoreUnknown=1;K8S_POD_NAMESPACE=kube-system;K8S_POD_NAME=coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t;K8S_POD_INFRA_CONTAINER_ID=5bf3ada2289e36db84be3a5b59b6e2cd1aadfe796f012f77d936e277b5bdb360 I : 170436 : 2024/09/09 02:41:16 cni.go:112: CNI Args StdinData : {"cniVersion":"0.3.1","contrail":{"cluster-name":"k8s","config-dir":"/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm","log-file":"/var/log/cni/opencontrail.log","log-level":"4","meta-plugin":"multus","mtu":1500,"poll-retries":15,"poll-timeout":5,"vrouter-ip":"","vrouter-port":9091},"name":"contrail-k8s-cni","type":"contrail-k8s-cni"} I : 170436 : 2024/09/09 02:41:16 cni.go:113: ContainerID : 5bf3ada2289e36db84be3a5b59b6e2cd1aadfe796f012f77d936e277b5bdb360 I : 170436 : 2024/09/09 02:41:16 cni.go:114: NetNS : /var/run/netns/cni-6694bca8-4bde-3e54-1347-728ba1ab61e4 I : 170436 : 2024/09/09 02:41:16 cni.go:115: Container Ifname : eth0 I : 170436 : 2024/09/09 02:41:16 cni.go:116: Meta Plugin Call : false I : 170436 : 2024/09/09 02:41:16 cni.go:117: Network Name: contrail-k8s-cni I : 170436 : 2024/09/09 02:41:16 cni.go:118: MTU : 1500 I : 170436 : 2024/09/09 02:41:16 vrouter.go:535: {Server: Port:9091 Dir:/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm PollTimeout:5 PollRetries:15 containerName: containerId: containerUuid: containerVn: VmiUuid: httpClient:0xc00009b2f0} I : 170436 : 2024/09/09 02:41:16 cni.go:120: &{cniArgs:0xc0000f2000 ContainerUuid: ContainerName:k8s__kube-system__coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t ContainerVn: ClusterName:k8s Mode:k8s MetaPlugin:multus VifParent:eth0 VifType:veth Mtu:1500 NetworkName:contrail-k8s-cni LogFile:/var/log/cni/opencontrail.log LogLevel:4 VRouter:{Server: Port:9091 Dir:/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm PollTimeout:5 PollRetries:15 containerName: containerId: containerUuid: containerVn: VmiUuid: httpClient:0xc00009b2f0}} I : 170436 : 2024/09/09 02:41:16 contrail-kube-cni.go:45: Came in Del for container 5bf3ada2289e36db84be3a5b59b6e2cd1aadfe796f012f77d936e277b5bdb360 I : 170436 : 2024/09/09 02:41:16 utils.go:27: File/Dir - /var/lib/contrail/ports/vm/k8s__kube-system__coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t does not exist. Error - stat /var/lib/contrail/ports/vm/k8s__kube-system__coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t: no such file or directory I : 170436 : 2024/09/09 02:41:16 cni.go:641: CmdDel is done I : 170491 : 2024/09/09 02:41:29 cni.go:144: Skip file */etc/cni/net.d/05-default.conf I : 170491 : 2024/09/09 02:41:29 cni.go:136: Read file */etc/cni/net.d/10-contrail.conf I : 170491 : 2024/09/09 02:41:29 cni.go:197: Parent Process Name containerd I : 170491 : 2024/09/09 02:41:29 cni.go:109: K8S Cluster Name : k8s I : 170491 : 2024/09/09 02:41:29 cni.go:110: CNI Version : 0.3.1 I : 170491 : 2024/09/09 02:41:29 cni.go:111: CNI Args : K8S_POD_NAME=coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t;K8S_POD_INFRA_CONTAINER_ID=e8287d1df0c00ff17031293ac6e20473fd30d5a2b1b454f5609bb84f2bba8b79;K8S_POD_UID=01e24474-ac59-421c-a01c-8190443edfda;IgnoreUnknown=1;K8S_POD_NAMESPACE=kube-system I : 170491 : 2024/09/09 02:41:29 cni.go:112: CNI Args StdinData : {"cniVersion":"0.3.1","contrail":{"cluster-name":"k8s","config-dir":"/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm","log-file":"/var/log/cni/opencontrail.log","log-level":"4","meta-plugin":"multus","mtu":1500,"poll-retries":15,"poll-timeout":5,"vrouter-ip":"","vrouter-port":9091},"name":"contrail-k8s-cni","type":"contrail-k8s-cni"} I : 170491 : 2024/09/09 02:41:29 cni.go:113: ContainerID : e8287d1df0c00ff17031293ac6e20473fd30d5a2b1b454f5609bb84f2bba8b79 I : 170491 : 2024/09/09 02:41:29 cni.go:114: NetNS : /var/run/netns/cni-00b31177-f463-df44-6aeb-82f2d9e2f726 I : 170491 : 2024/09/09 02:41:29 cni.go:115: Container Ifname : eth0 I : 170491 : 2024/09/09 02:41:29 cni.go:116: Meta Plugin Call : false I : 170491 : 2024/09/09 02:41:29 cni.go:117: Network Name: contrail-k8s-cni I : 170491 : 2024/09/09 02:41:29 cni.go:118: MTU : 1500 I : 170491 : 2024/09/09 02:41:29 vrouter.go:535: {Server: Port:9091 Dir:/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm PollTimeout:5 PollRetries:15 containerName: containerId: containerUuid: containerVn: VmiUuid: httpClient:0xc0000772f0} I : 170491 : 2024/09/09 02:41:29 cni.go:120: &{cniArgs:0xc0000c6000 ContainerUuid: ContainerName:k8s__kube-system__coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t ContainerVn: ClusterName:k8s Mode:k8s MetaPlugin:multus VifParent:eth0 VifType:veth Mtu:1500 NetworkName:contrail-k8s-cni LogFile:/var/log/cni/opencontrail.log LogLevel:4 VRouter:{Server: Port:9091 Dir:/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm PollTimeout:5 PollRetries:15 containerName: containerId: containerUuid: containerVn: VmiUuid: httpClient:0xc0000772f0}} I : 170491 : 2024/09/09 02:41:29 contrail-kube-cni.go:25: Came in Add for container e8287d1df0c00ff17031293ac6e20473fd30d5a2b1b454f5609bb84f2bba8b79 I : 170491 : 2024/09/09 02:41:29 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 170491 : 2024/09/09 02:41:29 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 170491 : 2024/09/09 02:41:29 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 0 : Get vrouter failed I : 170491 : 2024/09/09 02:41:34 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 170491 : 2024/09/09 02:41:34 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 170491 : 2024/09/09 02:41:34 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 1 : Get vrouter failed I : 170491 : 2024/09/09 02:41:39 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 170491 : 2024/09/09 02:41:39 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 170491 : 2024/09/09 02:41:39 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 2 : Get vrouter failed I : 170491 : 2024/09/09 02:41:44 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 170491 : 2024/09/09 02:41:44 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 170491 : 2024/09/09 02:41:44 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 3 : Get vrouter failed I : 170491 : 2024/09/09 02:41:49 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 170491 : 2024/09/09 02:41:49 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 170491 : 2024/09/09 02:41:49 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 4 : Get vrouter failed I : 170491 : 2024/09/09 02:41:54 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 170491 : 2024/09/09 02:41:54 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 170491 : 2024/09/09 02:41:54 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 5 : Get vrouter failed I : 170491 : 2024/09/09 02:41:59 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 170491 : 2024/09/09 02:41:59 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 170491 : 2024/09/09 02:41:59 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 6 : Get vrouter failed I : 170491 : 2024/09/09 02:42:04 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 170491 : 2024/09/09 02:42:04 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 170491 : 2024/09/09 02:42:04 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 7 : Get vrouter failed I : 170491 : 2024/09/09 02:42:09 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 170491 : 2024/09/09 02:42:09 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 170491 : 2024/09/09 02:42:09 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 8 : Get vrouter failed I : 170491 : 2024/09/09 02:42:14 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 170491 : 2024/09/09 02:42:14 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 170491 : 2024/09/09 02:42:14 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 9 : Get vrouter failed I : 170491 : 2024/09/09 02:42:19 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 170491 : 2024/09/09 02:42:19 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 170491 : 2024/09/09 02:42:19 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 10 : Get vrouter failed I : 170491 : 2024/09/09 02:42:24 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 170491 : 2024/09/09 02:42:24 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 170491 : 2024/09/09 02:42:24 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 11 : Get vrouter failed I : 170491 : 2024/09/09 02:42:29 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 170491 : 2024/09/09 02:42:29 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 170491 : 2024/09/09 02:42:29 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 12 : Get vrouter failed I : 170491 : 2024/09/09 02:42:34 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 170491 : 2024/09/09 02:42:34 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 170491 : 2024/09/09 02:42:34 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 13 : Get vrouter failed I : 170491 : 2024/09/09 02:42:39 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 170491 : 2024/09/09 02:42:39 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 170491 : 2024/09/09 02:42:39 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 14 : Get vrouter failed E : 170491 : 2024/09/09 02:42:44 cni.go:479: Error polling for configuration of E : 170491 : 2024/09/09 02:42:44 contrail-kube-cni.go:30: Failed processing Add command. I : 170893 : 2024/09/09 02:42:44 cni.go:144: Skip file */etc/cni/net.d/05-default.conf I : 170893 : 2024/09/09 02:42:44 cni.go:136: Read file */etc/cni/net.d/10-contrail.conf I : 170893 : 2024/09/09 02:42:44 cni.go:197: Parent Process Name containerd I : 170893 : 2024/09/09 02:42:44 cni.go:109: K8S Cluster Name : k8s I : 170893 : 2024/09/09 02:42:44 cni.go:110: CNI Version : 0.3.1 I : 170893 : 2024/09/09 02:42:44 cni.go:111: CNI Args : K8S_POD_NAME=coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t;K8S_POD_INFRA_CONTAINER_ID=e8287d1df0c00ff17031293ac6e20473fd30d5a2b1b454f5609bb84f2bba8b79;K8S_POD_UID=01e24474-ac59-421c-a01c-8190443edfda;IgnoreUnknown=1;K8S_POD_NAMESPACE=kube-system I : 170893 : 2024/09/09 02:42:44 cni.go:112: CNI Args StdinData : {"cniVersion":"0.3.1","contrail":{"cluster-name":"k8s","config-dir":"/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm","log-file":"/var/log/cni/opencontrail.log","log-level":"4","meta-plugin":"multus","mtu":1500,"poll-retries":15,"poll-timeout":5,"vrouter-ip":"","vrouter-port":9091},"name":"contrail-k8s-cni","type":"contrail-k8s-cni"} I : 170893 : 2024/09/09 02:42:44 cni.go:113: ContainerID : e8287d1df0c00ff17031293ac6e20473fd30d5a2b1b454f5609bb84f2bba8b79 I : 170893 : 2024/09/09 02:42:44 cni.go:114: NetNS : /var/run/netns/cni-00b31177-f463-df44-6aeb-82f2d9e2f726 I : 170893 : 2024/09/09 02:42:44 cni.go:115: Container Ifname : eth0 I : 170893 : 2024/09/09 02:42:44 cni.go:116: Meta Plugin Call : false I : 170893 : 2024/09/09 02:42:44 cni.go:117: Network Name: contrail-k8s-cni I : 170893 : 2024/09/09 02:42:44 cni.go:118: MTU : 1500 I : 170893 : 2024/09/09 02:42:44 vrouter.go:535: {Server: Port:9091 Dir:/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm PollTimeout:5 PollRetries:15 containerName: containerId: containerUuid: containerVn: VmiUuid: httpClient:0xc0000852f0} I : 170893 : 2024/09/09 02:42:44 cni.go:120: &{cniArgs:0xc0000e8000 ContainerUuid: ContainerName:k8s__kube-system__coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t ContainerVn: ClusterName:k8s Mode:k8s MetaPlugin:multus VifParent:eth0 VifType:veth Mtu:1500 NetworkName:contrail-k8s-cni LogFile:/var/log/cni/opencontrail.log LogLevel:4 VRouter:{Server: Port:9091 Dir:/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm PollTimeout:5 PollRetries:15 containerName: containerId: containerUuid: containerVn: VmiUuid: httpClient:0xc0000852f0}} I : 170893 : 2024/09/09 02:42:44 contrail-kube-cni.go:45: Came in Del for container e8287d1df0c00ff17031293ac6e20473fd30d5a2b1b454f5609bb84f2bba8b79 I : 170893 : 2024/09/09 02:42:44 utils.go:27: File/Dir - /var/lib/contrail/ports/vm/k8s__kube-system__coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t does not exist. Error - stat /var/lib/contrail/ports/vm/k8s__kube-system__coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t: no such file or directory I : 170893 : 2024/09/09 02:42:44 cni.go:641: CmdDel is done I : 170933 : 2024/09/09 02:42:57 cni.go:144: Skip file */etc/cni/net.d/05-default.conf I : 170933 : 2024/09/09 02:42:57 cni.go:136: Read file */etc/cni/net.d/10-contrail.conf I : 170933 : 2024/09/09 02:42:57 cni.go:197: Parent Process Name containerd I : 170933 : 2024/09/09 02:42:57 cni.go:109: K8S Cluster Name : k8s I : 170933 : 2024/09/09 02:42:57 cni.go:110: CNI Version : 0.3.1 I : 170933 : 2024/09/09 02:42:57 cni.go:111: CNI Args : K8S_POD_UID=01e24474-ac59-421c-a01c-8190443edfda;IgnoreUnknown=1;K8S_POD_NAMESPACE=kube-system;K8S_POD_NAME=coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t;K8S_POD_INFRA_CONTAINER_ID=49282d4fbe33dab0317170922105e2c7346166c6f202a1d8c98009484156619d I : 170933 : 2024/09/09 02:42:57 cni.go:112: CNI Args StdinData : {"cniVersion":"0.3.1","contrail":{"cluster-name":"k8s","config-dir":"/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm","log-file":"/var/log/cni/opencontrail.log","log-level":"4","meta-plugin":"multus","mtu":1500,"poll-retries":15,"poll-timeout":5,"vrouter-ip":"","vrouter-port":9091},"name":"contrail-k8s-cni","type":"contrail-k8s-cni"} I : 170933 : 2024/09/09 02:42:57 cni.go:113: ContainerID : 49282d4fbe33dab0317170922105e2c7346166c6f202a1d8c98009484156619d I : 170933 : 2024/09/09 02:42:57 cni.go:114: NetNS : /var/run/netns/cni-c3e98111-2737-57c0-9c7e-eec5dca07cd0 I : 170933 : 2024/09/09 02:42:57 cni.go:115: Container Ifname : eth0 I : 170933 : 2024/09/09 02:42:57 cni.go:116: Meta Plugin Call : false I : 170933 : 2024/09/09 02:42:57 cni.go:117: Network Name: contrail-k8s-cni I : 170933 : 2024/09/09 02:42:57 cni.go:118: MTU : 1500 I : 170933 : 2024/09/09 02:42:57 vrouter.go:535: {Server: Port:9091 Dir:/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm PollTimeout:5 PollRetries:15 containerName: containerId: containerUuid: containerVn: VmiUuid: httpClient:0xc0000932f0} I : 170933 : 2024/09/09 02:42:57 cni.go:120: &{cniArgs:0xc0000f0000 ContainerUuid: ContainerName:k8s__kube-system__coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t ContainerVn: ClusterName:k8s Mode:k8s MetaPlugin:multus VifParent:eth0 VifType:veth Mtu:1500 NetworkName:contrail-k8s-cni LogFile:/var/log/cni/opencontrail.log LogLevel:4 VRouter:{Server: Port:9091 Dir:/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm PollTimeout:5 PollRetries:15 containerName: containerId: containerUuid: containerVn: VmiUuid: httpClient:0xc0000932f0}} I : 170933 : 2024/09/09 02:42:57 contrail-kube-cni.go:25: Came in Add for container 49282d4fbe33dab0317170922105e2c7346166c6f202a1d8c98009484156619d I : 170933 : 2024/09/09 02:42:57 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 170933 : 2024/09/09 02:42:57 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 170933 : 2024/09/09 02:42:57 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 0 : Get vrouter failed I : 170933 : 2024/09/09 02:43:02 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 170933 : 2024/09/09 02:43:02 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 170933 : 2024/09/09 02:43:02 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 1 : Get vrouter failed I : 170933 : 2024/09/09 02:43:07 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 170933 : 2024/09/09 02:43:07 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 170933 : 2024/09/09 02:43:07 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 2 : Get vrouter failed I : 170933 : 2024/09/09 02:43:12 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 170933 : 2024/09/09 02:43:12 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 170933 : 2024/09/09 02:43:12 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 3 : Get vrouter failed I : 170933 : 2024/09/09 02:43:17 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 170933 : 2024/09/09 02:43:17 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 170933 : 2024/09/09 02:43:17 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 4 : Get vrouter failed I : 170933 : 2024/09/09 02:43:22 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 170933 : 2024/09/09 02:43:22 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 170933 : 2024/09/09 02:43:22 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 5 : Get vrouter failed I : 170933 : 2024/09/09 02:43:27 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 170933 : 2024/09/09 02:43:27 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 170933 : 2024/09/09 02:43:27 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 6 : Get vrouter failed I : 170933 : 2024/09/09 02:43:32 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 170933 : 2024/09/09 02:43:32 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 170933 : 2024/09/09 02:43:32 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 7 : Get vrouter failed I : 170933 : 2024/09/09 02:43:37 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 170933 : 2024/09/09 02:43:37 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 170933 : 2024/09/09 02:43:37 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 8 : Get vrouter failed I : 170933 : 2024/09/09 02:43:42 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 170933 : 2024/09/09 02:43:42 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 170933 : 2024/09/09 02:43:42 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 9 : Get vrouter failed I : 170933 : 2024/09/09 02:43:47 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 170933 : 2024/09/09 02:43:47 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 170933 : 2024/09/09 02:43:47 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 10 : Get vrouter failed I : 170933 : 2024/09/09 02:43:52 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 170933 : 2024/09/09 02:43:52 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 170933 : 2024/09/09 02:43:52 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 11 : Get vrouter failed I : 170933 : 2024/09/09 02:43:57 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 170933 : 2024/09/09 02:43:57 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 170933 : 2024/09/09 02:43:57 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 12 : Get vrouter failed I : 170933 : 2024/09/09 02:44:02 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 170933 : 2024/09/09 02:44:02 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 170933 : 2024/09/09 02:44:02 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 13 : Get vrouter failed I : 170933 : 2024/09/09 02:44:07 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 170933 : 2024/09/09 02:44:07 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 170933 : 2024/09/09 02:44:07 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 14 : Get vrouter failed E : 170933 : 2024/09/09 02:44:12 cni.go:479: Error polling for configuration of E : 170933 : 2024/09/09 02:44:12 contrail-kube-cni.go:30: Failed processing Add command. I : 172135 : 2024/09/09 02:44:12 cni.go:144: Skip file */etc/cni/net.d/05-default.conf I : 172135 : 2024/09/09 02:44:12 cni.go:136: Read file */etc/cni/net.d/10-contrail.conf I : 172135 : 2024/09/09 02:44:12 cni.go:197: Parent Process Name containerd I : 172135 : 2024/09/09 02:44:12 cni.go:109: K8S Cluster Name : k8s I : 172135 : 2024/09/09 02:44:12 cni.go:110: CNI Version : 0.3.1 I : 172135 : 2024/09/09 02:44:12 cni.go:111: CNI Args : K8S_POD_INFRA_CONTAINER_ID=49282d4fbe33dab0317170922105e2c7346166c6f202a1d8c98009484156619d;K8S_POD_UID=01e24474-ac59-421c-a01c-8190443edfda;IgnoreUnknown=1;K8S_POD_NAMESPACE=kube-system;K8S_POD_NAME=coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t I : 172135 : 2024/09/09 02:44:12 cni.go:112: CNI Args StdinData : {"cniVersion":"0.3.1","contrail":{"cluster-name":"k8s","config-dir":"/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm","log-file":"/var/log/cni/opencontrail.log","log-level":"4","meta-plugin":"multus","mtu":1500,"poll-retries":15,"poll-timeout":5,"vrouter-ip":"","vrouter-port":9091},"name":"contrail-k8s-cni","type":"contrail-k8s-cni"} I : 172135 : 2024/09/09 02:44:12 cni.go:113: ContainerID : 49282d4fbe33dab0317170922105e2c7346166c6f202a1d8c98009484156619d I : 172135 : 2024/09/09 02:44:12 cni.go:114: NetNS : /var/run/netns/cni-c3e98111-2737-57c0-9c7e-eec5dca07cd0 I : 172135 : 2024/09/09 02:44:12 cni.go:115: Container Ifname : eth0 I : 172135 : 2024/09/09 02:44:12 cni.go:116: Meta Plugin Call : false I : 172135 : 2024/09/09 02:44:12 cni.go:117: Network Name: contrail-k8s-cni I : 172135 : 2024/09/09 02:44:12 cni.go:118: MTU : 1500 I : 172135 : 2024/09/09 02:44:12 vrouter.go:535: {Server: Port:9091 Dir:/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm PollTimeout:5 PollRetries:15 containerName: containerId: containerUuid: containerVn: VmiUuid: httpClient:0xc00006f2f0} I : 172135 : 2024/09/09 02:44:12 cni.go:120: &{cniArgs:0xc00013e000 ContainerUuid: ContainerName:k8s__kube-system__coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t ContainerVn: ClusterName:k8s Mode:k8s MetaPlugin:multus VifParent:eth0 VifType:veth Mtu:1500 NetworkName:contrail-k8s-cni LogFile:/var/log/cni/opencontrail.log LogLevel:4 VRouter:{Server: Port:9091 Dir:/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm PollTimeout:5 PollRetries:15 containerName: containerId: containerUuid: containerVn: VmiUuid: httpClient:0xc00006f2f0}} I : 172135 : 2024/09/09 02:44:12 contrail-kube-cni.go:45: Came in Del for container 49282d4fbe33dab0317170922105e2c7346166c6f202a1d8c98009484156619d I : 172135 : 2024/09/09 02:44:12 utils.go:27: File/Dir - /var/lib/contrail/ports/vm/k8s__kube-system__coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t does not exist. Error - stat /var/lib/contrail/ports/vm/k8s__kube-system__coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t: no such file or directory I : 172135 : 2024/09/09 02:44:12 cni.go:641: CmdDel is done I : 172394 : 2024/09/09 02:44:27 cni.go:144: Skip file */etc/cni/net.d/05-default.conf I : 172394 : 2024/09/09 02:44:27 cni.go:136: Read file */etc/cni/net.d/10-contrail.conf I : 172394 : 2024/09/09 02:44:27 cni.go:197: Parent Process Name containerd I : 172394 : 2024/09/09 02:44:27 cni.go:109: K8S Cluster Name : k8s I : 172394 : 2024/09/09 02:44:27 cni.go:110: CNI Version : 0.3.1 I : 172394 : 2024/09/09 02:44:27 cni.go:111: CNI Args : K8S_POD_INFRA_CONTAINER_ID=c04fa765b67704382af3d3d627996b712250111ffdb97751a19d47018410171d;K8S_POD_UID=01e24474-ac59-421c-a01c-8190443edfda;IgnoreUnknown=1;K8S_POD_NAMESPACE=kube-system;K8S_POD_NAME=coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t I : 172394 : 2024/09/09 02:44:27 cni.go:112: CNI Args StdinData : {"cniVersion":"0.3.1","contrail":{"cluster-name":"k8s","config-dir":"/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm","log-file":"/var/log/cni/opencontrail.log","log-level":"4","meta-plugin":"multus","mtu":1500,"poll-retries":15,"poll-timeout":5,"vrouter-ip":"","vrouter-port":9091},"name":"contrail-k8s-cni","type":"contrail-k8s-cni"} I : 172394 : 2024/09/09 02:44:27 cni.go:113: ContainerID : c04fa765b67704382af3d3d627996b712250111ffdb97751a19d47018410171d I : 172394 : 2024/09/09 02:44:27 cni.go:114: NetNS : /var/run/netns/cni-349a7d39-6958-ef21-b686-1584f9f15509 I : 172394 : 2024/09/09 02:44:27 cni.go:115: Container Ifname : eth0 I : 172394 : 2024/09/09 02:44:27 cni.go:116: Meta Plugin Call : false I : 172394 : 2024/09/09 02:44:27 cni.go:117: Network Name: contrail-k8s-cni I : 172394 : 2024/09/09 02:44:27 cni.go:118: MTU : 1500 I : 172394 : 2024/09/09 02:44:27 vrouter.go:535: {Server: Port:9091 Dir:/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm PollTimeout:5 PollRetries:15 containerName: containerId: containerUuid: containerVn: VmiUuid: httpClient:0xc00009d2f0} I : 172394 : 2024/09/09 02:44:27 cni.go:120: &{cniArgs:0xc0000f8000 ContainerUuid: ContainerName:k8s__kube-system__coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t ContainerVn: ClusterName:k8s Mode:k8s MetaPlugin:multus VifParent:eth0 VifType:veth Mtu:1500 NetworkName:contrail-k8s-cni LogFile:/var/log/cni/opencontrail.log LogLevel:4 VRouter:{Server: Port:9091 Dir:/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm PollTimeout:5 PollRetries:15 containerName: containerId: containerUuid: containerVn: VmiUuid: httpClient:0xc00009d2f0}} I : 172394 : 2024/09/09 02:44:27 contrail-kube-cni.go:25: Came in Add for container c04fa765b67704382af3d3d627996b712250111ffdb97751a19d47018410171d I : 172394 : 2024/09/09 02:44:27 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 172394 : 2024/09/09 02:44:27 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 172394 : 2024/09/09 02:44:27 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 0 : Get vrouter failed I : 172394 : 2024/09/09 02:44:32 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 172394 : 2024/09/09 02:44:32 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 172394 : 2024/09/09 02:44:32 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 1 : Get vrouter failed I : 172394 : 2024/09/09 02:44:37 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 172394 : 2024/09/09 02:44:37 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 172394 : 2024/09/09 02:44:37 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 2 : Get vrouter failed I : 172394 : 2024/09/09 02:44:42 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 172394 : 2024/09/09 02:44:42 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 172394 : 2024/09/09 02:44:42 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 3 : Get vrouter failed I : 172394 : 2024/09/09 02:44:47 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 172394 : 2024/09/09 02:44:47 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 172394 : 2024/09/09 02:44:47 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 4 : Get vrouter failed I : 172394 : 2024/09/09 02:44:52 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 172394 : 2024/09/09 02:44:52 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 172394 : 2024/09/09 02:44:52 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 5 : Get vrouter failed I : 172394 : 2024/09/09 02:44:57 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 172394 : 2024/09/09 02:44:57 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 172394 : 2024/09/09 02:44:57 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 6 : Get vrouter failed I : 172394 : 2024/09/09 02:45:02 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 172394 : 2024/09/09 02:45:02 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 172394 : 2024/09/09 02:45:02 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 7 : Get vrouter failed I : 172394 : 2024/09/09 02:45:07 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 172394 : 2024/09/09 02:45:07 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 172394 : 2024/09/09 02:45:07 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 8 : Get vrouter failed I : 172394 : 2024/09/09 02:45:12 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 172394 : 2024/09/09 02:45:12 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 172394 : 2024/09/09 02:45:12 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 9 : Get vrouter failed I : 172394 : 2024/09/09 02:45:17 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 172394 : 2024/09/09 02:45:17 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 172394 : 2024/09/09 02:45:17 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 10 : Get vrouter failed I : 172394 : 2024/09/09 02:45:22 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 172394 : 2024/09/09 02:45:22 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 172394 : 2024/09/09 02:45:22 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 11 : Get vrouter failed I : 172394 : 2024/09/09 02:45:27 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 172394 : 2024/09/09 02:45:27 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 172394 : 2024/09/09 02:45:27 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 12 : Get vrouter failed I : 172394 : 2024/09/09 02:45:32 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 172394 : 2024/09/09 02:45:32 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 172394 : 2024/09/09 02:45:32 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 13 : Get vrouter failed I : 172394 : 2024/09/09 02:45:37 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 172394 : 2024/09/09 02:45:37 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 172394 : 2024/09/09 02:45:37 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 14 : Get vrouter failed E : 172394 : 2024/09/09 02:45:42 cni.go:479: Error polling for configuration of E : 172394 : 2024/09/09 02:45:42 contrail-kube-cni.go:30: Failed processing Add command. I : 172778 : 2024/09/09 02:45:42 cni.go:144: Skip file */etc/cni/net.d/05-default.conf I : 172778 : 2024/09/09 02:45:42 cni.go:136: Read file */etc/cni/net.d/10-contrail.conf I : 172778 : 2024/09/09 02:45:42 cni.go:197: Parent Process Name containerd I : 172778 : 2024/09/09 02:45:42 cni.go:109: K8S Cluster Name : k8s I : 172778 : 2024/09/09 02:45:42 cni.go:110: CNI Version : 0.3.1 I : 172778 : 2024/09/09 02:45:42 cni.go:111: CNI Args : IgnoreUnknown=1;K8S_POD_NAMESPACE=kube-system;K8S_POD_NAME=coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t;K8S_POD_INFRA_CONTAINER_ID=c04fa765b67704382af3d3d627996b712250111ffdb97751a19d47018410171d;K8S_POD_UID=01e24474-ac59-421c-a01c-8190443edfda I : 172778 : 2024/09/09 02:45:42 cni.go:112: CNI Args StdinData : {"cniVersion":"0.3.1","contrail":{"cluster-name":"k8s","config-dir":"/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm","log-file":"/var/log/cni/opencontrail.log","log-level":"4","meta-plugin":"multus","mtu":1500,"poll-retries":15,"poll-timeout":5,"vrouter-ip":"","vrouter-port":9091},"name":"contrail-k8s-cni","type":"contrail-k8s-cni"} I : 172778 : 2024/09/09 02:45:42 cni.go:113: ContainerID : c04fa765b67704382af3d3d627996b712250111ffdb97751a19d47018410171d I : 172778 : 2024/09/09 02:45:42 cni.go:114: NetNS : /var/run/netns/cni-349a7d39-6958-ef21-b686-1584f9f15509 I : 172778 : 2024/09/09 02:45:42 cni.go:115: Container Ifname : eth0 I : 172778 : 2024/09/09 02:45:42 cni.go:116: Meta Plugin Call : false I : 172778 : 2024/09/09 02:45:42 cni.go:117: Network Name: contrail-k8s-cni I : 172778 : 2024/09/09 02:45:42 cni.go:118: MTU : 1500 I : 172778 : 2024/09/09 02:45:42 vrouter.go:535: {Server: Port:9091 Dir:/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm PollTimeout:5 PollRetries:15 containerName: containerId: containerUuid: containerVn: VmiUuid: httpClient:0xc0000912f0} I : 172778 : 2024/09/09 02:45:42 cni.go:120: &{cniArgs:0xc0000f0000 ContainerUuid: ContainerName:k8s__kube-system__coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t ContainerVn: ClusterName:k8s Mode:k8s MetaPlugin:multus VifParent:eth0 VifType:veth Mtu:1500 NetworkName:contrail-k8s-cni LogFile:/var/log/cni/opencontrail.log LogLevel:4 VRouter:{Server: Port:9091 Dir:/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm PollTimeout:5 PollRetries:15 containerName: containerId: containerUuid: containerVn: VmiUuid: httpClient:0xc0000912f0}} I : 172778 : 2024/09/09 02:45:42 contrail-kube-cni.go:45: Came in Del for container c04fa765b67704382af3d3d627996b712250111ffdb97751a19d47018410171d I : 172778 : 2024/09/09 02:45:42 utils.go:27: File/Dir - /var/lib/contrail/ports/vm/k8s__kube-system__coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t does not exist. Error - stat /var/lib/contrail/ports/vm/k8s__kube-system__coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t: no such file or directory I : 172778 : 2024/09/09 02:45:42 cni.go:641: CmdDel is done I : 173044 : 2024/09/09 02:45:54 cni.go:144: Skip file */etc/cni/net.d/05-default.conf I : 173044 : 2024/09/09 02:45:54 cni.go:136: Read file */etc/cni/net.d/10-contrail.conf I : 173044 : 2024/09/09 02:45:54 cni.go:197: Parent Process Name containerd I : 173044 : 2024/09/09 02:45:54 cni.go:109: K8S Cluster Name : k8s I : 173044 : 2024/09/09 02:45:54 cni.go:110: CNI Version : 0.3.1 I : 173044 : 2024/09/09 02:45:54 cni.go:111: CNI Args : IgnoreUnknown=1;K8S_POD_NAMESPACE=kube-system;K8S_POD_NAME=coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t;K8S_POD_INFRA_CONTAINER_ID=a9fd1b17e59abc832ba11200d5e3d3b6c9cabb045cd43232a383908f5d0ae378;K8S_POD_UID=01e24474-ac59-421c-a01c-8190443edfda I : 173044 : 2024/09/09 02:45:54 cni.go:112: CNI Args StdinData : {"cniVersion":"0.3.1","contrail":{"cluster-name":"k8s","config-dir":"/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm","log-file":"/var/log/cni/opencontrail.log","log-level":"4","meta-plugin":"multus","mtu":1500,"poll-retries":15,"poll-timeout":5,"vrouter-ip":"","vrouter-port":9091},"name":"contrail-k8s-cni","type":"contrail-k8s-cni"} I : 173044 : 2024/09/09 02:45:54 cni.go:113: ContainerID : a9fd1b17e59abc832ba11200d5e3d3b6c9cabb045cd43232a383908f5d0ae378 I : 173044 : 2024/09/09 02:45:54 cni.go:114: NetNS : /var/run/netns/cni-f87ef62e-01d1-39de-0288-eeb559f2957e I : 173044 : 2024/09/09 02:45:54 cni.go:115: Container Ifname : eth0 I : 173044 : 2024/09/09 02:45:54 cni.go:116: Meta Plugin Call : false I : 173044 : 2024/09/09 02:45:54 cni.go:117: Network Name: contrail-k8s-cni I : 173044 : 2024/09/09 02:45:54 cni.go:118: MTU : 1500 I : 173044 : 2024/09/09 02:45:54 vrouter.go:535: {Server: Port:9091 Dir:/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm PollTimeout:5 PollRetries:15 containerName: containerId: containerUuid: containerVn: VmiUuid: httpClient:0xc0000932f0} I : 173044 : 2024/09/09 02:45:54 cni.go:120: &{cniArgs:0xc0000f0000 ContainerUuid: ContainerName:k8s__kube-system__coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t ContainerVn: ClusterName:k8s Mode:k8s MetaPlugin:multus VifParent:eth0 VifType:veth Mtu:1500 NetworkName:contrail-k8s-cni LogFile:/var/log/cni/opencontrail.log LogLevel:4 VRouter:{Server: Port:9091 Dir:/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm PollTimeout:5 PollRetries:15 containerName: containerId: containerUuid: containerVn: VmiUuid: httpClient:0xc0000932f0}} I : 173044 : 2024/09/09 02:45:54 contrail-kube-cni.go:25: Came in Add for container a9fd1b17e59abc832ba11200d5e3d3b6c9cabb045cd43232a383908f5d0ae378 I : 173044 : 2024/09/09 02:45:54 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 173044 : 2024/09/09 02:45:54 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 173044 : 2024/09/09 02:45:54 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 0 : Get vrouter failed I : 173044 : 2024/09/09 02:45:59 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 173044 : 2024/09/09 02:45:59 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 173044 : 2024/09/09 02:45:59 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 1 : Get vrouter failed I : 173044 : 2024/09/09 02:46:04 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 173044 : 2024/09/09 02:46:04 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 173044 : 2024/09/09 02:46:04 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 2 : Get vrouter failed I : 173044 : 2024/09/09 02:46:09 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 173044 : 2024/09/09 02:46:09 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 173044 : 2024/09/09 02:46:09 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 3 : Get vrouter failed I : 173044 : 2024/09/09 02:46:14 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 173044 : 2024/09/09 02:46:14 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 173044 : 2024/09/09 02:46:14 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 4 : Get vrouter failed I : 173044 : 2024/09/09 02:46:19 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 173044 : 2024/09/09 02:46:19 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 173044 : 2024/09/09 02:46:19 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 5 : Get vrouter failed I : 173044 : 2024/09/09 02:46:24 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 173044 : 2024/09/09 02:46:24 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 173044 : 2024/09/09 02:46:24 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 6 : Get vrouter failed I : 173044 : 2024/09/09 02:46:29 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 173044 : 2024/09/09 02:46:29 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 173044 : 2024/09/09 02:46:29 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 7 : Get vrouter failed I : 173044 : 2024/09/09 02:46:34 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 173044 : 2024/09/09 02:46:34 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 173044 : 2024/09/09 02:46:34 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 8 : Get vrouter failed I : 173044 : 2024/09/09 02:46:39 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 173044 : 2024/09/09 02:46:39 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 173044 : 2024/09/09 02:46:39 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 9 : Get vrouter failed I : 173044 : 2024/09/09 02:46:44 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 173044 : 2024/09/09 02:46:44 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 173044 : 2024/09/09 02:46:44 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 10 : Get vrouter failed I : 173044 : 2024/09/09 02:46:49 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 173044 : 2024/09/09 02:46:49 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 173044 : 2024/09/09 02:46:49 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 11 : Get vrouter failed I : 173044 : 2024/09/09 02:46:54 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 173044 : 2024/09/09 02:46:54 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 173044 : 2024/09/09 02:46:54 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 12 : Get vrouter failed I : 173044 : 2024/09/09 02:46:59 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 173044 : 2024/09/09 02:46:59 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 173044 : 2024/09/09 02:46:59 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 13 : Get vrouter failed I : 173044 : 2024/09/09 02:47:04 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 173044 : 2024/09/09 02:47:04 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 173044 : 2024/09/09 02:47:04 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 14 : Get vrouter failed E : 173044 : 2024/09/09 02:47:09 cni.go:479: Error polling for configuration of E : 173044 : 2024/09/09 02:47:09 contrail-kube-cni.go:30: Failed processing Add command. I : 173455 : 2024/09/09 02:47:09 cni.go:144: Skip file */etc/cni/net.d/05-default.conf I : 173455 : 2024/09/09 02:47:09 cni.go:136: Read file */etc/cni/net.d/10-contrail.conf I : 173455 : 2024/09/09 02:47:09 cni.go:197: Parent Process Name containerd I : 173455 : 2024/09/09 02:47:09 cni.go:109: K8S Cluster Name : k8s I : 173455 : 2024/09/09 02:47:09 cni.go:110: CNI Version : 0.3.1 I : 173455 : 2024/09/09 02:47:09 cni.go:111: CNI Args : K8S_POD_UID=01e24474-ac59-421c-a01c-8190443edfda;IgnoreUnknown=1;K8S_POD_NAMESPACE=kube-system;K8S_POD_NAME=coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t;K8S_POD_INFRA_CONTAINER_ID=a9fd1b17e59abc832ba11200d5e3d3b6c9cabb045cd43232a383908f5d0ae378 I : 173455 : 2024/09/09 02:47:09 cni.go:112: CNI Args StdinData : {"cniVersion":"0.3.1","contrail":{"cluster-name":"k8s","config-dir":"/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm","log-file":"/var/log/cni/opencontrail.log","log-level":"4","meta-plugin":"multus","mtu":1500,"poll-retries":15,"poll-timeout":5,"vrouter-ip":"","vrouter-port":9091},"name":"contrail-k8s-cni","type":"contrail-k8s-cni"} I : 173455 : 2024/09/09 02:47:09 cni.go:113: ContainerID : a9fd1b17e59abc832ba11200d5e3d3b6c9cabb045cd43232a383908f5d0ae378 I : 173455 : 2024/09/09 02:47:09 cni.go:114: NetNS : /var/run/netns/cni-f87ef62e-01d1-39de-0288-eeb559f2957e I : 173455 : 2024/09/09 02:47:09 cni.go:115: Container Ifname : eth0 I : 173455 : 2024/09/09 02:47:09 cni.go:116: Meta Plugin Call : false I : 173455 : 2024/09/09 02:47:09 cni.go:117: Network Name: contrail-k8s-cni I : 173455 : 2024/09/09 02:47:09 cni.go:118: MTU : 1500 I : 173455 : 2024/09/09 02:47:09 vrouter.go:535: {Server: Port:9091 Dir:/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm PollTimeout:5 PollRetries:15 containerName: containerId: containerUuid: containerVn: VmiUuid: httpClient:0xc00006d2f0} I : 173455 : 2024/09/09 02:47:09 cni.go:120: &{cniArgs:0xc00013e000 ContainerUuid: ContainerName:k8s__kube-system__coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t ContainerVn: ClusterName:k8s Mode:k8s MetaPlugin:multus VifParent:eth0 VifType:veth Mtu:1500 NetworkName:contrail-k8s-cni LogFile:/var/log/cni/opencontrail.log LogLevel:4 VRouter:{Server: Port:9091 Dir:/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm PollTimeout:5 PollRetries:15 containerName: containerId: containerUuid: containerVn: VmiUuid: httpClient:0xc00006d2f0}} I : 173455 : 2024/09/09 02:47:09 contrail-kube-cni.go:45: Came in Del for container a9fd1b17e59abc832ba11200d5e3d3b6c9cabb045cd43232a383908f5d0ae378 I : 173455 : 2024/09/09 02:47:09 utils.go:27: File/Dir - /var/lib/contrail/ports/vm/k8s__kube-system__coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t does not exist. Error - stat /var/lib/contrail/ports/vm/k8s__kube-system__coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t: no such file or directory I : 173455 : 2024/09/09 02:47:09 cni.go:641: CmdDel is done I : 173483 : 2024/09/09 02:47:20 cni.go:144: Skip file */etc/cni/net.d/05-default.conf I : 173483 : 2024/09/09 02:47:20 cni.go:136: Read file */etc/cni/net.d/10-contrail.conf I : 173483 : 2024/09/09 02:47:20 cni.go:197: Parent Process Name containerd I : 173483 : 2024/09/09 02:47:20 cni.go:109: K8S Cluster Name : k8s I : 173483 : 2024/09/09 02:47:20 cni.go:110: CNI Version : 0.3.1 I : 173483 : 2024/09/09 02:47:20 cni.go:111: CNI Args : IgnoreUnknown=1;K8S_POD_NAMESPACE=kube-system;K8S_POD_NAME=coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t;K8S_POD_INFRA_CONTAINER_ID=94ae091a06d56e7386f702527f6256741f0800837b318db1c853d439a9b28af8;K8S_POD_UID=01e24474-ac59-421c-a01c-8190443edfda I : 173483 : 2024/09/09 02:47:20 cni.go:112: CNI Args StdinData : {"cniVersion":"0.3.1","contrail":{"cluster-name":"k8s","config-dir":"/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm","log-file":"/var/log/cni/opencontrail.log","log-level":"4","meta-plugin":"multus","mtu":1500,"poll-retries":15,"poll-timeout":5,"vrouter-ip":"","vrouter-port":9091},"name":"contrail-k8s-cni","type":"contrail-k8s-cni"} I : 173483 : 2024/09/09 02:47:20 cni.go:113: ContainerID : 94ae091a06d56e7386f702527f6256741f0800837b318db1c853d439a9b28af8 I : 173483 : 2024/09/09 02:47:20 cni.go:114: NetNS : /var/run/netns/cni-d2b6fab1-5717-c388-6674-0016bb6f345e I : 173483 : 2024/09/09 02:47:20 cni.go:115: Container Ifname : eth0 I : 173483 : 2024/09/09 02:47:20 cni.go:116: Meta Plugin Call : false I : 173483 : 2024/09/09 02:47:20 cni.go:117: Network Name: contrail-k8s-cni I : 173483 : 2024/09/09 02:47:20 cni.go:118: MTU : 1500 I : 173483 : 2024/09/09 02:47:20 vrouter.go:535: {Server: Port:9091 Dir:/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm PollTimeout:5 PollRetries:15 containerName: containerId: containerUuid: containerVn: VmiUuid: httpClient:0xc0000932f0} I : 173483 : 2024/09/09 02:47:20 cni.go:120: &{cniArgs:0xc0000f0000 ContainerUuid: ContainerName:k8s__kube-system__coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t ContainerVn: ClusterName:k8s Mode:k8s MetaPlugin:multus VifParent:eth0 VifType:veth Mtu:1500 NetworkName:contrail-k8s-cni LogFile:/var/log/cni/opencontrail.log LogLevel:4 VRouter:{Server: Port:9091 Dir:/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm PollTimeout:5 PollRetries:15 containerName: containerId: containerUuid: containerVn: VmiUuid: httpClient:0xc0000932f0}} I : 173483 : 2024/09/09 02:47:20 contrail-kube-cni.go:25: Came in Add for container 94ae091a06d56e7386f702527f6256741f0800837b318db1c853d439a9b28af8 I : 173483 : 2024/09/09 02:47:20 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 173483 : 2024/09/09 02:47:20 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 173483 : 2024/09/09 02:47:20 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 0 : Get vrouter failed I : 173483 : 2024/09/09 02:47:25 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 173483 : 2024/09/09 02:47:25 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 173483 : 2024/09/09 02:47:25 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 1 : Get vrouter failed I : 173483 : 2024/09/09 02:47:30 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 173483 : 2024/09/09 02:47:30 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 173483 : 2024/09/09 02:47:30 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 2 : Get vrouter failed I : 173483 : 2024/09/09 02:47:35 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 173483 : 2024/09/09 02:47:35 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 173483 : 2024/09/09 02:47:35 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 3 : Get vrouter failed I : 173483 : 2024/09/09 02:47:40 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 173483 : 2024/09/09 02:47:40 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 173483 : 2024/09/09 02:47:40 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 4 : Get vrouter failed I : 173483 : 2024/09/09 02:47:45 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 173483 : 2024/09/09 02:47:45 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 173483 : 2024/09/09 02:47:45 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 5 : Get vrouter failed I : 173483 : 2024/09/09 02:47:50 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 173483 : 2024/09/09 02:47:50 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 173483 : 2024/09/09 02:47:50 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 6 : Get vrouter failed I : 173483 : 2024/09/09 02:47:55 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 173483 : 2024/09/09 02:47:55 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 173483 : 2024/09/09 02:47:55 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 7 : Get vrouter failed I : 173483 : 2024/09/09 02:48:00 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 173483 : 2024/09/09 02:48:00 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 173483 : 2024/09/09 02:48:00 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 8 : Get vrouter failed I : 173483 : 2024/09/09 02:48:05 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 173483 : 2024/09/09 02:48:05 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 173483 : 2024/09/09 02:48:05 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 9 : Get vrouter failed I : 173483 : 2024/09/09 02:48:10 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 173483 : 2024/09/09 02:48:10 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 173483 : 2024/09/09 02:48:10 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 10 : Get vrouter failed I : 173483 : 2024/09/09 02:48:15 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 173483 : 2024/09/09 02:48:15 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 173483 : 2024/09/09 02:48:15 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 11 : Get vrouter failed I : 173483 : 2024/09/09 02:48:20 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 173483 : 2024/09/09 02:48:20 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 173483 : 2024/09/09 02:48:20 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 12 : Get vrouter failed I : 173483 : 2024/09/09 02:48:25 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 173483 : 2024/09/09 02:48:25 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 173483 : 2024/09/09 02:48:25 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 13 : Get vrouter failed I : 173483 : 2024/09/09 02:48:30 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 173483 : 2024/09/09 02:48:30 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 173483 : 2024/09/09 02:48:30 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 14 : Get vrouter failed E : 173483 : 2024/09/09 02:48:35 cni.go:479: Error polling for configuration of E : 173483 : 2024/09/09 02:48:35 contrail-kube-cni.go:30: Failed processing Add command. I : 173911 : 2024/09/09 02:48:35 cni.go:144: Skip file */etc/cni/net.d/05-default.conf I : 173911 : 2024/09/09 02:48:35 cni.go:136: Read file */etc/cni/net.d/10-contrail.conf I : 173911 : 2024/09/09 02:48:35 cni.go:197: Parent Process Name containerd I : 173911 : 2024/09/09 02:48:35 cni.go:109: K8S Cluster Name : k8s I : 173911 : 2024/09/09 02:48:35 cni.go:110: CNI Version : 0.3.1 I : 173911 : 2024/09/09 02:48:35 cni.go:111: CNI Args : K8S_POD_INFRA_CONTAINER_ID=94ae091a06d56e7386f702527f6256741f0800837b318db1c853d439a9b28af8;K8S_POD_UID=01e24474-ac59-421c-a01c-8190443edfda;IgnoreUnknown=1;K8S_POD_NAMESPACE=kube-system;K8S_POD_NAME=coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t I : 173911 : 2024/09/09 02:48:35 cni.go:112: CNI Args StdinData : {"cniVersion":"0.3.1","contrail":{"cluster-name":"k8s","config-dir":"/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm","log-file":"/var/log/cni/opencontrail.log","log-level":"4","meta-plugin":"multus","mtu":1500,"poll-retries":15,"poll-timeout":5,"vrouter-ip":"","vrouter-port":9091},"name":"contrail-k8s-cni","type":"contrail-k8s-cni"} I : 173911 : 2024/09/09 02:48:35 cni.go:113: ContainerID : 94ae091a06d56e7386f702527f6256741f0800837b318db1c853d439a9b28af8 I : 173911 : 2024/09/09 02:48:35 cni.go:114: NetNS : /var/run/netns/cni-d2b6fab1-5717-c388-6674-0016bb6f345e I : 173911 : 2024/09/09 02:48:35 cni.go:115: Container Ifname : eth0 I : 173911 : 2024/09/09 02:48:35 cni.go:116: Meta Plugin Call : false I : 173911 : 2024/09/09 02:48:35 cni.go:117: Network Name: contrail-k8s-cni I : 173911 : 2024/09/09 02:48:35 cni.go:118: MTU : 1500 I : 173911 : 2024/09/09 02:48:35 vrouter.go:535: {Server: Port:9091 Dir:/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm PollTimeout:5 PollRetries:15 containerName: containerId: containerUuid: containerVn: VmiUuid: httpClient:0xc0000952f0} I : 173911 : 2024/09/09 02:48:35 cni.go:120: &{cniArgs:0xc0000f0000 ContainerUuid: ContainerName:k8s__kube-system__coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t ContainerVn: ClusterName:k8s Mode:k8s MetaPlugin:multus VifParent:eth0 VifType:veth Mtu:1500 NetworkName:contrail-k8s-cni LogFile:/var/log/cni/opencontrail.log LogLevel:4 VRouter:{Server: Port:9091 Dir:/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm PollTimeout:5 PollRetries:15 containerName: containerId: containerUuid: containerVn: VmiUuid: httpClient:0xc0000952f0}} I : 173911 : 2024/09/09 02:48:35 contrail-kube-cni.go:45: Came in Del for container 94ae091a06d56e7386f702527f6256741f0800837b318db1c853d439a9b28af8 I : 173911 : 2024/09/09 02:48:35 utils.go:27: File/Dir - /var/lib/contrail/ports/vm/k8s__kube-system__coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t does not exist. Error - stat /var/lib/contrail/ports/vm/k8s__kube-system__coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t: no such file or directory I : 173911 : 2024/09/09 02:48:35 cni.go:641: CmdDel is done I : 173942 : 2024/09/09 02:48:48 cni.go:144: Skip file */etc/cni/net.d/05-default.conf I : 173942 : 2024/09/09 02:48:48 cni.go:136: Read file */etc/cni/net.d/10-contrail.conf I : 173942 : 2024/09/09 02:48:48 cni.go:197: Parent Process Name containerd I : 173942 : 2024/09/09 02:48:48 cni.go:109: K8S Cluster Name : k8s I : 173942 : 2024/09/09 02:48:48 cni.go:110: CNI Version : 0.3.1 I : 173942 : 2024/09/09 02:48:48 cni.go:111: CNI Args : K8S_POD_NAMESPACE=kube-system;K8S_POD_NAME=coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t;K8S_POD_INFRA_CONTAINER_ID=8bd0bc7b0d7318a4c7f88ba3685b5154ea962d4631f549899e04af333ab6ae08;K8S_POD_UID=01e24474-ac59-421c-a01c-8190443edfda;IgnoreUnknown=1 I : 173942 : 2024/09/09 02:48:48 cni.go:112: CNI Args StdinData : {"cniVersion":"0.3.1","contrail":{"cluster-name":"k8s","config-dir":"/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm","log-file":"/var/log/cni/opencontrail.log","log-level":"4","meta-plugin":"multus","mtu":1500,"poll-retries":15,"poll-timeout":5,"vrouter-ip":"","vrouter-port":9091},"name":"contrail-k8s-cni","type":"contrail-k8s-cni"} I : 173942 : 2024/09/09 02:48:48 cni.go:113: ContainerID : 8bd0bc7b0d7318a4c7f88ba3685b5154ea962d4631f549899e04af333ab6ae08 I : 173942 : 2024/09/09 02:48:48 cni.go:114: NetNS : /var/run/netns/cni-afb9335a-f1f7-764a-0875-463a228b666a I : 173942 : 2024/09/09 02:48:48 cni.go:115: Container Ifname : eth0 I : 173942 : 2024/09/09 02:48:48 cni.go:116: Meta Plugin Call : false I : 173942 : 2024/09/09 02:48:48 cni.go:117: Network Name: contrail-k8s-cni I : 173942 : 2024/09/09 02:48:48 cni.go:118: MTU : 1500 I : 173942 : 2024/09/09 02:48:48 vrouter.go:535: {Server: Port:9091 Dir:/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm PollTimeout:5 PollRetries:15 containerName: containerId: containerUuid: containerVn: VmiUuid: httpClient:0xc0000972f0} I : 173942 : 2024/09/09 02:48:48 cni.go:120: &{cniArgs:0xc0000f0000 ContainerUuid: ContainerName:k8s__kube-system__coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t ContainerVn: ClusterName:k8s Mode:k8s MetaPlugin:multus VifParent:eth0 VifType:veth Mtu:1500 NetworkName:contrail-k8s-cni LogFile:/var/log/cni/opencontrail.log LogLevel:4 VRouter:{Server: Port:9091 Dir:/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm PollTimeout:5 PollRetries:15 containerName: containerId: containerUuid: containerVn: VmiUuid: httpClient:0xc0000972f0}} I : 173942 : 2024/09/09 02:48:48 contrail-kube-cni.go:25: Came in Add for container 8bd0bc7b0d7318a4c7f88ba3685b5154ea962d4631f549899e04af333ab6ae08 I : 173942 : 2024/09/09 02:48:48 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 173942 : 2024/09/09 02:48:48 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 173942 : 2024/09/09 02:48:48 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 0 : Get vrouter failed I : 173942 : 2024/09/09 02:48:53 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 173942 : 2024/09/09 02:48:53 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 173942 : 2024/09/09 02:48:53 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 1 : Get vrouter failed I : 173942 : 2024/09/09 02:48:58 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 173942 : 2024/09/09 02:48:58 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 173942 : 2024/09/09 02:48:58 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 2 : Get vrouter failed I : 173942 : 2024/09/09 02:49:03 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 173942 : 2024/09/09 02:49:03 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 173942 : 2024/09/09 02:49:03 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 3 : Get vrouter failed I : 173942 : 2024/09/09 02:49:08 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 173942 : 2024/09/09 02:49:08 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 173942 : 2024/09/09 02:49:08 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 4 : Get vrouter failed I : 173942 : 2024/09/09 02:49:13 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 173942 : 2024/09/09 02:49:13 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 173942 : 2024/09/09 02:49:13 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 5 : Get vrouter failed I : 173942 : 2024/09/09 02:49:18 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 173942 : 2024/09/09 02:49:18 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 173942 : 2024/09/09 02:49:18 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 6 : Get vrouter failed I : 173942 : 2024/09/09 02:49:23 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 173942 : 2024/09/09 02:49:23 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 173942 : 2024/09/09 02:49:23 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 7 : Get vrouter failed I : 173942 : 2024/09/09 02:49:28 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 173942 : 2024/09/09 02:49:28 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 173942 : 2024/09/09 02:49:28 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 8 : Get vrouter failed I : 173942 : 2024/09/09 02:49:33 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 173942 : 2024/09/09 02:49:33 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 173942 : 2024/09/09 02:49:33 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 9 : Get vrouter failed I : 173942 : 2024/09/09 02:49:38 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 173942 : 2024/09/09 02:49:38 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 173942 : 2024/09/09 02:49:38 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 10 : Get vrouter failed I : 173942 : 2024/09/09 02:49:43 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 173942 : 2024/09/09 02:49:43 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 173942 : 2024/09/09 02:49:43 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 11 : Get vrouter failed I : 173942 : 2024/09/09 02:49:48 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 173942 : 2024/09/09 02:49:48 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 173942 : 2024/09/09 02:49:48 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 12 : Get vrouter failed I : 173942 : 2024/09/09 02:49:53 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 173942 : 2024/09/09 02:49:53 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 173942 : 2024/09/09 02:49:53 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 13 : Get vrouter failed I : 173942 : 2024/09/09 02:49:58 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 173942 : 2024/09/09 02:49:58 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 173942 : 2024/09/09 02:49:58 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 14 : Get vrouter failed E : 173942 : 2024/09/09 02:50:03 cni.go:479: Error polling for configuration of E : 173942 : 2024/09/09 02:50:03 contrail-kube-cni.go:30: Failed processing Add command. I : 175146 : 2024/09/09 02:50:03 cni.go:144: Skip file */etc/cni/net.d/05-default.conf I : 175146 : 2024/09/09 02:50:03 cni.go:136: Read file */etc/cni/net.d/10-contrail.conf I : 175146 : 2024/09/09 02:50:03 cni.go:197: Parent Process Name containerd I : 175146 : 2024/09/09 02:50:03 cni.go:109: K8S Cluster Name : k8s I : 175146 : 2024/09/09 02:50:03 cni.go:110: CNI Version : 0.3.1 I : 175146 : 2024/09/09 02:50:03 cni.go:111: CNI Args : K8S_POD_NAME=coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t;K8S_POD_INFRA_CONTAINER_ID=8bd0bc7b0d7318a4c7f88ba3685b5154ea962d4631f549899e04af333ab6ae08;K8S_POD_UID=01e24474-ac59-421c-a01c-8190443edfda;IgnoreUnknown=1;K8S_POD_NAMESPACE=kube-system I : 175146 : 2024/09/09 02:50:03 cni.go:112: CNI Args StdinData : {"cniVersion":"0.3.1","contrail":{"cluster-name":"k8s","config-dir":"/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm","log-file":"/var/log/cni/opencontrail.log","log-level":"4","meta-plugin":"multus","mtu":1500,"poll-retries":15,"poll-timeout":5,"vrouter-ip":"","vrouter-port":9091},"name":"contrail-k8s-cni","type":"contrail-k8s-cni"} I : 175146 : 2024/09/09 02:50:03 cni.go:113: ContainerID : 8bd0bc7b0d7318a4c7f88ba3685b5154ea962d4631f549899e04af333ab6ae08 I : 175146 : 2024/09/09 02:50:03 cni.go:114: NetNS : /var/run/netns/cni-afb9335a-f1f7-764a-0875-463a228b666a I : 175146 : 2024/09/09 02:50:03 cni.go:115: Container Ifname : eth0 I : 175146 : 2024/09/09 02:50:03 cni.go:116: Meta Plugin Call : false I : 175146 : 2024/09/09 02:50:03 cni.go:117: Network Name: contrail-k8s-cni I : 175146 : 2024/09/09 02:50:03 cni.go:118: MTU : 1500 I : 175146 : 2024/09/09 02:50:03 vrouter.go:535: {Server: Port:9091 Dir:/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm PollTimeout:5 PollRetries:15 containerName: containerId: containerUuid: containerVn: VmiUuid: httpClient:0xc0000952f0} I : 175146 : 2024/09/09 02:50:03 cni.go:120: &{cniArgs:0xc0000f0000 ContainerUuid: ContainerName:k8s__kube-system__coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t ContainerVn: ClusterName:k8s Mode:k8s MetaPlugin:multus VifParent:eth0 VifType:veth Mtu:1500 NetworkName:contrail-k8s-cni LogFile:/var/log/cni/opencontrail.log LogLevel:4 VRouter:{Server: Port:9091 Dir:/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm PollTimeout:5 PollRetries:15 containerName: containerId: containerUuid: containerVn: VmiUuid: httpClient:0xc0000952f0}} I : 175146 : 2024/09/09 02:50:03 contrail-kube-cni.go:45: Came in Del for container 8bd0bc7b0d7318a4c7f88ba3685b5154ea962d4631f549899e04af333ab6ae08 I : 175146 : 2024/09/09 02:50:03 utils.go:27: File/Dir - /var/lib/contrail/ports/vm/k8s__kube-system__coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t does not exist. Error - stat /var/lib/contrail/ports/vm/k8s__kube-system__coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t: no such file or directory I : 175146 : 2024/09/09 02:50:03 cni.go:641: CmdDel is done I : 175174 : 2024/09/09 02:50:17 cni.go:144: Skip file */etc/cni/net.d/05-default.conf I : 175174 : 2024/09/09 02:50:17 cni.go:136: Read file */etc/cni/net.d/10-contrail.conf I : 175174 : 2024/09/09 02:50:17 cni.go:197: Parent Process Name containerd I : 175174 : 2024/09/09 02:50:17 cni.go:109: K8S Cluster Name : k8s I : 175174 : 2024/09/09 02:50:17 cni.go:110: CNI Version : 0.3.1 I : 175174 : 2024/09/09 02:50:17 cni.go:111: CNI Args : K8S_POD_INFRA_CONTAINER_ID=aab6703ce48404963051bc31c34adba05223a29a8bbb1687034dd84fbb6aa7b3;K8S_POD_UID=01e24474-ac59-421c-a01c-8190443edfda;IgnoreUnknown=1;K8S_POD_NAMESPACE=kube-system;K8S_POD_NAME=coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t I : 175174 : 2024/09/09 02:50:17 cni.go:112: CNI Args StdinData : {"cniVersion":"0.3.1","contrail":{"cluster-name":"k8s","config-dir":"/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm","log-file":"/var/log/cni/opencontrail.log","log-level":"4","meta-plugin":"multus","mtu":1500,"poll-retries":15,"poll-timeout":5,"vrouter-ip":"","vrouter-port":9091},"name":"contrail-k8s-cni","type":"contrail-k8s-cni"} I : 175174 : 2024/09/09 02:50:17 cni.go:113: ContainerID : aab6703ce48404963051bc31c34adba05223a29a8bbb1687034dd84fbb6aa7b3 I : 175174 : 2024/09/09 02:50:17 cni.go:114: NetNS : /var/run/netns/cni-6e85ebcb-dc17-bf00-eacf-8fdff59ca514 I : 175174 : 2024/09/09 02:50:17 cni.go:115: Container Ifname : eth0 I : 175174 : 2024/09/09 02:50:17 cni.go:116: Meta Plugin Call : false I : 175174 : 2024/09/09 02:50:17 cni.go:117: Network Name: contrail-k8s-cni I : 175174 : 2024/09/09 02:50:17 cni.go:118: MTU : 1500 I : 175174 : 2024/09/09 02:50:17 vrouter.go:535: {Server: Port:9091 Dir:/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm PollTimeout:5 PollRetries:15 containerName: containerId: containerUuid: containerVn: VmiUuid: httpClient:0xc00006d2f0} I : 175174 : 2024/09/09 02:50:17 cni.go:120: &{cniArgs:0xc00013e000 ContainerUuid: ContainerName:k8s__kube-system__coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t ContainerVn: ClusterName:k8s Mode:k8s MetaPlugin:multus VifParent:eth0 VifType:veth Mtu:1500 NetworkName:contrail-k8s-cni LogFile:/var/log/cni/opencontrail.log LogLevel:4 VRouter:{Server: Port:9091 Dir:/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm PollTimeout:5 PollRetries:15 containerName: containerId: containerUuid: containerVn: VmiUuid: httpClient:0xc00006d2f0}} I : 175174 : 2024/09/09 02:50:17 contrail-kube-cni.go:25: Came in Add for container aab6703ce48404963051bc31c34adba05223a29a8bbb1687034dd84fbb6aa7b3 I : 175174 : 2024/09/09 02:50:17 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 175174 : 2024/09/09 02:50:17 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 175174 : 2024/09/09 02:50:17 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 0 : Get vrouter failed I : 175174 : 2024/09/09 02:50:22 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 175174 : 2024/09/09 02:50:22 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 175174 : 2024/09/09 02:50:22 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 1 : Get vrouter failed I : 175174 : 2024/09/09 02:50:27 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 175174 : 2024/09/09 02:50:27 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 175174 : 2024/09/09 02:50:27 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 2 : Get vrouter failed I : 175174 : 2024/09/09 02:50:32 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 175174 : 2024/09/09 02:50:32 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 175174 : 2024/09/09 02:50:32 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 3 : Get vrouter failed I : 175174 : 2024/09/09 02:50:37 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 175174 : 2024/09/09 02:50:37 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 175174 : 2024/09/09 02:50:37 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 4 : Get vrouter failed I : 175174 : 2024/09/09 02:50:42 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 175174 : 2024/09/09 02:50:42 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 175174 : 2024/09/09 02:50:42 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 5 : Get vrouter failed I : 175174 : 2024/09/09 02:50:47 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 175174 : 2024/09/09 02:50:47 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 175174 : 2024/09/09 02:50:47 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 6 : Get vrouter failed I : 175174 : 2024/09/09 02:50:52 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 175174 : 2024/09/09 02:50:52 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 175174 : 2024/09/09 02:50:52 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 7 : Get vrouter failed I : 175174 : 2024/09/09 02:50:57 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 175174 : 2024/09/09 02:50:57 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 175174 : 2024/09/09 02:50:57 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 8 : Get vrouter failed I : 175174 : 2024/09/09 02:51:02 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 175174 : 2024/09/09 02:51:02 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 175174 : 2024/09/09 02:51:02 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 9 : Get vrouter failed I : 175174 : 2024/09/09 02:51:07 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 175174 : 2024/09/09 02:51:07 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 175174 : 2024/09/09 02:51:07 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 10 : Get vrouter failed I : 175174 : 2024/09/09 02:51:12 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 175174 : 2024/09/09 02:51:12 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 175174 : 2024/09/09 02:51:12 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 11 : Get vrouter failed I : 175174 : 2024/09/09 02:51:17 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 175174 : 2024/09/09 02:51:17 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 175174 : 2024/09/09 02:51:17 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 12 : Get vrouter failed I : 175174 : 2024/09/09 02:51:22 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 175174 : 2024/09/09 02:51:22 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 175174 : 2024/09/09 02:51:22 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 13 : Get vrouter failed I : 175174 : 2024/09/09 02:51:27 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 175174 : 2024/09/09 02:51:27 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 175174 : 2024/09/09 02:51:27 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 14 : Get vrouter failed E : 175174 : 2024/09/09 02:51:32 cni.go:479: Error polling for configuration of E : 175174 : 2024/09/09 02:51:32 contrail-kube-cni.go:30: Failed processing Add command. I : 175777 : 2024/09/09 02:51:32 cni.go:144: Skip file */etc/cni/net.d/05-default.conf I : 175777 : 2024/09/09 02:51:32 cni.go:136: Read file */etc/cni/net.d/10-contrail.conf I : 175777 : 2024/09/09 02:51:32 cni.go:197: Parent Process Name containerd I : 175777 : 2024/09/09 02:51:32 cni.go:109: K8S Cluster Name : k8s I : 175777 : 2024/09/09 02:51:32 cni.go:110: CNI Version : 0.3.1 I : 175777 : 2024/09/09 02:51:32 cni.go:111: CNI Args : IgnoreUnknown=1;K8S_POD_NAMESPACE=kube-system;K8S_POD_NAME=coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t;K8S_POD_INFRA_CONTAINER_ID=aab6703ce48404963051bc31c34adba05223a29a8bbb1687034dd84fbb6aa7b3;K8S_POD_UID=01e24474-ac59-421c-a01c-8190443edfda I : 175777 : 2024/09/09 02:51:32 cni.go:112: CNI Args StdinData : {"cniVersion":"0.3.1","contrail":{"cluster-name":"k8s","config-dir":"/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm","log-file":"/var/log/cni/opencontrail.log","log-level":"4","meta-plugin":"multus","mtu":1500,"poll-retries":15,"poll-timeout":5,"vrouter-ip":"","vrouter-port":9091},"name":"contrail-k8s-cni","type":"contrail-k8s-cni"} I : 175777 : 2024/09/09 02:51:32 cni.go:113: ContainerID : aab6703ce48404963051bc31c34adba05223a29a8bbb1687034dd84fbb6aa7b3 I : 175777 : 2024/09/09 02:51:32 cni.go:114: NetNS : /var/run/netns/cni-6e85ebcb-dc17-bf00-eacf-8fdff59ca514 I : 175777 : 2024/09/09 02:51:32 cni.go:115: Container Ifname : eth0 I : 175777 : 2024/09/09 02:51:32 cni.go:116: Meta Plugin Call : false I : 175777 : 2024/09/09 02:51:32 cni.go:117: Network Name: contrail-k8s-cni I : 175777 : 2024/09/09 02:51:32 cni.go:118: MTU : 1500 I : 175777 : 2024/09/09 02:51:32 vrouter.go:535: {Server: Port:9091 Dir:/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm PollTimeout:5 PollRetries:15 containerName: containerId: containerUuid: containerVn: VmiUuid: httpClient:0xc0000932f0} I : 175777 : 2024/09/09 02:51:32 cni.go:120: &{cniArgs:0xc0000f0000 ContainerUuid: ContainerName:k8s__kube-system__coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t ContainerVn: ClusterName:k8s Mode:k8s MetaPlugin:multus VifParent:eth0 VifType:veth Mtu:1500 NetworkName:contrail-k8s-cni LogFile:/var/log/cni/opencontrail.log LogLevel:4 VRouter:{Server: Port:9091 Dir:/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm PollTimeout:5 PollRetries:15 containerName: containerId: containerUuid: containerVn: VmiUuid: httpClient:0xc0000932f0}} I : 175777 : 2024/09/09 02:51:32 contrail-kube-cni.go:45: Came in Del for container aab6703ce48404963051bc31c34adba05223a29a8bbb1687034dd84fbb6aa7b3 I : 175777 : 2024/09/09 02:51:32 utils.go:27: File/Dir - /var/lib/contrail/ports/vm/k8s__kube-system__coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t does not exist. Error - stat /var/lib/contrail/ports/vm/k8s__kube-system__coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t: no such file or directory I : 175777 : 2024/09/09 02:51:32 cni.go:641: CmdDel is done I : 175804 : 2024/09/09 02:51:44 cni.go:144: Skip file */etc/cni/net.d/05-default.conf I : 175804 : 2024/09/09 02:51:44 cni.go:136: Read file */etc/cni/net.d/10-contrail.conf I : 175804 : 2024/09/09 02:51:44 cni.go:197: Parent Process Name containerd I : 175804 : 2024/09/09 02:51:44 cni.go:109: K8S Cluster Name : k8s I : 175804 : 2024/09/09 02:51:44 cni.go:110: CNI Version : 0.3.1 I : 175804 : 2024/09/09 02:51:44 cni.go:111: CNI Args : K8S_POD_UID=01e24474-ac59-421c-a01c-8190443edfda;IgnoreUnknown=1;K8S_POD_NAMESPACE=kube-system;K8S_POD_NAME=coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t;K8S_POD_INFRA_CONTAINER_ID=49d611a215da0708dace76049725b8ad6e206302049ce3841c4195e5cbc87e22 I : 175804 : 2024/09/09 02:51:44 cni.go:112: CNI Args StdinData : {"cniVersion":"0.3.1","contrail":{"cluster-name":"k8s","config-dir":"/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm","log-file":"/var/log/cni/opencontrail.log","log-level":"4","meta-plugin":"multus","mtu":1500,"poll-retries":15,"poll-timeout":5,"vrouter-ip":"","vrouter-port":9091},"name":"contrail-k8s-cni","type":"contrail-k8s-cni"} I : 175804 : 2024/09/09 02:51:44 cni.go:113: ContainerID : 49d611a215da0708dace76049725b8ad6e206302049ce3841c4195e5cbc87e22 I : 175804 : 2024/09/09 02:51:44 cni.go:114: NetNS : /var/run/netns/cni-a0dbad60-07f4-5c46-f704-a08395393a57 I : 175804 : 2024/09/09 02:51:44 cni.go:115: Container Ifname : eth0 I : 175804 : 2024/09/09 02:51:44 cni.go:116: Meta Plugin Call : false I : 175804 : 2024/09/09 02:51:44 cni.go:117: Network Name: contrail-k8s-cni I : 175804 : 2024/09/09 02:51:44 cni.go:118: MTU : 1500 I : 175804 : 2024/09/09 02:51:44 vrouter.go:535: {Server: Port:9091 Dir:/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm PollTimeout:5 PollRetries:15 containerName: containerId: containerUuid: containerVn: VmiUuid: httpClient:0xc0000952f0} I : 175804 : 2024/09/09 02:51:44 cni.go:120: &{cniArgs:0xc0000f0000 ContainerUuid: ContainerName:k8s__kube-system__coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t ContainerVn: ClusterName:k8s Mode:k8s MetaPlugin:multus VifParent:eth0 VifType:veth Mtu:1500 NetworkName:contrail-k8s-cni LogFile:/var/log/cni/opencontrail.log LogLevel:4 VRouter:{Server: Port:9091 Dir:/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm PollTimeout:5 PollRetries:15 containerName: containerId: containerUuid: containerVn: VmiUuid: httpClient:0xc0000952f0}} I : 175804 : 2024/09/09 02:51:44 contrail-kube-cni.go:25: Came in Add for container 49d611a215da0708dace76049725b8ad6e206302049ce3841c4195e5cbc87e22 I : 175804 : 2024/09/09 02:51:44 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 175804 : 2024/09/09 02:51:44 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 175804 : 2024/09/09 02:51:44 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 0 : Get vrouter failed I : 175804 : 2024/09/09 02:51:49 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 175804 : 2024/09/09 02:51:49 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 175804 : 2024/09/09 02:51:49 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 1 : Get vrouter failed I : 175804 : 2024/09/09 02:51:54 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 175804 : 2024/09/09 02:51:54 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 175804 : 2024/09/09 02:51:54 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 2 : Get vrouter failed I : 175804 : 2024/09/09 02:51:59 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 175804 : 2024/09/09 02:51:59 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 175804 : 2024/09/09 02:51:59 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 3 : Get vrouter failed I : 175804 : 2024/09/09 02:52:04 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 175804 : 2024/09/09 02:52:04 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 175804 : 2024/09/09 02:52:04 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 4 : Get vrouter failed I : 175804 : 2024/09/09 02:52:09 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 175804 : 2024/09/09 02:52:09 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 175804 : 2024/09/09 02:52:09 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 5 : Get vrouter failed I : 175804 : 2024/09/09 02:52:14 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 175804 : 2024/09/09 02:52:14 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 175804 : 2024/09/09 02:52:14 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 6 : Get vrouter failed I : 175804 : 2024/09/09 02:52:19 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 175804 : 2024/09/09 02:52:19 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 175804 : 2024/09/09 02:52:19 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 7 : Get vrouter failed I : 175804 : 2024/09/09 02:52:24 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 175804 : 2024/09/09 02:52:24 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 175804 : 2024/09/09 02:52:24 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 8 : Get vrouter failed I : 175804 : 2024/09/09 02:52:29 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 175804 : 2024/09/09 02:52:29 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 175804 : 2024/09/09 02:52:29 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 9 : Get vrouter failed I : 175804 : 2024/09/09 02:52:34 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 175804 : 2024/09/09 02:52:34 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 175804 : 2024/09/09 02:52:34 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 10 : Get vrouter failed I : 175804 : 2024/09/09 02:52:39 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 175804 : 2024/09/09 02:52:39 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 175804 : 2024/09/09 02:52:39 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 11 : Get vrouter failed I : 175804 : 2024/09/09 02:52:44 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 175804 : 2024/09/09 02:52:44 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 175804 : 2024/09/09 02:52:44 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 12 : Get vrouter failed I : 175804 : 2024/09/09 02:52:49 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 175804 : 2024/09/09 02:52:49 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 175804 : 2024/09/09 02:52:49 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 13 : Get vrouter failed I : 175804 : 2024/09/09 02:52:54 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 175804 : 2024/09/09 02:52:54 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 175804 : 2024/09/09 02:52:54 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 14 : Get vrouter failed E : 175804 : 2024/09/09 02:52:59 cni.go:479: Error polling for configuration of E : 175804 : 2024/09/09 02:52:59 contrail-kube-cni.go:30: Failed processing Add command. I : 176217 : 2024/09/09 02:52:59 cni.go:144: Skip file */etc/cni/net.d/05-default.conf I : 176217 : 2024/09/09 02:52:59 cni.go:136: Read file */etc/cni/net.d/10-contrail.conf I : 176217 : 2024/09/09 02:52:59 cni.go:197: Parent Process Name containerd I : 176217 : 2024/09/09 02:52:59 cni.go:109: K8S Cluster Name : k8s I : 176217 : 2024/09/09 02:52:59 cni.go:110: CNI Version : 0.3.1 I : 176217 : 2024/09/09 02:52:59 cni.go:111: CNI Args : K8S_POD_NAME=coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t;K8S_POD_INFRA_CONTAINER_ID=49d611a215da0708dace76049725b8ad6e206302049ce3841c4195e5cbc87e22;K8S_POD_UID=01e24474-ac59-421c-a01c-8190443edfda;IgnoreUnknown=1;K8S_POD_NAMESPACE=kube-system I : 176217 : 2024/09/09 02:52:59 cni.go:112: CNI Args StdinData : {"cniVersion":"0.3.1","contrail":{"cluster-name":"k8s","config-dir":"/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm","log-file":"/var/log/cni/opencontrail.log","log-level":"4","meta-plugin":"multus","mtu":1500,"poll-retries":15,"poll-timeout":5,"vrouter-ip":"","vrouter-port":9091},"name":"contrail-k8s-cni","type":"contrail-k8s-cni"} I : 176217 : 2024/09/09 02:52:59 cni.go:113: ContainerID : 49d611a215da0708dace76049725b8ad6e206302049ce3841c4195e5cbc87e22 I : 176217 : 2024/09/09 02:52:59 cni.go:114: NetNS : /var/run/netns/cni-a0dbad60-07f4-5c46-f704-a08395393a57 I : 176217 : 2024/09/09 02:52:59 cni.go:115: Container Ifname : eth0 I : 176217 : 2024/09/09 02:52:59 cni.go:116: Meta Plugin Call : false I : 176217 : 2024/09/09 02:52:59 cni.go:117: Network Name: contrail-k8s-cni I : 176217 : 2024/09/09 02:52:59 cni.go:118: MTU : 1500 I : 176217 : 2024/09/09 02:52:59 vrouter.go:535: {Server: Port:9091 Dir:/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm PollTimeout:5 PollRetries:15 containerName: containerId: containerUuid: containerVn: VmiUuid: httpClient:0xc00006f2f0} I : 176217 : 2024/09/09 02:52:59 cni.go:120: &{cniArgs:0xc00013e000 ContainerUuid: ContainerName:k8s__kube-system__coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t ContainerVn: ClusterName:k8s Mode:k8s MetaPlugin:multus VifParent:eth0 VifType:veth Mtu:1500 NetworkName:contrail-k8s-cni LogFile:/var/log/cni/opencontrail.log LogLevel:4 VRouter:{Server: Port:9091 Dir:/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm PollTimeout:5 PollRetries:15 containerName: containerId: containerUuid: containerVn: VmiUuid: httpClient:0xc00006f2f0}} I : 176217 : 2024/09/09 02:52:59 contrail-kube-cni.go:45: Came in Del for container 49d611a215da0708dace76049725b8ad6e206302049ce3841c4195e5cbc87e22 I : 176217 : 2024/09/09 02:52:59 utils.go:27: File/Dir - /var/lib/contrail/ports/vm/k8s__kube-system__coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t does not exist. Error - stat /var/lib/contrail/ports/vm/k8s__kube-system__coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t: no such file or directory I : 176217 : 2024/09/09 02:52:59 cni.go:641: CmdDel is done I : 176245 : 2024/09/09 02:53:11 cni.go:144: Skip file */etc/cni/net.d/05-default.conf I : 176245 : 2024/09/09 02:53:11 cni.go:136: Read file */etc/cni/net.d/10-contrail.conf I : 176245 : 2024/09/09 02:53:11 cni.go:197: Parent Process Name containerd I : 176245 : 2024/09/09 02:53:11 cni.go:109: K8S Cluster Name : k8s I : 176245 : 2024/09/09 02:53:11 cni.go:110: CNI Version : 0.3.1 I : 176245 : 2024/09/09 02:53:11 cni.go:111: CNI Args : K8S_POD_UID=01e24474-ac59-421c-a01c-8190443edfda;IgnoreUnknown=1;K8S_POD_NAMESPACE=kube-system;K8S_POD_NAME=coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t;K8S_POD_INFRA_CONTAINER_ID=7cb49ebea77ec2c670b664b280702b6b59a3be2f4c38516b85df549e5997cef5 I : 176245 : 2024/09/09 02:53:11 cni.go:112: CNI Args StdinData : {"cniVersion":"0.3.1","contrail":{"cluster-name":"k8s","config-dir":"/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm","log-file":"/var/log/cni/opencontrail.log","log-level":"4","meta-plugin":"multus","mtu":1500,"poll-retries":15,"poll-timeout":5,"vrouter-ip":"","vrouter-port":9091},"name":"contrail-k8s-cni","type":"contrail-k8s-cni"} I : 176245 : 2024/09/09 02:53:11 cni.go:113: ContainerID : 7cb49ebea77ec2c670b664b280702b6b59a3be2f4c38516b85df549e5997cef5 I : 176245 : 2024/09/09 02:53:11 cni.go:114: NetNS : /var/run/netns/cni-ec390147-beed-82c7-2744-211f5b66dd13 I : 176245 : 2024/09/09 02:53:11 cni.go:115: Container Ifname : eth0 I : 176245 : 2024/09/09 02:53:11 cni.go:116: Meta Plugin Call : false I : 176245 : 2024/09/09 02:53:11 cni.go:117: Network Name: contrail-k8s-cni I : 176245 : 2024/09/09 02:53:11 cni.go:118: MTU : 1500 I : 176245 : 2024/09/09 02:53:11 vrouter.go:535: {Server: Port:9091 Dir:/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm PollTimeout:5 PollRetries:15 containerName: containerId: containerUuid: containerVn: VmiUuid: httpClient:0xc00006f2f0} I : 176245 : 2024/09/09 02:53:11 cni.go:120: &{cniArgs:0xc0000be000 ContainerUuid: ContainerName:k8s__kube-system__coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t ContainerVn: ClusterName:k8s Mode:k8s MetaPlugin:multus VifParent:eth0 VifType:veth Mtu:1500 NetworkName:contrail-k8s-cni LogFile:/var/log/cni/opencontrail.log LogLevel:4 VRouter:{Server: Port:9091 Dir:/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm PollTimeout:5 PollRetries:15 containerName: containerId: containerUuid: containerVn: VmiUuid: httpClient:0xc00006f2f0}} I : 176245 : 2024/09/09 02:53:11 contrail-kube-cni.go:25: Came in Add for container 7cb49ebea77ec2c670b664b280702b6b59a3be2f4c38516b85df549e5997cef5 I : 176245 : 2024/09/09 02:53:11 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 176245 : 2024/09/09 02:53:11 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 176245 : 2024/09/09 02:53:11 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 0 : Get vrouter failed I : 176245 : 2024/09/09 02:53:16 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 176245 : 2024/09/09 02:53:16 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 176245 : 2024/09/09 02:53:16 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 1 : Get vrouter failed I : 176245 : 2024/09/09 02:53:21 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 176245 : 2024/09/09 02:53:21 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 176245 : 2024/09/09 02:53:21 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 2 : Get vrouter failed I : 176245 : 2024/09/09 02:53:26 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 176245 : 2024/09/09 02:53:26 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 176245 : 2024/09/09 02:53:26 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 3 : Get vrouter failed I : 176245 : 2024/09/09 02:53:31 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 176245 : 2024/09/09 02:53:31 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 176245 : 2024/09/09 02:53:31 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 4 : Get vrouter failed I : 176245 : 2024/09/09 02:53:36 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 176245 : 2024/09/09 02:53:36 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 176245 : 2024/09/09 02:53:36 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 5 : Get vrouter failed I : 176245 : 2024/09/09 02:53:41 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 176245 : 2024/09/09 02:53:41 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 176245 : 2024/09/09 02:53:41 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 6 : Get vrouter failed I : 176245 : 2024/09/09 02:53:46 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 176245 : 2024/09/09 02:53:46 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 176245 : 2024/09/09 02:53:46 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 7 : Get vrouter failed I : 176245 : 2024/09/09 02:53:51 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 176245 : 2024/09/09 02:53:51 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 176245 : 2024/09/09 02:53:51 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 8 : Get vrouter failed I : 176245 : 2024/09/09 02:53:56 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 176245 : 2024/09/09 02:53:56 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 176245 : 2024/09/09 02:53:56 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 9 : Get vrouter failed I : 176245 : 2024/09/09 02:54:01 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 176245 : 2024/09/09 02:54:01 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 176245 : 2024/09/09 02:54:01 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 10 : Get vrouter failed I : 176245 : 2024/09/09 02:54:06 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 176245 : 2024/09/09 02:54:06 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 176245 : 2024/09/09 02:54:06 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 11 : Get vrouter failed I : 176245 : 2024/09/09 02:54:11 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 176245 : 2024/09/09 02:54:11 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 176245 : 2024/09/09 02:54:11 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 12 : Get vrouter failed I : 176245 : 2024/09/09 02:54:16 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 176245 : 2024/09/09 02:54:16 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 176245 : 2024/09/09 02:54:16 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 13 : Get vrouter failed I : 176245 : 2024/09/09 02:54:21 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 176245 : 2024/09/09 02:54:21 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 176245 : 2024/09/09 02:54:21 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 14 : Get vrouter failed E : 176245 : 2024/09/09 02:54:26 cni.go:479: Error polling for configuration of E : 176245 : 2024/09/09 02:54:26 contrail-kube-cni.go:30: Failed processing Add command. I : 176670 : 2024/09/09 02:54:26 cni.go:144: Skip file */etc/cni/net.d/05-default.conf I : 176670 : 2024/09/09 02:54:26 cni.go:136: Read file */etc/cni/net.d/10-contrail.conf I : 176670 : 2024/09/09 02:54:26 cni.go:197: Parent Process Name containerd I : 176670 : 2024/09/09 02:54:26 cni.go:109: K8S Cluster Name : k8s I : 176670 : 2024/09/09 02:54:26 cni.go:110: CNI Version : 0.3.1 I : 176670 : 2024/09/09 02:54:26 cni.go:111: CNI Args : K8S_POD_NAME=coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t;K8S_POD_INFRA_CONTAINER_ID=7cb49ebea77ec2c670b664b280702b6b59a3be2f4c38516b85df549e5997cef5;K8S_POD_UID=01e24474-ac59-421c-a01c-8190443edfda;IgnoreUnknown=1;K8S_POD_NAMESPACE=kube-system I : 176670 : 2024/09/09 02:54:26 cni.go:112: CNI Args StdinData : {"cniVersion":"0.3.1","contrail":{"cluster-name":"k8s","config-dir":"/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm","log-file":"/var/log/cni/opencontrail.log","log-level":"4","meta-plugin":"multus","mtu":1500,"poll-retries":15,"poll-timeout":5,"vrouter-ip":"","vrouter-port":9091},"name":"contrail-k8s-cni","type":"contrail-k8s-cni"} I : 176670 : 2024/09/09 02:54:26 cni.go:113: ContainerID : 7cb49ebea77ec2c670b664b280702b6b59a3be2f4c38516b85df549e5997cef5 I : 176670 : 2024/09/09 02:54:26 cni.go:114: NetNS : /var/run/netns/cni-ec390147-beed-82c7-2744-211f5b66dd13 I : 176670 : 2024/09/09 02:54:26 cni.go:115: Container Ifname : eth0 I : 176670 : 2024/09/09 02:54:26 cni.go:116: Meta Plugin Call : false I : 176670 : 2024/09/09 02:54:26 cni.go:117: Network Name: contrail-k8s-cni I : 176670 : 2024/09/09 02:54:26 cni.go:118: MTU : 1500 I : 176670 : 2024/09/09 02:54:26 vrouter.go:535: {Server: Port:9091 Dir:/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm PollTimeout:5 PollRetries:15 containerName: containerId: containerUuid: containerVn: VmiUuid: httpClient:0xc00006d2f0} I : 176670 : 2024/09/09 02:54:26 cni.go:120: &{cniArgs:0xc00013e000 ContainerUuid: ContainerName:k8s__kube-system__coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t ContainerVn: ClusterName:k8s Mode:k8s MetaPlugin:multus VifParent:eth0 VifType:veth Mtu:1500 NetworkName:contrail-k8s-cni LogFile:/var/log/cni/opencontrail.log LogLevel:4 VRouter:{Server: Port:9091 Dir:/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm PollTimeout:5 PollRetries:15 containerName: containerId: containerUuid: containerVn: VmiUuid: httpClient:0xc00006d2f0}} I : 176670 : 2024/09/09 02:54:26 contrail-kube-cni.go:45: Came in Del for container 7cb49ebea77ec2c670b664b280702b6b59a3be2f4c38516b85df549e5997cef5 I : 176670 : 2024/09/09 02:54:26 utils.go:27: File/Dir - /var/lib/contrail/ports/vm/k8s__kube-system__coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t does not exist. Error - stat /var/lib/contrail/ports/vm/k8s__kube-system__coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t: no such file or directory I : 176670 : 2024/09/09 02:54:26 cni.go:641: CmdDel is done I : 177288 : 2024/09/09 02:54:38 cni.go:144: Skip file */etc/cni/net.d/05-default.conf I : 177288 : 2024/09/09 02:54:38 cni.go:136: Read file */etc/cni/net.d/10-contrail.conf I : 177288 : 2024/09/09 02:54:38 cni.go:197: Parent Process Name containerd I : 177288 : 2024/09/09 02:54:38 cni.go:109: K8S Cluster Name : k8s I : 177288 : 2024/09/09 02:54:38 cni.go:110: CNI Version : 0.3.1 I : 177288 : 2024/09/09 02:54:38 cni.go:111: CNI Args : IgnoreUnknown=1;K8S_POD_NAMESPACE=kube-system;K8S_POD_NAME=coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t;K8S_POD_INFRA_CONTAINER_ID=1828028d573417f8b8ae2f4faeb7dc1cc58fd05a21e46745dc3a43d1e6f25d76;K8S_POD_UID=01e24474-ac59-421c-a01c-8190443edfda I : 177288 : 2024/09/09 02:54:38 cni.go:112: CNI Args StdinData : {"cniVersion":"0.3.1","contrail":{"cluster-name":"k8s","config-dir":"/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm","log-file":"/var/log/cni/opencontrail.log","log-level":"4","meta-plugin":"multus","mtu":1500,"poll-retries":15,"poll-timeout":5,"vrouter-ip":"","vrouter-port":9091},"name":"contrail-k8s-cni","type":"contrail-k8s-cni"} I : 177288 : 2024/09/09 02:54:38 cni.go:113: ContainerID : 1828028d573417f8b8ae2f4faeb7dc1cc58fd05a21e46745dc3a43d1e6f25d76 I : 177288 : 2024/09/09 02:54:38 cni.go:114: NetNS : /var/run/netns/cni-873734c7-f43e-3bbd-3725-30d5d6f2e84c I : 177288 : 2024/09/09 02:54:38 cni.go:115: Container Ifname : eth0 I : 177288 : 2024/09/09 02:54:38 cni.go:116: Meta Plugin Call : false I : 177288 : 2024/09/09 02:54:38 cni.go:117: Network Name: contrail-k8s-cni I : 177288 : 2024/09/09 02:54:38 cni.go:118: MTU : 1500 I : 177288 : 2024/09/09 02:54:38 vrouter.go:535: {Server: Port:9091 Dir:/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm PollTimeout:5 PollRetries:15 containerName: containerId: containerUuid: containerVn: VmiUuid: httpClient:0xc00006f2f0} I : 177288 : 2024/09/09 02:54:38 cni.go:120: &{cniArgs:0xc0000be000 ContainerUuid: ContainerName:k8s__kube-system__coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t ContainerVn: ClusterName:k8s Mode:k8s MetaPlugin:multus VifParent:eth0 VifType:veth Mtu:1500 NetworkName:contrail-k8s-cni LogFile:/var/log/cni/opencontrail.log LogLevel:4 VRouter:{Server: Port:9091 Dir:/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm PollTimeout:5 PollRetries:15 containerName: containerId: containerUuid: containerVn: VmiUuid: httpClient:0xc00006f2f0}} I : 177288 : 2024/09/09 02:54:38 contrail-kube-cni.go:25: Came in Add for container 1828028d573417f8b8ae2f4faeb7dc1cc58fd05a21e46745dc3a43d1e6f25d76 I : 177288 : 2024/09/09 02:54:38 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 177288 : 2024/09/09 02:54:38 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 177288 : 2024/09/09 02:54:38 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 0 : Get vrouter failed I : 177288 : 2024/09/09 02:54:43 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 177288 : 2024/09/09 02:54:43 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 177288 : 2024/09/09 02:54:43 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 1 : Get vrouter failed I : 177288 : 2024/09/09 02:54:48 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 177288 : 2024/09/09 02:54:48 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 177288 : 2024/09/09 02:54:48 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 2 : Get vrouter failed I : 177288 : 2024/09/09 02:54:53 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 177288 : 2024/09/09 02:54:53 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 177288 : 2024/09/09 02:54:53 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 3 : Get vrouter failed I : 177288 : 2024/09/09 02:54:58 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 177288 : 2024/09/09 02:54:58 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 177288 : 2024/09/09 02:54:58 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 4 : Get vrouter failed I : 177288 : 2024/09/09 02:55:03 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 177288 : 2024/09/09 02:55:03 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 177288 : 2024/09/09 02:55:03 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 5 : Get vrouter failed I : 177288 : 2024/09/09 02:55:08 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 177288 : 2024/09/09 02:55:08 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 177288 : 2024/09/09 02:55:08 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 6 : Get vrouter failed I : 177288 : 2024/09/09 02:55:13 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 177288 : 2024/09/09 02:55:13 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 177288 : 2024/09/09 02:55:13 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 7 : Get vrouter failed I : 177288 : 2024/09/09 02:55:18 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 177288 : 2024/09/09 02:55:18 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 177288 : 2024/09/09 02:55:18 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 8 : Get vrouter failed I : 177288 : 2024/09/09 02:55:23 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 177288 : 2024/09/09 02:55:23 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 177288 : 2024/09/09 02:55:23 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 9 : Get vrouter failed I : 177288 : 2024/09/09 02:55:28 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 177288 : 2024/09/09 02:55:28 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 177288 : 2024/09/09 02:55:28 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 10 : Get vrouter failed I : 177288 : 2024/09/09 02:55:33 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 177288 : 2024/09/09 02:55:33 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 177288 : 2024/09/09 02:55:33 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 11 : Get vrouter failed I : 177288 : 2024/09/09 02:55:38 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 177288 : 2024/09/09 02:55:38 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 177288 : 2024/09/09 02:55:38 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 12 : Get vrouter failed I : 177288 : 2024/09/09 02:55:43 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 177288 : 2024/09/09 02:55:43 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 177288 : 2024/09/09 02:55:43 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 13 : Get vrouter failed I : 177288 : 2024/09/09 02:55:48 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 177288 : 2024/09/09 02:55:48 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 177288 : 2024/09/09 02:55:48 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 14 : Get vrouter failed E : 177288 : 2024/09/09 02:55:53 cni.go:479: Error polling for configuration of E : 177288 : 2024/09/09 02:55:53 contrail-kube-cni.go:30: Failed processing Add command. I : 178048 : 2024/09/09 02:55:53 cni.go:144: Skip file */etc/cni/net.d/05-default.conf I : 178048 : 2024/09/09 02:55:53 cni.go:136: Read file */etc/cni/net.d/10-contrail.conf I : 178048 : 2024/09/09 02:55:53 cni.go:197: Parent Process Name containerd I : 178048 : 2024/09/09 02:55:53 cni.go:109: K8S Cluster Name : k8s I : 178048 : 2024/09/09 02:55:53 cni.go:110: CNI Version : 0.3.1 I : 178048 : 2024/09/09 02:55:53 cni.go:111: CNI Args : K8S_POD_UID=01e24474-ac59-421c-a01c-8190443edfda;IgnoreUnknown=1;K8S_POD_NAMESPACE=kube-system;K8S_POD_NAME=coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t;K8S_POD_INFRA_CONTAINER_ID=1828028d573417f8b8ae2f4faeb7dc1cc58fd05a21e46745dc3a43d1e6f25d76 I : 178048 : 2024/09/09 02:55:53 cni.go:112: CNI Args StdinData : {"cniVersion":"0.3.1","contrail":{"cluster-name":"k8s","config-dir":"/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm","log-file":"/var/log/cni/opencontrail.log","log-level":"4","meta-plugin":"multus","mtu":1500,"poll-retries":15,"poll-timeout":5,"vrouter-ip":"","vrouter-port":9091},"name":"contrail-k8s-cni","type":"contrail-k8s-cni"} I : 178048 : 2024/09/09 02:55:53 cni.go:113: ContainerID : 1828028d573417f8b8ae2f4faeb7dc1cc58fd05a21e46745dc3a43d1e6f25d76 I : 178048 : 2024/09/09 02:55:53 cni.go:114: NetNS : /var/run/netns/cni-873734c7-f43e-3bbd-3725-30d5d6f2e84c I : 178048 : 2024/09/09 02:55:53 cni.go:115: Container Ifname : eth0 I : 178048 : 2024/09/09 02:55:53 cni.go:116: Meta Plugin Call : false I : 178048 : 2024/09/09 02:55:53 cni.go:117: Network Name: contrail-k8s-cni I : 178048 : 2024/09/09 02:55:53 cni.go:118: MTU : 1500 I : 178048 : 2024/09/09 02:55:53 vrouter.go:535: {Server: Port:9091 Dir:/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm PollTimeout:5 PollRetries:15 containerName: containerId: containerUuid: containerVn: VmiUuid: httpClient:0xc00006f2f0} I : 178048 : 2024/09/09 02:55:53 cni.go:120: &{cniArgs:0xc00013e000 ContainerUuid: ContainerName:k8s__kube-system__coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t ContainerVn: ClusterName:k8s Mode:k8s MetaPlugin:multus VifParent:eth0 VifType:veth Mtu:1500 NetworkName:contrail-k8s-cni LogFile:/var/log/cni/opencontrail.log LogLevel:4 VRouter:{Server: Port:9091 Dir:/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm PollTimeout:5 PollRetries:15 containerName: containerId: containerUuid: containerVn: VmiUuid: httpClient:0xc00006f2f0}} I : 178048 : 2024/09/09 02:55:53 contrail-kube-cni.go:45: Came in Del for container 1828028d573417f8b8ae2f4faeb7dc1cc58fd05a21e46745dc3a43d1e6f25d76 I : 178048 : 2024/09/09 02:55:53 utils.go:27: File/Dir - /var/lib/contrail/ports/vm/k8s__kube-system__coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t does not exist. Error - stat /var/lib/contrail/ports/vm/k8s__kube-system__coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t: no such file or directory I : 178048 : 2024/09/09 02:55:53 cni.go:641: CmdDel is done I : 178107 : 2024/09/09 02:56:07 cni.go:144: Skip file */etc/cni/net.d/05-default.conf I : 178107 : 2024/09/09 02:56:07 cni.go:136: Read file */etc/cni/net.d/10-contrail.conf I : 178107 : 2024/09/09 02:56:07 cni.go:197: Parent Process Name containerd I : 178107 : 2024/09/09 02:56:07 cni.go:109: K8S Cluster Name : k8s I : 178107 : 2024/09/09 02:56:07 cni.go:110: CNI Version : 0.3.1 I : 178107 : 2024/09/09 02:56:07 cni.go:111: CNI Args : IgnoreUnknown=1;K8S_POD_NAMESPACE=kube-system;K8S_POD_NAME=coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t;K8S_POD_INFRA_CONTAINER_ID=f4d13bb35fc2d92e6406d0ab7388267eb31da91142c16d285328f36a63fb94f3;K8S_POD_UID=01e24474-ac59-421c-a01c-8190443edfda I : 178107 : 2024/09/09 02:56:07 cni.go:112: CNI Args StdinData : {"cniVersion":"0.3.1","contrail":{"cluster-name":"k8s","config-dir":"/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm","log-file":"/var/log/cni/opencontrail.log","log-level":"4","meta-plugin":"multus","mtu":1500,"poll-retries":15,"poll-timeout":5,"vrouter-ip":"","vrouter-port":9091},"name":"contrail-k8s-cni","type":"contrail-k8s-cni"} I : 178107 : 2024/09/09 02:56:07 cni.go:113: ContainerID : f4d13bb35fc2d92e6406d0ab7388267eb31da91142c16d285328f36a63fb94f3 I : 178107 : 2024/09/09 02:56:07 cni.go:114: NetNS : /var/run/netns/cni-0900cf85-c2d5-f544-db34-4ed54f337efe I : 178107 : 2024/09/09 02:56:07 cni.go:115: Container Ifname : eth0 I : 178107 : 2024/09/09 02:56:07 cni.go:116: Meta Plugin Call : false I : 178107 : 2024/09/09 02:56:07 cni.go:117: Network Name: contrail-k8s-cni I : 178107 : 2024/09/09 02:56:07 cni.go:118: MTU : 1500 I : 178107 : 2024/09/09 02:56:07 vrouter.go:535: {Server: Port:9091 Dir:/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm PollTimeout:5 PollRetries:15 containerName: containerId: containerUuid: containerVn: VmiUuid: httpClient:0xc0000952f0} I : 178107 : 2024/09/09 02:56:07 cni.go:120: &{cniArgs:0xc0000f0000 ContainerUuid: ContainerName:k8s__kube-system__coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t ContainerVn: ClusterName:k8s Mode:k8s MetaPlugin:multus VifParent:eth0 VifType:veth Mtu:1500 NetworkName:contrail-k8s-cni LogFile:/var/log/cni/opencontrail.log LogLevel:4 VRouter:{Server: Port:9091 Dir:/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm PollTimeout:5 PollRetries:15 containerName: containerId: containerUuid: containerVn: VmiUuid: httpClient:0xc0000952f0}} I : 178107 : 2024/09/09 02:56:07 contrail-kube-cni.go:25: Came in Add for container f4d13bb35fc2d92e6406d0ab7388267eb31da91142c16d285328f36a63fb94f3 I : 178107 : 2024/09/09 02:56:07 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 178107 : 2024/09/09 02:56:07 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 178107 : 2024/09/09 02:56:07 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 0 : Get vrouter failed I : 178107 : 2024/09/09 02:56:12 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 178107 : 2024/09/09 02:56:12 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 178107 : 2024/09/09 02:56:12 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 1 : Get vrouter failed I : 178107 : 2024/09/09 02:56:17 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 178107 : 2024/09/09 02:56:17 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 178107 : 2024/09/09 02:56:17 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 2 : Get vrouter failed I : 178107 : 2024/09/09 02:56:22 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 178107 : 2024/09/09 02:56:22 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 178107 : 2024/09/09 02:56:22 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 3 : Get vrouter failed I : 178107 : 2024/09/09 02:56:27 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 178107 : 2024/09/09 02:56:27 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 178107 : 2024/09/09 02:56:27 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 4 : Get vrouter failed I : 178107 : 2024/09/09 02:56:32 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 178107 : 2024/09/09 02:56:32 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 178107 : 2024/09/09 02:56:32 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 5 : Get vrouter failed I : 178107 : 2024/09/09 02:56:37 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 178107 : 2024/09/09 02:56:37 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 178107 : 2024/09/09 02:56:37 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 6 : Get vrouter failed I : 178107 : 2024/09/09 02:56:42 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 178107 : 2024/09/09 02:56:42 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 178107 : 2024/09/09 02:56:42 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 7 : Get vrouter failed I : 178107 : 2024/09/09 02:56:47 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 178107 : 2024/09/09 02:56:47 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 178107 : 2024/09/09 02:56:47 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 8 : Get vrouter failed I : 178107 : 2024/09/09 02:56:52 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 178107 : 2024/09/09 02:56:52 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 178107 : 2024/09/09 02:56:52 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 9 : Get vrouter failed I : 178107 : 2024/09/09 02:56:57 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 178107 : 2024/09/09 02:56:57 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 178107 : 2024/09/09 02:56:57 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 10 : Get vrouter failed I : 178107 : 2024/09/09 02:57:02 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 178107 : 2024/09/09 02:57:02 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 178107 : 2024/09/09 02:57:02 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 11 : Get vrouter failed I : 178107 : 2024/09/09 02:57:07 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 178107 : 2024/09/09 02:57:07 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 178107 : 2024/09/09 02:57:07 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 12 : Get vrouter failed I : 178107 : 2024/09/09 02:57:12 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 178107 : 2024/09/09 02:57:12 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 178107 : 2024/09/09 02:57:12 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 13 : Get vrouter failed I : 178107 : 2024/09/09 02:57:17 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 178107 : 2024/09/09 02:57:17 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 178107 : 2024/09/09 02:57:17 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 14 : Get vrouter failed E : 178107 : 2024/09/09 02:57:22 cni.go:479: Error polling for configuration of E : 178107 : 2024/09/09 02:57:22 contrail-kube-cni.go:30: Failed processing Add command. I : 178511 : 2024/09/09 02:57:22 cni.go:144: Skip file */etc/cni/net.d/05-default.conf I : 178511 : 2024/09/09 02:57:22 cni.go:136: Read file */etc/cni/net.d/10-contrail.conf I : 178511 : 2024/09/09 02:57:22 cni.go:197: Parent Process Name containerd I : 178511 : 2024/09/09 02:57:22 cni.go:109: K8S Cluster Name : k8s I : 178511 : 2024/09/09 02:57:22 cni.go:110: CNI Version : 0.3.1 I : 178511 : 2024/09/09 02:57:22 cni.go:111: CNI Args : K8S_POD_INFRA_CONTAINER_ID=f4d13bb35fc2d92e6406d0ab7388267eb31da91142c16d285328f36a63fb94f3;K8S_POD_UID=01e24474-ac59-421c-a01c-8190443edfda;IgnoreUnknown=1;K8S_POD_NAMESPACE=kube-system;K8S_POD_NAME=coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t I : 178511 : 2024/09/09 02:57:22 cni.go:112: CNI Args StdinData : {"cniVersion":"0.3.1","contrail":{"cluster-name":"k8s","config-dir":"/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm","log-file":"/var/log/cni/opencontrail.log","log-level":"4","meta-plugin":"multus","mtu":1500,"poll-retries":15,"poll-timeout":5,"vrouter-ip":"","vrouter-port":9091},"name":"contrail-k8s-cni","type":"contrail-k8s-cni"} I : 178511 : 2024/09/09 02:57:22 cni.go:113: ContainerID : f4d13bb35fc2d92e6406d0ab7388267eb31da91142c16d285328f36a63fb94f3 I : 178511 : 2024/09/09 02:57:22 cni.go:114: NetNS : /var/run/netns/cni-0900cf85-c2d5-f544-db34-4ed54f337efe I : 178511 : 2024/09/09 02:57:22 cni.go:115: Container Ifname : eth0 I : 178511 : 2024/09/09 02:57:22 cni.go:116: Meta Plugin Call : false I : 178511 : 2024/09/09 02:57:22 cni.go:117: Network Name: contrail-k8s-cni I : 178511 : 2024/09/09 02:57:22 cni.go:118: MTU : 1500 I : 178511 : 2024/09/09 02:57:22 vrouter.go:535: {Server: Port:9091 Dir:/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm PollTimeout:5 PollRetries:15 containerName: containerId: containerUuid: containerVn: VmiUuid: httpClient:0xc00006d2f0} I : 178511 : 2024/09/09 02:57:22 cni.go:120: &{cniArgs:0xc00013e000 ContainerUuid: ContainerName:k8s__kube-system__coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t ContainerVn: ClusterName:k8s Mode:k8s MetaPlugin:multus VifParent:eth0 VifType:veth Mtu:1500 NetworkName:contrail-k8s-cni LogFile:/var/log/cni/opencontrail.log LogLevel:4 VRouter:{Server: Port:9091 Dir:/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm PollTimeout:5 PollRetries:15 containerName: containerId: containerUuid: containerVn: VmiUuid: httpClient:0xc00006d2f0}} I : 178511 : 2024/09/09 02:57:22 contrail-kube-cni.go:45: Came in Del for container f4d13bb35fc2d92e6406d0ab7388267eb31da91142c16d285328f36a63fb94f3 I : 178511 : 2024/09/09 02:57:22 utils.go:27: File/Dir - /var/lib/contrail/ports/vm/k8s__kube-system__coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t does not exist. Error - stat /var/lib/contrail/ports/vm/k8s__kube-system__coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t: no such file or directory I : 178511 : 2024/09/09 02:57:22 cni.go:641: CmdDel is done I : 178566 : 2024/09/09 02:57:38 cni.go:144: Skip file */etc/cni/net.d/05-default.conf I : 178566 : 2024/09/09 02:57:38 cni.go:136: Read file */etc/cni/net.d/10-contrail.conf I : 178566 : 2024/09/09 02:57:38 cni.go:197: Parent Process Name containerd I : 178566 : 2024/09/09 02:57:38 cni.go:109: K8S Cluster Name : k8s I : 178566 : 2024/09/09 02:57:38 cni.go:110: CNI Version : 0.3.1 I : 178566 : 2024/09/09 02:57:38 cni.go:111: CNI Args : K8S_POD_NAME=coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t;K8S_POD_INFRA_CONTAINER_ID=db1b53102ae5cd39a05a94c9cd236a794158deff6164127f0623d6413e918b85;K8S_POD_UID=01e24474-ac59-421c-a01c-8190443edfda;IgnoreUnknown=1;K8S_POD_NAMESPACE=kube-system I : 178566 : 2024/09/09 02:57:38 cni.go:112: CNI Args StdinData : {"cniVersion":"0.3.1","contrail":{"cluster-name":"k8s","config-dir":"/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm","log-file":"/var/log/cni/opencontrail.log","log-level":"4","meta-plugin":"multus","mtu":1500,"poll-retries":15,"poll-timeout":5,"vrouter-ip":"","vrouter-port":9091},"name":"contrail-k8s-cni","type":"contrail-k8s-cni"} I : 178566 : 2024/09/09 02:57:38 cni.go:113: ContainerID : db1b53102ae5cd39a05a94c9cd236a794158deff6164127f0623d6413e918b85 I : 178566 : 2024/09/09 02:57:38 cni.go:114: NetNS : /var/run/netns/cni-586f2518-5398-096a-6d18-951e18fc5f34 I : 178566 : 2024/09/09 02:57:38 cni.go:115: Container Ifname : eth0 I : 178566 : 2024/09/09 02:57:38 cni.go:116: Meta Plugin Call : false I : 178566 : 2024/09/09 02:57:38 cni.go:117: Network Name: contrail-k8s-cni I : 178566 : 2024/09/09 02:57:38 cni.go:118: MTU : 1500 I : 178566 : 2024/09/09 02:57:38 vrouter.go:535: {Server: Port:9091 Dir:/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm PollTimeout:5 PollRetries:15 containerName: containerId: containerUuid: containerVn: VmiUuid: httpClient:0xc0000932f0} I : 178566 : 2024/09/09 02:57:38 cni.go:120: &{cniArgs:0xc0000f0000 ContainerUuid: ContainerName:k8s__kube-system__coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t ContainerVn: ClusterName:k8s Mode:k8s MetaPlugin:multus VifParent:eth0 VifType:veth Mtu:1500 NetworkName:contrail-k8s-cni LogFile:/var/log/cni/opencontrail.log LogLevel:4 VRouter:{Server: Port:9091 Dir:/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm PollTimeout:5 PollRetries:15 containerName: containerId: containerUuid: containerVn: VmiUuid: httpClient:0xc0000932f0}} I : 178566 : 2024/09/09 02:57:38 contrail-kube-cni.go:25: Came in Add for container db1b53102ae5cd39a05a94c9cd236a794158deff6164127f0623d6413e918b85 I : 178566 : 2024/09/09 02:57:38 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 178566 : 2024/09/09 02:57:38 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 178566 : 2024/09/09 02:57:38 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 0 : Get vrouter failed I : 178566 : 2024/09/09 02:57:43 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 178566 : 2024/09/09 02:57:43 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 178566 : 2024/09/09 02:57:43 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 1 : Get vrouter failed I : 178566 : 2024/09/09 02:57:48 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 178566 : 2024/09/09 02:57:48 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 178566 : 2024/09/09 02:57:48 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 2 : Get vrouter failed I : 178566 : 2024/09/09 02:57:53 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 178566 : 2024/09/09 02:57:53 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 178566 : 2024/09/09 02:57:53 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 3 : Get vrouter failed I : 178566 : 2024/09/09 02:57:58 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 178566 : 2024/09/09 02:57:58 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 178566 : 2024/09/09 02:57:58 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 4 : Get vrouter failed I : 178566 : 2024/09/09 02:58:03 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 178566 : 2024/09/09 02:58:03 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 178566 : 2024/09/09 02:58:03 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 5 : Get vrouter failed I : 178566 : 2024/09/09 02:58:08 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 178566 : 2024/09/09 02:58:08 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 178566 : 2024/09/09 02:58:08 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 6 : Get vrouter failed I : 178566 : 2024/09/09 02:58:13 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 178566 : 2024/09/09 02:58:13 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 178566 : 2024/09/09 02:58:13 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 7 : Get vrouter failed I : 178566 : 2024/09/09 02:58:18 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 178566 : 2024/09/09 02:58:18 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 178566 : 2024/09/09 02:58:18 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 8 : Get vrouter failed I : 178566 : 2024/09/09 02:58:23 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 178566 : 2024/09/09 02:58:23 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 178566 : 2024/09/09 02:58:23 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 9 : Get vrouter failed I : 178566 : 2024/09/09 02:58:28 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 178566 : 2024/09/09 02:58:28 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 178566 : 2024/09/09 02:58:28 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 10 : Get vrouter failed I : 178566 : 2024/09/09 02:58:33 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 178566 : 2024/09/09 02:58:33 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 178566 : 2024/09/09 02:58:33 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 11 : Get vrouter failed I : 178566 : 2024/09/09 02:58:38 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 178566 : 2024/09/09 02:58:38 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 178566 : 2024/09/09 02:58:38 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 12 : Get vrouter failed I : 178566 : 2024/09/09 02:58:43 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 178566 : 2024/09/09 02:58:43 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 178566 : 2024/09/09 02:58:43 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 13 : Get vrouter failed I : 178566 : 2024/09/09 02:58:48 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 178566 : 2024/09/09 02:58:48 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 178566 : 2024/09/09 02:58:48 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 14 : Get vrouter failed E : 178566 : 2024/09/09 02:58:53 cni.go:479: Error polling for configuration of E : 178566 : 2024/09/09 02:58:53 contrail-kube-cni.go:30: Failed processing Add command. I : 178976 : 2024/09/09 02:58:53 cni.go:144: Skip file */etc/cni/net.d/05-default.conf I : 178976 : 2024/09/09 02:58:53 cni.go:136: Read file */etc/cni/net.d/10-contrail.conf I : 178976 : 2024/09/09 02:58:53 cni.go:197: Parent Process Name containerd I : 178976 : 2024/09/09 02:58:53 cni.go:109: K8S Cluster Name : k8s I : 178976 : 2024/09/09 02:58:53 cni.go:110: CNI Version : 0.3.1 I : 178976 : 2024/09/09 02:58:53 cni.go:111: CNI Args : K8S_POD_NAMESPACE=kube-system;K8S_POD_NAME=coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t;K8S_POD_INFRA_CONTAINER_ID=db1b53102ae5cd39a05a94c9cd236a794158deff6164127f0623d6413e918b85;K8S_POD_UID=01e24474-ac59-421c-a01c-8190443edfda;IgnoreUnknown=1 I : 178976 : 2024/09/09 02:58:53 cni.go:112: CNI Args StdinData : {"cniVersion":"0.3.1","contrail":{"cluster-name":"k8s","config-dir":"/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm","log-file":"/var/log/cni/opencontrail.log","log-level":"4","meta-plugin":"multus","mtu":1500,"poll-retries":15,"poll-timeout":5,"vrouter-ip":"","vrouter-port":9091},"name":"contrail-k8s-cni","type":"contrail-k8s-cni"} I : 178976 : 2024/09/09 02:58:53 cni.go:113: ContainerID : db1b53102ae5cd39a05a94c9cd236a794158deff6164127f0623d6413e918b85 I : 178976 : 2024/09/09 02:58:53 cni.go:114: NetNS : /var/run/netns/cni-586f2518-5398-096a-6d18-951e18fc5f34 I : 178976 : 2024/09/09 02:58:53 cni.go:115: Container Ifname : eth0 I : 178976 : 2024/09/09 02:58:53 cni.go:116: Meta Plugin Call : false I : 178976 : 2024/09/09 02:58:53 cni.go:117: Network Name: contrail-k8s-cni I : 178976 : 2024/09/09 02:58:53 cni.go:118: MTU : 1500 I : 178976 : 2024/09/09 02:58:53 vrouter.go:535: {Server: Port:9091 Dir:/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm PollTimeout:5 PollRetries:15 containerName: containerId: containerUuid: containerVn: VmiUuid: httpClient:0xc0000952f0} I : 178976 : 2024/09/09 02:58:53 cni.go:120: &{cniArgs:0xc0000f0000 ContainerUuid: ContainerName:k8s__kube-system__coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t ContainerVn: ClusterName:k8s Mode:k8s MetaPlugin:multus VifParent:eth0 VifType:veth Mtu:1500 NetworkName:contrail-k8s-cni LogFile:/var/log/cni/opencontrail.log LogLevel:4 VRouter:{Server: Port:9091 Dir:/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm PollTimeout:5 PollRetries:15 containerName: containerId: containerUuid: containerVn: VmiUuid: httpClient:0xc0000952f0}} I : 178976 : 2024/09/09 02:58:53 contrail-kube-cni.go:45: Came in Del for container db1b53102ae5cd39a05a94c9cd236a794158deff6164127f0623d6413e918b85 I : 178976 : 2024/09/09 02:58:53 utils.go:27: File/Dir - /var/lib/contrail/ports/vm/k8s__kube-system__coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t does not exist. Error - stat /var/lib/contrail/ports/vm/k8s__kube-system__coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t: no such file or directory I : 178976 : 2024/09/09 02:58:53 cni.go:641: CmdDel is done I : 179244 : 2024/09/09 02:59:08 cni.go:144: Skip file */etc/cni/net.d/05-default.conf I : 179244 : 2024/09/09 02:59:08 cni.go:136: Read file */etc/cni/net.d/10-contrail.conf I : 179244 : 2024/09/09 02:59:08 cni.go:197: Parent Process Name containerd I : 179244 : 2024/09/09 02:59:08 cni.go:109: K8S Cluster Name : k8s I : 179244 : 2024/09/09 02:59:08 cni.go:110: CNI Version : 0.3.1 I : 179244 : 2024/09/09 02:59:08 cni.go:111: CNI Args : IgnoreUnknown=1;K8S_POD_NAMESPACE=kube-system;K8S_POD_NAME=coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t;K8S_POD_INFRA_CONTAINER_ID=c1020a7cca0729ac4c792f0908aa72e43ed6857419d5bba11198e2a18db155c5;K8S_POD_UID=01e24474-ac59-421c-a01c-8190443edfda I : 179244 : 2024/09/09 02:59:08 cni.go:112: CNI Args StdinData : {"cniVersion":"0.3.1","contrail":{"cluster-name":"k8s","config-dir":"/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm","log-file":"/var/log/cni/opencontrail.log","log-level":"4","meta-plugin":"multus","mtu":1500,"poll-retries":15,"poll-timeout":5,"vrouter-ip":"","vrouter-port":9091},"name":"contrail-k8s-cni","type":"contrail-k8s-cni"} I : 179244 : 2024/09/09 02:59:08 cni.go:113: ContainerID : c1020a7cca0729ac4c792f0908aa72e43ed6857419d5bba11198e2a18db155c5 I : 179244 : 2024/09/09 02:59:08 cni.go:114: NetNS : /var/run/netns/cni-0172d0a3-f2b9-0a4e-b80e-369aba190ae1 I : 179244 : 2024/09/09 02:59:08 cni.go:115: Container Ifname : eth0 I : 179244 : 2024/09/09 02:59:08 cni.go:116: Meta Plugin Call : false I : 179244 : 2024/09/09 02:59:08 cni.go:117: Network Name: contrail-k8s-cni I : 179244 : 2024/09/09 02:59:08 cni.go:118: MTU : 1500 I : 179244 : 2024/09/09 02:59:08 vrouter.go:535: {Server: Port:9091 Dir:/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm PollTimeout:5 PollRetries:15 containerName: containerId: containerUuid: containerVn: VmiUuid: httpClient:0xc0000932f0} I : 179244 : 2024/09/09 02:59:08 cni.go:120: &{cniArgs:0xc0000f0000 ContainerUuid: ContainerName:k8s__kube-system__coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t ContainerVn: ClusterName:k8s Mode:k8s MetaPlugin:multus VifParent:eth0 VifType:veth Mtu:1500 NetworkName:contrail-k8s-cni LogFile:/var/log/cni/opencontrail.log LogLevel:4 VRouter:{Server: Port:9091 Dir:/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm PollTimeout:5 PollRetries:15 containerName: containerId: containerUuid: containerVn: VmiUuid: httpClient:0xc0000932f0}} I : 179244 : 2024/09/09 02:59:08 contrail-kube-cni.go:25: Came in Add for container c1020a7cca0729ac4c792f0908aa72e43ed6857419d5bba11198e2a18db155c5 I : 179244 : 2024/09/09 02:59:08 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 179244 : 2024/09/09 02:59:08 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 179244 : 2024/09/09 02:59:08 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 0 : Get vrouter failed I : 179244 : 2024/09/09 02:59:13 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 179244 : 2024/09/09 02:59:13 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 179244 : 2024/09/09 02:59:13 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 1 : Get vrouter failed I : 179244 : 2024/09/09 02:59:18 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 179244 : 2024/09/09 02:59:18 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 179244 : 2024/09/09 02:59:18 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 2 : Get vrouter failed I : 179244 : 2024/09/09 02:59:23 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 179244 : 2024/09/09 02:59:23 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 179244 : 2024/09/09 02:59:23 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 3 : Get vrouter failed I : 179244 : 2024/09/09 02:59:28 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 179244 : 2024/09/09 02:59:28 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 179244 : 2024/09/09 02:59:28 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 4 : Get vrouter failed I : 179244 : 2024/09/09 02:59:33 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 179244 : 2024/09/09 02:59:33 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 179244 : 2024/09/09 02:59:33 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 5 : Get vrouter failed I : 179244 : 2024/09/09 02:59:38 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 179244 : 2024/09/09 02:59:38 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 179244 : 2024/09/09 02:59:38 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 6 : Get vrouter failed I : 179244 : 2024/09/09 02:59:43 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 179244 : 2024/09/09 02:59:43 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 179244 : 2024/09/09 02:59:43 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 7 : Get vrouter failed I : 179244 : 2024/09/09 02:59:48 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 179244 : 2024/09/09 02:59:48 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 179244 : 2024/09/09 02:59:48 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 8 : Get vrouter failed I : 179244 : 2024/09/09 02:59:53 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 179244 : 2024/09/09 02:59:53 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 179244 : 2024/09/09 02:59:53 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 9 : Get vrouter failed I : 179244 : 2024/09/09 02:59:58 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 179244 : 2024/09/09 02:59:58 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 179244 : 2024/09/09 02:59:58 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 10 : Get vrouter failed I : 179244 : 2024/09/09 03:00:03 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 179244 : 2024/09/09 03:00:03 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 179244 : 2024/09/09 03:00:03 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 11 : Get vrouter failed I : 179244 : 2024/09/09 03:00:08 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 179244 : 2024/09/09 03:00:08 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 179244 : 2024/09/09 03:00:08 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 12 : Get vrouter failed I : 179244 : 2024/09/09 03:00:13 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 179244 : 2024/09/09 03:00:13 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 179244 : 2024/09/09 03:00:13 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 13 : Get vrouter failed I : 179244 : 2024/09/09 03:00:18 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 179244 : 2024/09/09 03:00:18 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 179244 : 2024/09/09 03:00:18 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 14 : Get vrouter failed E : 179244 : 2024/09/09 03:00:23 cni.go:479: Error polling for configuration of E : 179244 : 2024/09/09 03:00:23 contrail-kube-cni.go:30: Failed processing Add command. I : 179497 : 2024/09/09 03:00:23 cni.go:144: Skip file */etc/cni/net.d/05-default.conf I : 179497 : 2024/09/09 03:00:23 cni.go:136: Read file */etc/cni/net.d/10-contrail.conf I : 179497 : 2024/09/09 03:00:23 cni.go:197: Parent Process Name containerd I : 179497 : 2024/09/09 03:00:23 cni.go:109: K8S Cluster Name : k8s I : 179497 : 2024/09/09 03:00:23 cni.go:110: CNI Version : 0.3.1 I : 179497 : 2024/09/09 03:00:23 cni.go:111: CNI Args : K8S_POD_NAME=coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t;K8S_POD_INFRA_CONTAINER_ID=c1020a7cca0729ac4c792f0908aa72e43ed6857419d5bba11198e2a18db155c5;K8S_POD_UID=01e24474-ac59-421c-a01c-8190443edfda;IgnoreUnknown=1;K8S_POD_NAMESPACE=kube-system I : 179497 : 2024/09/09 03:00:23 cni.go:112: CNI Args StdinData : {"cniVersion":"0.3.1","contrail":{"cluster-name":"k8s","config-dir":"/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm","log-file":"/var/log/cni/opencontrail.log","log-level":"4","meta-plugin":"multus","mtu":1500,"poll-retries":15,"poll-timeout":5,"vrouter-ip":"","vrouter-port":9091},"name":"contrail-k8s-cni","type":"contrail-k8s-cni"} I : 179497 : 2024/09/09 03:00:23 cni.go:113: ContainerID : c1020a7cca0729ac4c792f0908aa72e43ed6857419d5bba11198e2a18db155c5 I : 179497 : 2024/09/09 03:00:23 cni.go:114: NetNS : /var/run/netns/cni-0172d0a3-f2b9-0a4e-b80e-369aba190ae1 I : 179497 : 2024/09/09 03:00:23 cni.go:115: Container Ifname : eth0 I : 179497 : 2024/09/09 03:00:23 cni.go:116: Meta Plugin Call : false I : 179497 : 2024/09/09 03:00:23 cni.go:117: Network Name: contrail-k8s-cni I : 179497 : 2024/09/09 03:00:23 cni.go:118: MTU : 1500 I : 179497 : 2024/09/09 03:00:23 vrouter.go:535: {Server: Port:9091 Dir:/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm PollTimeout:5 PollRetries:15 containerName: containerId: containerUuid: containerVn: VmiUuid: httpClient:0xc0000952f0} I : 179497 : 2024/09/09 03:00:23 cni.go:120: &{cniArgs:0xc0000f0000 ContainerUuid: ContainerName:k8s__kube-system__coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t ContainerVn: ClusterName:k8s Mode:k8s MetaPlugin:multus VifParent:eth0 VifType:veth Mtu:1500 NetworkName:contrail-k8s-cni LogFile:/var/log/cni/opencontrail.log LogLevel:4 VRouter:{Server: Port:9091 Dir:/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm PollTimeout:5 PollRetries:15 containerName: containerId: containerUuid: containerVn: VmiUuid: httpClient:0xc0000952f0}} I : 179497 : 2024/09/09 03:00:23 contrail-kube-cni.go:45: Came in Del for container c1020a7cca0729ac4c792f0908aa72e43ed6857419d5bba11198e2a18db155c5 I : 179497 : 2024/09/09 03:00:23 utils.go:27: File/Dir - /var/lib/contrail/ports/vm/k8s__kube-system__coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t does not exist. Error - stat /var/lib/contrail/ports/vm/k8s__kube-system__coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t: no such file or directory I : 179497 : 2024/09/09 03:00:23 cni.go:641: CmdDel is done I : 179863 : 2024/09/09 03:00:34 cni.go:144: Skip file */etc/cni/net.d/05-default.conf I : 179863 : 2024/09/09 03:00:34 cni.go:136: Read file */etc/cni/net.d/10-contrail.conf I : 179863 : 2024/09/09 03:00:34 cni.go:197: Parent Process Name containerd I : 179863 : 2024/09/09 03:00:34 cni.go:109: K8S Cluster Name : k8s I : 179863 : 2024/09/09 03:00:34 cni.go:110: CNI Version : 0.3.1 I : 179863 : 2024/09/09 03:00:34 cni.go:111: CNI Args : K8S_POD_NAMESPACE=kube-system;K8S_POD_NAME=coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t;K8S_POD_INFRA_CONTAINER_ID=d4f6840e2c6e52f8b362f77d302e6c413796568f99c79de3f9116973e224d5de;K8S_POD_UID=01e24474-ac59-421c-a01c-8190443edfda;IgnoreUnknown=1 I : 179863 : 2024/09/09 03:00:34 cni.go:112: CNI Args StdinData : {"cniVersion":"0.3.1","contrail":{"cluster-name":"k8s","config-dir":"/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm","log-file":"/var/log/cni/opencontrail.log","log-level":"4","meta-plugin":"multus","mtu":1500,"poll-retries":15,"poll-timeout":5,"vrouter-ip":"","vrouter-port":9091},"name":"contrail-k8s-cni","type":"contrail-k8s-cni"} I : 179863 : 2024/09/09 03:00:34 cni.go:113: ContainerID : d4f6840e2c6e52f8b362f77d302e6c413796568f99c79de3f9116973e224d5de I : 179863 : 2024/09/09 03:00:34 cni.go:114: NetNS : /var/run/netns/cni-536da14f-3523-1bdf-f12c-b1dbda9afaee I : 179863 : 2024/09/09 03:00:34 cni.go:115: Container Ifname : eth0 I : 179863 : 2024/09/09 03:00:34 cni.go:116: Meta Plugin Call : false I : 179863 : 2024/09/09 03:00:34 cni.go:117: Network Name: contrail-k8s-cni I : 179863 : 2024/09/09 03:00:34 cni.go:118: MTU : 1500 I : 179863 : 2024/09/09 03:00:34 vrouter.go:535: {Server: Port:9091 Dir:/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm PollTimeout:5 PollRetries:15 containerName: containerId: containerUuid: containerVn: VmiUuid: httpClient:0xc0000932f0} I : 179863 : 2024/09/09 03:00:34 cni.go:120: &{cniArgs:0xc0000f0000 ContainerUuid: ContainerName:k8s__kube-system__coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t ContainerVn: ClusterName:k8s Mode:k8s MetaPlugin:multus VifParent:eth0 VifType:veth Mtu:1500 NetworkName:contrail-k8s-cni LogFile:/var/log/cni/opencontrail.log LogLevel:4 VRouter:{Server: Port:9091 Dir:/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm PollTimeout:5 PollRetries:15 containerName: containerId: containerUuid: containerVn: VmiUuid: httpClient:0xc0000932f0}} I : 179863 : 2024/09/09 03:00:34 contrail-kube-cni.go:25: Came in Add for container d4f6840e2c6e52f8b362f77d302e6c413796568f99c79de3f9116973e224d5de I : 179863 : 2024/09/09 03:00:34 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 179863 : 2024/09/09 03:00:34 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 179863 : 2024/09/09 03:00:34 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 0 : Get vrouter failed I : 179863 : 2024/09/09 03:00:39 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 179863 : 2024/09/09 03:00:39 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 179863 : 2024/09/09 03:00:39 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 1 : Get vrouter failed I : 179863 : 2024/09/09 03:00:44 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 179863 : 2024/09/09 03:00:44 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 179863 : 2024/09/09 03:00:44 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 2 : Get vrouter failed I : 179863 : 2024/09/09 03:00:49 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 179863 : 2024/09/09 03:00:49 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 179863 : 2024/09/09 03:00:49 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 3 : Get vrouter failed I : 179863 : 2024/09/09 03:00:54 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 179863 : 2024/09/09 03:00:54 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 179863 : 2024/09/09 03:00:54 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 4 : Get vrouter failed I : 179863 : 2024/09/09 03:00:59 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 179863 : 2024/09/09 03:00:59 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 179863 : 2024/09/09 03:00:59 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 5 : Get vrouter failed I : 179863 : 2024/09/09 03:01:04 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 179863 : 2024/09/09 03:01:04 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 179863 : 2024/09/09 03:01:04 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 6 : Get vrouter failed I : 179863 : 2024/09/09 03:01:09 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 179863 : 2024/09/09 03:01:09 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 179863 : 2024/09/09 03:01:09 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 7 : Get vrouter failed I : 179863 : 2024/09/09 03:01:14 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 179863 : 2024/09/09 03:01:14 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 179863 : 2024/09/09 03:01:14 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 8 : Get vrouter failed I : 179863 : 2024/09/09 03:01:19 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 179863 : 2024/09/09 03:01:19 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 179863 : 2024/09/09 03:01:19 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 9 : Get vrouter failed I : 179863 : 2024/09/09 03:01:24 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 179863 : 2024/09/09 03:01:24 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 179863 : 2024/09/09 03:01:24 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 10 : Get vrouter failed I : 179863 : 2024/09/09 03:01:29 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 179863 : 2024/09/09 03:01:29 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 179863 : 2024/09/09 03:01:29 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 11 : Get vrouter failed I : 179863 : 2024/09/09 03:01:34 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 179863 : 2024/09/09 03:01:34 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 179863 : 2024/09/09 03:01:34 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 12 : Get vrouter failed I : 179863 : 2024/09/09 03:01:39 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 179863 : 2024/09/09 03:01:39 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 179863 : 2024/09/09 03:01:39 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 13 : Get vrouter failed I : 179863 : 2024/09/09 03:01:44 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 179863 : 2024/09/09 03:01:44 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 179863 : 2024/09/09 03:01:44 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 14 : Get vrouter failed E : 179863 : 2024/09/09 03:01:49 cni.go:479: Error polling for configuration of E : 179863 : 2024/09/09 03:01:49 contrail-kube-cni.go:30: Failed processing Add command. I : 181052 : 2024/09/09 03:01:49 cni.go:144: Skip file */etc/cni/net.d/05-default.conf I : 181052 : 2024/09/09 03:01:49 cni.go:136: Read file */etc/cni/net.d/10-contrail.conf I : 181052 : 2024/09/09 03:01:49 cni.go:197: Parent Process Name containerd I : 181052 : 2024/09/09 03:01:49 cni.go:109: K8S Cluster Name : k8s I : 181052 : 2024/09/09 03:01:49 cni.go:110: CNI Version : 0.3.1 I : 181052 : 2024/09/09 03:01:49 cni.go:111: CNI Args : K8S_POD_NAME=coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t;K8S_POD_INFRA_CONTAINER_ID=d4f6840e2c6e52f8b362f77d302e6c413796568f99c79de3f9116973e224d5de;K8S_POD_UID=01e24474-ac59-421c-a01c-8190443edfda;IgnoreUnknown=1;K8S_POD_NAMESPACE=kube-system I : 181052 : 2024/09/09 03:01:49 cni.go:112: CNI Args StdinData : {"cniVersion":"0.3.1","contrail":{"cluster-name":"k8s","config-dir":"/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm","log-file":"/var/log/cni/opencontrail.log","log-level":"4","meta-plugin":"multus","mtu":1500,"poll-retries":15,"poll-timeout":5,"vrouter-ip":"","vrouter-port":9091},"name":"contrail-k8s-cni","type":"contrail-k8s-cni"} I : 181052 : 2024/09/09 03:01:49 cni.go:113: ContainerID : d4f6840e2c6e52f8b362f77d302e6c413796568f99c79de3f9116973e224d5de I : 181052 : 2024/09/09 03:01:49 cni.go:114: NetNS : /var/run/netns/cni-536da14f-3523-1bdf-f12c-b1dbda9afaee I : 181052 : 2024/09/09 03:01:49 cni.go:115: Container Ifname : eth0 I : 181052 : 2024/09/09 03:01:49 cni.go:116: Meta Plugin Call : false I : 181052 : 2024/09/09 03:01:49 cni.go:117: Network Name: contrail-k8s-cni I : 181052 : 2024/09/09 03:01:49 cni.go:118: MTU : 1500 I : 181052 : 2024/09/09 03:01:49 vrouter.go:535: {Server: Port:9091 Dir:/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm PollTimeout:5 PollRetries:15 containerName: containerId: containerUuid: containerVn: VmiUuid: httpClient:0xc00006d2f0} I : 181052 : 2024/09/09 03:01:49 cni.go:120: &{cniArgs:0xc00013e000 ContainerUuid: ContainerName:k8s__kube-system__coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t ContainerVn: ClusterName:k8s Mode:k8s MetaPlugin:multus VifParent:eth0 VifType:veth Mtu:1500 NetworkName:contrail-k8s-cni LogFile:/var/log/cni/opencontrail.log LogLevel:4 VRouter:{Server: Port:9091 Dir:/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm PollTimeout:5 PollRetries:15 containerName: containerId: containerUuid: containerVn: VmiUuid: httpClient:0xc00006d2f0}} I : 181052 : 2024/09/09 03:01:49 contrail-kube-cni.go:45: Came in Del for container d4f6840e2c6e52f8b362f77d302e6c413796568f99c79de3f9116973e224d5de I : 181052 : 2024/09/09 03:01:49 utils.go:27: File/Dir - /var/lib/contrail/ports/vm/k8s__kube-system__coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t does not exist. Error - stat /var/lib/contrail/ports/vm/k8s__kube-system__coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t: no such file or directory I : 181052 : 2024/09/09 03:01:49 cni.go:641: CmdDel is done I : 181097 : 2024/09/09 03:02:00 cni.go:144: Skip file */etc/cni/net.d/05-default.conf I : 181097 : 2024/09/09 03:02:00 cni.go:136: Read file */etc/cni/net.d/10-contrail.conf I : 181097 : 2024/09/09 03:02:00 cni.go:197: Parent Process Name containerd I : 181097 : 2024/09/09 03:02:00 cni.go:109: K8S Cluster Name : k8s I : 181097 : 2024/09/09 03:02:00 cni.go:110: CNI Version : 0.3.1 I : 181097 : 2024/09/09 03:02:00 cni.go:111: CNI Args : K8S_POD_NAME=coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t;K8S_POD_INFRA_CONTAINER_ID=c25601bfb3904bf82b1636ae94a4f7bc0ee4e9f099b65c679e52bd09da08c3f6;K8S_POD_UID=01e24474-ac59-421c-a01c-8190443edfda;IgnoreUnknown=1;K8S_POD_NAMESPACE=kube-system I : 181097 : 2024/09/09 03:02:00 cni.go:112: CNI Args StdinData : {"cniVersion":"0.3.1","contrail":{"cluster-name":"k8s","config-dir":"/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm","log-file":"/var/log/cni/opencontrail.log","log-level":"4","meta-plugin":"multus","mtu":1500,"poll-retries":15,"poll-timeout":5,"vrouter-ip":"","vrouter-port":9091},"name":"contrail-k8s-cni","type":"contrail-k8s-cni"} I : 181097 : 2024/09/09 03:02:00 cni.go:113: ContainerID : c25601bfb3904bf82b1636ae94a4f7bc0ee4e9f099b65c679e52bd09da08c3f6 I : 181097 : 2024/09/09 03:02:00 cni.go:114: NetNS : /var/run/netns/cni-a316fab2-154c-335d-a6b0-c6092947691e I : 181097 : 2024/09/09 03:02:00 cni.go:115: Container Ifname : eth0 I : 181097 : 2024/09/09 03:02:00 cni.go:116: Meta Plugin Call : false I : 181097 : 2024/09/09 03:02:00 cni.go:117: Network Name: contrail-k8s-cni I : 181097 : 2024/09/09 03:02:00 cni.go:118: MTU : 1500 I : 181097 : 2024/09/09 03:02:00 vrouter.go:535: {Server: Port:9091 Dir:/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm PollTimeout:5 PollRetries:15 containerName: containerId: containerUuid: containerVn: VmiUuid: httpClient:0xc0000932f0} I : 181097 : 2024/09/09 03:02:00 cni.go:120: &{cniArgs:0xc0000f0000 ContainerUuid: ContainerName:k8s__kube-system__coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t ContainerVn: ClusterName:k8s Mode:k8s MetaPlugin:multus VifParent:eth0 VifType:veth Mtu:1500 NetworkName:contrail-k8s-cni LogFile:/var/log/cni/opencontrail.log LogLevel:4 VRouter:{Server: Port:9091 Dir:/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm PollTimeout:5 PollRetries:15 containerName: containerId: containerUuid: containerVn: VmiUuid: httpClient:0xc0000932f0}} I : 181097 : 2024/09/09 03:02:00 contrail-kube-cni.go:25: Came in Add for container c25601bfb3904bf82b1636ae94a4f7bc0ee4e9f099b65c679e52bd09da08c3f6 I : 181097 : 2024/09/09 03:02:00 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 181097 : 2024/09/09 03:02:00 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 181097 : 2024/09/09 03:02:00 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 0 : Get vrouter failed I : 181097 : 2024/09/09 03:02:05 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 181097 : 2024/09/09 03:02:05 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 181097 : 2024/09/09 03:02:05 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 1 : Get vrouter failed I : 181097 : 2024/09/09 03:02:10 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 181097 : 2024/09/09 03:02:10 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 181097 : 2024/09/09 03:02:10 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 2 : Get vrouter failed I : 181097 : 2024/09/09 03:02:15 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 181097 : 2024/09/09 03:02:15 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 181097 : 2024/09/09 03:02:15 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 3 : Get vrouter failed I : 181097 : 2024/09/09 03:02:20 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 181097 : 2024/09/09 03:02:20 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 181097 : 2024/09/09 03:02:20 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 4 : Get vrouter failed I : 181097 : 2024/09/09 03:02:25 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 181097 : 2024/09/09 03:02:25 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 181097 : 2024/09/09 03:02:25 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 5 : Get vrouter failed I : 181097 : 2024/09/09 03:02:30 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 181097 : 2024/09/09 03:02:30 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 181097 : 2024/09/09 03:02:30 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 6 : Get vrouter failed I : 181097 : 2024/09/09 03:02:35 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 181097 : 2024/09/09 03:02:35 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 181097 : 2024/09/09 03:02:35 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 7 : Get vrouter failed I : 181097 : 2024/09/09 03:02:40 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 181097 : 2024/09/09 03:02:40 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 181097 : 2024/09/09 03:02:40 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 8 : Get vrouter failed I : 181097 : 2024/09/09 03:02:45 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 181097 : 2024/09/09 03:02:45 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 181097 : 2024/09/09 03:02:45 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 9 : Get vrouter failed I : 181097 : 2024/09/09 03:02:50 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 181097 : 2024/09/09 03:02:50 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 181097 : 2024/09/09 03:02:50 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 10 : Get vrouter failed I : 181097 : 2024/09/09 03:02:55 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 181097 : 2024/09/09 03:02:55 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 181097 : 2024/09/09 03:02:55 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 11 : Get vrouter failed I : 181097 : 2024/09/09 03:03:00 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 181097 : 2024/09/09 03:03:00 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 181097 : 2024/09/09 03:03:00 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 12 : Get vrouter failed I : 181097 : 2024/09/09 03:03:05 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 181097 : 2024/09/09 03:03:05 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 181097 : 2024/09/09 03:03:05 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 13 : Get vrouter failed I : 181097 : 2024/09/09 03:03:10 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 181097 : 2024/09/09 03:03:10 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 181097 : 2024/09/09 03:03:10 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 14 : Get vrouter failed E : 181097 : 2024/09/09 03:03:15 cni.go:479: Error polling for configuration of E : 181097 : 2024/09/09 03:03:15 contrail-kube-cni.go:30: Failed processing Add command. I : 181493 : 2024/09/09 03:03:15 cni.go:144: Skip file */etc/cni/net.d/05-default.conf I : 181493 : 2024/09/09 03:03:15 cni.go:136: Read file */etc/cni/net.d/10-contrail.conf I : 181493 : 2024/09/09 03:03:15 cni.go:197: Parent Process Name containerd I : 181493 : 2024/09/09 03:03:15 cni.go:109: K8S Cluster Name : k8s I : 181493 : 2024/09/09 03:03:15 cni.go:110: CNI Version : 0.3.1 I : 181493 : 2024/09/09 03:03:15 cni.go:111: CNI Args : K8S_POD_NAME=coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t;K8S_POD_INFRA_CONTAINER_ID=c25601bfb3904bf82b1636ae94a4f7bc0ee4e9f099b65c679e52bd09da08c3f6;K8S_POD_UID=01e24474-ac59-421c-a01c-8190443edfda;IgnoreUnknown=1;K8S_POD_NAMESPACE=kube-system I : 181493 : 2024/09/09 03:03:15 cni.go:112: CNI Args StdinData : {"cniVersion":"0.3.1","contrail":{"cluster-name":"k8s","config-dir":"/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm","log-file":"/var/log/cni/opencontrail.log","log-level":"4","meta-plugin":"multus","mtu":1500,"poll-retries":15,"poll-timeout":5,"vrouter-ip":"","vrouter-port":9091},"name":"contrail-k8s-cni","type":"contrail-k8s-cni"} I : 181493 : 2024/09/09 03:03:15 cni.go:113: ContainerID : c25601bfb3904bf82b1636ae94a4f7bc0ee4e9f099b65c679e52bd09da08c3f6 I : 181493 : 2024/09/09 03:03:15 cni.go:114: NetNS : /var/run/netns/cni-a316fab2-154c-335d-a6b0-c6092947691e I : 181493 : 2024/09/09 03:03:15 cni.go:115: Container Ifname : eth0 I : 181493 : 2024/09/09 03:03:15 cni.go:116: Meta Plugin Call : false I : 181493 : 2024/09/09 03:03:15 cni.go:117: Network Name: contrail-k8s-cni I : 181493 : 2024/09/09 03:03:15 cni.go:118: MTU : 1500 I : 181493 : 2024/09/09 03:03:15 vrouter.go:535: {Server: Port:9091 Dir:/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm PollTimeout:5 PollRetries:15 containerName: containerId: containerUuid: containerVn: VmiUuid: httpClient:0xc00006d2f0} I : 181493 : 2024/09/09 03:03:15 cni.go:120: &{cniArgs:0xc00013e000 ContainerUuid: ContainerName:k8s__kube-system__coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t ContainerVn: ClusterName:k8s Mode:k8s MetaPlugin:multus VifParent:eth0 VifType:veth Mtu:1500 NetworkName:contrail-k8s-cni LogFile:/var/log/cni/opencontrail.log LogLevel:4 VRouter:{Server: Port:9091 Dir:/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm PollTimeout:5 PollRetries:15 containerName: containerId: containerUuid: containerVn: VmiUuid: httpClient:0xc00006d2f0}} I : 181493 : 2024/09/09 03:03:15 contrail-kube-cni.go:45: Came in Del for container c25601bfb3904bf82b1636ae94a4f7bc0ee4e9f099b65c679e52bd09da08c3f6 I : 181493 : 2024/09/09 03:03:15 utils.go:27: File/Dir - /var/lib/contrail/ports/vm/k8s__kube-system__coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t does not exist. Error - stat /var/lib/contrail/ports/vm/k8s__kube-system__coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t: no such file or directory I : 181493 : 2024/09/09 03:03:15 cni.go:641: CmdDel is done I : 181537 : 2024/09/09 03:03:28 cni.go:144: Skip file */etc/cni/net.d/05-default.conf I : 181537 : 2024/09/09 03:03:28 cni.go:136: Read file */etc/cni/net.d/10-contrail.conf I : 181537 : 2024/09/09 03:03:28 cni.go:197: Parent Process Name containerd I : 181537 : 2024/09/09 03:03:28 cni.go:109: K8S Cluster Name : k8s I : 181537 : 2024/09/09 03:03:28 cni.go:110: CNI Version : 0.3.1 I : 181537 : 2024/09/09 03:03:28 cni.go:111: CNI Args : K8S_POD_NAMESPACE=kube-system;K8S_POD_NAME=coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t;K8S_POD_INFRA_CONTAINER_ID=71c17d0d1ae20b0b06d82e76362114baecb92c5ac6b6bb089296c3b7d68390fb;K8S_POD_UID=01e24474-ac59-421c-a01c-8190443edfda;IgnoreUnknown=1 I : 181537 : 2024/09/09 03:03:28 cni.go:112: CNI Args StdinData : {"cniVersion":"0.3.1","contrail":{"cluster-name":"k8s","config-dir":"/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm","log-file":"/var/log/cni/opencontrail.log","log-level":"4","meta-plugin":"multus","mtu":1500,"poll-retries":15,"poll-timeout":5,"vrouter-ip":"","vrouter-port":9091},"name":"contrail-k8s-cni","type":"contrail-k8s-cni"} I : 181537 : 2024/09/09 03:03:28 cni.go:113: ContainerID : 71c17d0d1ae20b0b06d82e76362114baecb92c5ac6b6bb089296c3b7d68390fb I : 181537 : 2024/09/09 03:03:28 cni.go:114: NetNS : /var/run/netns/cni-8402f3b2-edee-5ae2-e24d-efafa47f3fc4 I : 181537 : 2024/09/09 03:03:28 cni.go:115: Container Ifname : eth0 I : 181537 : 2024/09/09 03:03:28 cni.go:116: Meta Plugin Call : false I : 181537 : 2024/09/09 03:03:28 cni.go:117: Network Name: contrail-k8s-cni I : 181537 : 2024/09/09 03:03:28 cni.go:118: MTU : 1500 I : 181537 : 2024/09/09 03:03:28 vrouter.go:535: {Server: Port:9091 Dir:/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm PollTimeout:5 PollRetries:15 containerName: containerId: containerUuid: containerVn: VmiUuid: httpClient:0xc00006f2f0} I : 181537 : 2024/09/09 03:03:28 cni.go:120: &{cniArgs:0xc0000be000 ContainerUuid: ContainerName:k8s__kube-system__coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t ContainerVn: ClusterName:k8s Mode:k8s MetaPlugin:multus VifParent:eth0 VifType:veth Mtu:1500 NetworkName:contrail-k8s-cni LogFile:/var/log/cni/opencontrail.log LogLevel:4 VRouter:{Server: Port:9091 Dir:/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm PollTimeout:5 PollRetries:15 containerName: containerId: containerUuid: containerVn: VmiUuid: httpClient:0xc00006f2f0}} I : 181537 : 2024/09/09 03:03:28 contrail-kube-cni.go:25: Came in Add for container 71c17d0d1ae20b0b06d82e76362114baecb92c5ac6b6bb089296c3b7d68390fb I : 181537 : 2024/09/09 03:03:28 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 181537 : 2024/09/09 03:03:28 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 181537 : 2024/09/09 03:03:28 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 0 : Get vrouter failed I : 181537 : 2024/09/09 03:03:33 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 181537 : 2024/09/09 03:03:33 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 181537 : 2024/09/09 03:03:33 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 1 : Get vrouter failed I : 181537 : 2024/09/09 03:03:38 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 181537 : 2024/09/09 03:03:38 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 181537 : 2024/09/09 03:03:38 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 2 : Get vrouter failed I : 181537 : 2024/09/09 03:03:43 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 181537 : 2024/09/09 03:03:43 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 181537 : 2024/09/09 03:03:43 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 3 : Get vrouter failed I : 181537 : 2024/09/09 03:03:48 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 181537 : 2024/09/09 03:03:48 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 181537 : 2024/09/09 03:03:48 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 4 : Get vrouter failed I : 181537 : 2024/09/09 03:03:53 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 181537 : 2024/09/09 03:03:53 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 181537 : 2024/09/09 03:03:53 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 5 : Get vrouter failed I : 181537 : 2024/09/09 03:03:58 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 181537 : 2024/09/09 03:03:58 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 181537 : 2024/09/09 03:03:58 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 6 : Get vrouter failed I : 181537 : 2024/09/09 03:04:03 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 181537 : 2024/09/09 03:04:03 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 181537 : 2024/09/09 03:04:03 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 7 : Get vrouter failed I : 181537 : 2024/09/09 03:04:08 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 181537 : 2024/09/09 03:04:08 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 181537 : 2024/09/09 03:04:08 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 8 : Get vrouter failed I : 181537 : 2024/09/09 03:04:13 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 181537 : 2024/09/09 03:04:13 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 181537 : 2024/09/09 03:04:13 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 9 : Get vrouter failed I : 181537 : 2024/09/09 03:04:18 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 181537 : 2024/09/09 03:04:18 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 181537 : 2024/09/09 03:04:18 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 10 : Get vrouter failed I : 181537 : 2024/09/09 03:04:23 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 181537 : 2024/09/09 03:04:23 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 181537 : 2024/09/09 03:04:23 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 11 : Get vrouter failed I : 181537 : 2024/09/09 03:04:28 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 181537 : 2024/09/09 03:04:28 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 181537 : 2024/09/09 03:04:28 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 12 : Get vrouter failed I : 181537 : 2024/09/09 03:04:33 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 181537 : 2024/09/09 03:04:33 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 181537 : 2024/09/09 03:04:33 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 13 : Get vrouter failed I : 181537 : 2024/09/09 03:04:38 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 181537 : 2024/09/09 03:04:38 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 181537 : 2024/09/09 03:04:38 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 14 : Get vrouter failed E : 181537 : 2024/09/09 03:04:43 cni.go:479: Error polling for configuration of E : 181537 : 2024/09/09 03:04:43 contrail-kube-cni.go:30: Failed processing Add command. I : 181951 : 2024/09/09 03:04:43 cni.go:144: Skip file */etc/cni/net.d/05-default.conf I : 181951 : 2024/09/09 03:04:43 cni.go:136: Read file */etc/cni/net.d/10-contrail.conf I : 181951 : 2024/09/09 03:04:43 cni.go:197: Parent Process Name containerd I : 181951 : 2024/09/09 03:04:43 cni.go:109: K8S Cluster Name : k8s I : 181951 : 2024/09/09 03:04:43 cni.go:110: CNI Version : 0.3.1 I : 181951 : 2024/09/09 03:04:43 cni.go:111: CNI Args : K8S_POD_UID=01e24474-ac59-421c-a01c-8190443edfda;IgnoreUnknown=1;K8S_POD_NAMESPACE=kube-system;K8S_POD_NAME=coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t;K8S_POD_INFRA_CONTAINER_ID=71c17d0d1ae20b0b06d82e76362114baecb92c5ac6b6bb089296c3b7d68390fb I : 181951 : 2024/09/09 03:04:43 cni.go:112: CNI Args StdinData : {"cniVersion":"0.3.1","contrail":{"cluster-name":"k8s","config-dir":"/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm","log-file":"/var/log/cni/opencontrail.log","log-level":"4","meta-plugin":"multus","mtu":1500,"poll-retries":15,"poll-timeout":5,"vrouter-ip":"","vrouter-port":9091},"name":"contrail-k8s-cni","type":"contrail-k8s-cni"} I : 181951 : 2024/09/09 03:04:43 cni.go:113: ContainerID : 71c17d0d1ae20b0b06d82e76362114baecb92c5ac6b6bb089296c3b7d68390fb I : 181951 : 2024/09/09 03:04:43 cni.go:114: NetNS : /var/run/netns/cni-8402f3b2-edee-5ae2-e24d-efafa47f3fc4 I : 181951 : 2024/09/09 03:04:43 cni.go:115: Container Ifname : eth0 I : 181951 : 2024/09/09 03:04:43 cni.go:116: Meta Plugin Call : false I : 181951 : 2024/09/09 03:04:43 cni.go:117: Network Name: contrail-k8s-cni I : 181951 : 2024/09/09 03:04:43 cni.go:118: MTU : 1500 I : 181951 : 2024/09/09 03:04:43 vrouter.go:535: {Server: Port:9091 Dir:/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm PollTimeout:5 PollRetries:15 containerName: containerId: containerUuid: containerVn: VmiUuid: httpClient:0xc0000952f0} I : 181951 : 2024/09/09 03:04:43 cni.go:120: &{cniArgs:0xc0000f0000 ContainerUuid: ContainerName:k8s__kube-system__coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t ContainerVn: ClusterName:k8s Mode:k8s MetaPlugin:multus VifParent:eth0 VifType:veth Mtu:1500 NetworkName:contrail-k8s-cni LogFile:/var/log/cni/opencontrail.log LogLevel:4 VRouter:{Server: Port:9091 Dir:/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm PollTimeout:5 PollRetries:15 containerName: containerId: containerUuid: containerVn: VmiUuid: httpClient:0xc0000952f0}} I : 181951 : 2024/09/09 03:04:43 contrail-kube-cni.go:45: Came in Del for container 71c17d0d1ae20b0b06d82e76362114baecb92c5ac6b6bb089296c3b7d68390fb I : 181951 : 2024/09/09 03:04:43 utils.go:27: File/Dir - /var/lib/contrail/ports/vm/k8s__kube-system__coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t does not exist. Error - stat /var/lib/contrail/ports/vm/k8s__kube-system__coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t: no such file or directory I : 181951 : 2024/09/09 03:04:43 cni.go:641: CmdDel is done I : 181979 : 2024/09/09 03:04:55 cni.go:144: Skip file */etc/cni/net.d/05-default.conf I : 181979 : 2024/09/09 03:04:55 cni.go:136: Read file */etc/cni/net.d/10-contrail.conf I : 181979 : 2024/09/09 03:04:55 cni.go:197: Parent Process Name containerd I : 181979 : 2024/09/09 03:04:55 cni.go:109: K8S Cluster Name : k8s I : 181979 : 2024/09/09 03:04:55 cni.go:110: CNI Version : 0.3.1 I : 181979 : 2024/09/09 03:04:55 cni.go:111: CNI Args : K8S_POD_NAME=coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t;K8S_POD_INFRA_CONTAINER_ID=3ddf4225adb6eba62785e44733060fd5733e59d7140ba2b33c71465a3634d6b6;K8S_POD_UID=01e24474-ac59-421c-a01c-8190443edfda;IgnoreUnknown=1;K8S_POD_NAMESPACE=kube-system I : 181979 : 2024/09/09 03:04:55 cni.go:112: CNI Args StdinData : {"cniVersion":"0.3.1","contrail":{"cluster-name":"k8s","config-dir":"/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm","log-file":"/var/log/cni/opencontrail.log","log-level":"4","meta-plugin":"multus","mtu":1500,"poll-retries":15,"poll-timeout":5,"vrouter-ip":"","vrouter-port":9091},"name":"contrail-k8s-cni","type":"contrail-k8s-cni"} I : 181979 : 2024/09/09 03:04:55 cni.go:113: ContainerID : 3ddf4225adb6eba62785e44733060fd5733e59d7140ba2b33c71465a3634d6b6 I : 181979 : 2024/09/09 03:04:55 cni.go:114: NetNS : /var/run/netns/cni-c2b1ed3c-4995-b7ea-8b4c-8bdfb88a5a98 I : 181979 : 2024/09/09 03:04:55 cni.go:115: Container Ifname : eth0 I : 181979 : 2024/09/09 03:04:55 cni.go:116: Meta Plugin Call : false I : 181979 : 2024/09/09 03:04:55 cni.go:117: Network Name: contrail-k8s-cni I : 181979 : 2024/09/09 03:04:55 cni.go:118: MTU : 1500 I : 181979 : 2024/09/09 03:04:55 vrouter.go:535: {Server: Port:9091 Dir:/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm PollTimeout:5 PollRetries:15 containerName: containerId: containerUuid: containerVn: VmiUuid: httpClient:0xc00006d2f0} I : 181979 : 2024/09/09 03:04:55 cni.go:120: &{cniArgs:0xc00013e000 ContainerUuid: ContainerName:k8s__kube-system__coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t ContainerVn: ClusterName:k8s Mode:k8s MetaPlugin:multus VifParent:eth0 VifType:veth Mtu:1500 NetworkName:contrail-k8s-cni LogFile:/var/log/cni/opencontrail.log LogLevel:4 VRouter:{Server: Port:9091 Dir:/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm PollTimeout:5 PollRetries:15 containerName: containerId: containerUuid: containerVn: VmiUuid: httpClient:0xc00006d2f0}} I : 181979 : 2024/09/09 03:04:55 contrail-kube-cni.go:25: Came in Add for container 3ddf4225adb6eba62785e44733060fd5733e59d7140ba2b33c71465a3634d6b6 I : 181979 : 2024/09/09 03:04:55 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 181979 : 2024/09/09 03:04:55 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 181979 : 2024/09/09 03:04:55 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 0 : Get vrouter failed I : 181979 : 2024/09/09 03:05:00 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 181979 : 2024/09/09 03:05:00 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 181979 : 2024/09/09 03:05:00 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 1 : Get vrouter failed I : 181979 : 2024/09/09 03:05:05 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 181979 : 2024/09/09 03:05:05 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 181979 : 2024/09/09 03:05:05 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 2 : Get vrouter failed I : 181979 : 2024/09/09 03:05:10 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 181979 : 2024/09/09 03:05:10 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 181979 : 2024/09/09 03:05:10 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 3 : Get vrouter failed I : 181979 : 2024/09/09 03:05:15 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 181979 : 2024/09/09 03:05:15 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 181979 : 2024/09/09 03:05:15 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 4 : Get vrouter failed I : 181979 : 2024/09/09 03:05:20 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 181979 : 2024/09/09 03:05:20 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 181979 : 2024/09/09 03:05:20 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 5 : Get vrouter failed I : 181979 : 2024/09/09 03:05:25 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 181979 : 2024/09/09 03:05:25 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 181979 : 2024/09/09 03:05:25 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 6 : Get vrouter failed I : 181979 : 2024/09/09 03:05:30 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 181979 : 2024/09/09 03:05:30 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 181979 : 2024/09/09 03:05:30 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 7 : Get vrouter failed I : 181979 : 2024/09/09 03:05:35 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 181979 : 2024/09/09 03:05:35 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 181979 : 2024/09/09 03:05:35 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 8 : Get vrouter failed I : 181979 : 2024/09/09 03:05:40 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 181979 : 2024/09/09 03:05:40 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 181979 : 2024/09/09 03:05:40 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 9 : Get vrouter failed I : 181979 : 2024/09/09 03:05:45 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 181979 : 2024/09/09 03:05:45 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 181979 : 2024/09/09 03:05:45 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 10 : Get vrouter failed I : 181979 : 2024/09/09 03:05:50 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 181979 : 2024/09/09 03:05:50 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 181979 : 2024/09/09 03:05:50 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 11 : Get vrouter failed I : 181979 : 2024/09/09 03:05:55 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 181979 : 2024/09/09 03:05:55 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 181979 : 2024/09/09 03:05:55 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 12 : Get vrouter failed I : 181979 : 2024/09/09 03:06:00 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 181979 : 2024/09/09 03:06:00 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 181979 : 2024/09/09 03:06:00 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 13 : Get vrouter failed I : 181979 : 2024/09/09 03:06:05 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 181979 : 2024/09/09 03:06:05 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 181979 : 2024/09/09 03:06:05 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 14 : Get vrouter failed E : 181979 : 2024/09/09 03:06:10 cni.go:479: Error polling for configuration of E : 181979 : 2024/09/09 03:06:10 contrail-kube-cni.go:30: Failed processing Add command. I : 183372 : 2024/09/09 03:06:10 cni.go:144: Skip file */etc/cni/net.d/05-default.conf I : 183372 : 2024/09/09 03:06:10 cni.go:136: Read file */etc/cni/net.d/10-contrail.conf I : 183372 : 2024/09/09 03:06:10 cni.go:197: Parent Process Name containerd I : 183372 : 2024/09/09 03:06:10 cni.go:109: K8S Cluster Name : k8s I : 183372 : 2024/09/09 03:06:10 cni.go:110: CNI Version : 0.3.1 I : 183372 : 2024/09/09 03:06:10 cni.go:111: CNI Args : K8S_POD_NAMESPACE=kube-system;K8S_POD_NAME=coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t;K8S_POD_INFRA_CONTAINER_ID=3ddf4225adb6eba62785e44733060fd5733e59d7140ba2b33c71465a3634d6b6;K8S_POD_UID=01e24474-ac59-421c-a01c-8190443edfda;IgnoreUnknown=1 I : 183372 : 2024/09/09 03:06:10 cni.go:112: CNI Args StdinData : {"cniVersion":"0.3.1","contrail":{"cluster-name":"k8s","config-dir":"/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm","log-file":"/var/log/cni/opencontrail.log","log-level":"4","meta-plugin":"multus","mtu":1500,"poll-retries":15,"poll-timeout":5,"vrouter-ip":"","vrouter-port":9091},"name":"contrail-k8s-cni","type":"contrail-k8s-cni"} I : 183372 : 2024/09/09 03:06:10 cni.go:113: ContainerID : 3ddf4225adb6eba62785e44733060fd5733e59d7140ba2b33c71465a3634d6b6 I : 183372 : 2024/09/09 03:06:10 cni.go:114: NetNS : /var/run/netns/cni-c2b1ed3c-4995-b7ea-8b4c-8bdfb88a5a98 I : 183372 : 2024/09/09 03:06:10 cni.go:115: Container Ifname : eth0 I : 183372 : 2024/09/09 03:06:10 cni.go:116: Meta Plugin Call : false I : 183372 : 2024/09/09 03:06:10 cni.go:117: Network Name: contrail-k8s-cni I : 183372 : 2024/09/09 03:06:10 cni.go:118: MTU : 1500 I : 183372 : 2024/09/09 03:06:10 vrouter.go:535: {Server: Port:9091 Dir:/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm PollTimeout:5 PollRetries:15 containerName: containerId: containerUuid: containerVn: VmiUuid: httpClient:0xc00009d2f0} I : 183372 : 2024/09/09 03:06:10 cni.go:120: &{cniArgs:0xc0000f8000 ContainerUuid: ContainerName:k8s__kube-system__coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t ContainerVn: ClusterName:k8s Mode:k8s MetaPlugin:multus VifParent:eth0 VifType:veth Mtu:1500 NetworkName:contrail-k8s-cni LogFile:/var/log/cni/opencontrail.log LogLevel:4 VRouter:{Server: Port:9091 Dir:/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm PollTimeout:5 PollRetries:15 containerName: containerId: containerUuid: containerVn: VmiUuid: httpClient:0xc00009d2f0}} I : 183372 : 2024/09/09 03:06:10 contrail-kube-cni.go:45: Came in Del for container 3ddf4225adb6eba62785e44733060fd5733e59d7140ba2b33c71465a3634d6b6 I : 183372 : 2024/09/09 03:06:10 utils.go:27: File/Dir - /var/lib/contrail/ports/vm/k8s__kube-system__coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t does not exist. Error - stat /var/lib/contrail/ports/vm/k8s__kube-system__coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t: no such file or directory I : 183372 : 2024/09/09 03:06:10 cni.go:641: CmdDel is done I : 183403 : 2024/09/09 03:06:24 cni.go:144: Skip file */etc/cni/net.d/05-default.conf I : 183403 : 2024/09/09 03:06:24 cni.go:136: Read file */etc/cni/net.d/10-contrail.conf I : 183403 : 2024/09/09 03:06:24 cni.go:197: Parent Process Name containerd I : 183403 : 2024/09/09 03:06:24 cni.go:109: K8S Cluster Name : k8s I : 183403 : 2024/09/09 03:06:24 cni.go:110: CNI Version : 0.3.1 I : 183403 : 2024/09/09 03:06:24 cni.go:111: CNI Args : K8S_POD_NAME=coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t;K8S_POD_INFRA_CONTAINER_ID=f2aa06d9ae30391e6d24e97a323201fc772c091092d3e37c9e19193b0fb00da7;K8S_POD_UID=01e24474-ac59-421c-a01c-8190443edfda;IgnoreUnknown=1;K8S_POD_NAMESPACE=kube-system I : 183403 : 2024/09/09 03:06:24 cni.go:112: CNI Args StdinData : {"cniVersion":"0.3.1","contrail":{"cluster-name":"k8s","config-dir":"/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm","log-file":"/var/log/cni/opencontrail.log","log-level":"4","meta-plugin":"multus","mtu":1500,"poll-retries":15,"poll-timeout":5,"vrouter-ip":"","vrouter-port":9091},"name":"contrail-k8s-cni","type":"contrail-k8s-cni"} I : 183403 : 2024/09/09 03:06:24 cni.go:113: ContainerID : f2aa06d9ae30391e6d24e97a323201fc772c091092d3e37c9e19193b0fb00da7 I : 183403 : 2024/09/09 03:06:24 cni.go:114: NetNS : /var/run/netns/cni-041b486a-c38d-0092-4485-b8ed823e64f1 I : 183403 : 2024/09/09 03:06:24 cni.go:115: Container Ifname : eth0 I : 183403 : 2024/09/09 03:06:24 cni.go:116: Meta Plugin Call : false I : 183403 : 2024/09/09 03:06:24 cni.go:117: Network Name: contrail-k8s-cni I : 183403 : 2024/09/09 03:06:24 cni.go:118: MTU : 1500 I : 183403 : 2024/09/09 03:06:24 vrouter.go:535: {Server: Port:9091 Dir:/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm PollTimeout:5 PollRetries:15 containerName: containerId: containerUuid: containerVn: VmiUuid: httpClient:0xc0000932f0} I : 183403 : 2024/09/09 03:06:24 cni.go:120: &{cniArgs:0xc0000f0000 ContainerUuid: ContainerName:k8s__kube-system__coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t ContainerVn: ClusterName:k8s Mode:k8s MetaPlugin:multus VifParent:eth0 VifType:veth Mtu:1500 NetworkName:contrail-k8s-cni LogFile:/var/log/cni/opencontrail.log LogLevel:4 VRouter:{Server: Port:9091 Dir:/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm PollTimeout:5 PollRetries:15 containerName: containerId: containerUuid: containerVn: VmiUuid: httpClient:0xc0000932f0}} I : 183403 : 2024/09/09 03:06:24 contrail-kube-cni.go:25: Came in Add for container f2aa06d9ae30391e6d24e97a323201fc772c091092d3e37c9e19193b0fb00da7 I : 183403 : 2024/09/09 03:06:24 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 183403 : 2024/09/09 03:06:24 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 183403 : 2024/09/09 03:06:24 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 0 : Get vrouter failed I : 183403 : 2024/09/09 03:06:29 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 183403 : 2024/09/09 03:06:29 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 183403 : 2024/09/09 03:06:29 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 1 : Get vrouter failed I : 183403 : 2024/09/09 03:06:34 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 183403 : 2024/09/09 03:06:34 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 183403 : 2024/09/09 03:06:34 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 2 : Get vrouter failed I : 183403 : 2024/09/09 03:06:39 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 183403 : 2024/09/09 03:06:39 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 183403 : 2024/09/09 03:06:39 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 3 : Get vrouter failed I : 183403 : 2024/09/09 03:06:44 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 183403 : 2024/09/09 03:06:44 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 183403 : 2024/09/09 03:06:44 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 4 : Get vrouter failed I : 183403 : 2024/09/09 03:06:49 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 183403 : 2024/09/09 03:06:49 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 183403 : 2024/09/09 03:06:49 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 5 : Get vrouter failed I : 183403 : 2024/09/09 03:06:54 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 183403 : 2024/09/09 03:06:54 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 183403 : 2024/09/09 03:06:54 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 6 : Get vrouter failed I : 183403 : 2024/09/09 03:06:59 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 183403 : 2024/09/09 03:06:59 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 183403 : 2024/09/09 03:06:59 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 7 : Get vrouter failed I : 183403 : 2024/09/09 03:07:04 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 183403 : 2024/09/09 03:07:04 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 183403 : 2024/09/09 03:07:04 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 8 : Get vrouter failed I : 183403 : 2024/09/09 03:07:09 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 183403 : 2024/09/09 03:07:09 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 183403 : 2024/09/09 03:07:09 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 9 : Get vrouter failed I : 183403 : 2024/09/09 03:07:14 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 183403 : 2024/09/09 03:07:14 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 183403 : 2024/09/09 03:07:14 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 10 : Get vrouter failed I : 183403 : 2024/09/09 03:07:19 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 183403 : 2024/09/09 03:07:19 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 183403 : 2024/09/09 03:07:19 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 11 : Get vrouter failed I : 183403 : 2024/09/09 03:07:24 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 183403 : 2024/09/09 03:07:24 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 183403 : 2024/09/09 03:07:24 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 12 : Get vrouter failed I : 183403 : 2024/09/09 03:07:29 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 183403 : 2024/09/09 03:07:29 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 183403 : 2024/09/09 03:07:29 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 13 : Get vrouter failed I : 183403 : 2024/09/09 03:07:34 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 183403 : 2024/09/09 03:07:34 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 183403 : 2024/09/09 03:07:34 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 14 : Get vrouter failed E : 183403 : 2024/09/09 03:07:39 cni.go:479: Error polling for configuration of E : 183403 : 2024/09/09 03:07:39 contrail-kube-cni.go:30: Failed processing Add command. I : 183815 : 2024/09/09 03:07:39 cni.go:144: Skip file */etc/cni/net.d/05-default.conf I : 183815 : 2024/09/09 03:07:39 cni.go:136: Read file */etc/cni/net.d/10-contrail.conf I : 183815 : 2024/09/09 03:07:39 cni.go:197: Parent Process Name containerd I : 183815 : 2024/09/09 03:07:39 cni.go:109: K8S Cluster Name : k8s I : 183815 : 2024/09/09 03:07:39 cni.go:110: CNI Version : 0.3.1 I : 183815 : 2024/09/09 03:07:39 cni.go:111: CNI Args : K8S_POD_INFRA_CONTAINER_ID=f2aa06d9ae30391e6d24e97a323201fc772c091092d3e37c9e19193b0fb00da7;K8S_POD_UID=01e24474-ac59-421c-a01c-8190443edfda;IgnoreUnknown=1;K8S_POD_NAMESPACE=kube-system;K8S_POD_NAME=coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t I : 183815 : 2024/09/09 03:07:39 cni.go:112: CNI Args StdinData : {"cniVersion":"0.3.1","contrail":{"cluster-name":"k8s","config-dir":"/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm","log-file":"/var/log/cni/opencontrail.log","log-level":"4","meta-plugin":"multus","mtu":1500,"poll-retries":15,"poll-timeout":5,"vrouter-ip":"","vrouter-port":9091},"name":"contrail-k8s-cni","type":"contrail-k8s-cni"} I : 183815 : 2024/09/09 03:07:39 cni.go:113: ContainerID : f2aa06d9ae30391e6d24e97a323201fc772c091092d3e37c9e19193b0fb00da7 I : 183815 : 2024/09/09 03:07:39 cni.go:114: NetNS : /var/run/netns/cni-041b486a-c38d-0092-4485-b8ed823e64f1 I : 183815 : 2024/09/09 03:07:39 cni.go:115: Container Ifname : eth0 I : 183815 : 2024/09/09 03:07:39 cni.go:116: Meta Plugin Call : false I : 183815 : 2024/09/09 03:07:39 cni.go:117: Network Name: contrail-k8s-cni I : 183815 : 2024/09/09 03:07:39 cni.go:118: MTU : 1500 I : 183815 : 2024/09/09 03:07:39 vrouter.go:535: {Server: Port:9091 Dir:/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm PollTimeout:5 PollRetries:15 containerName: containerId: containerUuid: containerVn: VmiUuid: httpClient:0xc0000952f0} I : 183815 : 2024/09/09 03:07:39 cni.go:120: &{cniArgs:0xc0000f0000 ContainerUuid: ContainerName:k8s__kube-system__coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t ContainerVn: ClusterName:k8s Mode:k8s MetaPlugin:multus VifParent:eth0 VifType:veth Mtu:1500 NetworkName:contrail-k8s-cni LogFile:/var/log/cni/opencontrail.log LogLevel:4 VRouter:{Server: Port:9091 Dir:/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm PollTimeout:5 PollRetries:15 containerName: containerId: containerUuid: containerVn: VmiUuid: httpClient:0xc0000952f0}} I : 183815 : 2024/09/09 03:07:39 contrail-kube-cni.go:45: Came in Del for container f2aa06d9ae30391e6d24e97a323201fc772c091092d3e37c9e19193b0fb00da7 I : 183815 : 2024/09/09 03:07:39 utils.go:27: File/Dir - /var/lib/contrail/ports/vm/k8s__kube-system__coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t does not exist. Error - stat /var/lib/contrail/ports/vm/k8s__kube-system__coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t: no such file or directory I : 183815 : 2024/09/09 03:07:39 cni.go:641: CmdDel is done I : 183861 : 2024/09/09 03:07:51 cni.go:144: Skip file */etc/cni/net.d/05-default.conf I : 183861 : 2024/09/09 03:07:51 cni.go:136: Read file */etc/cni/net.d/10-contrail.conf I : 183861 : 2024/09/09 03:07:51 cni.go:197: Parent Process Name containerd I : 183861 : 2024/09/09 03:07:51 cni.go:109: K8S Cluster Name : k8s I : 183861 : 2024/09/09 03:07:51 cni.go:110: CNI Version : 0.3.1 I : 183861 : 2024/09/09 03:07:51 cni.go:111: CNI Args : K8S_POD_NAME=coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t;K8S_POD_INFRA_CONTAINER_ID=0b4fa0c14f72106325e37d7a4bd0d9748d54329ef1171402571c1b111cf5afa5;K8S_POD_UID=01e24474-ac59-421c-a01c-8190443edfda;IgnoreUnknown=1;K8S_POD_NAMESPACE=kube-system I : 183861 : 2024/09/09 03:07:51 cni.go:112: CNI Args StdinData : {"cniVersion":"0.3.1","contrail":{"cluster-name":"k8s","config-dir":"/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm","log-file":"/var/log/cni/opencontrail.log","log-level":"4","meta-plugin":"multus","mtu":1500,"poll-retries":15,"poll-timeout":5,"vrouter-ip":"","vrouter-port":9091},"name":"contrail-k8s-cni","type":"contrail-k8s-cni"} I : 183861 : 2024/09/09 03:07:51 cni.go:113: ContainerID : 0b4fa0c14f72106325e37d7a4bd0d9748d54329ef1171402571c1b111cf5afa5 I : 183861 : 2024/09/09 03:07:51 cni.go:114: NetNS : /var/run/netns/cni-7af9c99d-c6b8-79fd-859f-43df804ba5bf I : 183861 : 2024/09/09 03:07:51 cni.go:115: Container Ifname : eth0 I : 183861 : 2024/09/09 03:07:51 cni.go:116: Meta Plugin Call : false I : 183861 : 2024/09/09 03:07:51 cni.go:117: Network Name: contrail-k8s-cni I : 183861 : 2024/09/09 03:07:51 cni.go:118: MTU : 1500 I : 183861 : 2024/09/09 03:07:51 vrouter.go:535: {Server: Port:9091 Dir:/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm PollTimeout:5 PollRetries:15 containerName: containerId: containerUuid: containerVn: VmiUuid: httpClient:0xc0000952f0} I : 183861 : 2024/09/09 03:07:51 cni.go:120: &{cniArgs:0xc0000f0000 ContainerUuid: ContainerName:k8s__kube-system__coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t ContainerVn: ClusterName:k8s Mode:k8s MetaPlugin:multus VifParent:eth0 VifType:veth Mtu:1500 NetworkName:contrail-k8s-cni LogFile:/var/log/cni/opencontrail.log LogLevel:4 VRouter:{Server: Port:9091 Dir:/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm PollTimeout:5 PollRetries:15 containerName: containerId: containerUuid: containerVn: VmiUuid: httpClient:0xc0000952f0}} I : 183861 : 2024/09/09 03:07:51 contrail-kube-cni.go:25: Came in Add for container 0b4fa0c14f72106325e37d7a4bd0d9748d54329ef1171402571c1b111cf5afa5 I : 183861 : 2024/09/09 03:07:51 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 183861 : 2024/09/09 03:07:51 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 183861 : 2024/09/09 03:07:51 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 0 : Get vrouter failed I : 183861 : 2024/09/09 03:07:56 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 183861 : 2024/09/09 03:07:56 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 183861 : 2024/09/09 03:07:56 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 1 : Get vrouter failed I : 183861 : 2024/09/09 03:08:01 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 183861 : 2024/09/09 03:08:01 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 183861 : 2024/09/09 03:08:01 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 2 : Get vrouter failed I : 183861 : 2024/09/09 03:08:06 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 183861 : 2024/09/09 03:08:06 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 183861 : 2024/09/09 03:08:06 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 3 : Get vrouter failed I : 183861 : 2024/09/09 03:08:11 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 183861 : 2024/09/09 03:08:11 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 183861 : 2024/09/09 03:08:11 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 4 : Get vrouter failed I : 183861 : 2024/09/09 03:08:16 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 183861 : 2024/09/09 03:08:16 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 183861 : 2024/09/09 03:08:16 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 5 : Get vrouter failed I : 183861 : 2024/09/09 03:08:21 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 183861 : 2024/09/09 03:08:21 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 183861 : 2024/09/09 03:08:21 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 6 : Get vrouter failed I : 183861 : 2024/09/09 03:08:26 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 183861 : 2024/09/09 03:08:26 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 183861 : 2024/09/09 03:08:26 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 7 : Get vrouter failed I : 183861 : 2024/09/09 03:08:31 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 183861 : 2024/09/09 03:08:31 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 183861 : 2024/09/09 03:08:31 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 8 : Get vrouter failed I : 183861 : 2024/09/09 03:08:36 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 183861 : 2024/09/09 03:08:36 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 183861 : 2024/09/09 03:08:36 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 9 : Get vrouter failed I : 183861 : 2024/09/09 03:08:41 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 183861 : 2024/09/09 03:08:41 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 183861 : 2024/09/09 03:08:41 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 10 : Get vrouter failed I : 183861 : 2024/09/09 03:08:46 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 183861 : 2024/09/09 03:08:46 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 183861 : 2024/09/09 03:08:46 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 11 : Get vrouter failed I : 183861 : 2024/09/09 03:08:51 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 183861 : 2024/09/09 03:08:51 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 183861 : 2024/09/09 03:08:51 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 12 : Get vrouter failed I : 183861 : 2024/09/09 03:08:56 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 183861 : 2024/09/09 03:08:56 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 183861 : 2024/09/09 03:08:56 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 13 : Get vrouter failed I : 183861 : 2024/09/09 03:09:01 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 183861 : 2024/09/09 03:09:01 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 183861 : 2024/09/09 03:09:01 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 14 : Get vrouter failed E : 183861 : 2024/09/09 03:09:06 cni.go:479: Error polling for configuration of E : 183861 : 2024/09/09 03:09:06 contrail-kube-cni.go:30: Failed processing Add command. I : 184273 : 2024/09/09 03:09:06 cni.go:144: Skip file */etc/cni/net.d/05-default.conf I : 184273 : 2024/09/09 03:09:06 cni.go:136: Read file */etc/cni/net.d/10-contrail.conf I : 184273 : 2024/09/09 03:09:06 cni.go:197: Parent Process Name containerd I : 184273 : 2024/09/09 03:09:06 cni.go:109: K8S Cluster Name : k8s I : 184273 : 2024/09/09 03:09:06 cni.go:110: CNI Version : 0.3.1 I : 184273 : 2024/09/09 03:09:06 cni.go:111: CNI Args : IgnoreUnknown=1;K8S_POD_NAMESPACE=kube-system;K8S_POD_NAME=coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t;K8S_POD_INFRA_CONTAINER_ID=0b4fa0c14f72106325e37d7a4bd0d9748d54329ef1171402571c1b111cf5afa5;K8S_POD_UID=01e24474-ac59-421c-a01c-8190443edfda I : 184273 : 2024/09/09 03:09:06 cni.go:112: CNI Args StdinData : {"cniVersion":"0.3.1","contrail":{"cluster-name":"k8s","config-dir":"/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm","log-file":"/var/log/cni/opencontrail.log","log-level":"4","meta-plugin":"multus","mtu":1500,"poll-retries":15,"poll-timeout":5,"vrouter-ip":"","vrouter-port":9091},"name":"contrail-k8s-cni","type":"contrail-k8s-cni"} I : 184273 : 2024/09/09 03:09:06 cni.go:113: ContainerID : 0b4fa0c14f72106325e37d7a4bd0d9748d54329ef1171402571c1b111cf5afa5 I : 184273 : 2024/09/09 03:09:06 cni.go:114: NetNS : /var/run/netns/cni-7af9c99d-c6b8-79fd-859f-43df804ba5bf I : 184273 : 2024/09/09 03:09:06 cni.go:115: Container Ifname : eth0 I : 184273 : 2024/09/09 03:09:06 cni.go:116: Meta Plugin Call : false I : 184273 : 2024/09/09 03:09:06 cni.go:117: Network Name: contrail-k8s-cni I : 184273 : 2024/09/09 03:09:06 cni.go:118: MTU : 1500 I : 184273 : 2024/09/09 03:09:06 vrouter.go:535: {Server: Port:9091 Dir:/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm PollTimeout:5 PollRetries:15 containerName: containerId: containerUuid: containerVn: VmiUuid: httpClient:0xc00006d2f0} I : 184273 : 2024/09/09 03:09:06 cni.go:120: &{cniArgs:0xc00013e000 ContainerUuid: ContainerName:k8s__kube-system__coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t ContainerVn: ClusterName:k8s Mode:k8s MetaPlugin:multus VifParent:eth0 VifType:veth Mtu:1500 NetworkName:contrail-k8s-cni LogFile:/var/log/cni/opencontrail.log LogLevel:4 VRouter:{Server: Port:9091 Dir:/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm PollTimeout:5 PollRetries:15 containerName: containerId: containerUuid: containerVn: VmiUuid: httpClient:0xc00006d2f0}} I : 184273 : 2024/09/09 03:09:06 contrail-kube-cni.go:45: Came in Del for container 0b4fa0c14f72106325e37d7a4bd0d9748d54329ef1171402571c1b111cf5afa5 I : 184273 : 2024/09/09 03:09:06 utils.go:27: File/Dir - /var/lib/contrail/ports/vm/k8s__kube-system__coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t does not exist. Error - stat /var/lib/contrail/ports/vm/k8s__kube-system__coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t: no such file or directory I : 184273 : 2024/09/09 03:09:06 cni.go:641: CmdDel is done I : 184298 : 2024/09/09 03:09:20 cni.go:144: Skip file */etc/cni/net.d/05-default.conf I : 184298 : 2024/09/09 03:09:20 cni.go:136: Read file */etc/cni/net.d/10-contrail.conf I : 184298 : 2024/09/09 03:09:20 cni.go:197: Parent Process Name containerd I : 184298 : 2024/09/09 03:09:20 cni.go:109: K8S Cluster Name : k8s I : 184298 : 2024/09/09 03:09:20 cni.go:110: CNI Version : 0.3.1 I : 184298 : 2024/09/09 03:09:20 cni.go:111: CNI Args : K8S_POD_INFRA_CONTAINER_ID=9b0d367c7ead810b3c84750dc8e4a595db68c2813c80d2daa383e3efe0f564d8;K8S_POD_UID=01e24474-ac59-421c-a01c-8190443edfda;IgnoreUnknown=1;K8S_POD_NAMESPACE=kube-system;K8S_POD_NAME=coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t I : 184298 : 2024/09/09 03:09:20 cni.go:112: CNI Args StdinData : {"cniVersion":"0.3.1","contrail":{"cluster-name":"k8s","config-dir":"/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm","log-file":"/var/log/cni/opencontrail.log","log-level":"4","meta-plugin":"multus","mtu":1500,"poll-retries":15,"poll-timeout":5,"vrouter-ip":"","vrouter-port":9091},"name":"contrail-k8s-cni","type":"contrail-k8s-cni"} I : 184298 : 2024/09/09 03:09:20 cni.go:113: ContainerID : 9b0d367c7ead810b3c84750dc8e4a595db68c2813c80d2daa383e3efe0f564d8 I : 184298 : 2024/09/09 03:09:20 cni.go:114: NetNS : /var/run/netns/cni-dd79c836-ed18-b928-e356-9bdc31e262f7 I : 184298 : 2024/09/09 03:09:20 cni.go:115: Container Ifname : eth0 I : 184298 : 2024/09/09 03:09:20 cni.go:116: Meta Plugin Call : false I : 184298 : 2024/09/09 03:09:20 cni.go:117: Network Name: contrail-k8s-cni I : 184298 : 2024/09/09 03:09:20 cni.go:118: MTU : 1500 I : 184298 : 2024/09/09 03:09:20 vrouter.go:535: {Server: Port:9091 Dir:/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm PollTimeout:5 PollRetries:15 containerName: containerId: containerUuid: containerVn: VmiUuid: httpClient:0xc00006f2f0} I : 184298 : 2024/09/09 03:09:20 cni.go:120: &{cniArgs:0xc00013e000 ContainerUuid: ContainerName:k8s__kube-system__coredns-6f867cd986-2cl8t ContainerVn: ClusterName:k8s Mode:k8s MetaPlugin:multus VifParent:eth0 VifType:veth Mtu:1500 NetworkName:contrail-k8s-cni LogFile:/var/log/cni/opencontrail.log LogLevel:4 VRouter:{Server: Port:9091 Dir:/var/lib/contrail/ports/vm PollTimeout:5 PollRetries:15 containerName: containerId: containerUuid: containerVn: VmiUuid: httpClient:0xc00006f2f0}} I : 184298 : 2024/09/09 03:09:20 contrail-kube-cni.go:25: Came in Add for container 9b0d367c7ead810b3c84750dc8e4a595db68c2813c80d2daa383e3efe0f564d8 I : 184298 : 2024/09/09 03:09:20 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 184298 : 2024/09/09 03:09:20 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 184298 : 2024/09/09 03:09:20 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 0 : Get vrouter failed I : 184298 : 2024/09/09 03:09:25 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 184298 : 2024/09/09 03:09:25 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 184298 : 2024/09/09 03:09:25 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 1 : Get vrouter failed I : 184298 : 2024/09/09 03:09:30 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 184298 : 2024/09/09 03:09:30 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 184298 : 2024/09/09 03:09:30 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 2 : Get vrouter failed I : 184298 : 2024/09/09 03:09:35 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 184298 : 2024/09/09 03:09:35 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 184298 : 2024/09/09 03:09:35 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 3 : Get vrouter failed I : 184298 : 2024/09/09 03:09:40 vrouter.go:82: VRouter request. Operation : GET Url : E : 184298 : 2024/09/09 03:09:40 vrouter.go:174: Failed HTTP Get operation. Return code 404 I : 184298 : 2024/09/09 03:09:40 vrouter.go:495: Iteration 4 : Get vrouter failed